This S.O.B. System


In the morning Ash woke up to Tiff and Lulu blowing him. Both taking turns they each had 3 tiny tongues in their mouth as they stimulated every inch of his dick. Tiff would thrust down until she came hard then move to his balls. Lulu would go down and up slowly. Her tongues dancing on his shaft as she did. Tiff sucking and doing the same with her tongues on his testicles. He came hard only for them to continue. 

Karhoribol woke up at some point and noticed the girls and their tongues. Without saying a word Tiff moved over to her and began licking over her body with the many tongues. The nereid began to pant as they slid across her nipples then down her abs to her pussy. She was a screaming and squirting mess very quickly. 


This caused the other girls to wake. Asher had to make his Stunt Double to appease them all before work. When it was close to class time they dropped Karhoribol on her floor of rooms. She stumbled out of the elevator in a daze. Though he assumed she was higher level, she may not have had the sexual stamina they all possessed. 


“Think she will come back?” Asher asked. 


“Definitely,” Tiff said without hesitation. “Now I want to hear about this elemental world we are going to.”


“Oh my gods, it was everything I had dreamed,” Nsabita said. “They had these floating mountains way off in the distance…” She explained the few things they had seen. They tentatively planned to check it out that weekend with the other girls. Chatting about what Asher missed in class it didn’t take long for them to make it to the Sex Mana room. 

The girls were abuzz with chatter as always. A far cry from the quiet class he had first entered those months ago, Asher much preferred this. He wished he had something to do with their excited attitude, but wasn’t sure if it was because of him. The high humans grouped together, as well as regular humans, and beastkin. Bezel, his limax lover was the only one of her kind there and sat with the beastkin. She gave him a smile as he stepped up. 


She had been back week after week, and was the first to get Tiffany’s team the points for challenging Lulu. The girl had a lot of lust. He wondered if all limax were like that or just her. They had been able to glean information from her about the Aartiliak Empire, but she was young and didn’t know a whole lot. Other things she said flat out that she couldn’t discuss. They still hoped to get more information, but for now she was simply their play thing as they showed her the wonders of sex. She took it all and learned hungrily. 


“Good morning, class,” Asher said from his podium. “Remember that I will be taking the Celibacy Skill book when the semester is over here in a few weeks. If you want to awaken sex mana or you have a need to learn the skill, please let Nsabita know.” 


A few girls had wanted the skill badly. Asher didn’t ask questions and lent it to them. No one had heard of it before. Everyone that wanted the skill had learned it. He had let them practice it on him during class. Admitting he could control his Libido he confirmed that it dropped it down, but he had such control that it only lasted for 5 minutes. 


“Also, I know that Tiffany’s team is currently winning. Everyone agreed to the concert in the park. Nsabita got approval for the concert on the housing level near the pond. I would like a few volunteers to plan the party. I’m sure lots of people will show up. We spent 500 Syscos on the band. There is still 590 Syscos for the party itself. Joon has approval to spend what she sees fit. Those of you that like that sort of thing, please talk to her.” There were some excited whispers in the crowd. 


“The dueling tournament is in 20 days. End of school is in 24 days. Our party is in 25 days,” Asher said. “As I understand the tournament there will be different tournaments based on levels. For those of you signed up for the tournament the point distribution will be 100 points if you win the division. Despite whose team you are on. If 90 points for 2nd place, 80 for 3rd, etcetera.”


Asher looked around, a lot of them were fighters, but not all. “Yesterday it was brought to my attention that some of you may be writing academic papers on Sex Mana,” Asher said. “Because not everyone here is a fighter, I am adding an extra challenge. If you want to write a report on Sex Mana and submit it to me I would be happy to award points for your team.” 


“Seriously?” One of the human girls asked excitedly. 


“Of course,” Asher said. “Academic endeavors are just as important as physical. There was barely any information on Sex mana when I started researching for this class. I would love to see some published material on it.” 


“What kind of things can we write?” Another girl asked. 


