Thousand Autumns

Extra 6

Liu Jingyan was empress dowager, but she was not someone who’d retreated entirely from the outside world, she was born into an high-standing family, in her early years was also a disciple of Linchuanxuegong, Liu Jingyan certainly contributed no small part to these years that Linchuanxuegong were able to hold their position within the southern dynasty. 

Back then Yuwen Qing had come to the south on his ambassador mission, Yan Wushi had fought Ruyan Kehui, on that occasion Liu Jingyan had left the palace in plainclothes, so of course she would recognize Shen Yan the two of them.

She had been busy helping the emperor manage political tasks, unexpectedly caught wind of the emperor having an audience with a whole lot of Daoists, so she came right away to intervene.

Shen Qiao had gone with the direction of the river to muddle his way in here, he only wanted to see Chen Shubao, had no other intentions, now that his identity was exposed, he did feel a bit awkward about the whole incident.

“This poor one came here bearing no ill will, where I was rude, I hope you’ll overlook it.”

He was willing to offer a sentence of explanation, Yan Wushi however said nothing in reply, he remained sitting in the same position, his expression at ease, as if to him this splendid palace was no different from someone’s crude hut.

Liu Jingyan could scold the Emperor of Chen, but she could hardly scold Shen Yan these two, her expression didn’t change, she was also warm and compassionate, as befitting an empress dowager of a nation, she returned Shen Qiao’s greeting: “Shen-daozun is too polite, daozun finding the time in your busy schedule to offer pointers to my son, that is my son’s immense fortune.”

If she had called Shen Qiao “zhangjiao”, on the one hand it would seem inadequate coming from Chen, on the other hand, Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi sitting here, while Chen had nothing in terms of defences, if the rumour got out it would be weird, so Liu Jingyan using “daozun”, demonstrating her respect towards Shen Qiao as a person, was a brilliant move.

She said to Yan Wushi: “Yan-zongzhu as a grandmaster of a generation, your position is not an ordinary one, Shen-daozun as someone respected and admired by all, my son was unable to recognize Taishan right in front of him, didn’t have a chance to treat you courteously, where he was lacking, I implore you esteemed guests not blame him, I am willing to make up for his shortcomings.”

The crowd seeing the mighty empress dowager of a nation speak so politely to Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao were already very shocked, then hearing the two’s real identities, were even more stunned, the most affected being Chen Shubao.

How could he not know by now that he had been tricked, his anger swelled, his face flushed: “These people masked their identities, scoundrels who lied to the emperor, why is mother treating them so kindly, where are my guards, seize them at once!”

Liu Jingyan rebuked angrily: “Who dares move!”

The emperor and the empress dowager’s orders ran contrary, the guards looked at each other, caught in a tough situation, those that had marched out half a step, their feet paused mid-air, it was kind of awkward.

Yan Wushi laughed, finally stood up: “Liu-taihou is clearly no lesser than any man, no wonder this venerable one heard that Linchuanxuegong’s previous leader wanted to pass on the mantle to you, pity you later married into the palace, and gave Ruyan Kehui the prize, as I see it, if you had been the successor to Linchuanxuegong, perhaps Linchuanxuegong would have long expanded its influence through the south and north, perhaps even into the northern dynasty, and it would now be in a position to suppress the Buddhist sects, how would it still remain floundering in the southern dynasty like this!”

Knowing these words were meant to provoke her, Liu Jingyan’s expression stayed neutral, then she smiled: “Thank you Yan-zongzhu for your praise, Ruyan-shixiong’s wugong is stronger than mine, he’s also more knowledgable, logically he would be the successor to expand the Ru sect’s influence, I’ve ordered them to set up a banquet in another hall, if the two of you don’t mind, can we move to a different space so that I may host you properly.”

Liu Jingyan was courteous and respectful, she didn’t use her position to look down on others, she also hadn’t admonished them for entering the palace with fake identities, Shen Qiao didn’t want to make things more difficult for the other, before Yan Wushi could say anything nasty, he said: “Then we’ll be troubling you.”

The emperor burst from his seat: “Mother, these two view the imperial palace as their own backyard, going back and forth as they please, I won’t let them off so easily!”

Yan Wushi didn’t spare a single glance in his direction, but smiled at Liu Jingyan: “Chen’s previous emperor Chen Xu, this venerable one has seen him once before, his decisions were backed by evidence, he could be considered successful at guarding his inheritance, how come the father and mother are both such illustrious figures, but the son is just so-so, hence the saying like father like son, isn’t worth believing!”

Chen Shubao as mighty emperor, how had he ever been admonished by someone right in his face, immediately he flew into a rage: “How dare you, guards why haven’t you seized them yet!”

The emperor’s repeated orders, the guards didn’t dare hesitate anymore, in short order carrying their weapons they surrounded them.

The Daoists that had been seated beside Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi, seeing the evolving situation had no desire to be caught like thieves, they rushed to cower and hide, afraid that they were all going to end up as fish in the same pond.

