Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 25 Attack, 2 men of the house!

Chapter 25 Attack, Second Man of the House!

There was silence in the small courtyard, and everyone watched the plump Li Tai slowly pace into the courtyard.Take a look at that fat face that glows with oil, that air of disdain for the world, that figure with a shy chest and a protruding belly behind the hands...

Also no one.

"Yo, the people are quite complete, and the dudes in Chang'an City are all present. What are you doing, you want to rebel?"

Li Tai took eight-character steps, with an arrogant face, squinting eyes, and yin and yang in his speech.

To say that Li Tai's personality is a bit split.

In front of the Second Majesty Li, that is called a submissive and well-behaved, colorful clothes to entertain relatives, or in front of important officials in the court, is a respectful and ceremonial person, open-minded and graceful.But in the eyes of others who are completely out of touch, they are bossy, ruthless, and unreasonable...

His Majesty Li Er was fond of his knowledge and favored the kings; many courtiers lamented that he had a gentle personality and followed him faithfully; however, in the eyes of the savage in Chang'an City, he regarded him as a ghost and kept him at a distance...

Li Taihun didn't know his image in the eyes of everyone, and when he saw everyone saying nothing, he thought he was shocked by his peerless style and soaring extravagance, and he was very proud.

You must know that none of these guys are good friends. Except that Li Zhen is the eldest son who will inherit his father's title in the future, the rest are the second son, third son, and even the concubine of the family. , very unmotivated, usually not afraid of mischief, no one can do anything, it has almost become a cancer in Chang'an City.

This is this group of people who are in front of him now, but they dare not speak like gourds with sawed mouths, they are so good as kittens, how can they be unhappy?

Li Tai said to himself, "Look at how poor and sour you are, don't you have much money in your pocket? In that case, just follow this king, eat, drink, and have fun, all wrapped up in this king."

Can anyone offend people by inviting guests to dinner?

The answer is definitely yes, and Li Tai, the king of Wei, is one of them.

Just as he thought, most of these people have no hope of inheriting the title of the family, and this life is to be a rich family.Since there is no political pursuit, and the family property is enough for them to spend their entire lives, they naturally do whatever they want and do whatever they want.Therefore, it also developed the unruly and unruly character of these gangsters.

When they want to come, you treat a guest, and show a face of charity to who?We can't afford to eat, drink, or prostitute girls?

Although he was concerned about Li Tai's status as a prince in face, he was quite disapproving in his heart.

This person is too arrogant, and he has a small stomach. Sometimes a certain sentence accidentally offends him, turning his face is faster than turning a book, who can stand it?

With such a character, how can you play happily...

No one paid him any attention, and the atmosphere was a little cold.

Li Tai couldn't hold back his face a little bit, Nima, how big of a face does it take for me to treat you?You bastard dim sums don't even have any intention of cheering, how are you, you don't know how to praise them?
His face sank on this side, his eyes were about to go wild, Liu Lei behind him hurriedly coughed and said, "Don't you thank His Royal Highness King Wei?"

In his opinion, although these gangsters could not inherit the title of the family and did not have much political resources, but they were rebellious one by one.

Once King Wei gets angry, all these people will be offended.The success of these people may not be enough, but the failure should not be underestimated...

Li Zhen felt tired for a while, and said to His Highness that if you drink flower wine, you will drink flower wine by yourself, and no one is stopping you. Why are you being aggressive here and making everyone uncomfortable?
Today is his birthday, the big guy is celebrating his birthday with face, he is the master, and he can only stand up at this time.

Li Zhen bowed his hands and said with a smile: "Today's birthday, a few brothers come to join in the fun, and the expenses are free to spend. Your Highness has a heart, you might as well ask Your Highness to spend money next time..."

His remarks are well-balanced and well-founded.

The big guy came here to congratulate him on his birthday, and of course he came to treat the guests. This is a courtesy. If Li Tai treats guests, it will be a bit overwhelming, which means that Li Zhen will not be able to come to the stage.

Who knew that Li Tai didn't know that the string in his head was wrong, but he rolled his eyes and sneered: "The cat is as old as the dog, and it is still a longevity? I am not afraid of losing my longevity. It's ridiculous..."

As soon as these words came out, Li Zhen's handsome face turned into a pig's liver color. He was ashamed and angry, and he was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do.