Asher thought about it. “Up to you. I read a paper on the strongest mana type for fighting. Sex wasn’t on it. I think we can all agree it’s good in a fight.” There were a few chuckles. No one had challenged him since Mael because of his sex mana use. “Maybe write a satire explaining the applicability of sex mana in a fight? Explain how it is often between 2 people like a duel. But it’s the funnest duel out there. Sometimes you have to fight more than one person.” Asher gave his wives a look. They shared it.


“You could look at birth rates of people with Sex Systems versus those that don’t have any. I bet there is a big correlation between the 2. You could do a report on the different sex gods you know of. How they affected the people’s Systems as they Initialized. You could do an anonymous poll on those that have a low affinity to Sex mana in the Academy. I would be interested in the numbers. Maybe everyone on Prime has it, but not as their main affinity. It would be good to know why so many repress or ignore it.” 

There were more than a few interested. “Let’s say 3,000 words. But if the subject is good enough, I’m not against awarding points. If I receive enough submittals I would like to have them read in class. If people are nervous, I can read them of course. I for one think that our end of class activities are far more…truthful about the joys of sex than what could be said in a paper. But I understand there is still hesitation.” 


Asher looked around, a few people wrote on papers. He called for Lulu. She changed to her human form and began walking around the room. A tentacle was offered to people. Most took it. Lulu surrounded it in her Sex Mana and made them feel good, but again, not enough to make them orgasm. Lulu was a big hit in the class. She would go around in her human form, then play on a few girls in her small tentacle form later on. 


“Today I want to talk about fertility…” Asher continued on with class. His class ended with the typical groaning as women came. The rest of the day was pretty standard. 



“It’s time girls,” Tiffany said. Asher stopped humping into her as her alarm went off. Releasing her nipple from his mouth he looked up as the other girls groaned. He had been fucking Genevieve as Nsabita sat on his face with his other body. Joon and Zora were 69ing, but the words from Tiff were enough to put a pause on the fun. 


“What’s up?” Asher asked. 

“Cum quick, it’s our date time,” Tiffany said. 


“Oh right,” Asher said. Leaning over he kissed her as he cast Casanova on his dick. They came together pushing into one another as they gasped. Asher kissed her hard as he did. As they finished he asked, “What will you all be doing?” 


“Fucking you,” Joon said. She slapped his Stunt Doubles ass. Asher grabbed her arms and kissed her. His dick poking into her abs Tiff pinched his real ass. 


“Stop, you all can do what you want with the Stunt Double. I get the real thing tonight,” Tiff said. 


“Yeah, yeah,” Zora said. She kissed Tiffany hard. 


“Come on girls. Let’s go on a way better date than these 2,” Asher said. He picked up Gen and Zora and was out the door. They dressed quickly. He was getting better at splitting their minds. 


“Don’t listen to him,” Asher said. “Our date will be way better.”


“Duh,” Tiffany said. She pulled him in for a kiss. Asher put on his clothes. “What are you doing?” 


“Um, dressing… for our date?” 


“We aren’t leaving the house,” Tiffany said. “I just want some alone time for once. And some other things.” 


“Ok,” Asher said. Taking his clothes off he princess carried her to the main room. “Shall we cuddle and watch TV? Or order in? Or sit by the fire?” Asher asked. 


“All of the above,” she said. Asher set her down at the sofa in front of the fireplace. Still nude he pushed the button for the fire to start. Rolling over her he spooned her and kissed her neck. 


“Damn it’s been a long time since we’ve done this,” he said. 


“I agree,” she said. “I love the girls, but sometimes I miss this.” Asher hated to admit it, but he did too. 


“Do you regret it?” Asher asked. “Letting others join us?” 


Tiffany was quiet for a time. “Sometimes,” she admitted. “But I’m never lonely. If I wanted to be alone I could walk out the door and think. Then I would just wonder what you all were doing. Like right now, what are you doing with the others?”


“We are currently in the lobby,” he said with a chuckle. Asher pulled her in closer. Her breasts were still large for him as he groped and fondled. “I love you and your body,” he said. “I want you all the time.” He nibbled on her neck. 


