This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Of course, the man didnt dare lay a hand on Leroy.

In his wavering eyes, one could sense numerous calculations being made. He seemed to be weighing whether Leroys words were sincere or not.

Then, Leroy spoke with finality, as if to drive the point home.

I have a good memory. Ive definitely remembered your voice at least.

The man swallowed the curse that he couldnt bring himself to voice out loud.

His shoulders shook minutely with anger.

Or perhaps it was a trembling born of fear.

The man, clutching his fists, finally spoke with a cracked voice after simmering down his rage.

...What do you need?

For starters, some warm food.

Just a moment, please... wait.

The man stuttered, adding honorifics as if he was still unsure how to address Leroy.

He glanced over at Leroy as if seeking approval, then soon left to fulfill the request.

As soon as the door closed, Leroy let out a weary sigh.

He hadnt expected the kidnappers cautious attitude to work in his favor like this.

Their persistent efforts to conceal their identities had given off the impression they were afraid of any potential repercussions.

Seeing them readily cowed by such a threat, it seemed Leroy wouldnt have to worry about unnecessary harassment in the future.

True to his hunch, the man didnt keep Leroy waiting long.

In just a few minutes, a steaming stew was delivered in a wooden bowl. It looked rustic, presumably prepared for the thugs, but compared to the dry bread he had been eating, it was a feast.

Yet, possibly worried about Leroys previous threat, the man hastily made excuses as he set down the tray.

This is all we have for now. Ill take better care of the next meal. The other things you mentioned, Ill have them ready by evening.

Leroy gave a slight nod. Understanding the gesture to leave, the man promptly vacated the room.

Meanwhile, the girl still seemed to be lost regarding the situation, sitting far away with a blank stare, observing the scene.

Leroy gestured towards the tray and called out to her.

Come and eat.

The girl obediently approached and sat near Leroy, yet hesitated to touch the utensils.

With an expression of awe, the girl looked at Leroy and asked,

How did you do that?

Theyre really nothing special.

It wasnt a boast. Leroy truly thought so.

They were cowards who kidnapped children for moneyhardly something to be frightened of.

Indeed, those scoundrels were struggling to handle the mess theyd created, desperately trying to downplay their own faults.

Leroy offered the spoon to the girl with a reassuring addendum.

Dont be so scared, he said gently.

It was uncertain if his words fully registered, but the warm meal effectively soothed the girls anxiety.

The girl, without properly chewing, gulped down a large chunk of meat and her eyes twinkled.

Its delicious.

Ill feed you something even tastier later.

Perhaps it was the camaraderie that had developed between them during the days of their shared confinement that lightened Leroys mood a bit when he saw the girls happy expression.

Despite his firm belief that they would soon be released, surviving the past several days in captivity had not been easy.

Leroy frowned at the thought that negotiations were dragging on longer than expected when suddenly, an indistinct noise erupted from outside.

Both Leroy and the girl reflexively glanced up at the small window; it wasnt big enough to offer a view of the outside, let alone any meaningful information.

Instead, Leroy pressed his ear against the door, concentrating on the sounds that followed.

It seemed the kidnappers hadnt intended to make noise, as they too were flustered and scrambling around.

Amidst the chaos as they searched for the source of the disturbance, someone suddenly yelled as if screaming.

Were being attacked! The soldiers are breaking through the entrance!

Damn it, how did they find this place?

Theres no time to chat. Everyone grab your stuff!

What about the kid? Do we take her?

Are you crazy? Dont you realize theyre here for the child? Leave the kids, and make sure theyre after him first!

Hearing this, Leroy felt a surge of relief within.

The soldiers were breaking through the entrance. It seemed his family had finally succeeded in tracking down the kidnappers.

Turning quickly to the girl, who was wearing a nervous expression, Leroy reassured her.

Theyre here to rescue us.

To rescue us?

Yes, theyre not with the bad guys. Just stay calm, and well be able to get out safely soon.

Leroy pulled the girls arm, drawing her towards himself. Together, they sat flush against the wall, watching the situation outside intently.

It was out of worry that someone, driven by foolish greed, might act on their own.

Leroys wary reaction caused the girl to instinctively stifle her breathing, tense with apprehension.

Glancing at the girl, Leroy noticed her small hand trembling and, without a second thought, grasped it tightly, repeating almost habitually that it would be okay.

Though meant to comfort her, this gesture was equally reassuring for Leroy himself.

Despite positive indications, they were still trapped, forced to guess the events unfolding outside from the snippets of sound that reached them.

It was only natural not to feel safe until the commotion was completely over.

Holding the girls hand tightly, Leroy hoped earnestly that they would be safely released.

How much time had passed?

The outside noise, once clamorous with the kidnappers moving about, suddenly went silent as they seemed to have finally fled with their belongings.

Just as a relieved Leroy was about to reveal their location to his rescuers, someone violently opened the door to the room where they were confined.

It wasnt their rescuer. The figure was wearing a mask identical to those worn by the kidnappers they had seen before.

Leroy and the girl both tensed up in alarm at the mans sudden appearance.

The man, too, kept silent, and a discomforting stillness fell between them for a moment.

A pungent smell wafted in from outside; perhaps someone had knocked over something in their flight.

The man, after alternately looking at Leroy and the girl, muttered an indistinguishable phrase.

Shouldve separated them.

The girl flinched noticeably at his voice, almost as if triggering a reflex.

As Leroy tried to calm her, the man strode forward and grabbed the girl by the nape of her neck.

Seemingly terrified of being dragged away, the girl desperately curled up and clung to Leroys arm, as if begging to be saved.

Leroy glared fiercely at the man, positioning himself between them.

Leave her alone.

The man let out a scornful chuckle. With a voice heavy with suppressed rage, he retorted,

Do you have any idea how much weve lost because of you, young master? Id feel somewhat compensated if I take this girl with me.

Was his immense anger due to things not going as planned?

The man was showing an incomprehensible animosity towards Leroy, but no chance was given to ascertain its origin.

For he had turned his attention back to the girl and started to bully her relentlessly.

Come here now, if you know whats good for you.

I-I dont want to...

Do you want to see him hurt, the guy next to you?

At that question, the girls expression changed drastically. The hand that had been gripping Leroys arm fell away in an instant.

Leroy wanted to call out her name, to hold onto her, but it was impossible.

Seizing the fleeting moment, the man hoisted the child over his shoulder.

Leroy, bound and delayed, tried to intervene but was powerless to stop him.

He gritted his teeth in regret for not having asked the person who brought their meal to untie his hands.

Put the girl down. Do that, and I wont pursue you; Ill let you go quietly. Isnt escaping unscathed the most important thing right now?

Leroy desperately stepped into the role of a negotiator.

Even if this negotiation failed, he needed to stall for time until his familys people came searching for him.

His promise of letting them go quietly if they released the girl was not a lie.

If the girl was safe, Leroy was prepared to quietly bury and move past all of these events.

With unshaken eyes that reflected his sincerity, Leroy looked up at the man.

Perhaps sensing the honesty in Leroys offer, the man replied in a voice tinged with reluctant admiration.

Well... our young master is quite the strategist, despite his youth.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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