This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 33



– Soon there will be counselling. Am I the only one looking forward to how the Hero counselling will go?

└ Is it throwing a halo if you complain?

└ It’s really extreme (laughter).

└ Honestly, it seems like you won’t be able to counsel. It seems like emotional numbness has been going on for a long time.

└ Logically, would the worries of freshmen in the Hero’s position enter his ears?

└ Hero: Is swordsmanship difficult? Why?

└ Alright then. If you just sit in front with that heroic posture, a lot of worries will probably disappear.

└ Yeah. That’s welfare, and counselling.

[PR/N: Since this is a student post, some grammar mistakes and errors are intentional, as we all do, please keep this in mind for future chapters 🙂.]

… Three more days until counselling.

The children’s expectations were gradually rising.

* * *

If you’re well prepared, you’ll win a hundred battles.

The children’s counselling preparations were progressing under such a philosophy.

Recently, a metric obtained from the library of memories was a great help.

The understanding level category has been opened.

* Numerical values are presented as per the user’s request.

* The subjects are differentiated based on the user’s request.

[Affiliation: Rosenstark]

Ted Redymer: 50/100

Pia Joyce: 25/100

Cuculli Evans: 20/100

Yussi Glendor: 17/100

Gerald Bryce: 13/100

Kasim Pierre: 11/100

Ban Dietrich: 8/100

Evergreen Solintail: 7/100

The understanding level regarding subjects that can be polymorphed into was indicated according to their affiliation.

Not only the ‘Original’ and students but also beings like Bugs, with whom connections were formed in the past, were included.

I realized immediately upon reading the comments.

Although progress and understanding seem like separate categories, in fact, they are deeply intertwined.

‘A simple principle.’

The rise in understanding directly leads to an increase in progress in elements like ‘flame’ and ‘firewood.’

The increase in understanding benefits both individual growth, represented by ‘flame,’ and ally growth, represented by ‘firewood.’

‘…This counseling seems more important than I thought.’

Unlike the cave of the guardian or the library of memories before, the Iris of Laplace was not providing a clear goal to me.

There were no guides or riddles.

‘If I raise the progress more, the Iris of Laplace will give me clues; that’s the deal.’

Therefore, it was necessary to increase the understanding of the children as much as possible during this counselling to obtain new clues.

Obtaining clues through the Iris of Laplace and growing—currently, it was the fastest shortcut to fulfill the misZion of a Hero.

‘By the way, why does Cuculli have such a high understanding?’

…Perhaps because of her straightforward nature.


I gazed at the white ice crystals lingering on my fingertips.


Through experimentation, it was found that polymorphing was possible when the understanding level exceeded 20.

In other words, the ability could be replicated.

However, the ‘essence of Cuculli’ pulled in with residual strength while polymorphing into the Hero wasn’t particularly remarkable.

It was not helpful in combat to a significant extent.

‘Anyway, it’s not like I can use this appearance.’


I shifted my gaze back to the comment section from the ice that melted away.

… There were beings with higher scores than expected, and there were also those with lower scores.

Leciel Hiyashin: 1/100

… Truly gruesome.

As the one with the highest expectations, I felt the need to become acquainted through this counselling.

‘Gerald, Nyhill, Evergreen, Luke….’

The same applied to them.

While higher than Leciel, the scores were not satisfactory.

I should take advantage of this opportunity to raise the understanding level.

I was contemplating ways to increase understanding.

Finally, my gaze stopped at the top.

‘… 50.’

Exactly halfway.

It was a number that evoked many thoughts.

It seemed high, but upon closer inspection, it appeared low.

‘The road ahead is indeed long.’

The growth curve of understanding would probably become more gradual.

The Hero, who had been together for years, had a score of 50, and Pia was already at 25.

How long would it take to approach 100?

… The remaining five redemption symbols and the release of the unique ability of black hope.

Obtaining them would be the minimum preparation against the demon king.


Therefore, the conclusion returned like a punctuation mark.

Let’s prepare for the counseling diligently.

Fortunately, a good idea came to mind.

A groundbreaking method to significantly raise their understanding.


I clenched the wallet filled with money.

* * *

For various reasons, the Rosenstark management department does not allow students to possess personal communication crystals.

Therefore, they had only two ways to contact the outside world:

Use the communal magic transmission book or use the communication crystals available in the ‘communication room.’

Leciel chose the latter to contact her grandmother.

“Just go to Room 23. The usual time limit is one hour, but… I’ll let you use it a bit longer.”


