Tianting Garbage Recycling King

Chapter 952 The Last Madness

Chapter 952 The Last Madness
A hundred kilometers west of the Siberian Snow Wolf training camp, there is a low wooden house, the whole structure is covered with snow, the snow is integrated with the snow field, only a small skylight is exposed, it seems that it may be crushed at any time.

From the outside, it looks like an abandoned building. Through the skylight, you can see some animal furs and a rusty hunting bow inside. It can be deduced that this should be a temporary resting place for hunters to hunt.

The surrounding area was quiet, and when the wind and snow were heavy, the traces of wild animals had already been covered up.

Thousands of birds and all-rounders.

No one would have imagined that such an abandoned wooden house would have a hole in it.

There was a sudden rumbling sound from the boards covered with hay, and dust flew all over the sky, but then, a gap opened in the floor in the middle of the wooden house, and then it separated to the two sides, and a platform below slowly rose up.

Mond and his party were in the carriage ejected from the snow wolf training camp.

This wooden house has existed for as long as the Snow Wolf training camp. When the Philop family built the Snow Wolf training camp, they left such a back road, so it finally became useful.

"God, finally left alive."

Several doctors who accompanied Mond expressed emotion one after another. Thinking about it, they should have saved their lives by escaping here.

This place is more than 100 kilometers away from the training camp. Even if the opponent had noticed something before and was not killed by the two iron eggs, it was impossible to catch up in such a short time.

After all, most of these ten people were feeble scholars with no power to restrain them. Even if they had a pistol in their hands, it was only for deterrence.

"Let's go, let's go back to the Philop family first and get back on our feet. I will definitely fight Fan Denglong to the end in the future."

Compared with the depression of others, Mond is much more optimistic.He wholeheartedly believed that Fan Denglong's trump card main force had been defeated, and his vitality must be severely damaged after this battle. Although his Philop family was also injured, at least they could make a comeback.As for genetic people, as long as there is this group of core people, they don't have to worry about ruining their previous investment.

"Today really surprised me. I didn't expect that human beings can reach such a powerful level. This opened my mind. Come to think of it, we can also do this in the future."

Dr. Simet, who was hired by the Philop family with a lot of money, is a science fanatic. He devotes himself to scientific research, and has an obsessive obsession with genetic projects.He has a quarter of the credit for being able to announce a breakthrough in the Philop family's genetic human project.And the biggest hero is Monde, or Li Cang behind him.

Without Li Cang's idea, which is nothing short of whimsical to ordinary people, it would probably take at least two to three years for this laboratory to research genetic humans.

The laboratory has a huge research team, among which there are as many as nine core figures, and Dr. Simmit can account for a quarter of the credit, which also shows how great his knowledge and understanding of the genetic field is. .

"That's right, this is a bit stronger than the ability users I've seen. What happened today really opened a new door for us."

Simmit spoke, and several other doctors expressed their emotions one after another, not to be outdone.

Mond chuckled, rummaged through the cabin, and found a dusty satellite phone.

On this snowy snowy field, the basic means of transportation is the sled. Other than the first time, we call the helicopter for help and pull the sling down.

But Mond chose the second option. He just wanted to get out of this damn place quickly, and then talk to Fan Denglong, and taunt him well.

There is an old saying in Dongtu that the winner is the king and the loser, and the loser should be ridiculed mercilessly by the winner.

"The helicopter has already taken off and will arrive smoothly in half an hour."

As soon as Mond told the news, everyone cheered loudly. This is really great news.

"That's right, Fan Denglong, let's see how much capital you have to be rampant with me this time. I seem to have seen the scene of you kneeling and licking."

Fighting in the west, Mond has unlimited advantages.

"Master, your humblest servant will welcome you soon. Fan Denglong is nothing but a clown."

In the underground research room of the Snow Wolf training camp, the ninja clan and Hydralisk mercenary group quickly occupied all the passage exits, but except for some test specimens soaked in test tanks filled with various wire tubes, only Some irrelevant personnel have no access to core secrets at all.

Jun Wuzui's face was livid, "The ninja clan obeys orders,"

The fifty Chunin and twenty Jōnin dispatched by Zhenyi Shanmei knelt on the ground together, and said respectfully, "My lord, please give me an order."

"Immediately cooperate with Wudang disciples to start a search within a hundred li radius of Fang. Get away, of course I can't do business, and you can't live either."

If so many people were dispatched and Mond ran away, Jun Wuzui would really be ashamed to go back to see Fan Denglong.

"Follow Jun's order,"

Seeing the ninja clan disappearing in front of his eyes, Jun Wuzui's heart suddenly calmed down.Since the Wudang disciples in charge of the outermost layer of surveillance haven't found anything yet, it means the situation is not too bad.

The 20-kilometer encirclement is a bit tight for Wudang disciples with only [-] people.But if Mond wants to leave here quickly, he can only use the helicopter, as long as the propeller is started, it is enough.

"grown ups,"

Fang Tianyuan, the temporary leader of the Hydralisk Mercenary Group, was in charge of leading the Hydralisk Mercenary Group to count the valuables in the research room, when he suddenly came to Jun Wuzui's side.

"what's up?"

Seeing Jun Wuzui's face, Fang Tianyuan was still a little nervous. After all, the Hydralisk mercenary group had cooperated with Jun Wuzui in the Emerald Kingdom, and he knew what kind of past it had.

"I discussed it with my brothers just now. There are only two tools for Mond to escape."

Jun Wuzui frowned, looked at Fang Tianyuan with interest and said, "Go on,"

"The first is an electric vehicle, using electricity from the laboratory."

"The second type is the ejection device."

Jun Wuzui's eyes lit up, "You are experts in this field, so tell me."

Then he added, "I'm not interested in how he left, I just want to know where he can escape to."

(End of this chapter)

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