Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

43 – Punishment



An exhausted Samael, alongside a glowing RR and a trembling EDI-in-a-drone, met with the entire crew inside the SSV Phoenix.


RR suddenly said to Samael, '' I forgot to mention, but Vigil passed me a program that allows me to differentiate Indrocrinated people from those who are not.''


Samael also had something like that. It was something he honed across cycles, a 'skill' deep from within his soul, but it was nice to see his AI, and possibly all other VIs ( in the future) in the galaxy, have it. 


'' Can you pass it to another AI or VI?'' Samael asked.


'' I can.''


'' Good. Hold on to it for now, but it's nice to have it.'' Samael knew Sovereign was already in the Milky Way since long ago, hiding and plotting, indoctrinating a few people already. But he was waiting for the right time to act. And right now, it isn't. 


Sure, he could try and find the location where the Reaper was and kill it, but then what? Samael knew that, with the stupidity of the Council or even the whole galaxy, they would not believe it was a Reaper. Worse, they believe it, and seeing as it was defeated quite easily, would get complacent with the preparations, resulting in the galaxy not being ready.

 So, he had to wait for it to act. Samael also knew Saren was already under the Reaper, but he also had to let the Turian walk away for now.


After that thought, Samael looked around the place and noticed the entire crew was here, with Wrex and Javik already at the bar, while the Illusive Man was in Samael's room, 'ready' to have his judgment.


Remember, while Samael wanted the man to go through the 'unoindocrination' process and be reborn as an advocate of true equality among all species, his fate was still at the hands of Jack and the other people who were experimented on by Cerberus.


After Miranda saw how Samael was looking exhausted, she approached him.

'' What happened to you?'' Miranda asked with concern in her eyes, '' Is the fatigue from all the fighting you had at Omega? I know you broke the record, but-'' 


'' No, it's not that. It's something else that I will not disclose.'' Samael then remembered something and called the attention of everyone, '' Guys, as you all know, the ship we use has no name. I thought it was okay, but with Tali now joining us, it was fitting to name it.''


Nods come from the crew, and someone asks, '' What is the name?''


'' From now on, the ship will be named SSV Phoenix!''


'' Ohhh, nice one. I thought it would be a way crappier name.''


'' Me too.''


'' Hey! My naming sense is amazing!'' Samael cried out, but no one listened. '' Ok, with that out of the way, we will depart in 30 minutes.''


Veronica asked, '' Where to?''


'' Citadel once again. We got the prof about the Reapers existence, thanks to Vigil. They now have no choice but to listen to us.''


Veronica nodded and went to the cockpit. RR and EDI followed right behind her.


The crew then dispersed, and Samael was left alone. He was debating whether to talk with Tali and Liara or Wrex and Javik when Miranda and Jack approached him. 


'' Can I help you both?'' Samael was a little surprised by the situation but still asked. They were good allies after all.


'' I- We want to ask you for --- you - No, I can't say it! Too embarrassing'' Miranda was going to ask something, but paused.


Jack sighed seeing that, '' I told you you're too shy to ask that yet.'' She then looked at Samael, '' Captain.''


'' Yes?'' Samael asked in a confused tone. This was new to him, this conversation never happened in other cycles.

Also good to note this was the first time Jack called him captain in this cycle.


'' We want your seed! Sperm, your water of life, whatever you call it.'' Jack didn't hold back and said that.


Samael paused. The implication of what they asked was clear, '' You guys want to have a baby... can I ask why?''


Jack hesitated but answered, '' It's Nat- my mom. She has cancer. Terminal cancer.''


Samael paused. ' That explains a lot.'


Natasha was dead in other cycles, so that's why she never appeared in Jack's life down the line.


'' And what does she have to do with you guys getting pregnant?''


'' She wants a grandchild.''


'' And both of you accepted?''


Miradan and Jack nodded.


Samael could see the determination in both, and he was not going to say no. He never had children in past cycles, as he knew he lived on borrowed time. 


But he always wanted a lot of children with Tali, Liara, and Shepard. And in this last life of his, he would do his best to have as many as he could with them.


Also, helping Miranda and Jack have one was no big trouble for him.


'' I can help you guys with that. Just tell me when to ... give you my seed.'' Samael was thinking about how he would have to ejaculate in a cup.


Miranda's and Jack's eyes shone. They looked at each other and nodded, '' Say, Captain, are you dating someone right now?''


'' No, but I do have my eyes on some people. '' Samael thought about Tali and Liara. He would get more aggressive in his approach later on, when they got to know each other better. After all, he wanted to be with them for the rest of his life. '' Why do you ask?''


Jack grabbed one of Samael's arms while Miranda grabbed the other, '' How about we receive the seed personally?''


Samael paused. He knew what they were implying,  but he was thoroughly pumped out yesterday by RR, so he had to recharge for at least a few more hours.


'' How about we do this in a hotel in the Citadel? I'm exhausted right now, but I'll be 100% in a day or two. Prepare everything, and I'll go through with it.''


Miranda and Jack nodded at that, as the man really looked like he would fall over and pass out. They will have to wait 9 months anyway, a few more days won't hurt. '' OK.''


