This S.O.B. System


Asher had spent the day before getting better acquainted with his own body. Along the way he also saw the seedier side of the internet. Searching through every category on pornsite after pornsite, he learned what kind of porn he was really into. Most of it was normal stuff like creampies, teens, maids, nurses. What surprised him most was he was actually into MILFs too. With finding stuff he was into, he also saw much that he wasn’t. Ash was still shocked by all the videos that were out there. 


Utilizing porn and his computer’s camera he power stroked his way to level 2. Only 50XP required, each orgasm netted him 10XP after the 2x multiplier of on camera. After wiping his computer of his jerk-off videos, and making sure incognito mode worked, he had been surprised to find how easy it was. He had came 5 times in just a few hours. He wouldn’t have done it that much in a month before his view changed. 


Now as he waited outside the coffeeshop he brought back the level up screen. 


For reaching level 2 you have learned the skill



The screen soon disappeared. He really wanted to know what the skill entailed. As he brought up the status screen he noticed that beside the stats icon the 5 now read 10. Doug had said the day before that the System rewarded 5 stat points for each level. If every stat was typically an average of 10 for normal people. He decided to shore up those numbers first. When that was done he thought about what kind of character he usually played in games. 


In all of his time playing RPGs, he had tried most everything. The one that he always ended up with was a physical character. A warrior through and through. He knew that if this was his life he would need to focus on the physical stats. Then with the Porn Star System he may need to also put some in the charm stat. How was he supposed to attract anyone if he was average? When he was done his status screen ended up balanced. 



Asher Whitmore












STD Immunity










Genitalia Control














































Custom Stats:






Strength and Endurance would be his main focus. Dexterity and Agility would follow that, and Charm would be his last concern. Happy with the distribution he looked at the skills. Recalling how he had to focus on the Experience note to see the details, he did the same with Acting. Then moved onto the others. 


Acting (LVL MAX)

Acting is an art refined for thousands of years. Whether it is memorizing your lines, knowing what to do with your hands, or just plain to not look directly into the camera, this skill has it all.


This still did not provide a whole lot of information. Asher had not acted once in his life. And how was the level already maxed out? This implied that some skills he would have to level up, but so far he was somehow experienced in all of these. 


STD Immunity (LVL MAX)

It is recommended to not put your dick in crazy. But someone somewhere decided to do just that, causing a sexually transmitted disease. This skill eliminates the need to wear protection that helps prevent diseases. We still recommend you refrain from laying the crazy.


Honestly this is one of the main reasons he had decided to go the path he was currently on. The fact that his dick won’t suddenly explode from some strange was a weight off his shoulders. That a skill could give him complete immunity was also very intriguing. What kind of power was the System to ignore every disease that had plagued man for all time? 


Roleplaying (LVL MAX)

Being vanilla isn't what helps you in the bedroom. Sometimes your significant other is in the mood for a little roleplay.This skill allows you to commit to the role. No more giggling at you and your partner's kinks. Act it and believe it.


This felt like an offshoot of the acting skill. How was it different? He had tried roleplaying while he made the effort to get to know his member the night before, but nothing had happened. Hopefully all of the skills activated when he needed them. 


Genitalia Control(LVL MAX)

Who hasn't wanted a bigger dick. This skill will allow you to control just that. Want it longer, shorter, thicker, thinner, just think real hard and it will happen. This skill also has the ability to turn on/off your fertility. No one expects a surprise love child, now you don't have to worry about it.


Now this, he wished he had checked into further. At almost 9” of schlong already in his pants, Asher didn’t feel like he needed to make it bigger, but he had always heard that large dicks hurt women. It might be worth looking into making it smaller. He needed to do more research to find out the optimal size. The fertility control made this skill a godsend. He was afraid he would be forced to wear a condom. Not that he would say no, but with the STD Immunity, the Genitalia Control would allow him to do all of his Experience tasks without worry.


With a little more understanding of his power under his belt, it was time to dig into his last gift. Looking around the block, the coffee shop was still dead silent. Dark out, he knew the area was set up in a safe neighborhood, but it was always good to check. 


With the Fake IDs in hand he focused on the passport. Quickly a new window came up. 


Would you care to choose your Alias?



As he clicked ‘Y’, a drop down menu appeared. Allowing him to pick a Name, Date of Birth, Birthplace, Home Address, and Country of Origin. He assumed this was for a porn name. Every porn star had one, and he was no exception. 


Asher had always heard a porn name was the name of your first pet, and street you lived on. “So Lucky Duke,” he said aloud. Honestly for porn names it wasn’t terrible.