“Not sick of me yet?” She asked, leaning into the kiss. 


“Never,” he said truthfully. Zora was on his back in a piggy back ride as she whispered sweet nothings in his ear. “Zora asks which hole of yours I’m in.” Tiffany laughed. Wiping a tear from her eye he asked, “What’s wrong?” 


“I’m just happy,” she said. “It comes and goes. Sometimes I’m still sad we aren’t pregnant. Most times I’m glad I’m not. This whole quest thing has helped me accept that we really aren’t in control of everything.” Asher stopped nibbling on her neck. Instead he licked her from ear to cheek. “Ewww,” she said, elbowing him.


Asher chuckled. “Sorry, wasn’t in control,” he said. She tried to fight him more but he finagled her to turn around to face him. He looked into her eyes, and only glanced down to her cleavage once or twice. “I love you. And I’ve been thinking on it more. I see now why you acted the way you did with Dea. She was so young and innocent, and we were all she had. I’m sorry for trying to stop you back then. We really should accept everyone.”

Her eyes still sparkled with tears. “So you’re admitting I was right?” 


“You’re always right,” he said. “Sometimes it takes me time to see it.” He pulled her in closer. “We have 2 kids on the way. Let’s be thankful for that. And when we see Dea again, I will do better at trying to make amends for the way I acted.” 


“Good,” Tiff said. “I would hate for the Queen of Death to have to kill you.”


“So should we get to the baby making again?” Asher asked. His dick hardened as it poked her. 


“I would love to,” Tiff said. “But as you know, Joon disappeared.” Asher’s double turned around to see that Joon had disappeared from behind him. Asher gave Tiff a weird look as the portal opened. Siela Fulbright stepped in from the portal next to them. She stared straight ahead, not seeing them. 


“Hello Siela,” Tiffany said as the portal closed. Joon was soon back with Double Asher. He was slowly understanding what was going on. Siela looked down at them, her eyes widening as she noticed their state of undress. 


“Hello,” she meekly said with a blush. 


“Change of plans,” Tiffany said. “Dress up.” Her body was bathed in light as she was clothed. Asher did the same as they sat up. 


“What’s up?” Asher asked. His Double didn’t risk saying anything to the other girls. They had agreed to go to the mall sector and go shopping. 


“I have been talking with Siela,” Tiffany admitted. Standing up she moved to be in front of the tall high human. “After some testing we thought it best to have a first date here, where no one could see.” 


“Really?” Asher asked. “And what should we do for a date?” 


“I think a fun game of truth or date would be good to get to know one another,” Tiffany said. She gave the high human a once over and headed to the mini-bar. She began mixing some drinks as she whistled. 


“I’m sorry, did you really plan this?” Asher asked Siela. 


“No, this was all Tiffany,” Siela said. She wore her simple red cloth shirt. It was 2 strips of cloth that went from waist to over her shoulders. Her large breasts hung loosely in it. In a short white skirt she wore thong sandals. Her long black hair was braided at the back. “She told me to be outside the student residence at a certain time, and that was it. I did not expect…” Her eyes wandered over him. 


“Yeah, sorry,” Tiffany said. “I was sick of the whole will they won’t they, thing.” She walked back with 3 glasses. “No one should suspect that you’re up here with Asher since he is away with the others. I thought it was a great time to get to know you. I mean,” she studied the high human. “As long as you still want us.” Siela blushed as she took one of the drinks. She gave a slight nod. “Perfect. Let’s sit.”

A small coffee table between the sofas and the fire she sat by it. Asher sat at a corner, Siela the other. “I would be lying if I said there were no expectations,” Tiffany said. “Instead I will say there is no pressure. Joon can have you back to your room if you want. I just have to give her a call. But I think you want to be here. And we surely want you here, Siela.” Siela sipped her drink. 


“Thank you,” she said quietly. 


“Good, I know we each have intimate knowledge of one another but let’s treat this as our first date,” Tiffany said. “So let’s get to know one another with a game we like to call Truth or Dare.” She pulled out a liquor bottle from her ring and set it on the table. 