In a blur, before everyone could react, the guards that had charged at Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi had all fallen onto the ground, their weapons clanging to the floor, they were leaning over and moaning in pain, looking to Shen Yan the two of them, they hadn’t moved an inch, calm and unfazed, even their sleeves showed no signs of disturbance.

Liu Jingyan could not bear to watch it any longer, she declared coldly: “The emperor is still recovering, he ought to go rest some more, he cannot hear anymore injurious words, guards, send these Daoists away from the palace!”

She originally wanted to say “chase them out”, but then she remembered Shen Qiao was also a Daoist, in order to prevent a misunderstanding, she took care to be more polite.

Only now did Chen Shubao discover that those he considered his best soldiers and guards were completely not worth a mention before these jianghu masters.

As a child he had learned from Ruyan Kehui, but as someone set to inherit the throne, no one thought he should learn wugong, or become a jianghu master, also rather than wugong Chen Shubao preferred music, calligraphy, and the arts, so although there were people around him who were highly skilled in martial arts, he was far removed from the jianghu.

And this jianghu that had always appeared distant, was now almost quite close.

He watched his mother chase the Daoists away, and then invite Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi elsewhere, the latter had never held him in any regard, and even his mother, through his whole incident had never asked for his opinion, in front of everyone, had completely ignored his self-respect as an emperor.

“Your highness, do you want to return to Chengxiangdian?” An attendant approached, timidly asked.

Chen Shubao gave him a look: “Yes, of course, you dare go against the empress dowager?”

The attendant didn’t dare reply.

Chen Shubao: “Go bring the wine, I want to write poetry, can’t do it without wine!”

The attendant, troubled: “But the empress dowager said…”

He didn’t dare continue, because Chen Shubao was glaring at him: “Do you serve me, or the empress dowager, if you’re so loyal, go over to her palace to serve, wouldn’t that be better!”

The attendant kept apologizing and saying he didn’t dare, then rushed away to find wine.

Elsewhere Liu Jingyan had invited the two into another hall, an extravagant banquet had been laid out, she had the guards retreat, but the maidservants hesitated, Liu Jingyan smiled: “There’s really no need, with Yan-zongzhu Shen-daozun’s wugong, assassinating me would require less effort than blowing off some dust, there’s no need for them to wait until now, you don’t need to lower yourselves, you can all withdraw!”

After everyone else had left, Liu Jingyan said: “My son’s bad manners, apologies for the scene, can I ask why the two of you came to the palace, if it’s something I can do, please speak freely, I will do my best to help.”

Shen Qiao: “This poor one really did travel from the north, and is a guest at Baimenguan, I ran into the official extending the emperor’s invitation to Daoists, this poor one was curious, so I went along with them, that was it, you don’t need to worry, we have no bad intentions.”

Liu Jingyan was a little surprised, as she knew it, the two of them with their positions could not be so idle, coming to the palace they must have had a purpose.

“Then, Yan-zongzhu’s purpose is also this?”

Yan Wushi said: “If I wanted to kill Chen Shubao, there was no need to wait until now.”

Liu Jingyan smiled: “If it were anyone else saying this I might not believe them, but Yan-zongzhu’s words, I take them to heart, I daresay, under the heavens there’s no one worthy of being Yan-zongzhu’s opponent, I heard the news that on Banbu Peak, Yan-zongzhu defeated Hulugu, it’s cause for celebration on the central plains, I respect you greatly, I only regret that due to the limits of my position I wasn’t able to go see it myself, now that I have a chance to meet Yan-zongzhu, I raise to you this cup of wine.”

She saw Yan Wushi also raise his cup, although he didn’t drink from it, but his attitude was clear, and she was reassured.

Shen Qiao: “Those Daoists back there, although unskilled and untrained, they didn’t mean any harm, they only looked up the emperor that they entered the palace to seek his audience, I implore you on my behalf to spare their lives.”

Liu Jingyan: “This incident stemmed from the emperor, I understand that much at least, I have no intention of persecuting them, Shen-daozun can rest assured.”

She sighed: “The emperor was born into the palace, he’s never weathered a storm, and so clings to luxury and pleasure, towards political affairs his interest is just average, his father and I didn’t forsee this, apologies that you two had to witness it today.”

The other was so reasonable and generous, Shen Qiao felt bad instead, he consoled her: “His highness has a multitude of talents, it’s only that he is still young, unwilling to focus on proper affairs, if he can receive advice and direction, he is sure to find his voice, a voice that will stun the world.”

These words were right on the mark, she said gloomily: “If the people beside the emperor could be like Shen-daozun, I would have nothing to worry about!”

Shen Qiao was about to say something, but Yan Wushi had already interceded blandly: “Chen already has the Ru sects, Ruyan Kehui looks after his turf like treasure, who can get a foot in? Shen Qiao is soft hearted, before you ask this of him.”

To have her intentions exposed in one swoop, Liu Jingyan was taken a bit aback, but wasn’t angry, her expression remained kind: “It was I who was rash, don’t take it the wrong way.”

