Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 48

Chapter 48
Is Li Ke's death unjust?
The unwarranted frame-up, the grief and anger that has nowhere to express, the desolation of being a prince but having a life like a mustard... It is indeed injustice.

But in Fang Jun's view, it doesn't seem so wrong.

Wealth drives people lost, power drives people crazy.With these two sides, people lose their minds, and they all stand aside from loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, family, affection and integrity.

Even an ordinary wealthy family will turn against father and son due to the struggle for wealth and rights, brother Ni Qiang, not to mention the family of the Son of Heaven?
Born in the family of the emperor, when enjoying the benefits brought by the supreme power, you should realize that the sword has a double edge, which has great benefits and great harm.It is long overdue to prepare for the unpredictable consequences of being caught up in the vortex of the power struggle.

Whether it is psychological preparation or strategic preparation.

Undoubtedly, Li Ke was neither psychologically prepared nor strategically prepared.

Just like the fish on the chopping board, if it jumps again, isn't it still being slaughtered by others?

Li Ke is the third son of His Majesty Li Er. He is 19 years old this year. He is tall and tall, with a face like a crown jade, red lips and white teeth.

She wore a royal blue robe embroidered with dark patterns of longevity, and the white jade belt was covered with pearls.

Just last year, Li Ke was changed from the king of Shu to the king of Wu, and he was awarded the governor of Anzhou.

At the end of last year, he was impeached by the censor Liu Fan for excessive hunting and damage to crops, so he was dismissed from office, dismissed from the governor of Anzhou, and reduced by [-] households.

There is also a good anecdote about Li Ke's dismissal this time.

His Majesty Li Er was partial to Li Ke, and said to Liu Fan, who complained: "Quan Wanji is assisting my son, and he cannot correct his fault. He is the one who is to blame, damn it."

Liu Fan said admonishingly: "Fang Xuanling can't stop His Majesty from hunting, even if Fang Xuanling assists His Majesty, how can Quan Wanji be blamed alone?"

His Majesty Li Er was furious and flung his sleeves into the inner hall.After a long time, he summoned Liu Fan alone and said, "Why are you blaming me?"

Liu Fan replied: "I heard that the Lord is wise and the ministers are upright. Your Majesty is benevolent, virtuous, and wise, I dare not fail to enter into my own stupid integrity."

Only then did His Majesty Li Er dispel his anger.

Looking at the handsome and handsome third prince in front of him, Fang Jun was very emotional.

In fact, it is not that Li Ke has no chance to encroach on the supreme imperial power, and he has also approached that seat infinitely.

"Zhenguan Zhengyao" records that in the 17th year of Zhenguan (643), the prince Li Chengqian was found out for rebellion due to the rebellion of Hegan Chengji, the king of Qi Liyou, who was the criminal, and the prince Li Chengqian was deposed. Wuji insisted on making Jin Wang Li Zhi the crown prince.Taizong interrogated Li Chengqian himself, and Li Chengqian accused Li Tai of seeking the crown prince. Taizong imprisoned Li Taiyu and made Li Zhi the prince.

Soon after, Taizong suspected that King Li Zhi of Jin was weak, so he said to his eldest grandson Wuji: "You persuade me to make my juvenile a prince. The juvenile slave is cowardly and may not be able to live in the country. What should I do? Wu Wang Li Keying is very brave and courageous like me. I want to make him the prince, how about that?"

Changsun Wuji insisted on fighting and thought it was impossible.

Taizong said, "Do you object because the King of Wu is not your nephew?"

The eldest grandson Wuji said: "The prince is kind and kind, and he is a monarch who can be defended. How can the position of the prince be so important, how can it be changed casually? I hope your majesty will think carefully."

Taizong gave up the idea.

From this, it can be seen that if there was no obstruction from the eldest grandson Wuji, maybe Li Er would have really made Li Ke the crown prince.If history had any chance, the Tang Dynasty of His Majesty Li Er might have entered a completely different path...

