This S.O.B. System


Asher woke up with his alarm. He had set it for 5am, so it was at least an hour before his parents were up. Tiffany, still asleep beside him, he began to kiss her thick lips. His hand going to her ass, it wasn’t long before she opened her eyes. 


“Hello, girlfriend,” he said. 


“Good morning, boyfriend,” she said with a smile as she stretched. 


They sat there for a moment just staring into one another’s eyes. “Come on, let’s take a shower.”

With that they both got up. Asher’s room was across the hall from the restroom. His parent’s room was at the end of the hall, but luckily they had their own bathroom connected to their room and a spare room. Asher peeked out the door, and with the all clear Tiffany snuck with him across the hall, giggling all the way. 


When they were naked they didn’t try to fight the lust. Inside the shower he pushed her into the tiled wall. The water cascading down their bodies she let out a moan as he began to kiss her neck and squeeze her breasts. Soon his hand began to wander down her hairless skin until he was at her pussy. First playing with her clit, her body jolted as if shocked. 

“Why is it so different when you do it?” She whispered. 


“I have a skill for that,” he said as 2 fingers parted her lower lips and another entered her. Hooking his middle finger toward him he began to work her G-spot. As she began to moan he put his mouth over hers to stifle the sound. Her long tongue was in his mouth as they made out. It wasn’t long until her body convulsed and she came on his hand. Her squirt disappeared with the shower water.


“I love morning sex,” she said. Her eyes widening, it was like she was finally awake. 


She put her hand on his chest and pushed him away. “My parents might wake up,” he tried to say weakly. But soon she was on her knees in the shower. His back to the shower head he had full view as she extended her tongue to its full length. Over 4 inches stretched outside of her mouth. It was half the length of his dick. He knew this because she rested it atop his dick for a moment. 


“God that's hot,” he said. She then ran her tongue along his cock to the other side. Her tongue on the bottom Tiff began to slowly move her open mouth to accept his cockhead. With a groan he closed his eyes as he felt her tongue lap up the bottom of his dick while her lips and mouth moved around the head. 

Then she began to descend. Her eyes locked with his she slowly moved inch by inch down until the long tongue was touching his balls. He let out a groan then. Tiffany practically beamed at his reaction. 

Then she went a little further, her tongue began to wrap around his balls. Unfortunately she couldn’t fit any more in so she only got one ball half wrapped, but it still felt heavenly. As she drew herself back his mind felt like it was exploding as her tongue moved across his ball leaving. Before he knew it she was back down again. Slow smooth motions, her lips moved from his head closer to his base. All the while her tongue stimulated the bottom of his cock then a ball. She switched from one ball to the other with expert ease as she sped up. 

It wasn’t long before Ash grunted, “I’m gonna-” and he began to cum. Tiffany took the first shot in her mouth. Then began to draw her head back. Each spurt of rope landing on her long tongue. Ash let out way more than was normal onto her tongue. “I’ve never seen anything like that except in hentai.” 

Tiffany’s long tongue entered her mouth. Her face savoring his semen she swished it around her mouth, showed it off to him, and swallowed. “Where do you think I got the idea?” She asked. 


“You’re the perfect woman,” he said, helping her up. 


“I know,” she said with a laugh. Soon they lathered one another up with soap. Scrubbing all the crevices, it wasn’t long until Asher was hard again. As Tiffany washed herself off he began to grind behind her. “We can't," she said. “We don’t have time.” 


“I can be quick,” he grunted into her ear. His tongue lapping at her neck. 


“How quick?” She asked. Her legs shaking. 


“I can literally cum on demand,” he said. 


“Really?” She asked.

“Really really,” he said. “It’s a skill.”


“Now that’s interesting. But it’s not fair if you get off and I don’t,” she said. 


“Oh you’ll get off,” Asher promised. They faced one another. Raising his Pheromones to 100 he turned her toward him. Slowly he moved his dick in between her pussy lips. Pushing in slowly he had to bend down a little to reach her height, but it still felt amazing. “This is called soaking.” He said as he dove all the way inside her. Without moving his dick in or out they began to make out. Impaled by his dick she moved her hands all around him while he pushed her breasts up and played with her nipples. 


Around the 60 second mark the Pheromones kicked in and she began to shake. Her face scrunching up, dimples showing, he knew it was her O face. With a mental command he came inside her. No movement, no nothing, simply expanding and contracting their sex organs. They came together. Dropping his Pheromones back to 20 it took both of them a while to stop random spasming muscles. When he pulled out of her a long stream of semen followed. 


“That was hot,” she said, catching her breath. He nodded doing the same. 

