This S.O.B. System


Asher woke up in a pile of pillows. They weren’t the fun kind, but the normal ornate cushions in Lyola’s room. The fun kind of pillows were around him, but instead of bare they were covered in cute pajamas. Pink cats, black butterflies, plaid button downs, a spiderweb Halloween set, and Asher’s large shirts adorned the girls. 


Siela and Dea didn’t bring pajamas, or know what they were. Tiffany pulled out a trove of his shirts she kept in reserve. The Primeval and high human awkwardly put them on but were now happily asleep spooned by one person or another. 


It had taken some of Tiff’s magic to get Dea to fall asleep. Hundreds of levels high, she admitted to no longer needing it. She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept. Now she wore a small smile on her lips as Tiffany held her from behind. It was hard to imagine the woman had gone on a rampage a few hours before. 


Asher’s mana sense alerted him that someone was approaching. The mana signatures familiar, he used a condensed mana manifestation to pull him out of the pile of women. 


His absence was barely noticed as Zora rolled over to snuggle Dea. Asher waited at the side hall for his wives. 


“Husband?” Lyola asked loudly. Asher put his finger over his lips. 


“Hey babes,” Asher whispered. Grabbing her hand he pulled her and Tillie back down the hall a little. 


“Why are you here?” Lyola asked. “How are you here?” 


“Long story,” Asher said. He opened up a side bedroom and stepped in with them. The elves looked at him as they waited patiently. He couldn’t help but kiss them both on the lips. Bending down he kissed their bellies one by one as well. 


Lyola was about ready to pop by that point. Only a few days from her expected delivery date, The elf was extra cute as she stared up at him. 


“Ok, where to start?” He asked himself. “We finished our red quest.”


“And you’re fine? Where are the others?” Tillie asked. 


“Everyone’s on your pile of pillows. We finished our quest and came here last night. Joon made a portal straight to the pillow room. We expected to find you there last night. But thought it best not to wake you both. We have been here for a couple of hours.”


“Pillows aren’t the best for sleeping on in our condition,” Lyola said. “Wait, how did Joon get past our Space mana protection array?”


“Joon said there’s a backdoor into your palace because of the portal you have. We may have to look at that later.” Lyola nodded. “Our red quest was a little unconventional. We um, had to stop our sponsor from blowing up Prime.”


“The Queen of Death?” Tillie hissed. 


“The same,” Asher said. “There was this meeting on Primeval. She showed up. Got a little pissed off. Started trying to kill the other Primevals and Prime was sort of collateral damage. It’s fine though. At least it was last night. Everyone’s alive and safe. I think only a few high humans ended up dead. Dea’s in the pillow room with the others. She didn’t explai-“


“You brought a Primeval here?” Lyola and Tillie asked as one. Asher nodded. Lyola began breathing in and out quickly. Her hand went to her side as she started walking around the room. Asher wasn’t sure what was going on, but he got the idea. He had seen movies. 


“Oh my god! Are you going into labor?” He asked. Hovering as he tried to follow her. 


Lyola didn’t answer but slowed as her breathing became more regular. “No!” She moaned through whatever pain she was feeling. “I am simply panicking because you brought a living calamity to Elantontrin.” She stopped and locked eyes with him. Asher’s gaze shyly went to the floor. “Why would you do this husband? I know she is your sponsor. But I need warnings for such an event. People need to know. And she tried to destroy Prime? What if they try to kill her here?”


“I doubt anyone can kill her,” he said. “She was fighting like 20 other Primevals at once. And they were getting their asses handed to them.”


“This does not make me feel better about her in our room,” Lyola said. A mix of disappointment and annoyance was clear on her face. Tillie shared the same expression. 


“I’m sorry, my loves. It sounded like a good idea at the time. I wanted her to meet you and our son. Dea had calmed down. Tiff kind of strong-armed her to come with us.”


“Our sister-wife is as reckless as you are,” Lyola said under her breath. “We have been very understanding of you and your relationship with your sponsor. It is high time you tell us everything. How are you so close? Are you sleeping with her?”


“No,” Asher said. “I’m not sleeping with her.” They hadn’t disclosed everything about Dea, just that he and Tiff had a certain kinship with the ancient woman. Asher pulled out the silencing charms he had bought and threw them around them. “Alright, time for the full truth about the 3rd Champion Trial,” Asher said. 