“Nah not for me. How about a superhero? Favorite superhero is….none.” He began whispering to himself. “Supervillain, obviously Joker. I know I’m a basic bitch.” As a nerd, Joker was everyone’s favorite, and Asher accepted this fact. “A play off Joker. Choker! Nope wrong way, definitely not. Ummm then Harley Quin. Uh Hardly Quin. No, too close. Quin Hardly. Too girly. Quinten Hardly,” he said aloud like it was an epiphany. After saying the name a few more times he nodded at his choice. Typing in the name, he chose to make himself just barely 21. Though he didn’t drink now, he might in the future. He had a whole new outlook on life and being open to trying new things was now his New Year’s resolution. 


For address he remembered one from a show. 612 Wharf Avenue. He was still hesitant to lead anything back to his real home. Who knew what he could use this ID for? As the information was filled out, he watched as the passport and driver’s license darkened then showed all the correct information. 


They both had a very bland picture of himself, which looked like the one from his real license. The crazy thing was that the passport gave him a Social Security Number. He really wanted to know if this was a legitimate ID, but didn’t have any way to find out. 


As he marveled at the IDs, he was alerted to people walking out of the coffeeshop. Dressed in normal everyday clothes, he recognized the 2 women he saw going at it the day before. Seeing them caused a blush to rise in his face. Out of thick makeup and in street clothes they looked completely different. Some people were chatting nonchalantly like it was the end of a shift. They acted like it was a regular day at work as they started their cars and left. With a curse Asher stepped out of the car. Only one person left, he jogged over to the man. 


“Hey are you the director?” He asked. Awkward and nervous he had no idea what to do in this sort of situation. 


The man was in his 60s. His hair gray, handlebar mustache, and wiry muscles. He looked like what Asher thought a porn director should look like. Leery to Asher the man hesitantly said, “No, I’m the producer.” He started his car and put it into reverse. 


“Wait,” Asher said. He tried to not seem too insistent, but couldn’t help it. “I was hoping to get a job.”


“As a gopher?” The producer asked. 


“No, as an actor,” Asher corrected. 


“Look kid. There's channels for these kind of things. We don’t just hire people off the street…anymore. Here's my card, just call my secretary,” the man said leaning to a bag in his passenger seat. 


Not sure if he had the courage to try this again, Asher lifted up his shirt. His abs and toned chest visible from the street lamp, he let the old man ogle his body for a minute. “I really feel like I can do this job. I have plenty of acting skills. And and, just trust me, I have all the skills needed for this.”


The man eyed him up and down. “You gay kid?” He asked seriously. 


“No!” Asher commented a little too enthusiastically. 


“Do you want to do gay porn?” 


“Never,” Asher admitted. He hadn’t thought of that possibility. The fact that he had flashed the guy was probably reason enough for him to think that way. His dreams slowly dashed; this was not going at all the way he had imagined this interaction would go. 


“Wait, you're that kid from yesterday,” the producer said with a laugh. “Holy hell, we laughed for a good 10 minutes after you shot out of there. How did you get in anyway?”


With a blush he admitted. “I have a key. I work here. Forgot my bag and thought I could grab it before the construction started. I had no idea what you were doing in there.” 


The old man thought for a moment. “So you know Anita then?” 


“Yeah she's a family friend,” Asher admitted. 


Looking him up and down, the producer rolled his eyes and announced, “Follow me.” Putting his car back in reverse he began to drive away. Asher, hesitant for a little while, ran to his car and began following.  


He expected to follow the producer for a long time, but it was a very short drive. Pulling up to a house only a few miles away, it was a nice neighborhood. Cookie cutter homes all around. The producer pulled into the garage of a bland house. Asher parked his own Camry at the front of the house. The air was cold, he zipped up his jacket and put his hands in his pockets while walking to the garage. 


“Come inside,” the old guy said as he walked in the house through the garage, directly down the basement stairs. 


“This is it. This is where I get murdered,” Asher said. With his phone he took a picture of the guy’s license plate and made sure it linked to his Cloud account. With a long sigh he followed the old guy into the basement. Homes with basements were rare for California, Asher’s home didn’t have one. “All the easier to kill you,” he thought as he stepped into the den of sin. 


The walls were covered with posters and art pieces depicting nude women. Funny title names like ‘Dick of Destiny’ or ‘John Dick’ adorned the prints. The room was bright, showcasing a few golden awards on the wall. Not sure what to do, Asher waited for the old guy to appear. His increased Intelligence and Wisdom were telling him to run, but the fact that the man was old let Asher feel calm enough to stay. 


“Take a seat,” the old guy said, pointing to a very familiar couch. It was white, but Asher knew what it was. A casting couch. 


“I said no gay stuff,” Asher announced. The old man chuckled and pointed back to the couch. A coffee table between them Asher took the offered spot and the old man took a recliner in front of him. It was hard to miss the camera next to him. 