“Just because? Use it comfortably and come out.”


No response.

The 3rd-year work-study student in charge of the communication room pretended to take out the key as he sneakily glanced at Leciel.

‘…He looks ridiculous.’

“Can I have the key?”

He realized he was gaping after opening his mouth.

“Oh, here. Room 23 is straight ahead on the right.”

Leciel, with a slightly crumpled face, grabbed the key and moved on.

‘Room 23… Where is it?’

The corridor was quite bustling with people waiting.

Most of them were freshmen.

Another common was that all of them had red eyes.

“…I haven’t even started communicating, but tears are already coming.”

“You said you wouldn’t cry, idiot. If you do, I’ll post it right on the connector.”

“You should wipe your runny nose. Someone might think it’s an icicle.”

Such reactions were to be expected.

Rosenstark’s curriculum was comparable to the military.

After relentlessly rigorous training, one tends to miss their family.


Among those consistently emotional students, she seemed to be the only expressionless one.

Leciel passed by her classmates with slightly quickened steps.

As she turned the corner, the assigned room came into view.

Leciel quickly reached for the doorknob.

No, she tried to.

Suddenly, the door opened before she could grab it.



The person revealed was a boy dressed conspicuously in vibrant clothing.

“Hey, Leciel. Isn’t it even more delightful to see me outside the classroom?”

Leciel, who had been staring blankly at the fair and smooth face, realized the boy’s identity a bit late.

He was a classmate who took the extreme course with her.

…The name didn’t come to mind.

However, the memory of him constantly making noise with a group and shooting cold, authoritative glances in all directions remained.


As Leciel was about to pass by him and enter the communication room, the boy leaned slightly to block the entrance.

Leciel’s eyebrows twitched.

“It’s a bit chilly. Do you have a lover waiting for you? Why are you in such a hurry.”

A tacky voice.

Tacky content.

The discomfort made her recall one memory.

“I heard you’re on good terms with the Sword Saint and the Hero. Are you also close to the Hero?”

…Right, the name came to mind.

Lucas Wellington.

“Move aside.”

“Uh, uh!?”

She grabbed the hem of Lucas, who was leaning against the door at an angle, and pushed him away.

It was a speed and strength that didn’t give him a chance to react.

Lucas stumbled and spun around in the middle of the corridor.

“Cough, cough!”

When he turned his bewildered gaze, only the tightly closed door awaited him.

The surrounding noise drowned out the boy’s face with a wrinkle.

“Stop staring. Bastards.”

Lucas, nervously brushing off the dust, quickly left.

… Leciel forgot about Lucas as soon as she opened the door.

Taking a deep breath, she faced a neatly arranged desk with a suspended communication crystal.


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‘Grandmother’s number…’

As she entered the serial number, the crystal began to glow blue and vibrate.

Leciel pressed her lips together, waiting for the connection.

Hoping it wouldn’t end as a missed call like last time.

Beep- Beep-!

As the communication sound extended, she tightly closed her eyes.

At that moment, the vibration of the communication crystal abruptly stopped.

[Is it Leciel?]

Leciel hastily adjusted her posture and sat up.

* * *

Hiyashin, be forever red.

This was a phrase personally left by the first emperor of the empire to the Hiyashin family.

From humanity’s victory over the demons to establishing themselves in this harsh western region, the remarkable feats of Hiyashin during this arduous journey were truly dazzling, to the point where words were insufficient to describe it.

Inspectors who pacified all sorts of threats in the untamed wilderness with a single sword.

Considering that Hiyashin’s ancestor was honored as the first national hero, it was evident how significant their role was at the time.

Of course, now that many heroes were active, their presence seemed to fade somewhat.

However, the sun-like crimson hair, evidence of Hiyashin’s lineage, remained a symbol of respect and gratitude among the people of the empire.

At the pinnacle of inspectors, the Hiyashin family of Swordmasters.

They did not involve themselves in politics, cared not for the accumulation of wealth, and sought only the extreme of the sword.

Whether the gods acknowledged this determination or not, the descendants of Hiyashin often showed exceptional talent.

Throughout the ages, regardless of the era, Hiyashin never passed the title of ‘Sword Master’ to anyone else.

… Except for one era.

‘Zion Hiyashin.’

The family lost its pride, which had endured for centuries, by losing to the Hero.

After the first defeat, Zion’s life underwent numerous changes.

Naturally, the life of her granddaughter, who had always looked up to her, was also affected.

* * *

[Is it Leciel?]