He explained everything. They knew about the orphan girl he had saved. Her name had been Deacia and Tiffany was very upset the small girl wasn’t real. Then they met Dea and she admitted that Deacia was a copy of her younger self. Connected to her copy through some weird System magic, she received memories from Deacia. Memories of a forgotten family and the copies feelings for Asher and Tiffany as they treated her like one of their own. 


“A Wist is an actual copy?” Tillie asked. “And she just so happened to be the Queen of Death?” Asher nodded. They asked many more clarifying questions, but eventually they were a little satisfied.


“Still, how can we trust her?” Lyola asked. “Primevals are known to act sporadically. You cannot be stronger than everyone and not expect everyone to treat you as such. I have heard stories of some destroying whole cities because they were angered.” 


Asher could see that. “I understand your hesitation. Why don’t we all plan a little meet and greet? She’s sleeping right now. We try to get to know one another. Figure out why she was so angry in the first place. And honestly just forget the whole thing. I finally finished my quest. Our son is coming soon. I should also be able to make it back to Earth for the Guild Trial.” 


Lyola and Tillie shared a look. “Do you really believe you can trust her?”


“Underneath it all, Dea is a person,” Asher said. “I think we need to treat her as such. She has good days and bad days. I would like it if everyone gave her a chance.” 


“Fine,” Lyola said. “For you.” 


“How about,” Asher said, cycling mana through his body. Another him formed a foot away and stared at the elves. “I help you both relax a little. You’re both very stressed,” he said from both of his mouths. Walking up to the elves they blushed but didn’t fight him as he pulled them to the bed. Making them sit side by side on the bed the Asher’s got behind them and began rubbing their shoulders. His level 13 Massage skill had to be good for something. 

They were quickly relaxing and groaning as he rubbed their tight muscles. “Where are you sleeping now?” Asher asked Lyola. He could have found them with his Relationship screen the night before, but didn’t want to wake them. 


“We had a large bed made,” Lyola said in between groans. Her body shivered as he kissed her neck. 


“We know how much you like them,” Tillie said. Her face blushed as he did the same to her neck. They were acting more and more like wives every time he saw them. Back when Asher had first met them, Tillie was more in the background. Now she was a part of everything. Her personality slowly appeared day by day as she came to terms with the fact that she was as much his as Lyola was. 


“I do,” Asher said. “We have a week till you are due, Lyola. Let me pamper you both before I have to go back home.” The girls nodded as he raised the Pheromones in the room and continued to rub their backs. It wasn’t long until they were laying on the bed as the Asher’s were between their legs. 


His hands on their bellies they began to pant as the female lovers held hands. Their eyes staring up at him he saw the love there. In their long night gowns he raised the skirts as his pants disappeared. His hard dicks poked their wet entrances. “I love you,” his mouths said. The girls began to pant as he entered slowly. Taking his time he let his Ahegao skill do its magic as it increased pleasure wherever his skin touched them. 


They groaned as he went inside them unhurried. Feeling everything of their sopping wet pussies. The muscles tightened as he hit their cervixes. Lyola and Tillie moaned as one as he did. Making his dick thicken and grow a little more, very slowly Lyola’s eyes fluttered. Tillie grit her teeth a little. 


Pulling out he stopped just before his glans exited. Then he moved back in. Ever so slowly they became wetter as he went in balls deep then pulled out and stopped before his dick was out of them. Feeling everything and going as slow as possible it took them a dozen thrusts like that and they came. Tillie was first as she gasped and her legs shook. Lyola wasn’t far behind as he kept moving inside of them. 


One orgasm down he sped up a little more. Another couple dozen more thrusts and they came again. This time they were simultaneous. Asher enjoyed the feel of them as their kegels tightened around him with the orgasms. He sped up again. Their faces flushed and they began to sweat as he did all the work. 


“You are more beautiful now,” he whispered in their ears. “I’ve never wanted you more. Your sexy bellies drive me wild.” They gasped and shook as they came a 3rd time. Asher joined them. Leaning over their bodies he kissed them as they moaned in his mouth. “We need to get married.” The elves nodded as they sighed. But he wasn’t done. 


Asher’s dicks began to vibrate as he cycled mana in and out of his dicks. The girls screamed as he cast Tantric. Casanova now everywhere he touched, they began to scream but not cum. Speeding up they yelled as his hands grabbed at their growing breasts, pinched nipples, and ran along thighs and ears. The duo didn’t cum, but continued to scream and moan as they lost the ability to speak.

