This is a Miracle

Chapter 56: The Lost Kingdom

“Don’t charge! Don’t charge!!!”

However, the first mate’s reaction was the exact opposite of theirs. He saw Pegasus and had already guessed that it was some kind of miracle.

“Kill them with me!”

It’s a pity that the pirates had been completely riled up before the first mate tried to stop them. Moreover, they had just had a great victory, how could they stand such humiliation.

The boss is dead, so what?!

If the old boss isn’t dead, how could they become the new boss?

What a ???????? first mate, a mere military advisor, what qualifications does he have to order them?

“Pa! Pa! Pa!”

The pirates finally made it to the shore, and by this time, they had lost more than a hundred of their companions.

In just a few minutes, so many people died.

However, this did not scare the pirates, on the contrary, it aroused their ferocity even more, “Beautiful women! Kill the men, the women are mine!!”

“Weren’t they frightened by Shirley?”

Bai Luo was skeptical of that. They should have lost their rationality due to excessive panic, driving them to the shore to fight to the death.

Like a berserker that had completely lost his mind.

“We can’t continue, they have a miracle, a miracle!!”

Although most pirates don’t know what a miracle is, the first mate knows. Moreover, he had seen its terrifying power with his own eyes, “That flying horse is a miracle. We absolutely can’t fight against a miracle, retreat, retreat immediately!”


However, before he could finish speaking, the rugged man roared and rushed toward him, stabbing him with his saber.

“I’ve put up with your crap for a long time!”

“Run, run, run! You’re such a useless ???????. How can such a loser like you be the first mate?! The first mate’s position should have been mine! mine!!!”

Schatt’s death immediately sparked an internal conflict.

As long as the first mate is also killed, the strongest one will be the new captain. All benefits will converge on him alone.

“The dual nature of human beings…”

Bai Luo muttered as he chopped off the masts of the ships one after the other.

When faced with major threats, human beings usually settle the internal discord first. That’s true, but the best course of action would be to forget about grudges and band together.

However, this is the best result. The most common occurrence would be to get rid of the rebels to settle internal problems.


This is exactly what Bai Luo wanted. The new leader is simply a brainless battle maniac. His idea is clear, simple, and brutal, “Kill! Kill them all! You can’t scare me!!”

“Kill them!!!”


Behind the fleet, Bai Luo laughed loudly.

He was focused on eliminating the remaining pirates on the ships at the moment. With Shirley by his side, it’s like having the perfect radar, perfectly informing Bai Luo of the enemies’ positions.

If they hide in the cabin, he’ll simply sink the whole ship.

They don’t need many ships, Arden’s population is rather small. Three big ships are more than enough.

“Quick! Jump into the sea!”

The pirates were instantly torn apart by Shirley. The power of wind blades, storms, and lightning terrified them.


However, does escaping into the sea truly mean safety?


“What the hell!!”

“Sharks, there are sharks!!!”

Shrill screams, followed by the blood from their torn legs, caused the pirates who wanted to jump into the sea to turn pale.

“I surrender, don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!”

“Those who surrender will not be killed!”

Bai Luo immediately shouted, “Put all your weapons down, then squat on the deck, don’t worry, I won’t kill prisoners!”

Hearing that they still had a chance to live, the nearly 200 pirates who remained on the pirate ship chose to surrender.

Bai Luo sneered at such a sight, why would these pirates think that he would spare them?

“Charge with me!!”

The new pirate leader knew that the enemy was in the forest, so he took the lead in charging. However, before he could enjoy his newfound prestige for long, a behemoth came crashing down on him.


A terrifying power collided with the skull of the new pirate leader, smashing it into pieces and sending him flying like a golf ball over the fishing village and onto the beach.

“Ga! Ga! Ga~~”

One after another, ancient trees transformed into treants. The smaller ones were about 15 meters high, and their trunk can only be hugged by two adult men.

“Boom! Boom!”

The tallest tree man is like a humanoid thousand-year-old tree, a simple giant. Its trunk is so thick that it needs ten people to hug. The tall and lush branches on its head are like an exploding afro. Every step it took caused the earth to tremble.

“This, what is this…”

The pirates were stunned once again.

In front of them are nearly 20 treants. Although their number is quite small, their combat power is unmatched.


A pirate tried to escape, but vines latched out from the treants like frogs stretching their tongue out, forcibly sweeping them away, leaving only a miserable scream behind.

The treants waved their arms, their huge branches swinging again and again, like sweeping garbage, swatting away one pirate after the other.


