This S.O.B. System


Asher forced himself to stay awake. He most likely had a concussion, and the only thing he knew to do was stay awake. Too bad that was harder than it sounded. He was shaken awake by Zora when the Camry halted.


“Maybe we need to get you to a hospital,” she said. Concern written on her face. 


“No,” he said, getting out. “Get your stuff,” he ordered. Instead of heading to his house though, he headed to Doug’s across the street. When he was out back he began to knock on the walkout basement door lightly. When no one came to the door it was soon a hard knock.  


“What the fuck!” Doug exclaimed opening the door. An exterior light turned on overhead. The friend and the blonde hottie next to him gasped. “Ash?”


“Hey Doug. I need a place to stay for the night. Me and some friends,” he said as the 4 girls stepped into the light. Suitcases in hand, perfect bodies, they were hot enough to be models in Ash’s eyes. They made quite the group. 




A half hour later Ash winced as the blonde girl dabbed at the cut over his eye. “What the fuck,” Doug said for the 20th time. “Are you serious? All that happened to you since the last time I saw you? What was it, Monday?” 


“You got the short version, but yeah,” Asher said. 


“What’s the long one,” Doug asked. 


“A tale for another day. Would you stop that please? It’s very bright,” he said to the girl shining her phone’s flashlight in his eyes again. “What the hell is your name anyway?”  


“I’m Helen,” she said. Looking to Doug she said, “I don’t think he’s concussed. Pupils look fine. But I still wouldn’t let him fall asleep.” 


“How the heck do you know?” Doug asked her. 


“If I have to tell you I’m pre-med one more time I’m gonna-“


“Oh right. That’s why I call you my sexy nurse. Thanks babe,” he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Asher rolled his eyes. Despite his pain they were all over one another.


Helen gave Asher a look. “You did good kid,” she said, her eyes drawn to the 4 girls sprawled on the carpet behind her. After setting their plan for the next day the ex-porn stars passed out from all the excitement. After another nod of appreciation she went back to the bed, jumping between limbs like a minefield. 


When she was far enough away Doug whispered, “how far down did your HP go?” 


“12 right now. But I feel a lot better. It could have been lower, but I forgot to check.”


“You can force an HP bar to the corner of your vision. Just a tip for next time.”


Ash nodded a thanks. He chugged more water, he had a splitting headache. A calm fell over the two as they stared at one another. “What level you at?”


“6,” he answered with a smile. 


“6?! What the fuck, I just hit 7,” Doug practically yelled it. “Are you telling me you’ve been banging these 10s for levels?”


“Not all of them,” Asher admitted. 


“Fucking son of a bitch system,” Doug croaked, glaring daggers at him. “I’m going to bed,” he eventually announced. Cursing as he made his way past the girls. 


With a chuckle, Asher stood with a groan. He considered going back to his own house to sleep, but he didn’t want to risk his parents seeing him in his current state. Bruises and scrapes littered his face and body. Aleksi and he had been hard on one another. He studied the lumps of the girls in the borrowed blankets until he found Zora. 


He approached hesitantly but she must have been waiting up because the blanket raised to allow him in. “Hey babe,” he whispered. 


A wide grin split her face as they snuggled into one another. Her head resting on his shoulder as they shared body heat. At the moment none of his scratches hurt for some odd reason. They were pushed back by a fuzzy feeling inside. They laid quietly together. Breathing heavily his nostrils filled with that flowery scent of hers. Something he hadn’t noticed before his tracking skill awakened. 


“Don’t fall asleep,” Zora ordered as she poked his face. 


“But why?” He pleaded, planting a kiss on her cheek. 


“Doctor’s orders,” she said, pursing her lips. 


“What if I do this?” He asked, kissing her on the lips. 


“Bribery will not be tolerated, but it is appreciated,” she said with a smile as he planted another on her lips. She let out a giggle. 


-Foof- a pillow landed on his head. “Go to sleep,” Doug ordered. 


“Don’t go to sleep,” Helen reminded.


With a grunt Ash set his head on the pillow. “Night night.” He whispered as Zora hummed a lazy reply. 


Ash tried his best to stay awake, but it became harder as the content feeling spread through him. That feeling that he had always longed for but never felt. This is what having a girlfriend is supposed to feel like, he thought as he succumbed to sleep. 



“Here is my number,” he said. “You call me as soon as you get there.” 