Soon they were out of the shower. Asher made sure to turn on the fan in the room to get the pheromones out. Tiffany decided to wear his shirt, but wear her skirt. It was probably better than her virgin killer sweater. Then of course she stole one of his school hoodies. Less than a day and she was already robbing him blind. 


Once they were dressed they headed to the kitchen and cooked together. She made eggs as he made pancakes. Standing next to one another at the oven, Asher couldn’t remember the last time his life felt this right. 


“What are we?” She asked as they got in the groove of cooking.


“System Users,” he answered. Being a smartass was his go to. “Boyfriend/Girlfriend,” he rectified by the angry look she gave. 


“And what are the rules of this relationship?” she asked. 

“Well no other guys,” he said. She nodded to that. “And more girls when we are together?” He asked. 

“We do get experience with the more people. Levels are important. So you don’t mind bringing in other girls? Even if we use toys and all that weird stuff?” She asked. More matter of factly than anything. 


“Before I answer. Let me ask you why you want other women?”


She thought about it for a while. “After my ex I had trust issues. Guess I still do. Maybe it’s my way of coping?...And I think they’re hot?”


“Have you had other girls as your girlfriends?”


“No,”” she admitted. “I mean some I’ve been with more than once. But always casual.”


“What makes me different?” He asked. 


“How about you first? You can’t tell me you don’t want your own little harem,” she accused. Tiff looked at him genuinely interested. Not accusing. Or angry. A spatula in hand he couldn’t get over how beautiful she was. 


“I thought about it. I really did. I had sex with random women. It was fun. But nothing came of it, they were simply XP and a memory. Before I knew it the sex was done and I will never see them again. Then I was off to try for someone else. This…What I feel with you is so much better than some random person.” He flipped a pancake trying to wrap his head around it. 


Asher felt like what he was saying was his true feelings. He had tried to seduce Wendy and Mia. Use them. But before he knew it they were friends. After that he felt guilty about sexing them up for XP only to dump them if they got too clingy. Asher realized he wasn’t good at the whole seduce and drop thing. 


“I’d rather be with someone I feel something for,” he admitted. “No sneaking around. No drama. When I plan a date, it's with my girlfriend in mind. Not some nobody that doesn’t make me feel half as good as you do.” He smiled at her widely. “I guess my question is: do you feel the same?”


She scooped the eggs on 2 plates. “I think I do,” she admitted. “But sex is how we gain levels. I haven’t gone into dungeons. It’s the only way I have leveled. Besides, we are also young. I don’t want to lock us both out of some fun. I want to be open with one another, and I feel something for you too. I’m willing to take the risk of dating once more. With you at least. We can figure it out as we go.”


They stood in silence as they finished cooking. 


“If you want the option of more women. I'm open to it. I know I’d rather have you than someone random, that’s why I want to lock you down as my girlfriend. I don’t care about the use of toys. I can literally make my dick any size you want. I really don’t think I need to be scared by a toy. I’ve had 2 threesomes and they were hot. Thus if you do it with another girl I reserve the right to watch and I want an invitation, even if it’s just with you afterward,” he said. 


“I think that can be arranged,” she said. “No secrets,” she added, pointing at him. “No lying. You try to sleep around and I find out about it later, we are done.”


“I can do that,” he said after some thought. “I suck at lying anyway.” 


“And no hiding this. You can flirt with girls, but if they ask if you have a girlfriend what do you say?” 


“That she’s a pink and blue haired high level hottie that could kick both our asses,” he said. 


“That’s right,” she said, giving him a kiss. 


“Do we both seduce women to join us? I really like when it's just you and me, but I also like levels. All the fighting I’ve done lately has helped me get a lot, but…” 


“Boy, aren’t you greedy,” she said. She thought for a little bit. “Since you’re still in school, there’s no guarantee we can see each other everyday. I still have college, and I do have a job you know.” 


“You do? What is it?” He asked. 


“I work with my dad at the police department. I’m an assistant,” she said. 

“Ah of course. Well just quit that, and we can roleplay millionaires and be rolling in it. We can be the millionaires from Gilligan’s Island,” he said with a laugh. 


When she didn’t laugh he looked at her. “Are you serious?” She asked.  


“Kind of,” he admitted. They walked to the table, plates in hand. “I mean I don’t want to do it a bunch, just because I don’t think it’s healthy. But maybe we could do it for gold, or diamonds. Too much cash could cause inflation, and I don’t know if it's real or counterfeit. But I have the skill, why not use it? We can Roleplay our way to riches and have amazing sex at the same time.”


“Give me some of the cash, I’ll take it to the department. I’m sure they have a test for counterfeit money. As for the other stuff, it sounds nice. I don’t want to quit my job, but I would love to be able to go on vacations. We could go to Paris, or Japan. I’ve always wanted to cosplay there,” she said with a laugh. 


