This S.O.B. System


Abby Fitzgerald let out a sigh of relief as she flew through the air. Energy mana surrounding her she was about 100 feet up above the trees as she flew East. She left soon after her conversation with Asher. 


He had been right. There really was nothing holding her at Community. There were friends of course. She never really had much family growing up. The closest person to her had been her mother. But Abby still hadn’t found her yet. Abby held out hope she was somewhere in the world, but for now she was happy to be on her own. 


Free of worry and responsibility she planned to continue striving for her goal to become the strongest. Her Saiyan blood demanded it of her. To challenge herself, push further. And now she was on that journey. 


Her rendezvous point just ahead she wasn’t too surprised to feel the familiar mana signature. She was just surprised to sense another familiar one. 


When she came closer Abby descended and pushed through the leaves to find a group of 3. There was Atalanta of course. The orange haired girl was Abby’s target. Having run off some time ago Atty had been in search of old friends for a few weeks by that point. 


Next to her was another friend of Abby’s. Amanda Neil. She was a strong woman with long dark curly hair. Abby had been friends with her for years since they were some of the oldest members in Community. The once Detective System user was a surprise though. Last she had seen Amanda the girl had been pining after Asher. Something that Atty was guilty of. 


Next to Amanda was a man. He wasn’t overly tall. Maybe a little taller than Amanda. He had brown hair and was wearing a suit of armor. In his hand was a large black blade. Not as big as Asher’s but still big. Maybe 4 feet tall and thick. 


“There you are,” Atty said walking up. “We’ve been waiting.”


“Who's your friend?” Abby asked. “And Amanda, how’d you get here?”


“Glider,” Amanda said. 


“And this is my friend,” Atty said. “Allen Smith. I found him a few days ago. We grew up in the orphanage together.”


“Oh cool,” Abby said. “Sorry. Just thought it would be you and me.” Abby had called 2 days ago and Atalanta had surprisingly answered. 


“Me too,” Atty said. “But Amanda here has something to say.”


Abby looked to Amanda. The girl blushed and looked to the ground. “Asher is leaving the planet,” she said. “For a while.”


“No big surprise there. He’s good at disappearing,” Abby said. “Come all the way here to say that?”


“No um,” Amanda continued. “I was with him when we met this woman from the future or something. She uh showed me visions from the future. And in a few of them I was with you 3.”


“Even me?” Allen asked. He looked more confused than Abby felt. This must have been the first time any of them were hearing this. 


“Mmm hmm,” Amanda nodded with a blush. “And well I asked her about them. She said that there is a place we could all get our answers. A dungeon on one of the new continents.”


“Convenient,” Abby said. “And you believe her?” 


Amanda nodded. Abby and Atty shared a look. “Cool, are there strong monsters?” Abby asked. 




They had been traveling for over a week by that point. Crossing the old U.S. then the ocean they were just now on the new continent between North America and Asia. 


It was a lush and green land. There had been a lot of monsters on the way but nothing too hard. Allen and Amanda were the lowest levels of the small party so they were in charge of cleanup as they made their way inland. 


Setting up for the night they sat around the fire talking. Abby finally felt comfortable enough to ask the question she had been wondering. 


“Allen, what is your System?” Abby actually liked the quiet man. Asher had ruined her for most. Obsessed with sex that’s all he talked about. Allen was more about the fighting and growing stronger. 


“Is that something I should hide?” He asked as he chewed on some boar meat. There had been a group of level 15 boars that morning. 


“The universe is pretty open about that,” Atty explained. Atalanta treated the man more like a friend. Pissed at Asher for leaving her behind she was still loyal to him. Allen was her childhood friend and that was why she looked for him in the first place. To try to make amends for some bad things she had supposedly done in the past. 


“Oh. Well mine is called the Clover Star System,” he said nonchalantly. 


There was stunned silence. “Oh shit, another hero,” Abby said.


“What’s that?” Allen asked, confused. So they had to explain more about Asher and his own Star System. It seemed Abby couldn’t go a day without talking about the man. 


“Cool,” Allen said, then started eating again. 


“What’s your System do? I’ve never once sensed mana off of you,” Amanda said. 


Abby turned to him and realized she was right. Even now Abby couldn’t sense the man with her Mana Sense though he was only 10 feet away.


“Not sure,” he said. “I got this sword. But not sure what it really does.” He pulled out his black blade. Abby wondered what the heck kind of hero didn’t use mana. She would look into it later. 


“What about you, Amanda?” Abby asked. “I’m curious what System you got when you stayed.”


“Oh,” Amanda said. “Nothing too special. I got the Bounty Hunter System.”




They were fighting their way through the bugs. Mana leaked out of them causing the group to cough and become ill. Abby stumbled but Atty pulled her up. 