He had awoken that morning to all 4 girls surrounding him and Zora on the floor. One of the girl’s wandering hands had been awfully close to his nether regions. Thus Zora had been angry at him of course. 


“Yes dear,” she said, making the other girls giggle. 


They were at the bus station now. All 4 girls planned to stick together for now. Some of them did have family in the states or Canada, but they took comfort in one another. Asher didn’t have any illusions of their relationship though. He and Zora had woken up once during the night and talked long about it, between make out sessions anyway. 


“Guess this means we’re breaking up,” he said. 


“Guess so,” she said. Her lips pursed, he gave her another kiss. “No more,” she ordered angrily. A cute pout on her lips. 


“Yes dear,” he said. The girls laughed again. 


“Go to the bus,” Zora ordered. The smallest of the girls, she was still somehow the leader. They groaned but complied reluctantly. The dark haired one gave him a wink. “Now, I expect you to keep your promises. You find a way to get at Aleksi, or you destroy the videos.” After a nod from him she blushed as she said, “and when is your prom again?”


“What?” He asked. 


“Prom, when is it?” She asked. Her voice, getting quieter. “I was told how important it is for you Americans. And when we met you asked me to go with you.”


As he remembered their discussion yesterday he couldn’t help but laugh. “In May I think. I’ll find out and let you know. But don’t worry about that for now. Worry about getting to know your family. Get ahold of your family back home. Do whatever you want for once.” She hugged him and nodded. “You’re not good at this breaking up thing are you?” 


“The worst,” she said into his chest. “And remember, I broke up with you.” 


“Right,” he said. He did have to admit if she was willing to stay, he would try to find a place for her. But she had wanted to go. So he felt like she was the one ending it. But he didn’t hold it against her. 


“Oh let me see your phone,” she said. 


Without question he handed it to her. She clicked the camera icon, turned the screen around and smiled. He leaned to put his face next to hers as she clicked the button. “There,” she said, “so you don’t forget me.” 


“I could never do that,” he said in all honesty. “You are the last one and I don’t want you to miss your bus.”  


He pulled her in for a big hug. Picking her up, his ear was next to her mouth when she whispered, “Ljubim te.”


His Slovenian was only level 2, but he still knew what that meant. Reminiscent of their first meeting he whispered it in her ear, “Ljubim te.” 


“Got to go,” she squeaked after kissing his cheek. He set her down as she picked up her luggage and ran for the bus door. 


It wasn’t long before the door shut and they were on their way. “Love you,” he repeated once more. Still unsure what their situation actually was. He did know that they weren’t a thing for now. Prom aside, Asher whistled as he walked away. By far this had been his best breakup so far. And honestly the best relationship too. 


When he was in his car the rear view mirror caught his focus. A small cut over his eye and some more on his hands were the only signs of his fight the night before. Overnight his HP had raised to almost full. Whether the healing was a factor of his stats or some supernatural part of the System, he didn’t know or care. All that mattered was that now his parents wouldn’t kill him. 


Taking in a slow deep breath he had one more important thing to do. His parents at church the rest of the day he had declined going, something they didn’t fight for once. The early Sunday traffic was slow as usual as the city refused to wake up fully. Zora having taken all the money from the prop manifestation for their new start, he had kept the $50 he originally manifested. With it he filled up his tank and got some breakfast. 


Around noon he pulled into the porn king’s drive. His proof ready, he didn’t hesitate to ring the doorbell. When the old man opened the door he asserted a hostile tone. “Where the fuck were you kid? I’ve been trying to call you for hours. You had a scene today!” 


“Can we talk inside?” Asher asked. Without an invitation he stepped in. 


“Come to the basement,” Terry ordered. 


“No, right here,” Asher said nonchalantly. 


“Listen here you little-“


“You listen you fucked up little man,” Asher growled. His face towering overtop Terry, he let his anger show as he explained. “You have no power here. I’m not one of your victims. I came to you. Not the other way around. I better start hearing a more courteous tone or I’ll start beating you until I do hear it.” The man did a good job of not showing his fear. But he still took a step back. Then another. Each step away a victory for Asher, he confidently said. “I know you’re used to getting your way here, but the first thing you should know is that I am a minor. That shit you scanned was a fake ID.” Asher let a cocky smirk onto his lips. “And if you don’t want me to immediately go from here to the police to tell them how you bullied me into doing porn, then you better start doing what I say.” 


Terry tried to say a few words but they wouldn’t form. Eventually he said, “prove it.”