“The rules are simple. Someone asks you truth or dare. If you pick truth, they ask you a question. You have to answer. If you don’t you have to drink a shot of this.” She pointed to the liquor bottle. Opening it up she made 3 shot glasses appear and began pouring some out into them. “If you pick dare, you have to do the dare, or a take a drink. We good? Let’s start.” Grabbing one of the shot glasses she picked it up. Asher did the same, and Siela hesitantly followed. 


“To us,” Tiffany said. Clinking the glasses she downed it easily. Asher threw it back but coughed loudly as it hit his throat. It took effort to force it down. Asher looked over and Siela had drank it easily. “Don’t mind Ash, he’s a lightweight,” Tiffany said. Siela smiled. Asher realized he might be the one in trouble as Tiffany poured shots again. 


“Me first,” Tiffany said. “Asher, truth or dare.” 


“Truth,” he said, recovering from the alcohol taste. 


“Most embarrassing child hood memory?” Tiff asked. 


Asher had to think about it. “From what I can remember? Or what I’ve been told about?” He asked. 


“Both,” Tiff said. 

Asher frowned. “My mother always tells me a story of how I ripped off my diaper and peed everywhere at a church event,” he said. Tiffany laughed louder than the story was worth. “But I was too young to remember. Of those I can remember hmmm, I asked your step-mom to marry me.” 


“Anita?” Tiffany asked. “When?” 

“I was about 6,” Asher said. “I didn’t know what it meant.” 


“Got a thing for blondes?” She asked. 


“Not anymore,” he admitted. She smiled and leaned over giving him a kiss. “My turn, Siela, truth or dare?” 


“Truth,” she said confidently. It was an easy game to understand. She had a sweet smile on her face as she studied him. 


“No fun,” Asher said, rolling his eyes. “Hmmm, favorite childhood memory?” He asked. 


Siela’s eyes brightened as she thought about it. “My first monster kill,” she said. “There aren’t many around Central. But somehow a gnoll found its way on our property. I was 10 or so. I killed it, and my status screen showed up that day. I leveled up with the kill.”


“Oh my sexy warrior woman,” Tiffany said. Siela blushed. “Your turn.” 

“Who do I ask?”


“Whoever you want,” Tiffany said. “But when it comes back to me, we will be doing another shot.” Asher sighed, he was getting drunk that night whether he liked it or not. He wondered if he would have double the tolerance with his clone, or would his double get drunk as well. He got off the Sector Pod with the other girls and they began walking around the mall. 


“Fine then,” Siela said. “Tiffany, truth or dare.” 


“Dare,” Tiff picked. 

“I dare you to take these 3 shots,” Siela said. Asher had not expected that, but he laughed loudly as Tiffany frowned. Sitting up she picked 2 up and downed them. Then she took the last and swallowed it quickly. 

“Wow, that sucks when you do a lot,” she said. “Kiss.” She ordered leaning forward. Asher gave her a kiss and added spit to help with the taste. Then she was pouring the shots again and passing them out. They took them and her cheeks became rosy. “I am getting drunk tonight,” Tiff said shaking her head. Asher laughed as he felt the alcohol hit him. His Double stumbled, he was feeling it as well. 


“Fine then,” Tiffany said. “Siela, truth or dare.” 


“Dare,” Siela said with a wide smile on her face. 

Tiffany looked to the alcohol, then down to the high humans chest. “I dare you….to push your tits against the glass window for 5 whole seconds.” 

“What?” She asked. 

“You heard me. Miss virgin. Push your bare tits against the glass. Show the entire floor how great they look. Maybe someone will be lucky enough to see them.” Asher cackled a laugh. A lot of people would have trouble with the challenge. He had expected her to force the woman to drink, but humiliation would be harder for her. Siela considered taking the shot, but Tiffany goaded her into the dare. 


Asher stumbled up and helped Tiffany to her feet. They moved with the high human to the window. Watching she nervously looked outside. There was no one visible. Quickly she moved the cloth to the side, not showing off anything to the husband and wife. Tiffany counted loudly and at 5 Siela pulled them back and was clothed once more. 


