This teenager is a bit aggressive

Chapter 20 Field Field 4v4

Chapter 20 Field Field 4v4
That night, Pu Yisheng dragged Jessica to the Alfama Field after having dinner.

David Shevchenko also arrived as scheduled. He changed from being a caddy after a meal to being a lifelong partner of Park after a meal.

Park Yisheng is extremely dissatisfied with his performance in the school team today. His crosses are too bad, and one of them even passed directly to the bottom line; his breakthrough is too bad, either he can't stop the car or hold the ball ; His shot was so bad he couldn't hold the ball down.

The only good thing is that, for some reason, the second team always likes to play on the left when they attack. After the whole game, Park never has a free time in his life.

As everyone knows, this half of the credit comes from David Shepchenko, David is his good friend, as a central defender, he is really a bit selfish, because his ball is either passed to Park Yisheng, or passed to the player on the left .

The reason why Park Yisheng played this level of game is entirely because his basic football skills are not solid.

He must practice the basic skills of football well before he can play well, and playing wild football can not only improve the basic skills of football, but also exercise his own game ability. This is a way to have the best of both worlds.

Pu Yisheng finally understood why Alexander drove him and Jessica to play wild football instead of letting Pu Yisheng simply practice the basic football skills as before.

Moreover, through today's 45-minute game, Park Yisheng discovered that the field is different from the field, such as receiving a pass from a teammate.

It is easy to simply catch the ball off the court, but it is different on the court. With physical contact and confrontation, even if you have received a pass comfortably, but facing the defensive player, you will have a feeling in your heart. Nameless pressure.

Therefore, the practicality of basic football skills is very important.

Less than 3 minutes after the three met, a person ran towards them.

it's him.

The man Park met for the first time in the field.

Cristiano Ronaldo.

Why is he here?Didn't he already go to Sporting Lisbon?

Ronaldo ran up to the three of them.

"Hi, long time no see."

Indeed, they haven't seen each other for a long time, and Ronaldo high-fives the three of them one by one.

"How about, let's form a team!" Ronaldo looked at the three expectantly.

Speaking of team formation, Park Yisheng thought of his first time playing football on a wild field, but he made it hard for Ronaldo. Doesn’t Ronaldo have a long memory?How dare you come to form a team with them.

Pu Yisheng was too embarrassed to agree or refuse, so he could only tease himself.

"Aren't you afraid that I will trick you?"

Ronaldo smiled like a child, yes, he was still a child.

"What's so scary, I was dumber than you when I first came to the field to play football! If you don't believe me, you can ask David, it's okay, you won't be fooled if you play."

David nodded towards Park Yisheng. Ronaldo was also born in a poor family. He and David grew up wearing crotch pants together.

At this time, David also interjected.

"Didn't you go to Sporting Lisbon? Why are you still playing wild football here?"

Ronaldo told them, first, because he is used to playing wild football, he likes the feeling of playing wild football, he is a child who has walked out of the wild football field, and he will never forget the happiness that the wild football field brought him.

Second, after he arrived at Sporting Lisbon, he discovered that there are a lot of players who are better than him. He needs more training to improve his ability, and the field field is the best place to practice skills and ability.

Every night, he goes to the field to practice.

Park Yisheng suddenly realized that Ronaldo has already become a signed player of Sporting Lisbon, and he still trains so hard.

And he himself is only a member of the second team of the Cascais Primary School team, the gap is so big, if he doesn't work hard, won't he be eliminated.

The reason why Ronaldo came to them to form a team is because playing football on a field field is not like a regular football game. There are 11 people on both sides, and they play in open posture.


More than a dozen children can play a small half of the field by marking out a small area.

Moreover, there are a lot of children playing football in the field, ranging from seven or eight years old to seventeen or eighteen years old. Children of all ages will be automatically divided into one area to play football.

Since there are many people playing wild football, they are naturally divided into groups, just like playing half-court basketball, with three goals as the criterion, the team that loses three goals first will automatically step down and be replaced by the next team.

Park Yiyi, David Shevchenko, Jessica and Ronaldo formed a team of four, and they came to the place where half-old children played football.

These children who play football are only about two years old with Park Yiyi.

Ronaldo shouted: "Hey! Dude, let's add a group."

A young man who looked about the same age as Ronaldo, but older than Ronaldo gave him an OK gesture.

He was supposed to be the organizer of the group of kids playing football, and he walked towards the four of them.

"You can go to the next group."

So, the four people began to divide the work, Park Yisheng and Ronaldo played in the front, Jessica and David Shepchenko played in the back.

Before going on stage, the four of them also had to warm up, move around, loosen their muscles and bones, and Jessica also tied up her little yellow hair braids.

It was also the first time in Park's life that he saw Jessica pull up her hair before playing football. It seemed that she was going to have a big fight.

After about seven or eight minutes, the game was decided, and finally it was the turn of the four of them to play.

Before playing, Jessica started to mutter.

"With Boss Park here, we may have a round trip!"

I rely on!

Park has been speechless all his life. Is the friendship between him and Jessica for more than a year so worthless?It was almost time to play, but Jessica even made sarcastic remarks to stimulate him.

At this time, Ronaldo spoke.

"Don't say such things, we are a team, we must be united, unity is strength, football is a team game, we must believe in our teammates."

What Ronaldo said, it must be the chicken soup for the soul instilled in him by the coach of Sporting Lisbon. However, this chicken soup is really delicious.

The game officially begins.

Park Yisheng kicked off the ball and he passed the ball directly to Ronaldo. Ronaldo did not catch the ball, but directly passed the ball back to Jessica.

Jessica took the ball a few steps forward, and two players from the other side came up to scramble. Although Jessica is a girl, she has also played football for seven or eight years.

She was quick-sighted, quickly played the ball, and passed the ball to Pu Yisheng.

When Pu Yisheng stopped the ball, he stopped a little bit too much. It can be seen that the basic football skills are not solid.

If such a flaw is exposed, don't blame the opponent's defender for being rude, and the opponent's defender immediately stepped out to steal.

When Pu Yisheng was nervous, he quickly pulled the ball back with his right foot. After turning around, he pulled the ball back with his left foot and passed the opponent's defender.

I rely on!

Park himself felt incredible throughout his life, that he actually performed the Marseille maneuver on the football field.

He took the ball one step forward, and another defensive player of the opponent came over.

At this time, Ronaldo is empty, and if he does not pass the ball at this time, when will it be!

Park passed the ball to Ronaldo without hesitation, and Ronaldo pushed the ball to the far corner.

Ronaldo gave a thumbs up.

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(End of this chapter)

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