If you are still alone, according to Li Zhen's temper, he will slap his mouth in the old age, so what are you talking about?
But the person in front of him is the dignified prince, His Majesty's favorite son, what can he do?Even if he had never been so humiliated before, he had to hold back his anger and grit his teeth and swallow hard, but his bloodshot eyes stared at Li Tai fiercely.

In fact, at this time, Li Tai also realized that what he said was a bit too much. If it's someone's birthday, you curse them to lose their life?It's no different than scolding.However, he has always been arrogant and conceited, and he naturally refuses to admit his mistake in front of these gangsters who look down on him.

Everyone came with Li Zhen, and their friendship was naturally not shallow. When they heard Li Tai's humiliating words, the atmosphere was uneven, and they felt the same hatred. However, like Li Zhen, they dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Don't dare to reach out and hit...

But they dare not speak out against a prince, but some people dare.

Not only did this man dare to say it, but he had already beaten a prince...

Fang Jun said with a cold face, "Your Highness, this is overdue."

Apart from showing his eloquence in front of Miss Li Xue just now, Fang Jun maintained his previous image for the most part, not saying much, and still gave people a simple and honest image of dumb words.

That's good, it's the same for pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger...

Although the words are few, it is very important to point out that Li Tai is wrong.

Li Zhen's heart is hot, what is a brother?When you have no money, it is your brother who lends you money; when you are in trouble, it is your brother who dares to stand up for you...

However, Li Zhen has not yet been blinded by anger, knowing that the result of offending Li Tai is unimaginable. This person is likely to replace the crown prince and ascend the throne. He hurriedly stopped Fang Jun and said in a low voice, "Erlang, be careful!"

Unexpectedly, this Fang Er idiot stuck his neck, stared at Li Tai, and said word by word, "Your Highness, you should apologize!"

Li Tai was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to expect that anyone would dare to talk to him like this, and then he was furious: "Fang Er, who are you talking to?"

Fang Jun said with a dark face, "Of course it's you, Your Highness."

Li Tai was about to go crazy: "Are you looking for death?"

Fang Jun shook his head and said, "No, a certain just thinks His Highness has spoken too much and should apologize."

This is a douchebag...

Li Tai was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, but he couldn't take the two fools who were not stingy.

Not only him, but all the people who came with him were all emotional at this time.

No one could have imagined that everyone dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, but Fang Er, who had always been weak and cowardly in trouble, dared to stand up and speak out.When did this guy become so bold?
Everyone just remembered that they beat up a prince...

Then, everyone's eyes on Li Tai changed a bit.

Since Fang Er dared to beat Li You, the king of Qi, and there was nothing to do after the fight, why didn't we dare to beat Li Tai, the king of Wei?

Although Li You and Li Tai have different positions, and their weight in His Majesty's eyes is different, in the final analysis, they are both princes, and their essence is the same.

Everyone is weighing in their hearts, if they beat Li Tai, what kind of consequences will they have, and whether they can afford it...

Li Tai didn't know what everyone was thinking, but he clearly felt that the eyes of these gangsters were a little different.
He saw it, and of course Liu Lei, who was about to become fine, also saw it. He was shocked, and he quickly stood up to stand in front of Li Tai, and shouted at Fang Jun angrily: "Fang Jun, you are really bold, and you are so bold. So rude to His Highness..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Jun stretched out his hand and pulled it away: "You go on the side, it's nothing to do with you!"

What is Fang Jun's motivation?The skinny Liu Lei was pulled by him, staggered under his feet, and almost fell into a fart.

Liu Lei's face was as red as blood, and he was serving the Imperial Censor in a dignified manner. In front of so many people, Fang Jun was like a child. : "Fang Jun, try hitting me again?"

Fang Jun looked at him, then bared his white teeth at Li Tai: "Your Highness, did you hear me?"

Li Tai was stunned: "What did you hear?"

Fang Jun smiled and said, "Liu Yushi asked me to beat him."

Li Tai didn't return to his senses: "Ah, I heard, don't you..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Fang Jun's vigorous figure rushing out like a cheetah, a stride in front of Liu Lei, and a sky-high cannon smashed towards Liu Lei's face fiercely.The next second, Fang Jun's fist made of copper and iron made a close contact with Liu Lei's nose.


Liu Lei let out a miserable cry, fell to the sky, and poured out like a fountain of nosebleeds, instantly dyeing the bluestone ground red.

Everyone was stunned, and Miss Lixue had grown a rosy mouth with an incredible face.

This Fang Jun, hit someone again...

(End of this chapter)

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