“Very nice,” Tiffany said. “There's no way I can talk you into leaving the shirt off?” Her words slurred a little. 


“That wasn’t the dare,” Siela said confidently. Tiff sighed but nodded. They were back at the table, and it was his turn. 


“Siela, truth or dare,” Asher asked.


“Truth,” she said. 


“Why do you have a thing for heroes?” He asked. She blushed immediately. 


“You do?” Tiffany asked. 


“I do not,” she said. 


“Don’t lie,” Asher said. “It’s one of my skills.” He brought up his relationship screen. 


Relationship Screen (LVL 15)





Prefered Phallic Size

Erogenous Zone

Alice Campbell

Level 4





Zora Whitmore

Level 15


Impregnation/Wife Play



Tiffany Whitmore

Level 15





Lyola Lofgren

Level 10

Roktai Capital

Large Genitalia/Women



Amanda Neil

Level 1





Joon Sang

Level 10





Tillie Shubrun

Level 10

Roktai Capital




Prillish Klashsic

Level 1


Power/Different Species



Elifflee Ialna

Level 8


Bondage/Orgasm Control



Chartalla Ursa

Level 2


Rough Play/Submission



Azya Burill

Level 6





Genevieve Lambert

Level 4


Adventure/Public Places



Nsabita Dresca

Level 4


Strength/Large Genitalia



Siela Fulbright

Level 2





Karhoribol Nephan

Level 1







He hadn’t noticed Kar on there before. He didn’t think hair could be erogenous. Or that her kinks were a thing. He might have to look into that later. Since she was still on there he guessed she still liked him. But Siela’s was what interested him. 


“My best skills are related to sex. I can see what women are into. You get turned on by heroes,” he said. Tiff was quickly at the horny phase of her drunkenness. Sliding over on her knees she changed from jeans to a short skirt instantly. Her legs straddled his and she began kissing him. 


“There’s only 1 hero that turns me on,” Tiffany said hoarsely. Kissing him deeply his hands went to her smooth ass cheeks. The kiss was quickly heated as he tasted the alcohol on her lips. 


“Who?” He asked with a laugh. She slapped his side but laid her head on his chest as they turned to Siela. 


She smiled wryly staring at them. “You can take the shot,” Tiff said. “I would like this to be a regular occurrence. We have plenty of time to share our secrets.”


Siela bit her lip. Taking the shot in her hand she took it easily. No outward appearance Asher waited for her to ask her truth or dare. She didn’t. 


“My life was saved by a hero when I was a child,” she admitted. “My mom was killed when I was young. The official story was a fire.” Leaning over she grabbed another shot. Tiff stopped her and leaned over. Filling the empty one she and Asher took one. They downed them together. 


“We were on an Ethership. Headed to one of the planets in our solar system. A fire broke out. Later they found out it was a bomb. The airlocks blew. Sucked a lot of people out. The ship didn’t seal back up like it was supposed to. My mother and I were locked up in a room. She kept me warm. But there was no power on the ship. It got cold fast.” She shivered. Her eyes glistened with tears as he could tell she was reliving the event. 


“I’m not sure how long we were out there. Not very, I’m sure. But it felt like a long time. Next thing I know my mom is being pried off of me. A ship happened upon us. A small one just out between planets. He checked out our ship. Found me. I was the only survivor.” She chuckled. “They blamed him for it when we got back. Arrested him. He took it in stride. He knew how it was on Prime. After a few days they admitted it was sabotage. The man didn’t even have a quest to save me. Just went out of his way when he saw a ship in trouble. I was young. I didn’t know what happened.” She was full on crying at that point. Tiff sniffled as she leaned on his chest and studied Siela. 


“I saw your trial,” she admitted to Asher. “I lived on Central most of my life. But the last school semester I had plenty of roommates and friends watching with me. My dad was presiding over it, as you know. The other girls were all saying how you were guilty. No one could say what you did about the System and not be. The girls were of course trying to be on my good side. My dad is powerful. Their families probably instructed them to be on my side at all times.” She chuckled. Tiff stood up. The alcohol bottle in hand she sat next to Siela. 