Zion was seated comfortably on a sofa, flipping through a newspaper.

Despite being well past her sixtieth year, her hair was strikingly crimson, making her age almost inconspicuous.

Leciel tilted her head and looked at the communication crystal.

The background of the video seemed somewhat unfamiliar—a neat study bathed in sunlight.

It looked more like the estate on the Isle rather than their ancestral home.

“Yes, it’s me. How have you been?”

[Well, it’s been a while.]


The newspaper changed hands.

Leciel continued, “I didn’t know you were staying on the Isle.”

[I moved recently. The ancestral home was too old, didn’t I mention it?]

“No, you didn’t.”

[Anyway, how’s life at the academy?]

…Is she really curious?

Leciel responded while thinking about it.

“It’s fine. The classes are more interesting than I expected, and the facilities are comfortable.”

[I’m glad to hear that.]


The newspaper changed hands again.

Static came faster than expected.

Leciel realized at that moment that her grandmother hadn’t looked at her even once.

And then.


Zion seemed to be about to say something but hesitated.

Leciel quickly responded, “Yes, please go ahead.”

As Zion’s eyes left the newspaper and focused on her, Leciel’s expression brightened even more.


Carefully choosing her words, Zion slowly began.

[By now, you must have had a few lessons with Ted.]


Leciel nodded, lips slightly smiling.


[How was it?]

…There might be a bit more to everyday conversation that Zion, as a grandmother, could share.




[How is the hero doing?]

There’s much to say.

He puts effort into his classes, shows interest in the children, and seems more sincere in his teaching duties than expected.

But Leciel understood that Zion wasn’t looking for that kind of answer.

“…He’s strong. More than you mentioned.”

[Tell me more.]

“I exerted all my power to unfold the Heart Blade, but it ended up disappointing. He keeps asking when I’ll show him the completed Heart Blade…”

[Ha! the Heart Blade? Well… he doesn’t have the right to talk.]

A strangely excited voice.

It was a reaction never seen before from her.

Leciel impulsively blurted out

“Still, I think I can reach him.”


“Not immediately, but someday, for sure. I believe I can defeat the hero.”

Someday, she would reclaim the title of ‘Swordmaster’ for Hiyashin.

It was a statement filled with bold aspirations.

It also carried Leciel’s hope for Zion to hold onto expectations.


[It’s an impossible feat.]


Zion lowered her head, wearing an excessively cynical expression.

She denied her granddaughter.

[Leciel, did you really feel you could reach him?]


Zion showed an unreadable expression briefly in response to Leciel’s strong reaction.

Eventually, she rose from the sofa’s armrest, exhaling deeply.

[Well, if you think about it, it was my mistake for blowing hot air in the first place.]

“Mistake… you say?”

[Anyway, since many talented students have gone to Rosenstark, don’t be fixated solely on swordsmanship. Even now, try various experiences.]

…Various experiences?

Leciel’s fingernails dug into her palm.

Zion, who had been observing her uncomfortable expression, turned her face away.

“Ha, ha….”

That expression.

Those eyes.

Rather than a grandmother treating her granddaughter, it was closer to a blacksmith looking at a failed creation.


Grandmother’s gaze returned to the newspaper.



“The usage time is over. They only give a short time. I’ll contact you again. Take care of yourself.”

[Sure, you take care too.]

As Zion bid farewell casually, Leciel smiled bitterly.

Her mouth, which had moved for the first time in a while, drew an awkward curve.


The light of the communication bead disappeared.

In the dim room,

Leciel sat silently.

And she pondered the lascivious face of her grandmother, which lingered like a scar.

“Ha… What am I doing?”

Too many noisy thoughts in her mind.

She felt like taking her brain out and throwing it into some static somewhere.


Returning to her private room, Leciel’s eyes caught the connector placed in one corner of the room.

It was a coincidence.

During this time, she avoided using the item for purposes other than study and training, thinking it might interfere.

Leciel stared at the device emitting a sparkling light for a moment.

‘…Did they call it an anonymous bulletin board?’

Even if she didn’t engage in conversations with her peers, she wasn’t entirely closed off.

In their conversations, there was the often-mentioned anonymous bulletin board.

‘Is it really that fun to talk to strangers?’

Her hand subtly reached towards the connector.

It took a moment for another post to be added to the anonymous bulletin board.

– I’m feeling depressed (first post)

Leciel swallowed her saliva, waiting for someone anonymous to comfort her.

└ What do you want me to do?

…It wasn’t easy.


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