Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

67 – Priority: Thessia (1)




Well, the Serum Arc ended with 14 chapters and we are into a new one. Just a heads up, this one will be the most challenging for me, as the contents will change a lot from what I'm used to writing, so bear with me.

Name of the new Arc: Thessia.

Synopsis: After taking the Chimera Serum and achieving new strength, Samael had a new goal. Go to Thessia and put a few things forward. But, fate isn't so nice as to let things happen normally;


Arriving at LD headquarters, Samsel noted everyone was already there. But, he also noted Miranda and Jack weren't wearing their armor/combat suits and were just in casual clothes.  Also, the crew seems to congratulate both. 
Tali, in particular, was smiling at them with a ' don't need to thank me' face.
' Could it be...?'
As Samael got closer, Miranda and Jack noticed that and approached him. RR and EDI went ahead and blended with the rest of the crew, introducing Grunt along the way.
Samael asked as soon as the couple got closer, '' Are you guys pregnant?''
Miranda and Jack nodded. Samael then contniued, '' Who?''
As mentioned before, with Tali's permission, Samael had done another session with Miranda and Jack, to fulfill their wishes for a baby. Now, he wanted to know who got pregnant.
Miranda and Jack raised their hands.
Samael blanked out for a minute before smiling. He hugged them both and said, '' Congratulations.''
'' Thanks, I guess.'' Miranda broke the hug and sighed, '' I mean, this was a possibility but for both of us to get pregnant...''
Jack, as always was direct, '' Hey, after we gave birth and all, can we do another session? Without the impregnating part. I don't really want a bunch of kids.''
'' You gotta ask Tali if she let me.'' Samael then remembered something. 
' My DNA now is a mixture... I should've taken the conversation with Mordin into account. Well, it's not like they didn't know about the Serum, so it was a calculated risk.'
Samael had taken the Chimera Serum and now was more than a human. Mordin even said to be careful of impregnating others, as the babies might come out with unknown features.
So, just to be safe, Samael said, '' You guys know about my different DNA, so please get in touch with Mordin and let him monitor the pregnancy.''
Miranda and Jack nodded solemnly, '' We have taken that into consideration, don't worry.''
The couple knew the risks but decided to go ahead anyway. They were living on borrowed time and the Reapers threat was getting more closer than far.
'' Good. Congratulations once more. Now, go give hi to the new member of the crew.'' Samael pointed at Grunt.
'' ... Who is that?'' Miranda asked. While she was CEO, she was still in the dark about most of the Projects Samael worked on. 
'' His name is Grunt. Well, you can see he is a Krogan and an official newcomer.''
'' Cool.'' Jack already likes the addition to the team, '' More firepower.''
'' Yeah, even more, you mean.'' Miranda sighed a bit, '' It feels we were replaced somehow, even if I choose to do that.''
'' What do you mean?'' Samael asked, clearly not following the conversation.
'' Well, I worked hard this past month and gathered the people you recruited to the crew. They were inside the building, waiting to be integrated into the crew.'' Miranda explained, '' They were already recruited by LD, and as knew I would stay on Earth, I decided to call them to join.''
'' I'll call them right now.'' Miranda tapped her Omni tool and sent a message. A few moments later, two figures Samael knew and another one whom he also had met before, arrived close.
' Thane, Kasumi, and Keiji... long time no see.'
Two of them were family to him, while the other was some sort of friend he rarely interacted with in other cycles. Still, he was happy to see them safe and sound.
Thane was a Drell, a species that resembled a fish. He was a master assassin who joined in Mass Effect 2 and lost a battle against a disease in Mass Effect 3, passing away before the final fight. Also had a son, whom Samael would now ensure stayed safe and in contact with his father.
It wasn't like he wasn't paying attention to the Drell, he was ready to help him if the need arose. But, until that moment arrived, he was staying out of his life. Now, with him up close, he would involve himself.
' I'll help with his son and then with his disease. Worst case scenario, he goes into a cryo pod just like Natalie.'
Kasumi was a human, and arguably the best thief in the galaxy. Was introduced in Mass Effect 2, then appeared in Mass Effect 3 with a cameo and helped with war efforts by helping build things.
Her path crossed with Shepard thanks to the death of her boyfriend, Keiji, who was also a thief. He dies in the hands of a small villain in the games after failing to steal something. The villain had something Kasumi wanted and she would join Shepard if she helped her retrieve the item.
She was also one of the many teachers Samael had across the cycles. Their styles don't match, but it was nice to know things.
