These Side Characters Have Companies to Manage!(These Side Characters Modern Day AU)

Elemental Authority

Ren Xiyang was tensed up. His stance shifted, now back into his old familiar body. It moved with relative ease, like oiled machinery. “Where are we?” He demanded.

Rian Azure was similarly cautious. This was most certainly not how he’d expected this was going to go. He knew that he’d have to expect something unusual, but this was certainly not it. “We’re in the Realm of the Mind. A sectioned-off part of a psychic’s mind where people can meet without risk of interruption. More importantly, who are you?

“Realm of the Mind? Nevermind. Who are you? You’re definitely not the Rian Azure from before,” Ren Xiyang shifted cautiously. He absentmindedly noted how there was a part of him that was absolutely certain that the information given wasn’t a lie.

“I’m most certainly still Rian, just much older. You, however, are definitely not a Rosewood,” Rian’s eyes traced Ayden’s figure, noting the multitudes of scars and the taunt muscles that framed Ayden(or whoever he was).

“Yes, I’m not a Rosewood. That was just a name I’ve been using since I’m now in the body of one. My true name is Ren Xiyang.” Ren Xiyang attempted to try to at least use his power, but found that it was sealed, or at least, unable to be used in this place. He thought it would’ve been like that, but he at least wanted to give it a try.

Rian began to grow hostile. This Ren Xiyang was a threat to the timeline, if he was interpreting his words correctly. He was like a bodysnatcher parasite, right out of some supernatural horror movie.

“If that’s the case, then can you tell me why you’re here, in the body of one?” Rian trailed off.

Ren Xiyang began to back away and create distance from Rian, having sensed his hostility. It didn’t seem like he had the intention of fighting, at least not right now, but that could change very quickly if Ren Xiyang gave him answers he didn’t like.

“One moment, I was dead, and the next, I had awakened in this body. Aside from that, I don’t know. Right now, my only goal is survival,” Ren Xiyang said.

Fierce, flamboyant ice and calm, smothering fire began to manifest in the blank space, answering the whims of their owners. They clashed with hisses and puffs of steam and smoke. Sharp knives of ice and balls of fire materialized simultaneously, aimed at the other opponent.

Rian knew he had the advantage. Unlike Ren Xiyang, who seemed unfamiliar with this space, he knew how to manifest his powers inside here. However, an instinct inside him told him that the man ahead of him was a dangerous predator, akin to a black panther that stalks the forest.

Ren Xiyang felt the emitted pressure from Rian being sent in his direction. It was almost as if he was facing a ruler in his own domain. Even now, however, Ren Xiyang’s brain was running at top speeds, trying to figure out how to bring the manifested fire under his control.

As soon as he had that thought, the fire snapped to his control. Rather, instead of fire, it was more like the concept of fire. It seemed to flicker like candles and burn like stars, emitting concepts of smoke, ash, heat, and light.

Rian felt the change in Ren Xiyang as it happened in real time, leaving him shocked. Ren Xiyang was an absolute monster, learning what had taken him a whole entire lifetime to learn in an instant.

Rian was much more reluctant to fight, Ren Xiyang sensed. Now, he was more cautious, which Ren Xiyang found made things much easier to bring to a peaceful resolve.

“Then… let me ask you a question. Did you happen to read a book before coming here? One about this world?”

Ren Xiyang nodded, “Yes, I did read a novel about this world, but only after I came here. I had the information about this world shoved in my head.”

Rian now had confirmation about the fact that Ren Xiyang knew the future. Now he needed to decipher his objective.

“Is surviving the only thing you want to do in this world? Wouldn’t you like to go back to your previous world?” 

“I don’t know what my goals are in this world. I’ve been kinda drifting around, lost,” Ren Xiyang shrugged. “The only thing I know is this world has been nicer to me than my old world, at least so far.”

Rian sighed, realising that was as good of a response he was going to get. He dispersed his manifestations of ice, Ren Xiyang doing the same. He cleared his throat.

“Ahem… I suppose we got off on the wrong foot. I’ll reintroduce myself. I’m Rian Azure, former and future CEO of Sedavaria Industries,” Rian smiled brightly. 

