This S.O.B. System


Raul Luis had grown up with his Aunt and Uncle in a small apartment in downtown LA. He didn’t know this of course, he thought his Aunt was his mom, and Uncle was his dad. It wasn’t until he was 13 that his Aunt finally told him the truth. His parents had died escaping from South America. They died somewhere at sea. And at some the boat the young Raul was on washed ashore. 


The event had even been on the news. A boy less than one year old left on a boat all alone. His missing parents' bodies had caused many questions, but when they found the documents on the boat they were able to track his other family down. Soon he was placed in the care of his Aunt and Uncle, and his parents were forgotten. 


When his Aunt told him this it finally made sense. All the anger his Uncle had for him. The hate that was beat upon his small frail body had some justification now. There was no way a real father would treat their child that way. And when he came to this realization he received a message from above. 



You have awoken the SUPERMAN SYSTEM

Accept rewards



Of course he picked ‘Y’. Though he had never heard of a System, he had heard of Superman. Living in America his whole life, who didn’t know who Superman was? His first reward had been Invulnerability. Of course at level 1 it was still weak. But after that when his Uncle beat him it only made him stronger. Within a month the ability was level 3, and his Uncle’s hits no longer hurt.

Soon enough he was given a quest to stop a crime. With his invulnerability he had taken the beating of another man. With the reward from that he received Superhuman strength. This had been what he truly needed. A +20 to his strength stat, he was able to beat most anyone. They were not able to recognize any of his Uncle’s body when Raul was done with him. 


After that he was on his own. His Aunt didn’t want to be a part of his life, and he didn’t mind. He was Superman, nothing could hurt him. It was at that point that he found his first dungeon. A simple one, he only had to kill some skeletons. With his super strength they were nothing. 


Then he lived life how he wanted. See something, take it, see someone being hurt, save them. It was all possible with his powers. By the time he was 15 he found another dungeon. This one was much harder than the other one. With puzzles, monsters, and plenty of traps, it took him 8 years to clear it fully. But by the end he was very strong. Level 20. He had received many of Superman’s staple skills. X-Ray Vision, Cold breath, Enhanced hearing, they all had their uses. When he finished the dungeon he was given the power of Flight. Soon he was able to focus on that and level it up to give him superhuman speed. 


Around that time he found the System Group and met her. The group had sent him a letter at some point, so he decided to check it out. It was interesting, but Raul didn’t care for helping or getting help, he didn’t need it. Before he left the group for good he was approached by Penny Dalton. She said she had a Reporter System and wanted to get his information for the group website. 


He had stopped listening after Reporter System. It was like a lightning bolt struck him as he stared at her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and she was a reporter. Everyone knew Superman belonged with the reporter Lois Lane. It had to be fate, just like his System. 


So he spent the next few months getting to know her. Weekly meetings weren’t enough to see her, so he began to use his powers. No one expected to be followed by someone flying in the air, and with his speed, no one saw him. He spent months getting to know her every hobby and friend. He did have to get rid of a couple of friends that got too close to her, but mostly he just liked watching her throughout her day. 


When she finally agreed to a date he was elated. He had prepared everything. A nice dinner and a movie, he was a perfect gentleman. Paying for this and that, getting her flowers, he even bought her a necklace she had liked. At the end he took her home and expected a call. 


That call never came. Nothing ever came. Raul confronted her at the next meeting, but she had said they had gone out as friends. When he tried again and again to ask her out she had denied him. Eventually he realized how pushy he was being. He found another small dungeon and began working his way through it. He would still go to the meetings, but he gave her space, so it was fine. 

He still expected that call, but it never came. By that point he watched her so often he knew her interest in someone else by how she acted. Then week by week at meetings she would flirt with all kinds of men there. None were him though. It was getting harder to watch. When he received his most recent quest reward of Heat Vision he had had enough. 



It was Sunday night and Raul had finished practicing with his heat vision. He hadn’t gone to group in a while and unfortunately he was stuck at level 21. The low level dungeons had stopped giving him experience at this point. He had stumbled on another, but was hesitant to check it out.


With nothing else to do he flew toward Penny’s home. Raul knew the neighborhood like the back of his hand. He had spent hours overhead. Listening and watching. 


Now as he lowered from the sky to her back yard he listened to the night air. With his super hearing he could hear everything within a few houses around him. The dog next door barked at passing cars. Parents put the kids to bed across the street. A dad fell asleep watching the news. Another couple began to have sex. Their moans and sweet talk brought a smile to his face. 


Until he recognized one of the voices that is. One of them was his Penny. Before he knew it he catapulted from the grassy yard into her bedroom. The wall shattered in a million pieces as he burst through. Screams and yells from the room, he was met with an older man. His flaccid penis dangled as he stared at Raul. 


Unbidden, the heat vision came to his eyes. First scorching the other man’s penis then it moved up from groin to eyes. The man yelled as he fell back. He was not dead, yet. His heat vision was still too low level. 


“What did he do to you?” Raul demanded her. 


“What the fuck you psycho!” She screamed at him. His eyes glowed red making her shrink back in fear. 


“I gave you enough time. You are mine Penny,” he ordered. He was next to her in an instant. He grabbed her wrist as he began to walk to the hole in the wall. She fought him, but her level was far too low to matter. 


The man he had attacked groaned across the room. “Lloyd,” she said to him. Worry in her voice. 


Angry at the concern she showed the man Raul breathed cold air on him. One of his highest level skills, it froze the man in seconds. Barely any mana was used. 


With the man’s death Raul received a notification of experience gained. Interesting, he thought as he held Penny and flew off into the night air. 

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