'' Also, I'll think about Natasha's situation and see if we can help her heal.'' Samael was thinking about putting the woman in a cryo sleep pod until the baby was born or finding a cure for terminal cancer.


' Maybe the serum can help with that.'


The serum could cure cancer in its initial stages, but not terminal, or at least he didn't know that yet. Besides, Natasha would have to be fit enough to be able to take the serum, otherwise, she might die from taking it.


'' Thanks. We will leave you to your work now.'' 


Miranda and Jack left, leaving Samael alone. He wanted to go talk with Tali and Liara but he was too tired.


So, left with no choice, he went to his quarter. He entered, saw the Illusive Man in a drug-induced sleep in a corner of the room, kicked him for fun, then went to his bed.


As soon as he hit the pillow, he slept.




An energized Samael got out of his room, and after asking Veronica, he knew they still had a few more hours until they arrived at the Citadel.


So, he had time now, but when he went to talk with Tali and Liara, both were sleeping.


Cursing his luck, he went to the bar. To no one surprise, Wrex and Javik were there.


'' Hello, guys. How are you doing?'' Samael sat with them and grabbed a drink from the bar.


'' Ohhh, it's the winner! We are good. Your ego must be up at the moon, huh?'' Wrex commented while downing his drink. He wasn't bothered about losing the fight. All he cared about was that he had fun.


'' Nah, I'm good. It was normal to win, after all, I received help from both of you.''


It was true. While Samael was sure he could win against both if he had the serum, the win he had at Aria's ring was because he received help from both.


Wrex helped him against Javik and Javik helped him at the last moment against Wrex.


'' Kid, you won anyway, Be proud!'' Wrex patted Samael on the back, almost making him spill his drink.


'' Thanks.'' Samael looked at Javik, '' How are you, my friend? The last day has been chaotic and we didn't have time to catch up.''


Javik looked at his drink, '' It was an amazing week. I found more of my people alive, but the only thing is that we still don't have a place to put them without causing a commotion in the galaxy.''


At this point in time, Javik was well aware that his existence and the existence of the other Protheans were not exactly good things for them or for those who housed them. 


So, he was grateful for LD and Samael's help, but he also just wanted his people to wake up as soon as possible.


Samael saw through his problems, '' I'm dealing with their housing. In a few days at most, we should have everything prepared.''


Javik looked at him with surprise, '' What do you mean?''


'' Let's just say LD owns a few inhabited planets that just happen to have a nice atmosphere for all living beings.'' Samael smiled seeing Javik's reaction.


Even Wrex was surprised. Of course, as the Krogans were limited by the Council to only having one planet under them, which just happened to be Tuchanka, the Krogan was more than surprised to learn LD owned more than one planet.


'' Must be nice, huh,'' Wrex said in a voice filled with envy.


Samael looked at the Krogan, '' I said to all living beings, didn't I?''


Wrex paused, '' You mean?''


Samael nodded, '' When the threat of the Reapers is over, I will personally vouch for the Krogan people with the Council, to allow you guys to own more planets. If they don't listen, LD will help anyway.''


Wrex was getting more and more things for LD and Samael and he felt he didn't have enough to give back, '' Sam-''


''Don't thank me yet. We still have to win. Right now, even if we launch the entire Krogan population at the Reapers, it will not be enough. There is still too much to lose until we can gain something.''


Wrex said nothing more, as he knew Samael was right. Still, a new planet for the Krogans was another thing he would have to pay back to LD.


It was Javik's turn to thank Samael, as he had said he would help his species have a home once more.


'' Thanks for the help with that.''


''Don't mention it. We are at war Javik, we need all the help we can get. 100+ Protheans were a good addition to the war effort.'' Samael wasn't going to lie and say he didn't have a plan for the newly arrived Protheans. It's just that they were too small in number to make a huge difference, but they still have their uses.


'' I asked my people to make a few buildings, like a hospital, homes, etc. When they give me the okay, I'll pass the coordinates to the ship where your species are, and then they can go there. You can go if you want, I will not hold you.''


By that point in time, the emergency meeting they would have with the Council would be over, so sending Javik away was okay.


'' Thanks, my friend. I will go there and oversee things.''


Samael nodded and raised his cup, '' Cheers to us!''


'' Cheers!''




In the bar of SSV Phoenix, a reunion taking place right now. There's Samael with an unconscious man on one side, and on the other side, all test subjects, Jack included, alongside a few other people from the crew.


Miranda was there to support her girlfriend, while Liara and Tali, both of whom had just woken up, were curious about the situation.


'' Do you know what is all this?'' Tali asked Liara, who was also confused. 


'' I have no idea, but it seems serious.'' Liara noted everyone looked on edge, Jack more than others.


It was then that Samael started speaking, '' I gathered you here today because I promised you all something. Justice for what happened to you and others scattered across the galaxy.''


He then kicked the unconscious man into the middle of the bar. Everyone seemed ready to tear the man to pieces, but they respected Samael enough to not do anything before he said it was okay.


Samael eyed everyone who wasn't a test subject and explained the situation, '' This man here is Jack Harper, or just The Illusive Man. He was the owner of Cerberus, a company that is now under LD control. The man was rich, had connections, and felt secure thanks to that. But, he met his match with us.''