The high human leaned her head on Tiff’s shoulder. Tiff moved her to lay her head on her lap. She began running her fingers through the unbraided part of her hair. Siela smiled up at her. 


“Then the Avatar showed up. Everyone shut up when he appeared. We had all heard stories. My father cowered in front of him. But you asked your question without fear. Even the girls with me in this section of Prime were shaking. The Avatar offered to let you kill anyone there. My father was somehow part of the conspiracy. Girls actually started crying that you would start murdering people. But you turned the other cheek. That’s when I started to question things. I looked into the hero that saved me. He wasn’t given an apology. They escorted him to the nearest portal and he disappeared.” Siela’s eyes were locked with his. 


“When I saw you on Central I thought you looked familiar. I didn’t put it together until I was told to drop your class. I was so scared to see you. I thought you’d hate me for what my father tried to do to you. I was more than excited that you didn’t appear to care,” she admitted.   


“Then I kept seeing you. Kept looking for reasons to try to run into you. I’d never felt this way before. You fought Mael and I was more worried about you. Then we went to the dungeon. I still don’t remember much but I remember my heart beating hard as I saw you. I should be dead.” Crying again Tiff dabbed at the girls eyes for her and stroked her hair. 


“I should be dead twice over. I feared you’d finish the job when I told you who my dad was. But you didn’t care. I could name 5 high human classmates who would have let me die without a thought. Girls in my dorm that I sleep a few doors down from. How is it right that I should fear my own people more than you?” She spat. Asher agreed. That was no way to live. 


“I’m sorry we don’t have a sad story like that to share,” Tiffany said. “But thank you for trusting it with us. And you’re right. We don’t want to get closer to you because of your connections. We want to get closer to you because you’re hot as fuck.” Siela turned to look up at her. She burst out laughing from the drunken and serious tone of his wife. Asher joined her. 


“I’m serious,” Tiff pouted. 


“She knows,” Asher assured her. He was bending Joon over a countertop in the back room of a store. With the drunken state he was in he was having trouble fighting the lust in both bodies. “Come on. Let’s continue this in our room.” 


Stumbling up he leaned over the girls. Pulling Siela up he stared at her perfect features. He understood her a little now, and accepted her feelings for him. Leaning forward he pulled her toward him. She hungrily began kissing him. 


Asher reciprocated. His hands wandering down to her ass he pushed his erection into her. Tiffany got up and stared at them. 


“Enough. You 2 are too tall. Bedroom,” she said. Asher pulled back a little. She jumped on his back. Sweeping the high human off her feet he princess carried her to their room. Siela locked eyes with him as they walked. 


At the foot of the bed he turned to let Tiff drop onto it. “Perfect,” she said standing on the mattress. “More truth or dare,” she said. “But only dares now.” Tapping her chin she thought for a moment. “I dare you, Asher, to make her cum without using your hands.”


Asher set Siela down on the mattress. “Safe word?”


“Tonight it shall be…Geronimo. If you feel uncomfortable or want to slow down. You simply say that word,” Tiff explained. 


“Fair enough. Would you mind undressing?” Asher asked. Siela was bathed in a white light. 


“No fair. You were supposed to do it,” Tiffany said. 


“Hey, I used my mouth. Not my hands,” he defended. Before Siela could put her clothes back on he was leaning over her body. Kissing her. She moaned in his mouth as he did. 


“Siela, I dare you not to cum,” Tiffany whispered. She moved herself to sit above them on the bed. Her legs opened wide Asher and Siela were between them. 


“No fair,” Siela said, but didn’t deny it. She touched all over his body but he kept his hands firmly planted on the mattress. Slowly his lips moved from her mouth to her chin. Then he was nibbling on her neck. His clothes disappeared as her body bucked into him. 


With a gasp her hand went down to his rock hard dick. Asher continued to move downward. Kissing and licking every inch of her large breasts she began to pant. Casting Casanova in his lips and tongue he knew it wouldn’t take her long. Everything he did felt 10 times better than it should with his Ahegao skill. 


