This World Is Strange

1. I’m getting out of here!

"Good morning, everyone!" A lovely female voice cried throughout the classroom.

In response to the teacher's greeting, the students in the classroom shouted back, "Good morning, Ms. Suzuki!"

The students greeted their teacher energetically, especially the boys. Seeing this, the teacher whose name was Ms. Suzuki smile become even brighter as she walked into the classroom and stood at the front.

"I'm glad to see everyone today as usual. Shall we begin today's class?" Ms. Suzuki said with bright smile.

"Yes!" The students replied cheerfully.

Having gain the attention of the students, Ms. Suzuki began the lesson by teaching today's material.

The day went on just as usual with the students listen eagerly to the lesson and writing down notes based on today's lesson.

"And once you multiply the 'x' to your equation, you should get your answers-" Ms. Suzuki paused immediately as a sudden earthquake erupted out of no-where. 

With quick thinking, Ms. Suzuki commanded her students to take shelter under their desk.

The students did as they were told, and once all students were under their desk, Ms. Suzuki followed after them and hid under her teaching desk.

Both students and teacher hid under their desk as they awaited for the earthquake to subside. But for some reason, the earthquake only grew in intensity as the ceilings and even the desk of the students began to shake violently.

"Hold onto your desk!" Shouted Ms. Suzuki as she commanded her students to hold onto their only source of protection from falling debris, that may come.

And just as Ms. Suzuki predicted, the ceilings began to fall one by one hitting the desk of the students and even Ms. Suzuki's teaching desk.

But it only got worse there as the earthquake grew in more intensity causing the wires and pipes in the ceilings to also fall down. Causing huge thuds against the student's desk which they all hid under, trembling from fear.

It was then, a small despairing thought came over the students and Ms. Suzuki. 

'Are we going to die?' But as soon as that thought raced through their mind. The world around them suddenly went dark.

This caused the student to panic as they began shouting, while some began to cry.

"Mom! Dad!" One female student shouted.

"Please, I don't want to die!" One male student shouted.

"Someone! Please save us!" Another shouted.

Cries and pleads for help went unanswered as the trembling grew in intensity. And just when the entire building seem like it would come crashing down from the earthquake, it suddenly stop.

The first to notice this was Ms. Suzuki who tried calming everyone down. "E-everyone! Please, calm down. I think it stopped." Ms. Suzuki said, while still trying to sound confident.

Although her words failed to carry an ounce of comfort. It did indeed help calm some of her students down.

As the noise died down and only sniffling could be heard from the students. Ms. Suzuki began to inspect her surrounding. The floor was littered with countless debris from the ceilings making it very messy and hard to navigate around.

But that wasn't the main focus that Ms. Suzuki was concern about. Instead, her gaze and attention was directed towards the windows of their classroom.

Outside the windows was completely dark. It was as if someone had pulled over an entire blanket leaving no sunlight to shine through.

But that wasn't correct, not entirely. And that was because...

"Is that a moon?" One of the female students said.

This caught the attention of everyone, while Ms. Suzuki's attention was already focused on the outside.

Outside, everyone in the classroom could see bright moons shining brightly. One glowed brightly in a tint of a green hue while the other glowed like a regular bright white moon.

Aside from there being two moons in the sky out of nowhere and one of them shining differently.

They all noticed that the moons were significantly bigger than usual. It was probably about three times as big which made both the students and Ms. Suzuki drop their jaws in shock at what they were seeing.

It wasn't until a female scream was heard that everyone in the classroom snapped out of their daze.

"W-What was that?!" One of the male student cried.

Panic erupted in the classroom as the students began guessing what that scream was or what caused it.

But they didn't have long to pondered on what was going on upon a loud bang sounded on their classroom door which was surprisingly still standing.

This time, screams erupted from their location as they began backing away from the classroom door. Some tripped and even manage to fall as the pipes and debris on the floor caught their legs.

And thanks to fact that there was almost no light to help navigate the debris and pipe on the floor. Countless students were cutting themselves and even shoving others without even knowing who.

Ms. Suzuki wasn't in any better shape as she also backed away from the door. Unfornately, she was the closest and thus the one most likely to face whatever was banging their classroom door.

"W-Who are you?!" Shouted Ms. Suzuki as she demanded the 'person' behind the classroom door to reveal themselves.

And although Ms. Suzuki did get a response. What she heard made her blood run cold.

"Keekeke" a snickering was heard followed by more banging, in a attempt to break down the door.