The bigger treants were even more straightforward, they just lifted their huge roots and stamped on the fleeing pirates, turning them into meat pancakes.



The arrows did not stop, taking the lives of one pirate after another.

Especially when those pirates jumped into the sea to escape, the appearance of sharks once again dashed their hopes.

“Ah! My legs! My legs!”

“Underwater, there are monsters underwater! There are monsters underwater too!!”

“Go ashore! Get to the shore!”


The pirates who wanted to go into the water immediately retreated upon seeing this scene, but the companions behind them had already rushed up.

Thus, another wave of screams sounded, followed by a large number of casualties.


The cavalry charged and started galloping through the beach and forest, slaughtering the fleeing pirates, lest any of them slip through the net and endanger the children.

“Impact! Impact!”

Among the cavalry, the young Fiora was particularly conspicuous.

She was holding a long sword in her right hand and a magic wand in her left hand. The girl pointed the wand at the pirates running ahead.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

An invisible shock wave hit their backs with huge force, sending them flying into the air. They spun around a few times in the air before flopping to the ground.

“Pam! Pam! Pam…”

The warhorses galloped around, deliberately stepping on the bodies of these pirates.

Just this one blow is enough to shatter their internal organs, inflicting internal injuries and causing them to vomit blood.

“Monsters, these monsters!”

Fiora ignored the wailing of the pirates. The Ardennes are usually simple and honest, but when facing the enemy, they are more ferocious than demons.

They simply don’t know mercy, they only know to kill!

“We surrender! we surrender~~~”

Finally, the pirates couldn’t bear the great losses and despair. They simply have no way out, not even the chance to escape! They raised their hands and pleaded for mercy.

To say the least, it’s laughable. Pirates who like to torture their victims, never leaving anyone alive, actually hope that they can be spared.


Bai Luo found it quite amusing, but he still ordered the attack to be stopped before converging all the pirates in a single place.

Soon, Bai Luo brought everyone to the beach. Here, he and the old man looked at each other before decisively exchanging positions.

“You! You said that you wouldn’t kill us!”

“You said that you would spare us!”

The pirates who had surrendered on the ships shouted one after another, but Bai Luo ignored them.

Yes, he isn’t the one going to kill them, so he technically didn’t break his promise.

“Kill them!”

The old man gave such an order, and the tree elves’ descendants immediately carried their swords and started killing.

This wasn’t Bai Luo’s order, but the request of all the tree elves’ descendants.

They are personally going to end the lives of these vile pirates!

For many years, the tree elves’ descendants had been forced to hide in the deep forests because of the threat of these pirates, and now, they finally have the chance to get their revenge.


The sound of blades tearing through the air sounded time and time again, followed by heads rolling on the ground.

At least a thousand pirates were beheaded by Bai Luo on the shore, and thus, the problem of pirates in the sea of Arden island had come to an end for the time being.

For safety reasons, Bai Luo even sent Shirley and Lilith to search the surrounding area for the aura of any pirate that could have possibly escaped.

Bai Luo had been extremely cautious. If there are still fish that slipped through the net, then he truly can’t do anything about it. He did his best.

“Tell me what you know.”

The last pirate left by Bai Luo was none other than Schatt. He asked Lilith to cast a psychedelic spell on him, then successfully extracted a lot of information from his mouth.

“The birthday of the Pirate King…”

Saros didn’t expect the emergence of such an event, “Moreover, he is also Sigrian’s sworn brother. It seems that we have to face Sigrian before facing Morgan.”

“One of the six adopted children of Morgan that you talked about?”

Now that they have established themselves at sea, Bai Luo naturally asked uncle Saros for information about the power structure of the sea, hence he is quite familiar with the pirate king Morgan’s forces.

“Due to Schatt’s wild operation pattern, no one would care if he disappeared for half a year.”

The old man seriously said, “But he has an upcoming deal with Sigrian. If he doesn’t arrive in time, Sigrian will definitely send someone over to investigate.”

“So how much time do we have?”

“At least 3 months.”

It would take a month or so for Sigrian to notice Schatt’s disappearance. After that, it would take some time for him to send someone to investigate, and counting the investigation time, and the time needed to cross this vast sea, it will take at least 2 to 3 months before Sigrian comes.

“Just Sigrian, not Morgan?”


The old man nodded and said, “The minds of pirates work like this.”

Upon encountering an enemy, they will not seek help first but think about dealing with it themselves, because notifying Morgan right away is a sign of incompetence.

Therefore, Sigrian would definitely come to personally deal with Bai Luo. This is also one of the shortcomings of pirates.

