This DCverse is Maddening

Chapter 26: ‘Rest’ Day

Albert didn’t know how he slept, only know that by the time his crust caked eyelids cracked open the sun was already high in the sky. After pulling his droll covered check on the lumpy mattress, rubbing his eyes and carefully stretching his aching body, he finally felt a bit more human today. Not even the image of that hole could keep him awake past his growing body’s tipping point, making him feel refreshed and ready to face the day.

He also patted his past self’s decision to purchase a two nights from the motel manager, having the idea that maybe he wouldn’t have to deal with the man’s free alarm services. Judging from the high sun and the fact that he wasn’t passed out on the pavement, it was an accurate assessment.

His rumbling stomach told him what needed to be done first and foremost.

‘But first. Status.’

[Albert Nelson

HP: 20/20

MP: 9/9

SAN: 38/45

LCK: 45/45

IP: 1


- Appraise: 25%

- Art/Craft (Photography): 55%

- Disguise: 20%

- Fire Arms (Handgun): 60%

- Library Use: 60%

- Listen: 31%

- Navigate: 17%

- Occult: 35%

- Psychology: 50%

- Spot Hidden: 60%

- Stealth: 42%


- Resourceful

- Lucky

Cthulhu Mythos: 0%]

There were changes both good and worst on his sheet. The added IP would always be welcomed, especially when he tried combining it with his new skill grinding method. Getting Navigation to at least the Amateur Tier sounded like a good idea in the long run, especially if his combat abilities were rather lacking. As for the target to train up?

Stealth? Occult? Or Appraise?’

The need to grind up Stealth to a high level would always be there, it could save his live by itself many times over. But given his recent discoveries, it wouldn’t see much growth looking at books all day. Now he had to either use it a lot in stressful situations or possibly find a teacher to help.

‘Too bad all the people in this city who are stealthy as fuck are equally as crazy..’

Indeed, Albert was well aware of the incredibly short list of possible mentors in this city that he could draw upon. Most of which would have nothing to do with him. Batman was out due to obvious reasons, especially after he had scammed the man out of tens of thousands of dollars. And plus besides, he wouldn’t put it past the man to purposefully input flaws into his training just to act as a lever in the possible situation in which they inevitable found themselves on opposite sides of a conflict.

This could be easily applied to any of the other possible mentors on that ever shrinking list. Plus besides, Albert did not want to get dragged into any crazy schemes or plans his mentor would get him into. Or be forced to join the League of Assassins. Just the thought of being just another faceless mook, mere cannon fodder for any aspiring hero to beat on. So for now, he had no choice but to let the skill grow naturally through research and practice.

Next after the rather disturbing discovery of his perception being slightly altered this entire time from magical trinkets, the urgent feeling to increase Occult had also arisen. While he didn’t think the skill could classify as magical senses but being able to use mundane processes to figure out if something is magical wouldn’t hurt. Plus besides, if he ever worked with the group of ghost hunters again, the need to not just rely on a couple of teenagers to keep him safe from supernatural threats was also up there.

Albert wanted the whole nine yards next time. Crosses, silver chains, holy waters, refined salt. Everything possible really. Just as long as he didn’t cross over that line of using actual spells, he was fine with anything.

And finally, the newly acquired ‘Specter Piece’, as dubbed by a weebish medium, had also triggered his interest. While he did take her word for it being just a metaphorical flex in the magical world, it wouldn’t be anything but fruitful to look into it using Appraisal. Plus by raising the skill, he could possibly work in some of art or artifact trading environment. Or just find valuable coins just lying about. And unlike the other two skills, due to being at such a low level it would grow a lot quicker.

‘Now for the bad…’

His eyes slid over the rather distressing numbers.


Albert hadn’t even been in the world for a month and his sanity was already dropping at a high rate. If he had already lost seven points this early on, how low would it be by next month? Or next year? It was as though he could already see the white padded rooms closing in on him at an alarming speed.

If he didn’t get a handle on his SAN lost sooner rather than later, then that imaginary imagery would quickly become reality. And judging from how people turn out after being put into Arkham Asylum, someone else entirely different would be coming out of those giant oak doors.

‘May God have mercy on this world..’

