This S.O.B. System


Asher of course had cleared everything up with Wayne Tyler before giving the devlins the offer. Earth was still rather quiet. No one had seen Atalanta, Abby, or Amanda but they answered Comms now and then. Community recruitment had skyrocketed. And as Keera released video after video people started signing peace treaties. 


There was still some tension with the Old Glory and Seven Sins Guilds. Northern and Juego had signed treaties as well as some smaller American based guilds. Influence was spreading, but the biggest problem was there was so much that they didn’t know yet. Hence Asher’s solution. Gather a bunch of people that society didn’t want and get them to help. 


It was now 6 days since the bomb scare. Classes had gone back to normal the following day. Asher received special access to all of Prime, and luckily no one looked at him any differently. He was able to enjoy his time with Lyola, Eliffy, and Tillie as they planned their big roleplay. Pampering the pregnant girls was a common pastime for all of them in the apartments. And of course the massive sexxions they had were all the better. 


Now it was time for Asher to use his special privileges for the first time. They were in the major Portal Sector of Prime. People streamed around them. Lastoo back in his wolfkin disguise walked up to him. “You sure about this?” Lastoo asked. 


“Which part?” Asher asked. 


“The part about letting a bunch of strangers on your planet,” Lastoo said. 


“It’s not my planet yet,” Asher said. “But yeah, I think so. Everyone back home are idiots. We need minds and bodies most of all. I’m sure you all know a hell of a lot more than us. How many are coming?”


“10,000,” Lastoo said. 


“That many?” Asher asked. “You said 5,000 last time.” 


“More thought about it,” Lastoo said. “You are right. We are all low level. We never really recovered from being exiled. This might be just what we need.”


“Good,” Asher said. “Have you decided what you will do?” 


“I’m not sure,” he said. 


“I think your people could use a leader,” Asher said. “Train, Lastoo. We have a guild trial coming up. I think it might be good to have some of your people in it. Gain Syscos. Finish quests. Do whatever you need to do to make your people prosper.” 


“I think you’re right,” Lastoo said. They waited around and slowly the time approached. Lastoo recognized a group and headed over. Quickly the group grew. There were humans, beastkin, and elves quickly congregating around one another. 


Asher recognized Alconsus off to one side. He headed over. “Thank you for this,” Asher said. 


“Not a problem,” Alconsus said as he watched the group grow larger. “I am surprised at the variety of people you were able to find.” 


“A lot of people want a new start,” Asher said. “I was simply lucky.” 

“Yes, lucky,” Alconsus said. Tall and regal he studied the group of people. Asher thought the man’s gaze held a little disgust. “I do not understand why you would allow so many different people on your planet.” 


“A lot died during Initialization,” Asher said. “We need manpower.” 


“It can be a good thing I guess,” Alconsus said. “Many shopowners left Prime, allowing more space for new businesses.” He soon left Asher to his group of misfits. He doubted anyone would suspect they all had bounties on their heads. 


Of course Asher needed Alconsus’ approval. Who would allow a mass exodus of people? It would raise too many questions. The only reason he got permission in the first place was because of his quest. They had now rolled out the red carpet for him. 

As the time came closer Asher walked up to Joon. “Your portal home ready?” He asked. 


“Has been for a few days,” she said with a smile. “Proud of you. Look at them all.” 


The group was now a gigantic mess of people. All excited to go to a new world. Asher thought it might be more than 10,000. He hoped Wayne could handle them all. Merriem and Sapphan were mixed in there somewhere. Asher hadn’t gotten a chance to sleep with them yet, but he hoped to have years on Earth. There would be plenty of chances. His wives already laid the groundwork. He doubted they would forget it anytime soon. 


“We ready!?” Asher yelled. The group stopped talking and turned to him. Many whispered Lawful Good or some such thing. “Last chance to change your mind. There will be no leaving for 4 years,” he yelled. There were other groups around them staring, but he ignored them. No one took up the offer. 