'' He has a long list of crimes, and way more victims. The majority of those gathered here know what he was capable of, but for those who didn't know, I'll say a few of his crimes.''


'' Illegal experimentation on children, forceful exposure on pregnant ladies so they could somehow grow a biotic child, kidnapping, murders...''


Samael continued to say crime after crime, not stopping. Safe to say, Liara and Tali now looked at the unconscious man with disgust.


After Samael listed every crime Jack Harper committed, he said, '' Now, it's time to decide his fate. I will abide by whatever you guys decide, but - I will offer you something first.''


Samael had the full attention of the wronged ones. They wanted to tear The Illusive Man to pieces right now, but they felt it was lacking.


'' I have a way of making his existence miserable from his point of view while assuring the evil man is dead. Of course, he will not be killed, but he would wish he was.'' Samael then concluded, '' Again, the choice is yours, but think, what would be worse, a quick death right now or a life full of pain?''


'' The votes will be simple. Do you want it to be anonymous or not?'' Samael asked the test subjects, '' Also, to be fair to others, only those wronged by Cerberus could vote, as it would do justice to all others who faced pain through its hands.''


The test subjects eyed each other until they stopped at Jack, who sighed, '' It can be an open vote. But, before we vote, can you guarantee that your way, he will suffer more than death?''


Samael smiled, seeing a future where Jack Harper would live his entire life advocating for every species' rights across the galaxy. The original personality would be wiped away by the Ardat-Yakshi, while he would mold the new one to his pleasure.


Evil, yes, but the man deserved even worse.


'' I can.''


Jack nodded at that, '' What are the choices?''


'' Ok. Here are your opinions: We kill the man who put you through hell right now, today, and his history ends right now.'' That made some murmurs among the crowd, but they waited for the second option, '' Or you trust me, and let me make sure he lives his life in eternal hell.''


The test subjects now waited for Samael to start the voting.


'' Whoever wants to kill him right now, please raise your hands.'' 


After Samael said that, 5 people raised their hands. The minority, as there are over 20 test subjects on the ship.


'' Noted. Now, who wants the second option?''


The rest of the test subjects, Jack included, raised their hands.


'' Good. With everyone as witnesses, I now declare this man will suffer from his worst nightmare....''


Samael then looked at each test subject. He could see the pain in their eyes, as even though the man who put them through hell would experience the same, things still happened. They were changed forever thanks to the actions of that man.


''Now, the nightmare you guys faced is over. It's over.''


A few of the test subjects started to cry a little.


'' You can sleep safely, as the monsters who did this to you and many others are long gone, killed by my own hands. This man was the last, I made sure of that.''


'' You can now live.''


The waterworks started a lot more forcefully this time, and all the test subjects started to cry. Miranda was seen consoling Jack alongside Natasha. 


The test subjects were also being embraced by the crew, each one being comforted in its own way.


Samael said what he had to say and would now let them deal with their emotions. He looked at Wrex and Javik, who were still drinking, '' Make sure to waste everyone here. I don't want a single one of them sober.''


Wrex accepted the misson, '' Leave it to us.''


Javik said nothing and just grabbed a few drinks and passed them around.


After making sure Clare was around, to take care of anything if something were to happen, Samael left the bar. On the way out, he says Liara and Tali.


Both were a little shocked by what just happened.

Samael approached them naturally, '' Shocking, right? We just decided the fate of a monster, but what he did didn't change. People still got hurt because of him.'' 


'' I say, justice was served anyway. The best we can do now is ensure the affected can live their lives in peace.'' Tali heard the crimes the unconscious man committed. Not even death would be enough of a punishment. 

'' Do you really have a way to make him pay?'' Even the naive Liara was mad just after hearing about the crimes the man committed.


'' I can and I will.''


'' Good.''


Samael was going to leave the bar, but after seeing the duo, he changed his mind, '' Ladies, with that heavy stuff out of the way, how about we drink a bit and talk about life? Besides, we might even have a pity party if things continue this way.''


Looking at the bar, everyone there had a drink in hand. Samael wasn't sure if the stock of drinks would last for long.


Liara and Tali had no reason to say no. While the Quarian had to take drinks in a special way, thanks to her immune system, she still could drink.


'' Sure.''


The trio then entered the bar and drinks started to pass around. Soon, almost everyone in the crew, minus RR and EDI, as both AI had to make sure to maintain their course to the Citadel, was drinking heavily.






SSV Phoenix arrived at the Citadel. The crew members were still a little tipsy from the sudden party last night, but their spirits renovated thanks to the confirmation that the man who made the lives of a few members hell was dealt with.


This was the second time the crew was at the space station, and on both occasions, they didn't come with good news.


After making sure all the data Vigil gave them was good, Samael called a few specific people to go with him to the meeting.


They were Miranda, Wrex, Javik, Liara, Tali, Veronica, and Jack. RR and EDI would be on his omni tool, while RR Android body would be at the Markets buying the things to build EDI body.


If you find any grammar error, please let me know so I can fix it!

Thanks for the support and see you in two days!

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