This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

When Nils arrived at the Dukes residence, Leroy was checking some documents in his bedroom.

Upon hearing of Nils visit, Leroys eyes sparkled with a peculiar intrigue. f(r)eeweb(n)ovel

It was just a short while ago that he had received positive news about the resumption of production in the Siam mines and had spread the word.

Leroy felt a little surprised by the other persons visit earlier than expected.

Should I say youre out?

No, let him in.

Leroy rose from his seat, nodding to the servants question.

He had been quite curious about the family that had been berating Iona.

Because Iona was so reluctant to have him visit her home, he hadnt had the chance to meet Nils before.

With curiosity brimming, Leroy headed to the reception room where Nils awaited.

Hello, Lord Leroy. I believe this is our first official greeting. Im Nils Modrov.

Seeing Nils for the first time, Leroy thought he looked surprisingly ordinary.

He didnt look like someone who could break his sisters leg or leave a scar on her face.

In his well-mannered demeanor, there was even a hint of integrity.

Leroy lightly grasped the hand Nils extended for a handshake.

Its a pleasure. We should have met and talked sooner, but our meeting has been delayed.

Everyone knows that youre a person of great stature, Lord. I shouldve reached out earlier. I apologize for the delayed greeting.

The two exchanged casual pleasantries and took their seats.

In truth, the topic they were to discuss was already set, and they had somewhat planned how to broach it. Thus, their conversation flowed, looking for the right moment.

Unable to contain his impatience, Nils brought up the main point first.

Ive come today to inquire about the silver mines in the Siam region.

Leroy gave no response and gazed at Nils with a stoic expression.

Noting Leroys demeanor, the flustered Nils added,

I was told by the second son of the Meyer family that you acquired the land for me...

Thats right.

Upon hearing Leroys unexpected affirmation, Nils face quickly brightened.

Relieved by Leroys response, Nils candidly shared his predicament.

I believe I should start by expressing my deepest gratitude. As you might be aware, the manner in which I acquired that land was not entirely above board, putting me in a difficult position. Thanks to you, Lord, Ive managed to evade a crisis, and Im at a loss as to how to repay this enormous debt of gratitude.

It seems premature to thank me just yet.

Leroy replied with a faint smile, drawing a line.

Nils momentarily froze, soon realizing the implications of his previous statement.

It mightve sounded as if he desired the land without offering anything in return.

Of course, Nils had no intention of behaving so shamelessly toward his benefactor.

Nils hastily added,

Of course, indeed. Given that the mine is no longer just a barren piece of land, I understand that simply handing it over would be inconvenient for you, Lord. Please let me know your terms, and Ill do my utmost to meet them.

Nils declared confidently, assuming that since this assistance started from goodwill, Leroy wouldnt demand an excessive price.

However, Leroy merely gazed at Nils with a smile-tinted face, making no attempt to negotiate.

Instead, with a slightly puzzled expression, as if there was some miscommunication, he asked,

Did I ever specifically promise or hint to you that Id return that land?


Well, I dont recall such an agreement, but your forthright request has me a bit taken aback.

Leroy chuckled, his demeanor turning cold.

Confounded by this statement, which contradicted their earlier conversation, Nils was naturally thrown into disarray.

While Leroy never explicitly stated so, hadnt he been behaving as if that was his intention all along?

Nils couldnt comprehend why he had suddenly changed his stance.

Feeling flustered, Nils hastily retorted.

I was informed by the person I handed the land over to that...

Yes, at that time, I surely acted in a way to make a good impression on you. But isnt it possible that my feelings have changed since?


Perhaps because I realized you hold no significant place in your sisters heart, that there is no need to show you such kindness.

Stung by the sharp rebuke, Nilss face turned pale.

The statement held truth.

If the Duke had bought the land intending to gain favor with Iona, there was no need to rectify Nilss mistake by returning it in such a manner.

Given that Nilss relationship with Iona was, at best, abysmal.

Nils wracked his brain trying to find a way out of this predicament, but no ingenious solution to change the Dukes decision came to mind.

What could possibly be used to persuade the Duke to change his mind?

Should he now feign remorse and promise to get along better with Iona?

Nils couldnt bring himself to make such a humiliating move.

Instead, he launched into a stiff-faced justification.

Its true that Iona and I arent close. We werent born to the same parents, so even if we became siblings later in life, a distance between us was inevitable.

Nils tried hard to wrap their strained relationship in a cloak of rationality.

He earnestly hoped that the duke would accept this justification, but it seemed he was more informed about their familial relations than expected.

The Duke smoothly countered Nils words with an almost fluid demeanor.

From what Ive heard, your manner of disciplining your sister seems to be rather problematic.

Nils reflexively bit his lip.

He recalled Iona, who not long ago flaunted a bruised cheek as if to display his wrongdoing.

There was no doubt the Duke had heard the rumors and was now using them against him.

Ironically, at that time, Nils had a broken tooth, making it impossible for him to even step outside.

...Its not plausible for outsiders to fully understand someone elses family affairs as if they were their own.

So, youre suggesting Im misinformed about your relationship?

Engaging further in this topic would only put Nils at a disadvantage.

Satisfied with defending his position to a certain extent, Nils shifted strategies to persuade Leroy with another angle.

Lord Leroy, the Siam regions mines are intertwined with the royal palace through tribute contracts. Even for Ionas sake, its only right to return the land to our family. If an issue arises, the entire Modrov family would bear the brunt of the royal palaces wrath.

So, you made the mistake, but the entire family will bear the responsibility, is that it?

...Embarrassing as it is, its the truth. All our family members bear the Modrov name.

You have a cunning way of putting things. A fascinating maneuver.

Although his cheeks burned from the primal criticism, Nils struggled to suppress the rising shame.

He wasnt fond of the reality where he had to barter with Iona to seek the Dukes assistance, but this wasnt the time to maintain pointless pride.

To address the issue facing him and his family, the Dukes help was crucial.

With a solemn posture, fists resting on his knees, Nils waited for a response from the other party.

After a moment of contemplation, Leroy abruptly spoke.

Do this - if you wish to reclaim the land, seek permission from Miss Iona.


You arent blood-related, and neither of you have lived as a genuine family... Given that, why should I aid you at the cost of earning her displeasure?

Nils flinched inadvertently at Leroys words.

Leroy seemed to want to point out that they were not a proper family, but it was somewhat contradictory to say that they were not related by blood on that basis.

After all, the very reason Nils detested Iona so much was because they shared the same father.

However, instead of delving into the stigma of their family, Nils sought confirmation.

So, youre saying that if Iona gives her permission, itll suffice?

Yes, if she comes asking for assistance on your behalf, Ill gladly help both of you.

Leroy proclaimed in a magnanimous tone.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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