Albert wasn’t a very religious man back in his old life, but even he couldn’t help but think those iconic words. Sorcerers in both Pulp Cthulhu and CoC were dangerous foes. Being an insane caster wasn’t even a question in either of two modules, just thinking of some of the spells he used against his players made him shiver. Becoming someone who would willingly use such means, wasn’t someone he wanted to become. Only monsters would do such a thing.

‘And now I have a grimoire in my head..’

After shaking off the rather icky he felt from that thought, he fell deeper into contemplation. There were ways to recover sanity in both versions of the table top, but honestly he had no idea if any of them would work. After a rather stressful adventure, the Keeper usually allowed downtime for Investigators to gain skill levels, heal or do something that requires a lot of time in general. If the Keeper was nice enough, they would also allow for passive sanity recovery to happen in the background. But judging from the fact that Albert hadn’t gain any Sanity back even once wasn’t a good sign. Either he hadn’t yet spent enough time out of action or..

‘The system is a cold, cold bastard..’

Honestly, he just hoped it was the latter. Else his trench coat will become a straitjacket sooner or later.


“Man.” Albert silently moaned,” I needed that.”

“Yeah.” The old man of a coffee shop owner agreed readily enough,” No offense kid, but you looked like shit the other day.”

“None taken.” He wouldn’t disagree with Jeremiah on that, the events of last couple of days were not kind to the young investigator whatsoever. And honestly, it was only because of this brown ambrosia that he was even up to go back to that abandoned school.

“So..” The old man trailed off,” I kind of grew accustomed to seeing you with that group of trouble makers, did something happen?”

“Nah.” The youth shook his head, taking another sip,” I was working with them on something. And now that’s its over, it’ll be rare to see me with them again. Unless they hire me again.”

“Wait.” Jeremiah looked at him askance,” What do you mean hire? I got to hear this story.”

“I don’t know.” He didn’t want to so easily break his own principals,” I can tell you that I’m a bit of a freelance investigator. My ability to be discreet is my greatest indicator for future clients. So it wouldn’t be a good idea to blather on about my past cases. If you want to hear the story then you’ll have to ask them.”

“Good that you have some principals.” The gray haired gentleman nodded in approval,” I’ll ask them if it comes up. But a private investigator…?”

“Yep.” Albert popped the end,” Always wanted to be one and now that I’m on my own, might as well start working towards it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jeremiah said, lost in thought,” I might know some people who needs this level of discretion.”

“As long as its nothing too dangerous.” He warned, not wanting to get caught up in a shit storm without getting his own protection in hand,” I’m not much of a fighter you see.”

“Nothing like that.” The man denied, looking somewhat affronted at the insinuation,” I wouldn’t do that, they can hire mooks or thugs if anything came down to violence. Do you have a business card?”

“Not yet.” Albert shook his head,” Steve said he wants to make a sign for me to post on the request board, I’ll probably base my cards on whatever he comes up with.”

“That’s nice of him, I hope you’re planning on paying him. I know plenty of artist like him who get bullied into giving things out for free.”

“Yeah, he tried to reject payment but won’t really get a choice in that matter. Even if I need to leave bills under his pillow.”

“Good.” He nodded, absentmindedly drying a mug,” When you have your business cards set up, give me some of them and I’ll have them available for all my customers.”

“Gee thanks..” Albert was obvious when he looked around the empty shop,” I’ll be sure to be swamped.”

“Ungrateful brat.” Jeremiah grumbled, fingers itching to whack the smug looking boy,” It’s just the times you get here its empty. Plus besides, it’s not always about the quantity of the customers but also the quality. There’s a bunch of famous people who frequent this shop.”

‘Yeah,’ The teen snorted internally,’ One Barbara Gordon, daughter of Commissioner Gordon.’

“Anyway.” The old man continued, changing the conversation,” What’s your plan now?”

“I’m probably going to take a bit of a vacation for the next couple of days.” He shrugged, believing it was than justified after this eventful week,” After that? Hopefully by then I would’ve heard back from Steve and then probably more waiting until either I get a call or find a new case on my own.”

“Do you have your own office or..?”

“Not yet.” Albert slightly slumped in defeat,” I’ve been looking around but none of landlords are taking me seriously at all. They just take one look at my face and ID before turning me away. Something about getting my parents next time or something.”

“But aren’t you emancipated?”