Ren Xiyang blinked twice, still slightly recovering from the mental shock. “Ah… yes. I’m Agent Ren Xiyang, one of the protectors of the last remnants of human civilization from my world. It’s… nice to meet you too.”

Now it was Rian’s turn to be confused. “Your… world?” Suddenly, it struck him. If there was a novel about his world, then obviously there would be a world in which the novel was made and read!

“Was your world where the novel of my world was created?” Rian asked.

“Maybe, maybe not. I didn’t read the novel until after I died. It could potentially be from another world or timeline. After all, there are countless possibilities. There could even be other individuals like us.” Ren Xiyang abruptly realised how likely of a scenario that was… and how catastrophic it would be…

Rian similarly realized just how much of a dangerous situation this was. If there were multiple revived individuals running around, with powers and knowledge of the future… Rian was suddenly very relieved that he had met with Ren Xiyang very early on.

“Ren Xiyang. I might not know you very well… But, if what you said is true, I don’t have room to be picky. Before, I thought all I had to worry about was the zombie apocalypse. But now, I realise I certainly need help, in order to save this timeline.” Rian grew serious, a stony cold expression covering his face.

Ren Xiyang had an exasperated look on his face. “From one job to another, from one life straight to the next. When will I ever get my eternally extended vacation?” He sighed. “Fine, I might as well help. But, in return, you’ll need to help me too.”

“Naturally,” Rian gave a slight nod. Then, he asked, “Now. How much do you know about this world?”

“Aside from things contained in the novel? Practically nothing,” Ren Xiyang said. “After all, it’s not like I planned this trip here. I’d much rather be taking a nice long rest rather than this.”

Rian gave a slight chuckle. “True, true. Well, where to begin…?”

There was a lot to go over with. Ren Xiyang figured it was so, especially considering it was a whole new world with its own history and discoveries. Still, nothing could prepare him for the sheer depth of the information that was coming his way.

Even starting off as simple as powers had turned out to be increasingly complex, so much so that Ren Xiyang only managed to understand the basics.

For example, many elements, like fire, ice, and lightning, to name a few, seem to be simple on the outside, but turn out to be more complex than one could think when it came to its inner workings.

The previous three elements, for example, were sort of a misnomer when it came to their names. The element of fire actually referred to the emission or conversion of thermal energy from chemical reactions. Meanwhile, ice would be the denial of said thermal energy from being emitted.

More complex powers, such as those belonging to psychics or healers, turned out to be even more headache inducing, even when one wasn’t including the theoretical debates that could form from them.

There was also an aspect of superpowers that Ren Xiyang was recently exposed that he now had a name for. Mutations. Much like what had happened to Ren Xiyang in the RC building, individuals in a stressful situation may awaken dormant sub-abilities in their powers.

These mutations could range from something more standard, such as increased energy capacity and conversion rate, to things like transforming into beings of pure elemental energy, immortality in healers, and future sight in psychics.

Ren Xiyang also finally had an answer to a question he had from even before the apocalypse began. The question being, why could elemental powers without corporeal forms, like fire and lightning, be able to clash and conflict with each other when they would normally not have been able to.

The answer, Rian Azure gave, turned out to be a concept called, “Elemental Authority”. This term referred to how a superhuman was able to enforce their powers in the fabrics of reality. 

If a being with low elemental authority attempted to use powers they would either fail or spontaneously blow up. For example, normal people. Meanwhile, superhumans like Ren Xiyang had a high enough level of elemental authority that they were able to slightly bend the rules of reality.

This also explained how Ren Xiyang’s mutation was able to influence normal fire. He had gained the mutation of “Increased Elemental Authority”, which caused reality to bend more for him. While it sounded like a really strong power in theory, in reality, it only caused his attacks to be more effective, and allowed him to summon more fire at one time than most.

All of this information was purely on elemental energy, however. What really gave Ren Xiyang a headache was the other important pieces of information. Those pieces of information relating only to this world.

That’s right. Ren Xiyang’s most hated subject in school. History.


My brain: Trying to convince itself to write this chapter.

Me: *Straight up bawling for three days straight because I became too emotionally invested in a manga*


For anyone asking, the manga I'm talking about is Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess!

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