Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 542

543. The Strange Movement Of The Han Army

The Xiliao army is still confident in fighting on the mainland.

Their confidence is also justified.

In the desert, sandstorms can make firearms more prone to problems.

However, Xiao Hanli, the general commander of the Xiliao army this time, is not optimistic.

Regardless of any excuse, there is one fact that cannot be denied -.

Daliao was destroyed by the double attack of the Jin Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty. Fortunately, Yelu Dashi fought fiercely and re-established the Western Liao regime here. It can also be regarded as a continuation of the Daliao.

And the big Han in front of him, let alone the two sides of the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, even added the Mongolia, Dali, and Tubo tribes, and Xixia was not afraid.


Xiao Hanli can only think of this word.

“Can we really win?”

Xiao Hanli looked at the yellow sand in the sky and couldn’t help but worry.

“In front is Quxian City!

Zhao Yun took the lead, and a vicissitudes of stone city appeared in front of him.

The city walls of Quxian City are not tall, and the walls appear to be somewhat broken under the action of the wind and sand.


Without any hesitation, Zhao Yun led 100,000 cavalry to kill the city.

At this time, there were only a thousand defenders in the city. How could they dare to resist when they saw 100,000 iron cavalry?

The Xiliao defenders immediately fled from the remaining walls.

“Escaped without resistance?”

Zhao Yun was speechless.

I didn’t expect that the first battle after he entered Xiliao turned out to be like this.

At this time, Quxian City was already the hinterland of Western Liaoning, and it was located in the central area. However, most of the land of Western Liaoning was desert, and most of the cities were built near water sources.

For example, the capital Hu Sihan Er, as well as Keshi Ha’er, Samadjian, Alima and other big cities are still further north and northwest.

After the Han army occupied the small town of Quxian, Xiao Hanli was also puzzled.

“Why did the Han army occupy the small town of Quxian?

Xiao Hanli thought hard for a long time.

The city of Quxian is not big, there are only more than 10,000 people in the city, and it is still more than 100 miles away from the Tarim River, so its strategic significance is not great.

“Could it be that the Han army did not march along the Tarim River, and after occupying Keshiha’er, turned to the north, and advanced to the capital, Hu Sihan’er, but turned directly to the north from Quxian, and advanced to the north of Yili, Alima, The cities of Hazel, Hyabrel, etc.?”5

The more Xiao Hanli thorn thought, the more right he was. The Han army marched like this, just in time to join forces with the millions of Han troops from the grasslands to join forces with the cities such as Alima, and gather two million troops to attack the capital, Hu Sihan Er, directly from the east.

…for flowers ·

what should I do now?

Xiao Hanli encountered a problem.

Whether to continue to choose to ambush here, or to take a step ahead of the Han army and occupy Quxian, near the Tianshan Mountains, the only way to go to Yili and Alima.

“Continue to send scouts, be sure to inquire about all the military movements of the Han Army on the South Road! 95

Two days later, the scouts from Xiliao brought back the news.


“Report to General, the 100,000 cavalry of the Han army has left Quxian City and marched north, and the remaining hundreds of thousands of Han troops have also turned their direction at the eastern tributary of the Alimu River and marched towards Changba in the north!

“Is the news accurate?”

“Report to General, it is accurate!

“Is it true that the Han army does not intend to advance from the north and south, but intends to occupy all the eastern cities in our country, and then join forces to attack from the north in one direction?

Xiao Hanli took out all the information again, and then thought about it carefully.

If that’s the case, then he must make a change now!

According to the battle plan of Xiliao.

Give up all the neighboring cities in the eastern part of the country and the Mongolian steppe, exchange space for time, and delay the millions of Han troops from the Mongolian steppe.

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