She thought they might have to turn back but Allen jumped forward. Slashing the mana in front of them with his blade it dissipated. The bugs poured more mana but he slashed his sword and the mana was cut through like butter. 


“Come on,” he yelled, pushing them forward. His sword was like a shield as no mana could touch it. The group of bugs became thicker then they pushed through and the black portal appeared. 


“There!” Amanda yelled. She rushed forward her own mana pistol blasting bugs trying to get to the portal. Abby cursed and followed. They fell through the portal onto a glowing yellow rock. 


“Finally,” Amanda said with a sigh as they got up. “This is it. This is where we are supposed to be.” Abby got up to look around. The sky was dark, but the rocks all around them glowed a yellow light. 


“What now?” Atty asked as she helped Allen up. 


“Now we find the city of Dusk,” Amanda said as if that explained everything. Abby wanted more information but was stopped as she heard the bellow. 


The group turned to see a large red bull with 6 legs. Tusks coming out of his mouth he ducked and charged at the group. Abby cast ID. 


Yewent Bull

Level 57


Abby let out a laugh. Finally a one on one challenge. Flying forward she punched the bull hard. It staggered but kept going. She soon was hitting it for everything she was worth. The others joining in, doing their best to try to level. 




Abby punched through the wall. It had been a long 3 months in the Yewent dungeon. They found the city of Dusk fairly quickly. It got the name because yellow glowing rocks behind it looked like it was always dusk. 


The weird thing about the city was there were no people. Rock buildings stood abandoned. Abby was reminded of the Ruins of Loradmere delve she had watched back during the Champion Trials. 


Some ancient civilization that had died out. There were plenty of traps and treasure rooms. As well as monsters to fight in the city. Always Amanda pushed them forward. Searching for something she knew of, but not all the details. Abby was simply happy to have a challenge for leveling. 


Abby punched the wall again and again until it crumbled. Behind the wall was another room. This one had lights that were still running. Weapons scattered on the floor there was another black portal simply sitting inside the room.  


“Finally,” Amanda said. Stepping forward she walked up to the portal without hesitation. “Finally, finally, finally.”


“What?” Atalanta asked as the trio followed her. 


Amanda paused then turned back to them. Tears in her eyes she admitted, “I lied to you guys. This place doesn’t have what we are all looking for. Just me.”


Abby hadn’t really believed her to begin with. She only came for the challenge. Leveling a bunch, she had been able to push herself hard in the dungeon so she got what she wanted. 


“So what is it?” Abby asked. 


“It’s a portal to somewhere I’m supposed to be,” she said. “It’s something I saw in my future. A place that needs me.” Her eyes leaked tears. 


“Why lie then?” Atty asked, frowning. 


“Because I couldn’t have gotten here without you,” she said. Then shyly looked over to Allen. “And you’re supposed to go with me.”


“Me?” Allen asked. “Why?”


“I don’t know,” Amanda said. 


“Where does it go?”


“Don’t know that either,” she said unashamedly. 


“Then why should I?” He asked. 


Amanda moved closer to him. Her hand went out to his. “Cus I’ll be there.” Abby’s eyes widened. She had caught Allen looking at Amanda during their travels, but ignored it. The way he stammered and blushed she guessed he had a crush on her. And the way Amanda smiled at him she guessed it was well received. 


“Ok,” he whispered. 


“Seriously?!” Atty asked. “You’re just going to go off to some random planet? What if you never get back?”


“Hey,” Allen said. “We found each other once. And we will always be friends. But I mean, I love Amanda.” 


“What? Since when?”


“Since we met,” he said. His hand on hers. Amanda smiled over at him. She too had a stupid look on her face. 


“What about Asher!?” Atty asked. 


Amanda frowned. “Asher isn’t my future. I saw it clear as day. Allen is. This portal is. Sorry for dragging you guys along. And I know we will see each other one day. But we have to go.”


“Well shit. This is weird,” Abby said. “But okay. Whatever you want. It’s your life.”


They said their goodbyes to the now couple. Hugging and wishing them luck. Then without hesitation they stepped through and the portal winked out of existence. 


“That was weird as shit,” Atty said. “Were they banging behind our backs?”


“I didn’t see it,” Abby admitted. “I’m just happy another girl escaped the clutches of Asher. Now you just need to forget him.”


“Not likely,” Atty said. “The sex is just too good. You should try it sometime.”


“Oh fuck. I just remembered I’m stuck in here with you. And now that the only guy in the group is gone you’re already talking about sex.”


“Whatever, virgin,” Atty said. Abby groaned and the building began to shake. 


“Shit. Not good,” Abby said and they began running out of there. Still plenty to fight in the dungeon she had another level or 2 before her next skill. She was excited to see what it was. 

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