“Then according to what you said, uncle, once we deal with Sigrian, this would delay our conflict with Morgan for another few months?”

What Bai Luo needs most now is time.

The seeds of Arden Island had been planted. What Bai Luo has to do next is to pull enough people to Arden Island, then turn them into true ‘Ardennes’.

However, this can’t be accomplished in a day or two. It requires years of effort. Even if they pull 10 million to Arden right away, it’s just a number. They can betray Bai Luo and Arden at any time.

Even if Bai Luo dies, they wouldn’t care. It’s just their lord changing, their situation wouldn’t change much.

In contrast, the tree elves and the Arden clan have sworn to follow their lord, whether in life or death. They would rather die than surrender, let alone follow the enemy!

A huge population is typically needed to maintain the country’s logistics.

When there isn’t enough food, send them to cultivate it.

When there aren’t enough soldiers, draft them from the populace.

However, the problem is that Bai Luo has the sacred pouch and Lilith, so he doesn’t need much manpower at all.

As for the army, it takes time to cultivate miracle troops, and the production capability of Shirley and Lilith is limited. Having more subjects doesn’t automatically mean having more miracle children.

If that’s the case, wouldn’t all the animals on the island as well as the fish in the sea have transformed into members of the fairy clan?

In the clash of miracles, ordinary people are like cannon fodder in the face of enemies with miracle powers. No matter how high their numbers are, they can’t play a decisive role.

Of course, if he can capture the hearts of those people, they might fight to the death for Bai Luo. Although their combat power is insignificant, mortals still have some use on the battlefield.

However, is it possible to drive these people to such a degree?

Without a few decades, how to get the recognition of these outsiders, cultivate a deep sense of belonging to the nation of Arden, and make them willing to lay down their lives to protect their home and fight for their king, Bai Luo?

How much effort and time is needed to instill a sense of national belonging and honor into complete strangers, and without any foundation?

“We need a population, but we can’t just randomly and entirely pull it. We need to slowly build it.”

Arden’s crops are a very good breakthrough. They can look for those poor and hungry people, make them feel the beauty and comfort of Arden, and develop a sense of belonging to it.

In this way, they will cultivate more and more real Ardennes.

Moreover, their sense of belonging would serve as the foundation of cultivating their loyalty to Bai Luo, only then would they screen out talented people with great adaptability to the power of miracles and produce miracle troops.

“At least, a battle with Sigrian is much more preferable than a battle with Morgan.”

As early as they decided to go to Arden Island, the old man had predicted the various situations that they would encounter on the sea.

There are more than one hundred possibilities, big and small. At that time, Bai Luo and Issafeiya patiently listened to the old man’s strategic layout.

“Touching a strand of hair can shake the whole body.”

The fact that there could be pirates on the island was one of the possibilities stated by the old man, and unexpectedly, he hit the nail on the head.

“Are you worried?”

“What’s there to worry about, aren’t we in an undefeatable position?”

Bai Luo bluntly said, “Arden has only about 200 people altogether, moving away requires just a few ships.”

If they really can’t beat them, he will simply tell everyone to get on board and run.

Bai Luo is a very pragmatic man.

He can endure the exploitation of black-hearted merchants for many years. Naturally, this matter isn’t a big deal.

Of course, they are just mentally preparing themselves for the worst outcome

Yes, the worst scenario is to abandon Arden Island and then leave this sea with all clan members.

Their number is few, hence they can live almost anywhere, and with the basic sacred pouch, they can’t starve.

“Ersa and the other young girl have begun to gain Lilith’s power.”

The current Arden is getting stronger with each second. The longer they delay, the more advantageous it is to Bai Luo.

“What’s more, some things can’t be avoided. We will face them sooner or later. Since you are determined to become a true miracle king, you must face them.”

Of course, the Ardennes can leave this sea, but if they go back to the main continent, they would have to face other countries. If they go to other seas, they would have to face other pirate kings.

Instead, it would be better to guard Arden Island and fight against Morgan’s forces.

From the moment Bai Luo made his choice, he was already swept into the vortex of conflict and became a participant in the clash of kings.

“We hadn’t stepped onto the world stage yet, so this period is the best time for us to freely develop.”

The old man seriously said, “I dare not claim that we have half a year, but four or five months are still very likely.”

“That’s enough!”

In four or five months, Arden’s first batch of miracle troops should have been almost developed.

What’s more, this isn’t Bai Luo’s limit…

“Kill him.”

