This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 16

“Sister, where’s Xiao Er?” Yang Shen asked smoothly when he came out to drink.

Yang Chuyue was choked by the yogurt, her eyes widened, “I said I forgot something! I forgot Xiaoer!”

At that time, she went out with Xiao Er with her mind, but when she got downstairs, Xiao Er couldn’t get on Zhao Canlin’s small motorcycle. She had to entrust a friend of Zhao Canlin to watch it, but when she just came back, she didn’t see it. Xiao Er and Zhao Canlin’s friend.

Yang Chuyue quickly found out her cell phone and called Zhao Canlin. Fortunately, Zhao Canlin was also about to tell her about this.

“Xiao Er was taken home by my friend and will be sent back to you tomorrow morning.”

The next morning, as soon as Yang Chuyue finished eating an apple, the door bell rang. She opened the door. Before she could see the outside situation, a golden figure rushed over.


“Yang Xiaoer!” Yang Chuyue was a little bit unable to catch this big guy, especially when this big guy was still trying his best to lean on her, wailing, screaming out of grievance.

“Okay, okay, isn’t this already back? Just one night, occasionally sleeping in a different place is quite fresh…” Yang Chuyue simply sat directly on the ground and rubbed his head. .

The eldest brother who sent Xiaoer back greeted Yang Chuyue and left.

It took a long time for Yang Chuyue to coax Yang Xiaoer. When Yang Shen got up, it didn’t pounce on Yang Shen. It just rubbed Yang Shen’s legs and screamed. Can’t tell if he’s acting like a baby or he’s making a complaint.

“Just shut her out tonight.” Yang Shen said.

Yang Xiaoer immediately ran to Yang Chuyue’s leg again, bit her trouser leg and dragged her into the room.

“It’s alright, he can’t shut me down, it’s time to go out for breakfast…” Yang Chuyue couldn’t help laughing.

When I returned to school in the evening for self-study, Teacher Chen did not come. It was Peng Anran with a contract, “My uncle is going to the city for a week. Let me bring you the contract.”

“Thank you.” Tang Shuang thanked the preface and signed the contract after reading the contract.

Yang Chuyue didn’t read the contract, so she leaned over and asked her in a low voice, “Do you have enough money?”

“Enough.” Tang Shuangxu nodded.

`The house she used to rent, because it was someone who Zhao Canlin’s friend knew, came forward to help and said that the rent and deposit were refunded to her.

The price given by Mr. Chen was not high. It was originally a small county, and the rent was much cheaper than in the city.

Chen Bo still knew about Tang Shuangxu’s renting a house by himself. It is estimated that Teacher Chen asked him, and he called Tang Shuangxu to the office when he was studying at night.

Not long after Tang Shuangxu came back, Yang Chuyue saw Chen Bo leave, she leaned to Tang Shuangxu’s side and whispered, “What did Bobo say?”

“I didn’t say anything, just asked a few words.” Tang Shuang prefaced, looked at her sideways, smiled, “Dictate?”

Listening to her saying this, Yang Chuyue guessed that she had already lived off campus with Chen Bo.

The morning self-study on the second day is still a practice group project.

After breakfast, I didn’t go to class again. After I returned to the classroom, I waited for the school horn to sound. Each grade would take turns to gather in front of the teaching building and walk in line to the playground in the order of the class.

The person holding the class card in front is usually the sports committee member or the class leader, but Yang Chuyue was sneaked out by Chen Bo.

While he was still waiting, Yang Chuyue held the class card to discuss with Chen Bo, “Let’s change someone? Let the sports committee member, you see that he is so tall, holding our class card to the front. , That is the facade of our fourth class!”

“I think it would be nice for you to be the front of our class.” Chen Bo said, “If you don’t want to be, then stand back.”

“Stand back?” Yang Yuechu looked back, his eyes fell on Tang Shuangxu, and immediately threw the off-duty sign and ran there.

As a result, she ran there with a look of joy, and when she was about to stand behind Tang Shuangxu, one hand stopped her, “Yang Chuyue, with your height, you have to stand back again.”

“I think this position is good.” Yang Chuyue turned her head and looked at the squad leader eagerly.

“No!” The squad leader said: “The team must be tidy. If you stop here, our class team will be out of order.”

“Huh?” Yang Chuyue looked at Tang Shuangxu and smiled at her.

Tang Shuangxu glanced back, and when he turned back, the ponytail flicked behind him, “You have to stand back a few more positions.”

Yang Chuyue looked forward, and there were two people in front of Tang Shuangxu.

“Hey, let me raise the class card, this kind of physical work, just leave it to me!” Yang Chuyue ran back and took the class card from the sports committee member.

There were only two classes ahead of Class 4, and when it was the second year of high school, Class 4 was soon ready to follow.

As soon as Yang Chuyue took up the lazy appearance, holding the class card, with a straight back, the black and white school uniforms on her body looked a bit more clean and tidy than the others, and it made people feel comfortable looking at it.

Tang Shuangxu looked forward with two people in between, as long as his eyes were slightly deflected, he could fall on Yang Chuyue’s body in front of him.

Yang Chuyue usually wears a ponytail at random. Early in the morning because of practice, we don’t have to study early. After the practice, everyone is gone. It is earlier than usual. When she returns to the dormitory after breakfast, she goes to study early. Point.

So I went back to the dormitory and was pulled by Qin Tao and got a braid, which looked pretty.

When passing by the rostrum, he still shouted slogans. After shouting the slogans, he walked around the playground for a week and entered from the back of the playground. After reaching the position of the fourth shift, Yang Chuyue was finally able to put down the squad card in his hand.

But she still had to stand in front, watching the class behind.

After the opening ceremony of the school sports meeting is over, everyone is gone. Every day, which projects have been fixed for a long time, and the brochures have been distributed. Everyone who applied for the projects will have a copy. When it is almost time, the school will also There will be a horn notification, and the class leader and sports committee will also find someone in place.

Both Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu only signed up for collective projects and had nothing else to do. The two of them stayed at the rest of the fourth shift. They had water to drink and a place to sit. They also bought fruits and snacks for their shifts. It’s just a little bit of the sun.

“Come here, just sit here.” Yang Chuyue patted the side and shouted to Tang Shuangxu.

When Tang Shuangxu sat down, she put the taken off school uniform jacket on the two of them, took two bottles of milk from the side, and handed one to Tang Shuangxu.

“Listen to songs?” Yang Chuyue handed over a headset.

Although there is the sun at this time, it is not very exposed to the sun, but sitting in the sun for a long time, people will inevitably become a little drowsy.

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