Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

41 – A Date(?) with Tali and Liara?!

After Samael made his way out of his hotel room, he thought, 'It's time.'


He used his omni-tool to send his personal team, the same one where Mordin was now part of, a file called - The Quarian Pill.

( AN: This ties up the content in Mordin's SIDE STORY)


The content of it would forever change the fate of the Quarians, as they would be able to live outside their suits once more. Of course, the content was 50% done, as he wanted his team to research and see if they could somehow improve it.


Regardless, now that he would meet Tali once more, he knew it was time to launch that. After all, he wanted to have 'fun' with her, and he knew how bad it was for the Quarians to have 'fun' without the pill.

Just for them to have fun, Tali would have to take a bunch of medications so she would not die when getting naked in their room. Their room should be sterilized hours before, their clothes cleaned, etc. There are a bunch of unnecessary steps that the new pill will make useless.


Of course, the Quarian community as a whole will benefit from it. Samael was thinking of them too, of course. Not just sex with Tali, no way.


Anyway, he also wanted to make sure Tali was involved with the pill, so today, besides having a date with both Asari and Quarian, he would say something to her.


' I hope they fall in love with me at first sight once again.'


With narcissistic thoughts, Samael made his way toward the location of the restaurant, where both were.




For the last month or so, things went differently than what both thought their lives would be.


One was in a space station, studying the Geth while also scrapping around to survive, while the other was exploring planets to search for Prothean history.


They thought things would continue the same, but alas, fate had very different things in store for them.


They were now part of a crew so special that they could not even begin to understand why they would want them on it. With a captain so strong (?) he won against a Krogan and a Prothean.


They were in awe watching the fight that took place a few hours ago and a little fidgeting to now meet their new captain.


For some reason, Miranda told them to put on their best clothes, and both were suddenly escorted to the best place in Omega. Both were confused, and they asked Miranda why all this.


But all Miranda did was smile at them. She would not say it out loud, but from the brief gazes Samael gave the two, she caught something in the air and acted on it. 


A fucking amazing wingwoman, Samael would say in the future.


Anyway, now both were sitting at a table for three, waiting for the other person to arrive.


In the meantime, they chatted. They already knew each other, since they met a few days ago when the crew got Tali from her place.


'' So, what do you think this is?'' Tali asked as she tried to ignore the gazes she was receiving. After all, she was the only Quarian in the restaurant, and the Quarians were perceived by almost everyone as being below them.


'' I have no idea. Maybe the captain will interview us, I honestly don't know.'' As Liara had a matriarch in her family, she grew up a little bit privileged, so the restaurant wasn't that fancy to her. Regardless, she was also curious about all this.


'' Do you think he will kick us out?'' Tali would not say it out loud, but she already adapted to the ship, which she found out had no name yet, and to the crew. By the way, her room was strangely exactly like she wanted, for some odd reason.


'' I doubt it. They came looking for us, not us for them. It would make no sense to kick us out.'' Liara's room too, was, for some odd reason, just like she wanted.


A voice suddenly came from behind them, '' I will not kick you out, don't worry.''


When Tali and Liara looked at the voice, they noticed it was their new captain. He still had a lot of bruises on his face, thanks to the fight a few hours ago, that still hadn't healed, but he was dressed nicely.


Also, the way he was looking at them was ... intense. They never felt someone looking at them so intensely before, so they spaced out a little.


'' Oh, where are my manners? My name is Samael, owner of LD and captain of the ship. It's a pleasure to meet you both in person.'' Samael offered his hands to Tali, who absently gave them to him.


To her horror and surprise, he kissed her hands immediately, with no shame, or disgust in his eyes. He was staring at her the whole time, and all she could see was a feeling she didn't know what it was.


It is safe to say that Samael was making a very good impression on the Quarian. Oh, in the Asari too, who just found out her captain was the creator and owner of LD, something she didn't know before.

Tali already knew he was the owner and creator of LD, but Liara didn't. It's not like the crew goes around saying those things out loud, and Liara never asked.


When Samael offered a hand to the now-shocked Liara, their hands touched a little, and Liara felt a spark she had never felt before. It was like her body wanted to meld with this person in front of her so badly that she almost initiated the process without knowing.


The Asari coughed a little, to hide her embarrassment.


Samael smirked, as he knew exactly her sweet hidden spots, and lucky for him, one of them was in her hands. So, he touched it, and her body reacted the same way it did when they were a couple.


He then sat down and said, '' Have you guys ordered?''


'' Not yet. And nice to meet you too.'' Tali managed to answer after recovering from her own ordeal. While not as intense as Liara, she went through some of it too.


'' Nice to meet you.'' Liara was doing her best to calm down, as she could not understand why her body reacted that way.


'' You can ask anything from the restaurant, and anything about me too. I will answer you both honestly.''


Tali looked at Liara, who had recovered, and the Asari nodded. 


'' Why did you hire us?'' That was a point Tali could still not understand. There are a lot of better Quarians and Asari out there, and this person went out of his way to hire them.


'' You see, I was born in a slum on Earth.'' Tali and Liara were surprised by it, as not a lot was known about LD's boss, and the crew didn't exactly go around saying things about him or his past. '' I managed to get out of it thanks to sheer luck and determination.''


' And nine lives lived.'


'' So, I knew a lot of gems were lost in the process, just because others didn't give them a chance to shine. LD goes after those kinds of people, as they deserve a chance to try. I met you through that process, and I must say, you guys were better than I have ever hoped for.''