“Our guild master is expecting you on the other side,” Asher said loudly. “Please form up into 2 lines. My wife can only keep this open for so long.” They quickly walked forward. Asher started directing them into lines. He grabbed Lastoo and pulled him out. Making him help the wolfkin man reluctantly did. The line extended quickly. They made it 4, then 6, then 8, then 12 lines. There were more than 10,000 devlins. Asher hoped they were all devlins. But right then everyone was needed. It was worth the risk. 


“Alright Joony my love, send them home,” Asher said. Joon raised her hands and a large portal 2 people wide formed. 


The first group walked forward. They quickly jogged through. It took a good 5 minutes for them all to go. Then the next group was going. Asher nervously waited for something to go wrong. Person by person ran. No disguises fell. No one tripped. Everything was nice and orderly. He shook Lastoo’s hand and the man was the last to go through. 


Asher waved to Wayne on the other side. The man nodded and started yelling orders to everyone. Joon dropped her hands and released the portal. Asher has hoped, but his quest did not update. Whatever risk there was to Prime was not caused by the Devlins. 


The area around them was soon filled with chatter once more. People had stopped to watch and finally went back about their days. 


“That was cool,” Eliffy said with a smile. 


“He’s such a softie,” Tiff said. 


“I love him for it,” Zora said, giving him a kiss. 


“Let’s just hope they aren’t really evil,” Asher said. “Those red eyes made me question it.” 


“Oh no, my Merriem and Sapphan were sweet as angels. You’ll never guess which one is a squirter,” Tiff said.


“Don’t tease me like that,” Asher said. They began to walk away. 


“Hey uh, Asher,” Eliffy said stopping him. “You mind doing me a favor?” 


“Of course, what’s up?” She was a little nervous as she prepared to say what she wanted. 


“Would you mind meeting my friends?” Eliffy asked, her mouth quirked up as if she was telling a joke. 


“Of course I wouldn’t mind. Friends?” Asher asked. “Where? When?” 


“Now, if you don’t mind? It’s only a few portal jumps away,” she said. Her face blushed as she looked to the floor. 


“We don’t really have any plans,” Asher said. He looked to the other girls. 


“How far is it?” Tiff asked. “Do you want us all to go?” 


“It's over at my guild,” Eliffy said. 


“I will pass,” Lyola said. “I am tired.” 

“Me too,” Tillie said. Nsabita, Zora, and Tiff also declined. It was soon just Asher, Eliffy, Joon, and Genevieve. 


“A real guild hall?” Geneveive asked, excitement clear in her voice.


“Yep,” Eliffy said. “Sorry, I didn’t know how to ask.”


“Simply ask,” Asher said. “If we are going to be married, I want you to not worry about asking.”


“I know, its been years, but I still hesitate with this sort of thing. My dad was always so strict,” she said. 

“Hey,” Asher said, pulling her closer. He kissed her hard. “Anything else you want I will make happen.” She nodded giving him another kiss. Then the old Eliffy was back. 


“Come on,” she said. Picking one of the portals she ran them through. They had to go through a customs of sorts, but Eliffy flashed a badge and was let through. They headed to another floor and jumped through a new portal. More customs and more badge flashing. 


“I thought you were thinking of joining the Roktai,” Asher said. 

“I was, but Lyola gave me a badge that lets me access their portals too,” Eliffy said. “Now I have double the access.” She laughed happily as they stepped through a final portal. This time customs recognized her and waved her on by. They exited the building this time. They walked out into a busy street. Gliders weren’t up in the air flying, but were at ground level. The planet was dark. Asher looked up to see that the weather was overcast as the city lights around them reflected off the clouds. 


“Welcome to the world of darkness,” Eliffy said walking them down a sidewalk. “This is one of the few places that has pretty much every race present.” Traffic was loud as Gliders honked, he wondered why none were flying. “One of the colonized planets of the beastkin nations, the planet is called Cloud 9. It’s the 9th planet in the solar system, and always covered in clouds.”