Their voices cracking as they screamed louder he let the Tantric break and the 4 of them came as one. Spurts of his cum splashed hard inside their cunts as he filled them again. They let out high pitched squeals as their bodies were racked with orgasms. Their eyes crossing, tongues out of their mouths it had only been 13 days since they had seen him, but his skills were too much for them. Their bodies tightened as they shook and groaned. Lyola squirted on him as Tillie’s pussy writhed and drenched his cock. Asher did remember that sex was supposed to induce labor. He would have to find out if that was true over the next few days.


The girls passed out and the Asher’s dressed. He picked them up. Princess carrying them, the Doubles made their way down the hall to find this supposed bed they had made. It wasn’t long till he found it. The new room of theirs was just as big as the pillow one. The bed itself was much like the one they had on the Ethership but bigger. Asher set the girls down on the bed. Then he started doing runs from the pillow room to get them all. 


First Nsabita and Gen. Then Joon and Zora. Siela and Tiffany were next. Finally it was Dea’s turn. Picking her up her eyes immediately shot open. Death mana poured out of her, but Asher just pulled her head to his and kissed her forehead. “Calm it down,” he ordered. “Its still bed time.” Her eyes became angry, but then they relaxed and slowly shut. Asher chuckled as he walked her down the halls. His Stunt Double was moving the girls around and Asher decided to keep him for now and sleep as well. 



Everyone must have been exhausted because it wasn’t until Asher got another hour of sleep that he woke up to Tiffany kissing him. “I love you,” she said as he opened his eyes. 


“I love you,” he said with a smile. The noise woke up Lyola and she began kissing his Stunt Double as well. I love yous went all around as girl after girl woke up. Some of the kissing became heated, but no one started anything major. Asher felt like he was ready to make a 3rd Stunt Double since he could control both well, but that would wait for another time. 


Asher finagled them off the bed and they moved to a large table set up for them. “We are all back together,” Asher said happily. More girls woke up and joined them at the table. “Lyola, Tillie, I know you met Siela at the auction. She is a recent addition to…whatever we call our thing.” 

“Nice to see you again,” Siela said with a slight bow. 


“Can we expect an alliance?” Lyola asked the high human. Siela blushed. 


“At the moment, no,” Asher answered. “Alconsus Fulbright would not be receptive to that at this time. But our goal will be to make him see reason and accept the union in the future.” 


Lyola nodded. “Welcome to our family then. If that is what you want at least.” 


“It is,” Siela whispered as she continued to blush. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 

“For now, I have caught Lyola and Tillie up on what happened on Prime.”


“Yeah, I’m not too sure what happened myself,” Nsabita said. Genevieve nodded. “The last thing I remember is getting on the Sector Pod. Then Lulu was waking me up.” The other girls agreed and looked to him for an answer. 


“On our end,” Asher said. “Death mana caused our pod to get blown off Prime. I grabbed everyone and got us back to the station, but most rooms were vented to the vacuum of space. When I got to one that wasn’t vented my access badge worked but I passed out. Lulu pulled us all inside.” The small shoggoth moved out from Tiff’s shirt with the sound of her name. 


“Good job my little Lulu,” Tiffany said, kissing her. The tentacles of the small monster wiggled. 


“When I came to I made sure everyone was ok, then went to find Dea.”  


There were quite a few exclamations of surprise. “We were out in space?” Zora asked, a shiver running through her. 


“How the hell did you stay conscious?” Joon asked. 


“No idea,” Asher said. “I shrouded us in Physical mana to grab everyone. I assume that protected us a little. Pristine Necklaces don’t work in space, I know that now. We might have to look into space suits for the future.” 


“Yes,” Lyola said. Her eyes wide. “There are armor sets for space.” 


“Add that to the list to get,” Asher said with a sigh. There were a few space suits on the Ethership for repair purposes, but they hadn’t needed them. He also was still freaked out by space. That was a fear that needed to be overcome. 


“As far as what happened on Prime,” Asher said and looked to Siela.


“It was a typical meeting of the Primevals. It happens annually after the first semester of the year. This was my second time going to one. About 20 Primevals showed up. Yevus led it, but they had been discussing if they should kill you,” she said looking at Asher. “They thought your quest might jump to someone else if they did. The Queen of Death appeared after that.” They turned to look at Dea. She was sitting up at the center of the bed staring at them. In her sash clothes her pale white skin darkened with a blush as she looked away. 