After making a decision, Bai Luodictated the death of Schatt. He didn’t even look at this vicious pirate captain, mountain Shirley and flying towards the cliff.

It’s unknown what the future holds, what Bai Luo can do now is to do his best to improve his and Arden’s overall strength.

Morgan, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than a miracle master. Population and land are all vain things.

Only the number and quality of miracles are the ultimate benchmark for measuring a superpower’s heritage and strength.

And now, Bai Luo has encountered the fifth miracle!

‘What is a true king?’

‘When it’s time to be merciful, he needs to be merciful, and when it’s time to be cruel, he needs to be cruel. He mustn’t underestimate the opponent because of his strength, nor must he discard his plan because he’s in a dominant position.’

The old man’s words echoed in Bai Luo’s ears as stepped on the cliff again,

“Do you think that I have the bearing of a king?”


Bai Luo flipped The black book’s pages. He looked at the fifth page and immediately noticed that the text had once again changed.


Level: ???

Type: ???

Faction: Lost Kingdom

Amongst the attributes of the fifth miracle, the faction attribute, which was originally blurred, cleared up. Next to it, the words ‘lost kingdom’ appeared.

“Lost Kingdom?”

Bai Luo possesses five miracles at the moment. Among them, the faction of the basic sacred pouch is the Twilight of the Gods, the camp of the Pegasus Shirley is to the Northern Earth, and the camp of the fairy Lilith is the Ideal Coast.

There are also the tree elves’ descendants, which also belong to the Northern Earth camp.

Back when he only had three miracles at hand, Bai Luo asked the old man about the faction attribute.

The old man said that there are many miracle factions. According to the ancient records left by the ancestors of the Arden clan, there were 28 factions of miracles since ancient times.

However, most of them hadn’t been recorded in the ancient texts, and in this age, more than half of these records have been lost.

Even the old man only knew the names of some of those factions, but he didn’t know the purpose of these miracle factions nor their use.

“Even you don’t know?”

Bai Luo stated with a look of surprise back then, to which the old man said, “If I were to guess, I think the factions are probably related to ancient history.”

“History, just that?”

“I do think so.”

The old man conducted a detailed investigation on miracles during his youth, but he never found the purpose of miracle factions. In fact, most miracle masters don’t even know what faction their miracle belongs to.

Bai Luo’s case is unique, as he has the black book that can display the attributes of all his miracles.

Most other miracle masters don’t care about this. Anyway, there isn’t anything like attribute conflict and faction restriction.

“The old man said that even among all miracles, the lost kingdom faction is extremely rare.”

Uncle Saros told Bai Luo that information about the ‘Lost Kingdom’ was recorded in the “Ancient records of Arden”, but due to several terrifying wars, the majority of Arden’s ancient records had been lost.

Information about the lost kingdom is amongst the parts that had been lost. The old man’s understanding of this faction is only limited to its name.

“So what the hell are you?”

Bai Luo refocused on the black book.

[It has acknowledged you and decided to recognize you as its king. If you want, you can think of yourself as its master]


What an arbitrary miracle.

Bai Luo always felt that the other party’s attitude is a bit aloof, “I feel that it’s not the average arbitrary!”

[Please conduct a worship ceremony here and offer gifts that will make it happy]


Bai Luo was a little confused by this sentence, “Sacrifice ceremony? Offer gifts? And ones according to its preference?”

“Is it a god? The new miracle is some kind of god?”

The world of miracles does not have the concept of gods. Even if a miracle is as powerful as a god, once it establishes a contract with a miracle master, it would still have to obey him. Normally…

Bai Luo didn’t care about this. The problem is that he doesn’t know what it likes!

“Is that it? There should be more information!”

Bai Luo felt that the miracle on the fifth page was really unique. He didn’t even know where the ‘it’ that the black book referred to is, or how it looks.

“Close by?”

Bai Luo looked around, but he couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary. So he poked his head out of the cliff, but apart from the glistering azure blue water, transparent enough to see the seabed, there was no sign of any strange creature.

“The miracle on page five… Is it air?”

Invisible and intangible, yet everywhere.

“Regardless, this worship ceremony doesn’t seem to be that difficult.”

The key difficulty lies in the gift. Bai Luo doesn’t know what ‘it’ likes, “Forget it, there is no time limit anyway, I have enough time to think about it.”

“As for now…”

Bai Luo looked at the Ardennes. Their faces overflowed with joy at their victory over their enemies. Bai Luo did not disappoint them. After driving Shirley back to the clan’s land, he immediately announced,

“Start the banquet!!!”

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