They Call Me Daddy (Honkai Star Rail)

Chapter 11: A New Journey Beginning


Wende’s lips twitched as he looked at the delicate teacup on the coffee table, as if he could see it’s lingering resentment.

“Ah, forget it…”

Wende decisively abandoned the idea of using a needle on March 7th and turned to the synthesis machine in the carriage to create an antidote, which he then administered to March 7th.

“Ah! Full recovery!”

After taking the antidote, March 7th instantly perked up, picking up the plate of egg fried rice and continuing to eat it with much more grace than before.

Wende glanced at March 7th eating egg fried rice with small bites and then at Himeko eating elegantly. Was it really just a cup of coffee that made the difference?

“By the way, what does Himeko’s coffee actually taste like?”

Feeling a mix of curiosity and nostalgia, Stelle couldn’t help himself and requested a cup of coffee brewed personally by Himeko.

The naïve girl seemed to think that March 7th was simply choking and didn’t notice she was heading into the abyss!

Even Dan Heng, whose expression rarely changed, showed a hint of shock as he put down his egg fried rice and looked at Stelle, who had already taken up the coffee, with a respectful gaze.

Even Welt no longer lingered over the taste of his hometown and, without showing it, adjusted his glasses, looking at Stelle with a complicated expression.

“Did we forget to tell her when we boarded the train?”

March 7th blinked at Welt and Dan Heng, silently communicating through their understanding.

Dan Heng shook his head.

“Indeed, we forgot the most important thing!”

Wende looked at the unremarkable cup of coffee in Stelle’s hand, which smelled fine, seemingly without any problem?

Stelle, unaware she had become the center of attention on the train, gently blew on the coffee and took a small sip.


“Damn! Not good!”

“Mr. Yang!!!”

Thud! (Sound of a blunt instrument)”

Clink! (Sound of the coffee cup shattering)”

Zzzz (Sound of coffee corroding the carpet)”

Wende, holding the now unconscious Stelle, looked at the corrosive “coffee” spreading beneath his feet, and swallowed nervously.

He was certain the coffee he bought at the space station was fine! The coffee machine on the train was working perfectly! His own coffee was delicious, but why...

Wende glanced at Himeko, who looked bewildered. Could it be... she was cursed by the aeon of coffee!?

“Uh... Here! The antidote!”

March 7th, looking at the peacefully sleeping Stelle, scratched her head, and then synthesized an antidote from the machine and handed it to Wende.

Looking at Stelle, whose once smooth white face was now covered in various colors, Wende shook his head gravely.


Seeing Stelle’s horrifying appearance, March 7th shrank her neck in embarrassment.

In the end, with Wende’s help, Stelle successfully vomited the “coffee” and finally woke up.

However, the barely awake Stelle seemed to have amnesia, not remembering drinking Himeko’s coffee at all. It was only after March took her to her own room and personally recounted the ordeal that Stelle remembered this painful lesson!

As for Wende... he also asked for a cup of Himeko’s coffee and, to her displeasure, poured the coffee into a high-density metal sealed container.

This was a rare destructive weapon; it might come in handy if they encountered a doomsday-level enemy again. One can of coffee might just take them down!

As the train journeyed on, everyone’s new trailblazing journey began.


The next morning, after a full day of rest, everyone was refreshed and ready for the new journey!

For Stelle and Wende, they were about to embark on their first real trailblazing expedition!

After a simple breakfast in the observation carriage, Pom-Pom began preparations for the train's jump.

March chatted casually with Stelle, recounting her experiences on the Astral Express, while Wende, who had somehow appeared beside them, rested his chin on his hand and listened to their conversation.

“The train has exited the space station's safety zone. We will start the jump in ten minutes! Please secure your seats and be cautious of the vibrations!”

Pom-Pom specifically glanced at March 7th, who was sitting next to Stelle.

“Uh... Train conductor, there’s no need to make a special announcement, right? After all, we’ve jumped so many times, and I will tell Wende and Stelle about it, right?”

March winked at Wende and Stelle.

“March 7th always wants to challenge herself and ends up falling over.”

Pom-Pom looked at March 7th with a helpless expression.

“Hehe... This is called persistence!”

March 7th scratched her pink hair awkwardly.


Stelle looked a bit puzzled, but Wende, who knew the plot, just smiled, hoping March wouldn’t fall too badly during the jump.

As he watched Stelle talking with Welt and Himeko, Wende’s thoughts drifted out the window to a frosty and cold planet.

This would be their next destination, the planet known as Jarilo VI.

“Stellaron... protection...”

Whenever Wende thought of these elements, he always remembered a line.

“Birds... why do they fly?”

As the train began the jump, March 7 stood in the center of the carriage as usual, repeatedly muttering phrases like “I won’t fall.”