Asher pulled out his student ID and real license. He had taped over important information like name and address. But both showed his birthdate. “These could be fake too.” 


“They could,” Asher said. “How about we call the police and find out? Do you think they’ll have a file on you of people accusing you of bullying or blackmail?” Asher asked. By the look on Terry’s face Ash guessed there probably was one. 


Eventually the old man asked, “what do you want?”


“First, I don’t want you to talk to Daphne or Anita again. I know exactly how you got access to both of them. And they are both good friends of mine, so I expect to not hear your name uttered by them again.”


“That it?” He asked, hope in his tone. 


“No, you old fart. Then I want all the original and all copies of videos you made of Zora and I. That’s not just the ones with us together. That’s every one you have access to with either of us.” 


“What did you do with Zora?” He asked. 


“That’s not a concern for you,” Asher said, his anger flaring at the memory of his phone call from the night before. “You will never be seeing her again.”  


His nostrils flaring Terry angrily clenched his hands. “Is that all?”


“No. You’re going to bring me, this instant, the amount of money you think it will take for me to forget this whole traumatizing job ever happened.”


“Now see here-“ he tried to intrude. 


“Fuck you. You hired me off the fucking street. I could have been anyone. No background check, no STD test. Heck what documents did you even have me sign? Now if you don’t want Daphne to start spreading rumors on how you hire people. Especially the fact that you hire minors. Then you’re going to go get everything with me, Zora’s, and now Daphne’s names or likenesses on it. Then get me a bunch of money to shut me up. And I don’t want to hear another word out of you.“



1 hour later he had a stack of USB drives, CD-roms, and paper on his passenger side seat. Also $5,000 sitting in his back pocket. A weight now off his chest, he didn’t have to worry anymore about his family finding out about his secret week-long foray into pornography. As he parked his car in front of his house he considered dropping by Doug’s to talk, but he knew his friend wouldn’t be up yet. The 2 lovers had groaned a goodbye when they rolled out to catch the bus. 


His parents were still at church, they would be there the rest of the day, so Ash checked his messages. Mainly system messages.


Quest Complete

Help Zora with her escape

Show Terry, the porn king, whose boss.


Quest Rewards:

System Coins

Skill Upgrade




System Coins

x 400

Skill Upgrade

x 1 Random

Porn Proof

Asher & Zora



Your skill RELATIONSHIP SCREEN has been upgraded to level 6. Sharing all information

Accept Rewards?



Clicking Y, he waited for the last prompt. 



You have left the Porn Industry. To assist in this career ending move, here are all instances of proof of your short lived job.

Accept Rewards



Angry to have to waste a secret reward on this he clicked yes. A few more USB sticks, CDs, and papers dropped out of thin air onto the growing pile. Nevermind, he thought as he thanked the mysterious System. Somehow knots in his shoulders relaxed now that there was really no chance of anything leaking. Out of the business, he never wanted to go back in. He would have to grind levels the old fashioned way. Dating. 


As he walked inside the house he willed up the Relationship Screen.

Relationship Screen (LVL 6)





Prefered Phallic Size

Erogenous Zone

Daphne Krollic

Level 2

Las Vegas, NV.

Younger Guys



Zora Mlakar

Level 5

Los Angeles, CA





“Holy shit,” he said aloud. Looking around he made sure his parents weren’t home. He would have been grounded with just those words. Learning to control when he cursed was one of many gifts. 


Reading the data of his 2 ladies, he wished he could have known this beforehand. It would have been great information to have. Not sure if all the information would be shown for a level 1 relationship, he guessed that as he leveled it he could learn more kinks, zones, and probably girth they preferred too. Now happier than ever this didn’t show information on everyone in his life, mainly his mother, it was quickly becoming his favorite ability. He could now make sure Zora was safe wherever she was. 


When he was in his room he changed clothes, showered, and shaved. His dick and face had a stubble before, and he was enjoying the smoothness. About to lay on bed to get some more sleep, he knocked the briefcases to the floor. One of them flung against the wall, a stack of cash poured out. 


The briefcase that Zora had used for the ‘money’ now had a mix of monopoly money and real money inside. As he began to sort it he recalled that the day before there had been 2 rewards from the prop manifestation. $10,000 and contents of the safe. He had assumed the $10,000 was in the safe, but as he counted, it came out to that exact amount. A normal game of Monopoly had $20,000 or so in it, and some of it had actually turned real. The smile on his face became greedy as he counted it again and again. 