Fang Jun saluted Li Ke and said, "I don't know if His Royal Highness is here in person, and it will be a loss to welcome you from afar, respectful, and respectful."

Li Siwen also hurried over to greet him. As for Li Yulong, the girl did not know where she had slipped away in the blink of an eye.

Li Ke Yaoyao raised his hand to stop him from saluting, and his handsome face showed a smile that was not a smile: "Erlang is exempted from the ceremony, the second of the dignified 'Four Young Masters of Chang'an' is coming to Xin|Feng County, how dare this king not come to visit? If you don't behave properly, you will be hit with a black fist by Erlang one day."

Fang Jun rarely blushed, and was embarrassed by Li Ke's teasing, so he changed the subject and asked, "His Royal Highness is not in the middle of Chang'an City, why is he in this wilderness?"

Standing beside Xin|Feng F County Magistrate Cen Wenshu said: "Erlang doesn't know anything. The day before yesterday, His Majesty ordered the princes to govern all counties in Guanzhong on behalf of the emperor, and His Majesty was assigned to XF County Fang Jun nodded: "So it is, the weather is freezing cold. , His Highness and the magistrate of Cen entered and sat down, warmed up with a glass of water and wine, and later invited the two of you to taste some newly developed food. "

Although I was very upset about the two who came to the door without authorization, I had to be polite and say a few words.

Xin|Feng County magistrate heard that Fang's family lived in Zhuangzi, and it was reasonable to visit him at the door. After all, Fang Xuan was dignified as a savior, and it was absolutely inevitable that the lower officials would show some hospitality.

As for Wu Wang Li Ke, it was a human favor.

If Fang Jun knew in advance that Li Ke was in Xin|Feng County, he would have come to the door in person. Now that Li Ke has come to him, it shows that Li Ke respects Fang Xuanling, not because of his status. Putting on airs - it is your son Fang Xuanling who is here, and this king also personally visits the door to show his affection. This is called the goodness of the family.

Although the form is greater than the reality, it is not easy for a prince to do so.

Of course, then again, given Fang Xuanling's status in the court and the weight in His Majesty Li Er's heart, would the prince dare not respect him?

Hearing this, Li Ke left the kitchen and asked with a smile, "Is Erlang doing food in the kitchen just now?"

"Exactly, I'll get some advice from Your Highness in a while."

Li Ke smiled boldly: "Since this is the case, this king will be a bad guest once, and taste the difference between the food that Erlang has personally rectified! County magistrate Cen, please?"

The magistrate of Cen also smiled and said, "Everyone says 'a gentleman is far away from a kitchen', but now Fang Erlang has abandoned the name of a gentleman and cooked soup with his own hands. How dare someone not give face? Your Highness, please!"

Fang Jun silently rolled his eyes, so sour...

However, this Uncle Cen Wen is not an ordinary person. Although the official position is only a small county magistrate, he has a younger brother who is a great deity-Zhongshu Shilang Cen Wenwen, the manuscripts of edicts and military affairs are all from his hands. The real emperor's close minister, the emperor's confidant.

Leading Li Ke, Uncle Cen Wen, and Li Siwen into the main hall, Fang Jun said casually and politely, "Please take a seat..."

However, as soon as the words came out, they were embarrassed.

Looking around, there is no chair or stool in the huge hall. Where can I sit? ?
He was accustomed to it, and when he said "sit", he was naturally sitting on a chair or a stool, but he was completely unaccustomed to the "couch" of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Ke and Uncle Cen Wen were not polite, they walked into the main hall at will, took off their shoes, and sat on the couch, regardless of whether they were host or guest.

Fang Jun had no choice but to follow in, took off his shoes, went upstairs wearing socks, walked to the couch, gave some more humility, then knelt down on his knees, his butt pressed against his calf and ankle, and sat upright - I'll go! , how uncomfortable is it...?
Looking back, Li Siwen, who has always been carefree, also has a constipated expression on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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