Yan Wushi: “You are smart, although you’re a stickler for convention, you’re way easier on my eyes than Ruyan Kehui.”

Liu Jingyan laughed: “My thanks to Yan-zongzhu’s high praise.”

She recognized that she was the empress dowager of a nation, but the other had no need to appease her, she adapted her attitude and reactions accordingly.

People who walk different paths have nothing to conspire, the three of them had no common topic of interest, Shen Qiao brought up taking their leave, Liu Jingyan did not keep them further, she even got up and walked them to the exit, and then ordered her maidservants to accompany them the rest of the way, and that they should maintain their courtesy and respect, etc.

Finally Liu Jingyan said: “The two of you are esteemed guests, next time you want to enter the palace, you can let the guards relay your message, I will come greet you, masking your identities made your time here difficult.”

Yan Wushi: “You don’t need to try to get more information from us, this venerable one coming to the palace today, the purpose was to find one person, now that I’ve found them, in the future I will not come this way again.”

Liu Jingyan, doubtful: “Who was Yan-zongzhu looking for?”

Yan Wushi smiled suddenly: “In this entire Chen palace, besides Shen Qiao Shen-daozhang, who else would be worth my while?”

Shen Qiao was forced to fill in the missing parts: “I parted ways with Yan-zongzhu in Funing County, he looked southward, I bet he also heard news of the Daoists gathering to enter the palace, knowing that I would attend, he came in to investigate as well, we didn’t plan on disturbing you, it was unforeseen on our part, please forgive us.”

Liu Jingyan: “Daozun is too polite, if that’s the case, I will not interfere with you two catching up, Yan-zongzhu Shen-daozun, take care, I hope we meet again.”

She had few interactions with Yan Wushi, but she had heard that he was very arrogant, now that she had met him, he really lived up to his reputation.

In contrast it was Shen Qiao who demonstrated more restraint and manners, he said a few more cordial words, before they took their leave.

Outside the palace, Yan Wushi reverted back to ignoring Shen Qiao, Shen Qiao couldn’t do anything about it, he could only walk faster to catch up to the other.

“You really went to the palace to look for me?”

Yan Wushi said nothing.

Shen Qiao: “How did you know I would go for sure?”

The other still ignored him.

Shen Qiao had no choice but to reach out to grab hold of his sleeve: “Yan Wushi, I have something to tell you.”

By now the two of them had walked to the edge of the canal, here the willow leaves danced, verdant and tender, like clusters of plunging jade, ripple after ripple on the surface of the water, it was a balmy and beautiful day.

The two of them in Daoist robes, their handsome faces, they attracted the effusively tender gazes of many young women passing by.

It was a pity that neither of these two Daoists returned their gaze.

Yan Wushi finally stopped, purposefully unconvinced: “Shen-daozhang is calling me?”

Shen Qiao: “…Yes.”

Yan Wushi: “Then speak, afterwards I need to be on my way.”

Shen Qiao: “Where are you headed?”

Yan Wushi: “First say what you were going to say.”

Shen Qiao was shy, this one sentence had been turned over in his heart a hundred thousand times, and every time it reached his mouth he couldn’t say it, so he could only divert the topic.

He looked left and right, hesitating: “This place is too out in the open, it’s inconvenient to have a conversation, can we go somewhere else?”

Yan Wushi’s face showed his impatience: “If you’re not going to speak, I’m leaving.”

He turned and walked away.

Shen Qiao rushed to grab his hand: “You, you stop!”

At an angle the other couldn’t see, Yan Wushi’s mouth curved upwards, immediately after it disappeared without a trace, when he turned around his brows were furrowed.

Shen Qiao’s head was lowered, wavering for a long time, finally he came up with a sentence: “Are you well?”

Yan Wushi: “…”

This line of inquiry didn’t seem right, Shen Qiao thought bitterly, then asked: “Do you like tangren?”

Yan Wushi: “…”

He laughed abruptly: “Xie Ling likes it!”

He turned to leave again.

Of course he said the wrong thing again, Shen-daozhang was completely stuck, understanding your intention was one thing, but to really say the words out loud, he just couldn’t do it no matter what.

He ground his teeth, and instead pulled the person away with him, he quickly led them to a deserted alleyway.

Yan Wushi didn’t put up any resistance, let himself be pulled along, but his expression grew colder.

“I helped you in the palace, does Shen-daozhang intend to pay me back like this?”

What help, clearly you went into the palace for your own amusement!

Shen Qiao slandered him in his mind, his heart horizontal in his chest, he didn’t say anymore, instead he cupped the other’s face with his hands, like a dragonfly alighting on the surface of the water he met his lips once.

Yan Wushi froze, in the next second that bit of purposeful coldness dispersed like smoke.

The author would like to say:

The author has been working very hard, it was no easy feat to get Shen-daozhang to initiate a kiss, it’s like humankind going from discovering fire to ascending the heavens! (What the…

So the bedsheets turned like red waves will have to wait until tomorrow, after all it’ll be a fade to black, you guys can rehearse it once in your minds —>__—>

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