“That is a coincidence if I ever heard one,” Asher said. 


“It’s not,” Joon said. “Dungeon portals were on Earth long before the System. The System just increased their frequency. Some guy back in the day probably stumbled through one here, and came back through. The name stuck.” 


“Is that why we have legends of elves and dwarves and all that?” Gen asked. 


“Yep,” Joon said. “There have been portals to our planet for millennia. Some are there for only a few hours. Others for weeks. And sometimes other humanoids came through.”


“I did not know that,” Asher said truthfully. “Think a lot of people got stuck in dungeons?” 


“They could have,” Joon said. “But they wouldn’t have gotten Systems, so they’re all long dead.” 


People streamed around them. There really was every race present. Asher even noticed some regular humans. Part of him wondered if some of them were some hidden species like the devlins were. 


“How come your badge let us skip customs?” Gen asked. 


“My guild has agreements with all the planets. My guild is pretty big, it’s called the Black Cloud. The headquarters is here.” She stopped in front of a large building. Asher noticed a sign above the door that read ‘Black Cloud’.


“What’s the plan here?” Asher asked as they walked up the steps. 


“Hang out? Show you off? Drink a little?” Eliffy asked. “Up to you really.” 


“Whatever you want,” Asher said. She smiled opening the door. The room was loud as people yelled. More than a few arm wrestled. People smoked pipes and cigars. Beer was in almost every hand. Many turned to see the group walk in. 


“Ayyyye, Eliffy, finally!” People yelled seeing her walk in. There were smiles all around. Eliffy shook hands, did some hand gestures at a few. He guessed it was their way to flip people off. 


“Where you been my beautiful dion?” A large woman asked. She was the first larger beastkin Asher had seen. She was either half walrus or elephant. Gray skin, tusks coming out of her mouth, she wore a thick heavy apron. 


“Prime,” Eliffy said. “Picking up my future husband.” 


“Husband?” The woman asked. Her eyes drawn to Asher she looked him up and down. “I know you. You’re the Lawful Good.” 


“That I am,” Asher said. “And you are?” 


“Sorry, this is Linang,” Eliffy said. “The guildmaster of Black Cloud.”


“Oh, great to meet you,” Asher said. Shaking her hand the woman squeezed it hard. Asher gave as good as he got, but he could tell she was a much higher level. She was also a good 5 inches taller too. 


“A man actually tamed this dion?” Linang asked. “And the Lawful Good?” 


“I haven’t tamed anyone,” Asher said. “Elffy is still the wild woman I fell for. What’s a guy gotta do to get a drink?” He asked releasing her hand. The woman barked a laugh and moved over to some taps. She poured some drinks for the girls, but for him she pulled out a thick jug of something. 


“This here is a hero’s drink,” Linang said. “We call it the quitter.” 


“Don’t do it!” Someone from the background yelled. 


“Do it,” Eliffy said. Linang poured a glass. The liquid was thick like syrup. 


“100% alcohol,” Linang promised, pushing it forward. “Some minor hallucinogens and inhibitors mixed in. Blood of a karlax beast too.”


“I don’t know, I’m a lightweight,” Asher said. “The last time I got drunk I made a few hundred people have sex.” 


“That story was true?” Linang asked, her eyes widening. 


“I mean there was an aphrodisiac involved,” Asher said. “I assume this doesn’t have any of that in there.” 


“I hope not,” Linang said, trying to pull it back towards her. 


“I hope so,” Eliffy said, grabbing it. “It’s a right of passage for guildies. You have to.” 


“Well shit, pour me one too,” Joon said. She grabbed Genevieve and made her move up to the bar top as well. Linang eyed Eliffy. 