He eventually made it to her pussy mound. The hairless muff was smooth as can be as he kissed it. Staring up at her between the valley of her tits he loved the view as she bit her lip watching him. She refused to open her legs for him. Since he couldn’t use his hands he did what he could. 


Moving his mouth to her thigh gap he poured mana into his tongue. The muscle lengthened and began sliding down her drenched lips. She sputtered trying to keep herself from cumming. Asher’s tongue snuggled between her lower lips. Simply nestled inside he moved it a millimeter to the left and right. She began to scream instantly. 


Cumming hard her legs squeezed together as her hands went to her tits. Her whole body shuddering he continued to let his long tongue cover her dripping wet pussy. When she eventually finished Siela let out a long sigh. 


“You lose,” Tiff said. 


“Did I?” Siela asked. 


“Well not really. But still. You lost the challenge. Now Asher gets to pick a dare for you.”


Asher made his tongue shorter. He was tempted to make her take a shot of him, but he was done waiting. “I dare you to wear this,” he said. Pulling out a blindfold Tiffany took it and put it on the high human over her eyes. Instantly Tiff began licking her nipple. Asher watched as the 3 small tongues in her mouth began to circle the areola. 


Moving his mouth to the other nipple he used Casanova on his tongue as he licked and nibbled on it. Siela’s hands went to the back of their heads as she pushed them closer to her. Asher began lining his cockhead wifh her pussy. The glans slid inside slowly. When she noticed Siela began to pant. Asher and Tiff continued on her nipples as he descended inside of her. 


He came to the maidenhead and slowly pushed through. Casting Healing Touch she let out a sigh as he continued inside of her. When he was all the way in, Tiff got off of her tit. Making her own balloon out she moved one to Siela’s mouth. The woman hungrily began licking the tiny nipple. Her eyes covered by the blindfold Asher began to kiss Tiffany. 


Casting Casanova on his dick Siela screamed as she came hard. Her muscles tightening around him he groaned while starting to pull out and thrust into her. 


Unable to help herself Siela pulled off the blindfold. Her hands going to Tiffany’s tits she began to lick and nibble both nipples. Asher sped up as he cycled mana in his dick. Making it vibrate the high human screamed as she came again. 


Asher grew his dick inch by inch until it was 12 inches inside of her. The girls legs did the splits as his hands gripped her thighs. His Kama sutra skill helping her loosen up. Pounding into her he sped up as orgasms rocked her body. With a groan Asher slammed in hard one final time and came inside her. She gasped and sputtered as her legs quivered. Hands on her own tits she moaned as another orgasm hit her. 


Tiff pulled her tits out of her face to let her breath. “Holy fuck,” Siela said. “You weren’t joking about going easy on us in class.”


“You don’t know the half of it Siela,” Tiffany said. “He could make you catatonic with his skills if you wanted.”


“I want,” she said. 


“Later. We will have plenty of opportunities,” Tiffany leaned over and began kissing her. “Now that you’ve given him your virginity maybe you have to stay late in class tomorrow. You can have a quickie. One that will leave your legs shaking and cum leaking from you the rest of the day.” Siela shivered with the idea. “Or maybe we will help him sneak into your room. You couldn’t make a sound while he fucks you over and over.” 


Siela bit her lip. He felt her get wetter at the idea. “But for now. I want my husbands cum. Sit on my face. And you, you get my ass,” Tiffany said to him. Asher smiled widely. Tiffany laid down. Siela hesitantly moved to her face. 


Tiffany dove into her pussy. Her tongues made the poor girl scream. Asher lined himself up with Tiffany’s ass and slid in slowly. Pulling Siela’s face to his they made out as Tiffany and the high human came over and over. 


Eventually Lulu woke up and joined in. Asher made 2 dicks. Tiffany on Lulus back he fucked both of their pussies as the shoggoth ate another load of Asher’s cum out of Siela. All the while he and the other girls had found a hotel and he was fucking the 4 of them into unconsciousness. 

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