“What's your name, kid?” 


“A-Quinten,” Asher remembered at the last moment. 


“Ok, Quinten, I am Terry Nova. At least that is what my producer credit is,” Terry said. “How do you know Anita?” He asked as he turned on the camera next to him.  


“Again, she’s a family friend. I’ve known her for years,” Asher said as he forced himself to relax. 


“And why do you want to do porn?” Terry asked. 


“Honestly? I don’t know. I know I have the skills for it. And I’m young. I just thought it would be a good way to make money,” Asher admitted. Though most of the truth was he wanted experience for his System. 


“Well, you should know that Anita is a friend of mine,” Terry said. The confused look on Asher’s face prompted him to continue. “Years ago she used to do porn herself.” This came as a shock to Asher. He tried to hide it, but he also wanted to know her alias back then. Anita had a rocking body and more than one of his fantasies the night before was doing it with her. “While she went on her cruise she decided to rent out her shop to me.”


It all came together then. Anita was incommunicado on her cruise for the next 2 weeks so he hadn’t had a chance to ask her about the shoot. But the fact that Terry was using the place with her permission let him worry a little less about the situation. 


“Since she is MIA, I really have no way to contact her about you. But I am willing to believe you kid. You want to do porn? Now it just so happens that I have a shoot tomorrow that needs a young stud like you. And as a friend of Anita, I am willing to do you a favor and skip some formalities. So the first thing I will need is a driver’s  license.”


Passing him the fake one Terry scrutinized it. “21? Jeez I would have guessed 19. You have a young face, kid,” Terry said. Walking to a copier behind him Terry made a copy and handed the ID back. 


“Thanks, I get that a lot,” Asher said. He was really 17, and about to turn 18 here in a little over a month. That was something the producer didn’t need to know. “Is that good?”


“Perfect for what I need,” Terry said, pushing another button on the camera. “Now I’m going to need you to suck my dick on camera.” The old man gave Asher a lecherous stare. The young kid began to get ready to bolt when the old man burst out laughing. “I’m just kidding, kid. Calm down.” 


Vision coming back to him, Asher fought against the flight instinct. Slowly he made himself laugh as well. Terry added, “I will need you to jerk off in front of me though.”


Not sure if this is a joke as well, Asher asked, “Can I ask why?”


“Listen kid, everyone can have sex. As a director and producer I need to know if you can get it up in front of people and if you can cum on demand. If you can get hard right here, despite you being scared shitless, and you can cum from just a warning from me, then you have the job. Whether you perform well is something we won’t know until the actual shoot, but most can’t pass this test right here. To cum on demand without stimulation is a skill not many have.”


Hesitant but seeing the man’s point Asher stood up. His pants pulled down he took a quick breath and dropped his boxers. His flaccid dick flopped out. He had shaved it the night before after his copious amount of research, and it was still a little tender in spots. Still soft, it was an impressive 6”. 


“Start whenever,” Terry said. 


Asher doing his best to ignore the man and the camera he willed his cock to become erect. Amazingly it listened. It went from 6” to 9” in the span of a second. “Impressive,” Terry commented. The old man had a creepy look on his face, like he was getting off on this. 


Assuming that the quick erection was due to his Dick Control, Asher knew he would have to research this later. For now he had some XP to grind. Stroking his own shaft with expert ease he tried to make a show of it. With focus on the head at some point, then down to the shaft and balls. The old man was quiet, Asher stroked himself and ignored everything else. Not thinking of any porn he continued his own exploration of his body. 

After what felt like an hour Asher’s member was starting to get numb. Suddenly Terry said, “Alright, you have 2 minutes to finish.” 


Like he was caught unaware of a test, Asher sputtered as he closed his eyes and began to think of porn. Uhh Aunt Anita. No, he chided himself. Not the time. Step-sister, ugh get away from the incest crap. You don’t even have a sister let alone a step one. In all honesty it wasn’t his fault. It appeared thats all there was online, the incest crap. A smut that he never intended to partake in. 


Umm uh, maid. 3 no 4 maids. 2 rubbing my feet, 1 rubbing my shoulders, and another sucking my dick, he thought of his favorite fantasy. Within seconds he was already cumming. Spurt after spurt shot out. As he basked in the post-cum afterglow he remembered his Dick Control skill. If it could make him hard, could it make him cu-. Asher was left with another violent orgasm. The tip of his dick still tender from the first one he felt a mix of pleasure and pain with the second. But that confirmed that he could literally control when and if he came. 


As he opened his eyes he noticed Terry with a frown on his face. His gaze now locked on the semen covered coffee table between them. Asher said, “Sorry. I’ll clean that up.”


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