'' It's an honor to have you in my crew.''


'' Thanks.'' Liara was grateful, but not as much as Tali.


The Quarian grew up hearing the treatment her species received from others, and in the short time since she left her home, she did meet those treatments. While small in time and quantity, it changed her a little for the worse.


So, imagine her surprise when a crew hired her, then she found out the crew was from LD, and the person who recruited her was the creator of LD, who kissed her .. dirty hands.


She looked at the hands he kissed and thought of the things she had done just so she could eat. While she didn't have to go through the same things as other quarians, she did a lot of things she didn't like with those very hands.


And Samael kissed with no problems. That really affected the quarian, but she didn't know that yet.


The trio then ordered their food and started a conversation, that ranged from Protheans, Geth, etc.


Liara even started a strange conversation, '' So, you didn't hire me because of my connection with my mother?''


While she knew it was unlikely, as for the past week or so, she met the crew and today Samael, and not a single thing pointed to that train of thought.


Regardless, she had to ask.


Samael looked at her with surprise and said, '' No, while your mother is a Matriarch, we didn't hire you for that. You have the potential to be better than your mother in every aspect. Trust me when I say that.''


Liara nodded at Samael, and it was Tali's turn to be doubtful once more.


The Quarian almost had the same predicament as Liara, only her father was a lot less important than a matriarch.


Just when she was going to ask, she noticed Samael was looking at her.


'' Don't worry, w-I scouted both of you personally, not because of your family, but because of you. Don't doubt yourself.''


Tali nodded absentmindedly, and the dinner continued.

As the Quarians could not take their helmets off, their food had to be prepared differently. It had to be something like a paste, that the Quarian would put in a compartment on their mask, and then eat with a straw.

It was weird but convenient too, and it helped them eat without dying.

'' Also, Tali. I know you have started research on the Geth. Can you give me the data?'' Samael asked Tali for a favor. If she gave it to him, he would probably have enough to make Legion, complete.

Legion was a Geth companion from the games, and while he already existed at this point in time, with the data he had from other cycles plus the ones Tali could give him, Samael was sure he could upgrade the Geth to a whole new level, like he did with RR.

He wanted to let fate take its course, but he was changing a lot of things in succession, so there was no guarantee things would follow the timeline. EDI was made earlier, Legion might not have the upgrades he needed, and Grunt might not be made at all.

'' Sure. I'll transfer to you now.'' Tali then tapped her Omni tool, and the data she had was transferred to Samael.

'' Thank you very much.''

'' Don't mention it.''

The trio then continued chatting, and hours passed without them noticing.





By the end of the date, Samael escorted both to their hotel room, with Liara going off first, and when Samael's hands touched her again, the same thing happened.

The Asari almost initiated the melding process unwillingly.


Liara fought her blush and entered her room, thoroughly embarrassed.


Samael then guided Tali, a little more slowly, to her room. He wanted to enjoy her presence some more.


'' So, what do you think about the ship and the crew?''


Tali was a little absent-minded but responded, '' Oh, they were lovely. The only problem is the ship's name. You ko-''


'' I know about the Quarian tradition of using the ship name as their surname. I'll think about a good name, don't worry.''


Tali was glad her boss was such a hand- good man. She saw herself enjoying his presence a lot.


Soon, however, they arrived at her hotel room.


'' Sooo...''


'' Soooo...''


Both didn't want to end the conversation. One because he was with his love, and the other because she found him interesting. 


It was then Samael remembered something and got serious, '' What I'm about to say is it's secret. You can't say about it to anyone, not even your family.''


Noticing the seriousness of the situation, even if it came out of nowhere, Tali nodded,'' Yes, captain.''


Samael took a deep breath, '' LD is working on making a pill... that makes it so the Quarians could live their lives outside their suits.''


Tali's eyes enlarged so much that even her helmet was having trouble showing. To Samael, she looked cuter.


'' It's at the beginning of development, but I just wanted you to know that. In a few years, it will be ready, and I want you to be involved in the process of making it.''


Tali was shocked. She could not even begin to comprehend all that she just heard, '' Why?''


'' Well, I know your expertise, and ... I want you to succeed.''


Again, Tali found herself drawn to his eyes, which were looking at her with intensity. She could not even muster another why.


'' Can you help me with that?''


'' ... I don't know IF I can help, but I will do my best.'' Tali resigned herself, as her soul could not even take more surprise today.


Samael sighed in relief. He wanted her involved, as she was the one who helped him and Mordin make the pill in the past. So, it was only fair to involve her again.


He was forceful, but it was necessary.


'' It's time for me to leave. It was a pleasure meeting you personally.'' Samael offered her hand again.


Tali took it, and Samael kissed it once more, '' It was also my pleasure.''


After he broke the kiss on her hand, Samael turned around and left in a hurry. He wasn't sure if he could control himself any longer in the presence of his loved ones.


He wanted to do nothing but kiss Tali and Liara and hold them for some time, but it was not the time.


Tali noticed he left in a hurry, but she was in such a daze she didn't even care. She entered her room, closed the door, and went directly to the bed.


What happened today was outside her expectations.


' The Pill, Samael...'


With a lot on her mind, Tali went to sleep.

I will try and better Tali and Liara's personalities, as I felt they were too 'passive' here. I wanted them to have the same personalities as they had in Mass Effect 3 but for that, I know they would have to go through character developments that could not have happened at this point in time, so I'll try my best to write something good in the meantime.

Thanks for the support and see you on Saturday!

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