“I bet you’d be a hit there. Well it’s settled then. Let's Roleplay a lot, and spend the summer traveling,” he said confidently. Though he barely knew this girl, making these plans felt right. 

As they began to eat they both sat in silence thinking about what they wanted to do in the future. When they finished they were cleaning the dishes when Tiffany asked, “What about Zora?”


Asher’s stomach lurched at the thought of her. “I …I don’t know,” he admitted. “I have this weird connection with her. I mean I was only with her for a few days, but I still care about her.” 


“White Knight Syndrome?” She asked. 


“I guess?” He said. “I don’t know. She has been through so much. I literally watched a video where she was raped at 16. How she has put up with so much I don’t know. Can I think on it?” He asked. 


She brought her hand up to his ear looking into his eyes. “Of course.” With that they hugged one another. Quietly in the kitchen they were at peace. Her head on his shoulder, they stood like that forgetting where they were.


“Eh-eh-eh,” a voice coughed, getting their attention. 


“Mom, dad,” Asher said, looking to them. The older couple, still in their pajamas, stared at them. An awkward silence between the 4 of them no one spoke until Asher asked. “Breakfast?”



“Asher there you are,” Joan said, running up to him. Her witch hat tried to fall off her head but she caught it. “We are team 1, so get in your gear and let's go.” 


“Relax Joan,” he said. “Raid isn’t for another half hour.” He had rushed there after school. Mr. Heath hadn’t been too crazy about it, but the understudy for Mozart was more than willing to pop in for him.  


“Are you going in that?” She asked. He was wearing a thick green shirt and blue jeans. 


“And other things,” he said as he dropped his gear from his ring. “Help me put it on.” 


“Is that?” she asked as she scanned the gear.


“It is,” he confirmed with a wide smile. It took longer than he expected but soon he was in Guts’ gear. It felt so freaking epic, and heavy. The steel plates clanked as he moved, but for once, he walked with confidence in the gear. Anyone would think he was cosplaying which was fine in his book. 


“Gather round everybody,” Wayne announced from the church podium. “We have confirmed Raul is somewhere at this address.” He pointed at a map hanging from a whiteboard. “It’s an abandoned warehouse area. We don’t know exactly where he is. But we will be on high alert. There are 3 groups. Please see the boards at the back of the room for assignments. Everyone will receive 1 potion provided by the bank and made by Frank.” Pointing to a smaller man at the back Asher assumed that was Frank. An elderly man with round glasses, he had long greasy hair and wore robes. He looked like an alchemist. 


“Raid requests will be going out soon. When everyone is in raid, the Red Quest will be sent out by the System. Reconnaissance will be done by Arnold,” Wayne said. Across the hall there was someone in full Predator gear. Like from the 1987 classic starring Schawarzenegger. Full on sleek face mask, gadgets on his arms. Bandolier on his chest, and street clothes underneath. 


I don’t want to mess with that guy, Asher thought. 


“We do this smart people. We have 3 experienced healers. 4 people in the group are over level 15. I know this is everyone’s first red quest, and if we can’t complete it in the next 24 hours it will be extended to other groups in the area. But Penny is one of us. I’d prefer to do this quick, and not risk her safety any more than we already have. We rented 2 vans out back. We leave in 10 minutes.”


With that everyone began talking amongst one another. People donned gear, others emptied and sorted through Spatial Gear, some practiced with weapons. The predator guy had 2 twisted blades pop out of the arm gadgets, just like the movie. Asher could barely contain his excitement, this is what he always dreamed was out there. Pure chaos like this. 


When he went to the backboard he read the names for his group. 4 were his teammates from Hawk, and the last one was Abby Fitzgerald, the Saiyan girl. Asher scanned the area for her. The shorter muscular woman stood by the back door where he had walked in. She had short black hair, spiked naturally in places, her muscles bulged under white gloves. 

“Is that real Saiyan gear?” He asked walking up to her.


“It is,” she said. “Vegeta style.” She wore a purple Trunks jacket over top. 


“So you mind if I ask how your system works?” He asked. He couldn’t draw his eyes from her. She was all muscle, like a boxer. Thick thighs like Chun-Li would give anyone a run for their money. Her arms were thin but they were as muscular as his own. Her neck muscles even writhed under her skin as she chewed some bubble gum. 


“Not really,” she said. “Higher the level, more Saiyin blood I get. Makes it easier to get stronger. That’s all the info you’re getting,” she said. “What about you?” She asked. “Heard you got me this sweet blade.” She pulled out the long jade colored kryptonite blade. 


“I can manifest most anything under certain conditions,” he said. 