“I am.” The youth was a bit surprised at that fact to be honest, but it hadn’t taken long for him to find the paper for it. At least he didn’t have to fear the police throwing him into foster care. “But they don’t really listen and just ignore whatever papers I have on me.”

“It’s better that way.” Jeremiah clicked his tongue,” You don’t want a belligerent landlord. If they act like this even with official papers, it wouldn’t take long for them to take your money and kick you out the following month. Happens all the time here.”

“Yeah thanks, it just gets annoying sometimes. You know?”

“I know perfectly well. When I was first living on my own, I fell for the scam plenty of times but you’ll get there eventually. Just need to keep looking is all.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“Anyway.” The old man sprouted a small smirk on his face,” How is it going with Ms. Gordon?”

“What do you mean?” Albert hadn’t received a single message from the redhead and honestly had very little interest in interacting with her at all. Only misfortune followed those who associated with the Bat Family.

“She’s been asking some questions about you.” Jeremiah shrugged,” Tried to be slick about it but I’m way too old to not recognize someone fishing for information.”


It was rather alarming information to say the least. The chances of the Bat investigating his rather sparse background was already a near certainty. With that, it wouldn’t take long for them to start asking questions from everyone he’s ever engaged with. Which as an up and coming investigator simply wasn’t good for business.

“Yes really.” The old man emphasized,” I have no need to lie about these sorts of things, the girl is interested so give her a call or something.”

“What did she ask about?”

“Nothing much. Just how you are as a person, possible past and what you do day to day. Basic stuff.” Jeremiah noticed the stink eye he was getting from the boy before rolling his own eyes,” Relax, nothing insanely personal. Just a girl worried about whether or not she’s going to pursue is a crazy or not.”

‘Yeah right.’ Albert wanted to bite back, but held it at the last moment. The coffee shop owner didn’t know who Barbara Gordon actually was. He had no idea that she worked closely with Gotham’s urban legend, the Batman. There was simply no way for the red head to be so simple.

“I’ll think about it.” He grumbled, obviously not in the mood to keep talking on this subject.

“I get it.” The old man raised his hands in surrender, getting the hint easily enough,” Just an old geezer giving advice to the younger generation, I apologize if I came across too pushy.”

“It’s fine, really.” He didn’t know how he wanted to say what was actually bothering him without drawing the ire of the caped crusader,” I just don’t think her interest is genuine. Like she has some sort of alternative motivation.”

“Oh?” Jeremiah furrowed his eyebrows,” What makes you say that?”

“I think she’s keeping an eye on me.” He felt a sense of deja vu at those words,” I was involved in that bank robbery a couple weeks ago and I think that’s where her interest lies.”

“You think she’s being pushy because of her father?”

Albert said nothing, knowing full well the best way to lie was too allow the other person to come up with their own conclusion. He did believe Bruce had set her on him like a hound, so it wasn’t entirely a lie.

“Fine.” The old man nodded in acknowledgment,” I won’t tell her anything else, if I knew she was just being nosy then I wouldn’t have said anything.”1

“Thanks.” He nodded,” I’ll confront her later about it.”

“Just be careful kid.” Jeremiah warned,” Commissioner Gordon is one of the good cops, but even then he’s still a cop.”

“I’ll be careful.”


In fact, Albert was being so careful in fact that not even several hours later he still had no desire to contact the copper haired girl.

With the sun slowly falling in the horizon, air crispening with that same nightly chill and fog thickening into something almost tangible, the youth stalked through the cracked streets. Blending into the ever thinning crowd of people who seem to scurry faster under the threat of the dark. He clutched tighter at his beige colored coat, weary of even allowing any body heat to escape out into environment.

He liked to believe his day was rather fruitful. Not only had he bitten the bullet and spent IP but also tied it together with his new studying method, with apparent great success.

[Navigation: 20%]

In just one day, he had increased his skill all the up to the entry of the Amateur tier. It did feel a bit strange at first, when first stepping out of the library the difference was readily apparent. Usually, Albert had to every once and awhile actively look at street signs and landmarks before figuring out where he was. Even after using the same route for almost a full month now.

But today was different. Only having to look at a singular street before finding himself on his current path.

It wasn’t much. The only thing it actually did was make him seem like more a local than the frantic head turning tourist are most known for. All in all, it allowed him to blend in better with the occupant of Gotham City.