As a flash of white light passed, a beautiful planet resembling a white landscape ball appeared before Wende’s eyes...


Stelle looked at the snow-covered planet in surprise. It was not just unlike Himeko’s description but seemed entirely unrelated!

“Has Jarilo VI really turned into this after thousands of years...”

Himeko sighed as she looked at the snow-covered planet, which was completely different from the star map.

Over the millennia, the once lush planet had turned into a white snowfield.

“Eh!? That white snowy planet is our target this time?”

March looked at Himeko in surprise.

“Exactly... This exploration journey won’t be easy.”

Himeko crossed her arms.

Wende pinched his chin and then looked at Stelle’s chest.

Well, indeed, it wouldn’t be easy in every sense.

Pom-Pom came over and announced that the train’s status had changed from “Docked for seven days” to “Indefinitely docked” until the “anomaly” that prevented the train from continuing its journey was resolved.

Without a doubt, everyone on the train, except the newly initiated Stelle, knew exactly what the “anomaly” was.

“A stellaron, huh...”

Seeing Himeko and Stelle engaging in a question-and-answer session, Wende knew it was best not to disturb them, so he went back to his room.

He knew that as a newcomer to the Astral Express, this exploration of Jarilo VI was bound to involve him, and instead of listening to known information, it was better to prepare for the surface of Jarilo VI in advance.

In fact, there was not much to prepare. Wende simply brought Himeko’s coffee with him. It might play an “unexpected” role during the journey.

Since Wende joined the Astral Express, many things had deviated from their original paths due to his frequent interventions. But among all these deviations, not a single major event strayed from its predetermined course. Is this what they call fate?

Looking at the white planet outside the window, Wende’s mind was filled with countless thoughts, which ultimately turned into a long sigh.

Well, since we’re here, let’s make the best of it. Based on his experience at the space station, this exploration of Jarilo VI might not follow the original script entirely.

【Ding-dong, obtained player favorability points 2000, distance to unlock five-star level 2010/10000.】

The system, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly popped up with news of Wende’s increased favorability points.

“Huh? Why did it increase so much this time? I don’t think I did anything special.”

Wende scratched his head, somewhat puzzled.

Although his skill set was quite extraordinary, it shouldn't account for such a huge increase, right? It used to be a ten-point increment, but now it was two thousand?

Could it be that his performance in the plot was also counted as a bonus?

If that’s the case, does it mean he might become a noticeable figure on the Astral Express in the future?!

Just imagining himself rummaging through trash cans with Stelle gave Wende a shiver!

“No, I need to find a way to get Stelle to quit digging through trash cans!”

Wende, completely unaware of the real reason behind his favorability increase, thought to himself.

In reality, it had been a day since the release of the Star Rail.

For some reason, it seemed like MiHoYo was deliberately stalling the plot. After the space station plot ended, players had to wait for the next day to unlock the new plot, causing many eager players to express their frustration with "urgent urgent urgent" messages.

Although some tasks during the test phase of the Astral Express did require a real day to unlock, using this method for the main storyline was even worse than level caps!

Some believe that these changes are deliberately made to keep players interested. Although some people disagree with this view, it currently seems to be the most plausible reason.

Wende in the world of "Star Rail" is completely unaware of the many changes made to the "Star Rail" game in reality.

He also would not have guessed that the sharp increase in player affection for him comes from these changes.

An hour after "Star Rail" went live, the official release of Wende’s character art was already posted. However, most players were still engrossed in the early game content and didn’t notice this move by the official team.

When players finally emerged from the "Star Rail" world, Wende’s character art quickly soared to the top of the trending searches on ac site, even surpassing the original number one search for “Star Rail Public Beta”!

As for the reasons...

【Wow! That chest, those legs, those chest muscles! Bro! I want to be your bro!】

【Hubby, hubby, hubby, hubby!】

【I’m down and injured! I need Wende’s support to get up!】

【Let me clarify, I’m straight, but I think I’m into this!】

【I think...everyone should stay calm. After all, he’s my hubby.】

【Forgot what happened before, forgot what happened after, but I’m fine now!】

【Bro! I’ve never asked you for anything in my life!】

The comments section was a frenzy, surpassing even the reactions to the previous “father figure” character in "Star Rail"! This has been historically referred to as the “MiHoYo Zero Overflow Incident”!

Some people scoffed, wondering how a mere male character could deter them from pulling for their favorite female characters. However, after seeing Wende’s art, they ended up with a new “hubby.”

【Is this what’s called a universal appeal? Too scary!】

【Thanks, best episode with the most starry vibe!】

【MiHoYo, you did a great job! How did you design such a character who appeals to both men and women? And he’s a healer! I’m just shouting ‘Daddy’ ah ah ah ah ah!】

【Damn, even though he’s full of masculinity, why do I...sorry, gotta go!】

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