“So if I wanted-”


She was cutoff by Wayne. “Ok everyone, time to roll out.”


As a group the 20 people headed outside. “I’m Abby Fitzgerald by the way,” she said as they sat next to one another in a white van. 


“Asher Whitmore,” he said. They clasped hands and began squeezing. It wasn’t long before Ash admitted, “Uncle. Hell, what's your strength? 40?” He shook his hand to get feeling back.


“Something like that,” she said. “As I was saying, could you manifest anything?” 


“Maybe? Haven’t tried a lot,” he said truthfully. “Why?” He looked at her skeptically. 


“I assume you’re a fan of DBZ,” she said. He nodded. “What’s one thing synonymous with Saiyans?” 


“Eating?” He said. 


She laughed, “that yes. Honestly that is one drawback to getting their blood. But other than that, training. And what trope is always used?” 


“Increased Gravity Machine,” he said awed. 

“Exactly. Think you can make that?” She asked. He could tell she was more than serious, her eyes bore into him as he sat there thinking. 


“Honestly, maybe?” He asked. “I mean it would take a lot, I mean a lot a lot. But it should be as possible as Kryptonite.” 

“Really?” She said, her voice sounded excited. “What would it cost?”


Asher looked her up and down. That Saiyan blood may have awakened a need to get stronger that normal training wouldn’t scratch. “You want to know? Then I need 2 things.”


“Anything,” she said without hesitation. Asher could have sworn her pupils turned a little blue with that, but it must have been the light in the van. 


“One,” he said, leaning into her ear. “You have to keep it a secret. You can’t tell anyone, I mean anyone. Or I won’t consider it ever.” She nodded frantically. “Second is it would take a lot, and I mean a lot of…sex.” 


Abby looked at him confused, then more confused, then angry. “You fucker,” she said hitting him in the arm. 


“Ouch, fuck,” he said rubbing his shoulder. 


“You almost had me there,” she said, angrily looking away. 


“I’m serious,” he said exasperated. “You know Tiffany?” 


“Of course,” she said. 


“Ask her. She helped me make the Kryptonite.” Rubbing his arm he really hoped she pulled back the punch. 


“We’ll see,” she said, and soon they sat in silence. Asher could tell the conversation was over. Running the conversation through his mind he did admit it sounded preposterous. If the System didn’t issue the Red Quest the night before he doubted anyone but Tiffany would have believed him. 


The van stopped eventually. Parking on the side of the road they stepped out one by one. Arnold in the Predator gear walked forward and disappeared in an instant. “Ok everybody. Keep it down and group up,” Wayne said. Tiffany next to her dad she gave Ash a wink while he waved. He noticed Abby run over to her. 


“You ready for this?” Asher asked Joan. 


“I think so,” she said. Her grip on her staff tightened to white knuckles. 


“How’s it going guys? Feels like forever since the dungeon,” he said. 

“It was like 2 days ago,” Timmy said. 


“2 long days,” Asher confirmed. 


“Think you have everything?” Joan asked. 


“I think so. I have a chair now. Stuff to build a fire easier. More food. And of course, new gear,” he said. 

“Yeah, I gotta say, that looks epic,” Timmy said. McKenzie and George nodded. 


“Thanks. It's from -” he stopped as the Batmobile parked next to them. “Hey Batman,” he said to the dark knight. 


“Hey Asher,” he said. “Listen I need something, you have a sec?” 


“For you? Of course,” he said. The others in his group looked awed at him. Apparently they didn’t know they had Batman in the group. Asher didn’t think it would take them too long to figure it out though. “What’s up? How’s the Bat?”


“Great,” he said. “Got it home safe. That’s the main reason I need your help. See it takes jet fuel, and they don’t exactly sell it off the shelf. I’ve got a few sources that may pan out, but I flew it too long, and now I need gas. There any way you can ‘manifest’ it?”


“I don’t see why not,” he said. “But it will cost you.” 


“Like what? I sometimes get real money for quest rewards.” 


“Oh no, I want a ride in it, and to see the batcave,” he said. 

Carl the Batman laughed. “Deal.”


Asher was drawn to the Predator appearing bedside he and Batman. For a second his heart constricted, but then he calmed himself down. “We can confirm details after this whole thing,” he said. He watched Arnold the Predator walk up to Wayne Tyler. 


“Everybody we have a situation,” he yelled. “Please follow me.”


They made it to their groups and walked into a building a few hundred yards away. Like March of Dimes or something the large group stuck out in the abandoned area. When they stepped into a building people pulled out flashlights from spatial rings. Soon they stood in front of a large black portal. “It appears Raul and Penny are inside a dungeon,” Wayne said. 


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