Not only that, he had also came to a decision on what to do with Barbara and the Bat Family as a whole. Nothing. While their suspicion was annoying, there really wasn’t anything he could actually do about it. The red head could kick his ass without breaking a sweat and she was publicly protected by her Commissioner father. For someone like him, she was untouchable in all ways.

‘Good thing they decided to go with a more subtle approach..’

Albert mused, shivering at the memory of that towering man draped in shadows. Cold eyes glaring a whole through his being. Preferably, he never wanted to meet the caped crusader again. It was better that the man himself hadn’t taken action yet, knowing full well of his rather….effective interrogation techniques. Even he knew the Bat wouldn’t kill him, being upside down over a multistory building would be more than enough for him to sing like a canary.

And honestly, handing over future knowledge to a paranoid man like Bruce didn’t sound like a good idea. At all. Albert was sure he would find himself held in the man’s personal prison for years as all the information was squeezed out of him.

Shaking off his rather dark thoughts, the teen found the familiar shelter doors before him. The old brick, chipped paint and the faint scent of food came tickling under his nose. Pushing open the thankfully unlocked door, he suddenly felt very warm in his coat. So much so, that beads of sweat were beginning to form.

The wait lobby looked the same as his first day here, old chairs pressed up against the walls. Small tabled with piles of job fliers, inspirational quotes and gossip magazines. Curiosity gripped him and without hesitation decided to take a closer look.

‘Playboy Bruce Wayne Mysterious New Lover!’

In the photo, it showed some kind of red carpet event with a tall muscled man in a rather expensive looking suit. A small smirk was on his lips and he waved to the crowd of reporters, but what really stole the show was the woman who gripped his thick bicep. Her silver dress clung elegantly to her athletic frame, high heels emphasizing her powerful legs. A diamond riddled necklace hung off her swan like neck, drawing the eye to her modest bust. Short brown hair shadowed sharp features and that smile….

She was an incredibly beautiful woman. Albert would admit that easily enough. It wasn’t a debate in the slightest.

‘All that’s missing are those iconic cat ears of hers..’

It wasn’t hard for the image of the cat themed thief to overlap the smiling woman and honestly he felt a tinge of jealousy for the man. Before it quickly faded away into pity. This femme fatale would lead to ALOT of heartbreak for the man in the future, and vice versa. Albert already knew the two could never be together. The life of crime had drawn the two together, but the same will inevitably lead them to different paths. Their toxic relationship was iconic in a way.

“She’s a beautiful thing, ain’t she?” A raspy voice commented off to the side, the smell of smoke increasing in volume. Looking over Albert spotted the same middle-aged matron who ran the shelter. In clear contrast to her robbed figure, she wore a simple pair of jeans and a black jacket.

“She is.” He nodded, setting the magazine down,” He’s a lucky man..”

“Sure kid.” She snorted, a knowing twinkle in her eye. Tapping away at a brand new pack of cigarettes, she waved her hands towards the door,” But let’s talk real quick.”

While Albert was a bit concerned, he followed none the less. It wouldn’t do to deny a request from someone whose sheltering him. The two stepped out into the darkening streets of a foggy city, the damp chilly air bit at their skin. Shivering slightly, the woman lit a white stick before taking a deep inhale. Breathing out with a relieved expression overshadowing her hard features. Clinging tightly to herself, she looked out into the decrepit neighborhood clearly lost in thought. Memories flickered across her wizened eyes.

The teen slightly shuffled on place, body kind of annoyed with his current predicament. It had just gotten out of this chilly weather, only to get dragged back out after only a few minutes of warmth. Stuffing his hands in warm pockets, he didn’t need Psychology to tell him this conversation wasn’t going to be pleasant. Other than that first time, the woman hadn’t called him for a conversation. Expect for the occasional comment, she never really pried in his day to day activity.

“You can’t stay here anymore.”

1 This was the part where I was going to introduce a new possible case with Harley but decided to toss it out as honestly believe it would’ve been a better hook to introduce in Volume 2 than here. I did this for multiple reasons. For one: I don’t want Albert to seem like the center of all things. Many schemes and plans are going on in the background that honestly have nothing to do with him and also it wouldn’t make sense for Jeremiah to introduce Harley to Albert when he knows the teen didn’t have everything set up yet.

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