“Can’t back down now,” Eliffy said. Linang rolled her eyes but poured 2 more shot glasses. Gen did not look excited. Joon looked far too excited. Asher was hesitant but took the cup anyway. The trio clinked the glasses together and poured the liquid down their throats. It didn’t want to go of course. The syrup moved down into their mouths slowly. It tasted like diesel. Asher changed his tastebuds to ambrosia but it barely helped. 


Forcing the thick liquid down he coughed and sputtered as his vision blurred. It took him a long time to get it down, but the taste stuck in his mouth. Linang poured a beer for each of them and they began chugging them down to help with the taste. 


“God that’s awful,” Asher wheezed as he tried to make his mouth forget. 


“Now the party can really begin,” Eliffy said. Pulling him away she started introducing him around. Asher went through a whirlwind of names. Trying to stay alert he missed a lot of them, but Eliffy continued to take him to table after table. 


When they had gone around the whole place she sat them down and the trio finally began to sober up a little. “Damn that was strong,” Joon said as she sipped a new beer. 


“It was,” Gen said. “I think I’m dying. It’s stuck in my stomach.” 

“You’ll be fine,” Eliffy said. 


“Tell us how you joined up here,” Asher said. 

“Black Cloud is pretty famous,” she said. “We are pretty close to Prime, so that’s how I know so much about it. I started here and Linang was nice enough to let me join, even though I was pretty low level.” 


“What do you do? How do you get dungeons?” 


“A lot of people have no interest in dungeons,” she said. “Or they don’t have the resources to maximize them. We have contracts with a lot of planets to clear them. We give them a cut of monster parts. There are also a lot of uncivilized planets that no one is on. Sometimes Tier III or IV dungeons are found on them and people sell us the information. That’s what happened on my last one.” 


“You really the Lawful Good?” A female asked. She was a short dwarf elf. Long black hair she wore leathers and had a tall staff at her back. Tall for her anyway. She was only about 4’-6” tall. 


“I am,” he said. “How can I help you?” 


“I heard your dick is so big it ripped a dwarf elf in half,” she said. 


Asher laughed. “Not in half,” he said. “Quarters.” She looked up at him angrily as he laughed louder. He was still a little drunk. “No, they were both fine afterward.” 


“I heard you killed a blood elf cus you wanted his woman,” a man said stepping up. 


“I killed him because he challenged me to a death duel,” Asher said. “Because I wanted his fiance is irrelevant.” The room was quiet but then burst into uproarious laughter. A few more stepped up. 


“You really slap a high human?” One asked. 


“I don’t think so,” Asher said. “Not yet anyway. I’ve told a few to fuck off. And made one cum so hard they lost a duel with me.” Asher looked around. Their table was surrounded by all types of people. Genevieve had a drunken smile on her face. Joon sipped her beer. Eliffy practically glowed as everyone stared at them. 


“How’d you get that Destro boss?” One person asked. “I watched it and still can’t believe you survived.” 


“The trick with destruction mana is to just not let it touch you,” Asher said. He guessed this is why Eliffy wanted him there. So he started telling the story about the Destruction boss. That led to the Golden Jojo. Then his trial. People kept buying him drinks. Gen, Joon, and Eliffy happily sat around listening as the guild members gathered around. Even Linang joined eventually. At some point last call went out, but people hung around. 


Asher was talking to one of the wolfkins as the dwarf elf woman sat on his lap as a girl walked in. He didn’t notice her at first, but something caught his eye. Her tall ears, white hair, and pink skin were a dead giveaway. She stepped up to the counter and asked for the guild master. Linang was passed out at the table next to them. 


“Azya,” Asher yelled. “Over here.” The blood elf turned to look over. Her eyes didn’t register him at first. As he set the dozing dwarf elf in the chair next to him he got up and opened his arms. 


“Asher?!” She yelled. Running up to him she knocked him down as they went to the ground. “It can’t be you. Is it?” She cried into his chest rubbing her face against his shirt.

“It’s me,” he said. “I’ve been waiting.”    


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