With $15,000 to his name the first thing he wanted was a new car, but that would have to wait for now. He would have to wire Zora her cut later on. She could be talked into taking $2,500 so they split the total of their haul. Or maybe he could buy her a cell phone so they could talk more easily. To distract himself from thoughts of her, he brought up his status screen again. Nothing but skills had changed, but still he liked to know what he was working with.  



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Genitalia Control





Prop Manifestation





Relationship Screen













Slovene Language






LVL 10

































Custom Stats:


Dick Length

8.85 Inches


Dick Diameter

1.85 Inches






His HP was almost all the way back up. But now he noticed that his Survival skill was at level 10. His first skills were Max level, but he had assumed that was level 10 before. How much grinding would he have to do to get it to max level? What was the max level?


Another note was what the hell were Syscos? He understood that he had been receiving System Coins from quests and such, but what were they for? These screens brought up more questions than they answered. This was his last thought before he fell asleep. 




When he awoke it was 5 in the afternoon. His parents were still gone but he had some missed texts from Doug. Instead of reading them he replied. 


-Give me 10 and I’ll be over-


After some cereal and quick brushing of his teeth he walked over to Doug’s house. Taking the front entrance again, it was usually frowned upon to take the back. Doug’s mother liked to chit chat and gossip when he dropped by. How Helen got away with using the back he didn’t know. 


“Alright where do you want me to start?” He asked as he walked downstairs. 


Doug at his desk working he said, “wait a bit. Helen doesn’t want to miss anything. Do you mind?” 


After some thought Ash decided, “not really. Anything System sensitive I’ll just BS my way through. Just help me change the subject if she asks too many questions.”


“Can do,” he said. Then he was focused on his computer again. It wasn’t long before Helen rushed in out of breath. 


“Did I miss anything?” She asked between gasps.


“Waited for you,” Doug said as he shut down his PC. The blonde girl sat at the foot of the bed bouncing. Her spectacular rack jumping with her. Doug took the beanbag and set it between her feet. He took his spot there. So Asher sat at the computer chair. Then he began his tale. 


First he talked about stumbling on the porn shoot. Then drama with an ex that Helen made him go into detail on. She proceeded to pry out his own attitude towards sex before, which led to him approaching Terry. Luckily he happened to have a believable fake ID that they made him cough up. They agreed it looked real. Both were excited that he might be able to buy beer with it. A fact that had not escaped his notice. 


Asher then gave broad strokes about his own masturbation on camera for Terry. He wasn’t sure why he was being so open with them. They were an apt audience though. Then the embarrassing part came. The mention of a GILF scene. Doug would not let this go until Ash was forced to text her. 


-hey I got some great news. I’ll call you later about it. First, would you mind sending me a nude?-


It wasn’t long until she replied. 


-can’t wait. Alrdy miss me? :P -


-you know it. But mainly my best friend doesn’t think I slept with someone as hot as you.- 


-any requests-


-cleavage with how many times we did it that one night- 


Soon a pic came to his phone showing her shirt pulled up over her breasts and her hand showing 5 fingers that just barely covered her nipples. 


With a laugh at her lie he text. -thanks I’ll delete when I’m done-


-anytime. Keep it. ;)- 


Asher showed the two patient people his phone and the response. “I stand corrected,” he said. 


“Hell, I’d fuck her,” Helen said. 


With a smug smile he began the story once again. How he met Zora. He felt something off. He lied and said he followed them to the hotel and snuck up to her room. Then her talked about what she was going through. He made up a story about following Aleksi home to find all the stuff on her. 


Then he talked about meeting Donna/Daphne at his moms house. Causing the audience to roar in shock and awe, causing Doug’s mom to yell at them. 


“Oh my god. What are the chances?” Helen asked. 


“Not as slim as you would think,” Asher admitted. He really didn’t want to tell this part. But he had to tell someone. 


“What do you mean?” Doug asked. A smile on his face he could tell what was coming. Doug had been an adamant believer that Asher’s mom was the MILF of the area. 


“Daphne said they met when they were younger, like 20 years ago…and my mom showed her the ropes of the porn industry.”


“Nononono,” Doug said. He ran for his computer typing his password faster than Ash thought possible. 


“You fucking look for that while I’m anywhere near you and I will never finish this story,” Ash said. “And if I ever hear one word that you told anyone. Then you know what will happen.”