At this point, Ms. Suzuki also began to panic as she backed away from the classroom door. But due to the limited lighting from the moonlight. She also began to trip over the pipes and debris that covered the floors.

"G-go away!" demanded Ms. Suzuki, knowing full well that whatever that thing was. It wasn't human, and it had bad intention.

But the snickering only grew louder as if to mock her feeble attempt to drive it away. Screams and cries for help sounded throughout the classroom as both Ms. Suzuki and her students cried for help.

And just like before, it went unanswered, with the cynical snickering from beyond the classroom door being their only response to their cry for help.

Before long, the classroom door came crashing down, revealing a small humanoid form in which the moonlight somewhat illuminated upon.

Although the features couldn't be describe in details due to limited lighting. Both the students and Ms. Suzuki could see that it was some kind of small humanoid creature.

Seeing the strange humanoid creature in front of them, the students screamed even louder.

"S-S-St-tay a-awy" Stuttering, Ms. Suzuki demanded.

Of course, the creature barely paid any heed to Ms. Suzuki's words as it walked closer to them, all the while still with the cynical snickering.

Once this point, Ms. Suzuki couldn't utter anymore words as fear now had a tight grip on her, causing any movement to be strained and fruitless.

And just like how animals pee themselves in fear, Ms. Suzuki did the same alongside the rest of her students.

The smell of urine was now pungent in the air, leaving some student to even gag at the scent of it.

But to the creatures who had smelled such 'sweet' scent. It only fuel it's cynical snickering which soon turned into cackles of laughter.

Seeing this, Ms. Suzuki backed away with trembling legs which now had streaks of urine flowing down. But that didn't bother her at all as she was more focused and terrify of the strange creature in front of her.

With sudden abruptness, the strange creature lunged itself as Ms. Suzuki, slamming her against the floor, causing Ms. Suzuki to let out a gasp of air from the impact and pain.


The sound of clothes being tear could be heard followed by even more screaming from Ms. Suzuki who was now pinned onto the ground by the strange creatures.

The clothes that Ms. Suzuki who once proudly wore as a teacher was now being torn away piece by piece in front of the creature who was delighted to found such a beautiful prey it could toy with.

Unfornately, due to Ms. Suzuki's eyes now being adjusted to the darkness, she could now see the creatures more clearly leaving Ms. Suzuki even more terrify than before.

Finally, the strange creature had arrived at the last piece of clothing which protected Ms. Suzuki's breast from the world, her bra.

With a cackle, the strange creature grip tightly onto Ms. Suzuki's left bra, preparing to rip it off. Drools, dripped from the creature's mouth as it could barely contain it's excitement.

But in that instant...


A loud sound which resemble a metal object hitting something resounded throughout the classroom.

The result of the sound was the creature's head being bashed against a metal object. This resulted in the creature's tumbling off of Ms. Suzuki whose appearance was now that of a little girl curled up into a fetal position.

As for the creature, he didn't die on impact. But it defiantly suffered a mortal blow which left it out of commission for a few seconds.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Just die already you damn monster!" A panic male voice came out of no where, before sounds of metal making contact against flesh was heard again.


With four hard swings, the head of the creatures was completely caved in, spilling even the brain matters onto the perpetrator who had caused it's demise.

"Huff..Huff..." Heavy breathing could be heard from the perpetrator who had killed the strange creature.

But alongside that joined the heavy breathing sound was the cries of the students.

"M-mommy! I'm scared!" A female cried

"This can't be happening! This can't be happening!" countless voices muttered to themselves.

But alongside the crying and denial of the students, laid Ms. Suzuki who was still in a fetal position on the floor, crying and sniffling to herself.

As for the perpetrator who had caused the creature's demise. He took in a deep breathe before carefully stepping towards the classroom doors.

Hearing this, Ms. Suzuki who was closest to the creatures that had tried to rape her moments ago immediately snapped out of her crying state.

"W-Where are you going?!" Cried Ms. Suzuki as she crawled towards the perpetrator who had helped her, before tightly hugging one of their leg, preventing them from leaving. Ms. Suzuki didn't even care that her breast was directly touching the perpetrator's leg. In fact, she welcomed it as a sense of safety came over her.

Although the perpetrator could feel the breast of Ms. Suzuki touching his legs. He could care less, as the thought of encountering another one of those creature terrify him so much that he could care less about some bags of meat rubbing against his leg.

"I'm getting out of here!" Cried the perpetrator.

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