“Come join us, Dea,” Asher said. With a wave he turned away and waited. It didn’t take long for her to move to a chair opposite everyone. Asher let out a sigh. Getting up he moved to a chair next to her. Tiffany did the same, then Zora and Joon. No one else made the move. They all eyed her. Fear in their eyes. “Feel better?” 


Dea stiffened with the question. Slowly she nodded. Asher let out a big yawn. “I know I do,” he said. “Your death mana really took it out of me.” 


“It tends to do that,” she whispered. 


“Why’s that?” Asher asked, trying to break the ice. 


“Death weakens everything,” she said, but didn’t explain further. 


“We are glad you joined us,” Tiffany said, chipper as ever. “I was afraid it would be months till you contacted us again. If I had known you were our quest I would have been more excited about it.” 


“What quest?” Dea asked, tension in her voice. 


“We got a quest months ago to save Prime,” Asher said unashamedly. “That’s why we were there. I got it from a person whose mana was from the future or something. At least that was how she explained it.” 


“No, she said my mana was from the future,” Joon said. 


“Oh right,” Asher said. “Either way she said the System gave her a Red Quest for me and the girls. The quest was supposedly from the future. Us specifically were needed to save Prime. Looks like we had to save it from you.” 


“Why did you do that?” Dea asked, anger flared her nostrils. “Why did you stop me?” 


Asher karate chopped her head again. She became angrier, but no mana leaked out. “Why do I need a reason to want to save people? I would have done the quest without the rewards. Besides, I promised I would. The quest giver gave us answers to questions we had, and the quest was her price. Seeing you again was just a bonus.” 


“Yeah Dea,” Tiffany said. “We had questions and you didn’t give us a way to contact you.” Tiffany frowned. “Now stop with the gloomy gal act. We are all back together. Let’s ignore the System for a while, and talk like real people. You are scaring my Lulu. Why were you trying to destroy Prime?” 


Dea looked between Tiff and Asher. Slowly she relaxed as she leaned back in her chair. “Because they pissed me off,” she said. “There is a lot you don’t know about the Primevals. A lot of bad blood and history.” 


“Then tell us about it,” Asher said. “How are we supposed to help you, if you don’t explain things? If you want to kill all the Primevals that’s fine. Next time we won’t get in your way. But I would appreciate if you talked to us about these things.” 


“You are like 2 mice acting like you can help governments solve their problems,” Dea spat. 


“Mice?” Asher asked. “I’d consider us more like ants compared to you Primevals. That mana you were all throwing around was quite gruesome. You about killed Siela there,” Asher said pointing to the high human. “But if we are so low compared to your mighty self, why didn’t you just kill me on Prime? I think you feel the same way about us as we feel about you. We are your friends and family, Dea. You can’t get rid of us that easily. We are here for you. If trying to help you is like an ant trying to change the world, then so be it. We will just have to become stronger until we can help someday.”


Dea looked up from the floor into his eyes. Her anger was gone and he noticed her face relax a little. He did his best to keep her gaze and not look at her body. The cloth strip of clothes that criss crossed her figure was rather tight. Sometimes it was hard to concentrate. 


Letting out a long sigh. “Why do you make me feel this way?” She asked herself. 


“Because you love us,” Tiffany said. “And we love you. Now stop with the stalling, and start with the answering. Why were you trying to kill your friends?” 


“The Primevals are not my friends,” Dea said vehemently. 


“Aiysoyim begs to differ,” Asher said. “She blessed my wives just because you were my sponsor. The elf was quite happy to hear you weren’t dead.” He pointed to the pregnant Lyola and Tillie. They didn’t flinch back from Dea’s stare as she looked between them. 


“Fine,” Dea said after she was done studying them. “Some are my friends. But there is a lot of bad blood between us.” 


“Then explain it,” Tiffany said. “We have all the time in the world, and nothing planned for the next few days. I want to spend it getting to know my favorite ancient d-friend.” She almost said daughter. Asher patted his wife’s hand. 


Dea rolled her eyes like some sort of teenager. “Alright,” Dea said. “It all started-” 

“Wait-wait-wait,” Tiffany said. “Do that light show thing again. Pictures help.” 


Dea chuckled and began again as the room darkened and a scene appeared in the middle of them. “Eliffy is going to be pissed she missed this,” Joon whispered as figures appeared between them. 


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