“But it’s your mom dude, I gotta at least-“ 


“Did you forget our contract? You can’t tell a soul,” Asher said. Never before was he this happy that he had signed it. “You can try to find her stuff. I just don’t want to hear about it. Or know about it.”


“Don’t worry babe. We will look it up later,” Helen assured him as Doug slunk back to his spot between her legs. Weirded out by their dynamic he wondered how long they had been together. “Then what happened?” She asked with a smile. 


“Then I took her to her hotel and we talked.”


“And had sex,” Helen added. 


“And had a lot of sex, yes.”


“Knew it. No one sends a hot pic like that for just anyone,” she said. 


“Where’s mine?” Doug asked looking up. 


“Here,” she said, lifting her shirt and sticking his head inside. After she had smacked him around with her knockers a bit he was let out with a much happier look. 


“Anyway…” Asher continued. Making up some bullshit about how they escaped the shoot. Slashed Aleksi”s tires. Went to his house and found everything they needed. He did not go into the rape videos. But he did admit to having the guy’s passport and Zora taking his money. Then they broke the girls out and showed up at Doug’s. 


“That is the wildest true story I’ve heard in my life,” Helen said. “And this all happened in a week?” 


“Feels like longer,” he said,” but yeah.”  


They were about to ask him more questions when Helen’s alarm went off. “And I’m off. Working the night shift tonight,” she said. With a kiss to Doug they whispered some things that Asher didn’t want to know. 


When she was next to him she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “You did good,” she repeated. “Your scratches are better today. Must have looked a lot worse than they actually were huh?” 


“Guess so,” he lied. 


“Well I hope I don’t see you for a week so you can tell me another whopper of a story.”


“If I have any more weeks like this I’ll die from the shock,” he said as she exited. “I like her,” he told Doug. 


“Me too,” he said. With that they were brought to the real business. “So have you thought on my offer?”


“Which one?” He asked cautiously. 


“The one about becoming one of my bitches. Oh come on don’t look at me like that baby. I won’t slap you around too bad, and never without reason. Just if you piss me off.”


“Oh no. My level is catching up to yours. You’ll have a hard time against my strength stat, trust me.”


“Ugh my own pieces of meat threatening me,” he said. “Damn you and your prostitute unions.” 


With a chuckle Asher knew he was joking. “Dude, I’m out of the porn business. I have every thing. Every scrap of evidence that I was in a porno.”


“Three porns,” Doug corrected. 


“Three, right. I couldn’t have made a cleaner break. I don’t know if I can become one of your hoes.”


“I know. I know. First of all let’s stop the joking around and talk about this seriously. You’re an escort. Most of these women want some company or an experience for a few hours now and then. Everyone is a consenting adult. Well except you of course since you’re not 18, but everyone you’d be with would be. Besides, a fine piece of ass like you. I could get $500-$1000. And most all of that would be yours.”


“I’m not really hurting for money right now,” Asher admitted. The offer was tempting. 


“Then think about the levels man. What did you say? You get bonuses for virgins, first times, role plays, and videos? Since I doubt you want to do the video route anymore, I’m sure I can get you at least 2 of the others every single time. And with how often I get requests for hot guys. You can pick and choose who you like.” 


“How?” Asher asked, already caught in the thought of more levels. All anonymously. This may actually be a better route for now. His seduction game was non-existent unless there was money involved. 


Stealing the rolling chair Doug went on the computer and pulled up a secret email account. It was loaded with emails for requests. Most had pictures of the men and women from the neck down. 


“What about the police?” Asher asked. His last reservation against the whole thing. Pornography was at least legal. 


“I have an ability for that. A lie detector sort of thing.”




“Yeah. Pretty sure it’s impossible for me to get tricked by anyone.” 


“I can’t believe I’m actually thinking about this,” Asher said. 


“Sorry dude, you didn’t have a chance. Another one of my skills ‘Eloquent Speech’,” he admitted with a smile. 


“I believe it,” Asher admitted. “How do we start this? And how do I end it if I don’t like it.”


“I have a temporary contract. One of the clauses can be whenever you decide to quit. You like it, we can go to a more permanent one in a month.” 


“Fuck it. I’ll give it a shot.” 


“Perfect. Now first we will have to take some pictures,” he said. 


“Oh I’ve got a good one. Took it yesterday.” His phone in hand he brought up a selfie. 


“Damn dude, you look like the strongest high schooler from Dr. Stone.” 


“I thought the same thing,” Asher said, happy that he wasn’t crazy. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.