' Well, with her here, she nor Keiji will die an unjust death. That's a beginning.'
Then there's Keiji. Samael admits he doesn't know much about the man, but he saved him on a whin in past cycles. He and Kasumi ended up together, but ... died in the end.
The Reapers won in that particular cycle and the fate of everyone in the galaxy wasn't nice.
The trio passed the crew, who was still focused on Grunt, who was clearly flustered but put on a brave face. The Krogan was doing his best to adapt to the situation.
'' It's nice to meet you, friend. I hope our friendship is as good as a breeze in a hot summer.'' Thane was the first one to introduce himself.
'' I hope so too. Welcome aboard. If you need anything, just say the word and we will get it for you.'' 
'' Thank you.'' Thane then gave way to Kasumi.
'' You recruited me, so you know what I'm capable of. So, if you need anything to be stolen you just need to point at it and I'll do the job.'' Kasumi bosted a little but Samael knew it was true. She was capable of stealing almost anything in the galaxy.
'' I know about you and it's nice to have you onboard. Just like with Thane, if you need anything just let me know. Also, I don't think we need your particular sets of skills for now. But, if the need arises, I'll let you know.''
Kasumi nodded and gave way to her boyfriend. Truth be told, she was glad to join LD at that moment.
She usually stole from the rich and for a reason she didn't know, they were getting paranoid now, and stealing from them was getting harder. She also made a lot of enemies, so laying low here and still receiving good money was a nice way for the dust to settle.
When it does so, she would return to her old job.
Keiji bowed a little to Sameal, '' It's a pleasure to be working with you.''
'' Likewise.'' Samael said the same thing he said to Thane and Kasumi. He then pointed at the crew, who was still surrounding Grunt, '' Go introduce yourselves to the crew. I'll join you guys in a bit.''
The trio nodded and went there.
'' Good job.'' Samael said to Miranda. While he was going to recruit them eventually, it was not now. It was something that had never happened before, a variable thanks to another variable, and it was mostly a good thing.
Of course, losing Jack and Miranda at the same was bad for the crew's firepower, but with the trio arriving, it was still good.
'' Thank you.''
' Should I change another thing?' Samael was going to talk about Miranda's sister, who should still be a young child. A lot of things that didn't happen in other cycles were happening and he would do another one.
Just before he said something, someone called him. When he noticed the caller, he said, '' Give me a minute. I'll come back to you later.''
He then excused himself and answered the call, '' Commander, what do I owe the call?''
'' Samael! I heard you're leaving Earth soon?'' Shepard's voice comes through.
'' Yeah, in a few minutes acutually. We have a few things to do in Thessia.''
There's a small pause before Shepard said, '' Well, I wanted to have a farewell party, but no problem. And what a coincidence! Alliance gave us a mission right now. We will leave Earth soon too.''
'' We can have the party another time. Have you sent the message to the agents?''
'' I did and they said they would prepare.''
'' Good, good. Don't hesitate to ask anything. You are, after all, the first human Spectre.''
While still not official, Shepard's status as a Spectre was confirmed. Tevos had already cleaned up the council and entered with contact with Shepard. Just a few more official steps and it was good.
'' Careful, I might ask for a billion credit.'' Shepards laughed out loud.
'' If you need, just say it.'' Samael said in a serious voice.
'' ... Sometimes, I forget how rich you are. Anyway, I and the crew wanted to say a proper goodbye. But, seeing as you guys were leaving first, a call will do.'' Shepard paused a little before continuing, '' Please be safe out there. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.''
Samael smiled, '' Thanks, commander. You too... Also, when will we continue our 'talk'? Tali and Liara seemed to be on board.''
Sheprad couhged a litte, '' Ahem... We will see about that. See you later.''
'' Bye, bye.'' 
The call then ended, and Samael smiled once more. Things were progressing quite nicely for the man. His relationship with his loved ones was good and he was almost getting to his goal: making them comfortable with each other to help the process of them being married.
Also, his projects were coming along nicely. 
' Let's hope things continue this way.'
Samael then made his way towards his crew once more. By now, everyone was introduced to the new members. He pushed Miranda aside and said, '' I have news for you. About your father.''
Miranda was a little bit mad she was taken away suddenly but when she heard that, she paused, '' What is it?''
'' He made another you. Well, not a clone but a sister.'' Samael deiced to sped up a litle.
Miranda still didn't know about her sister, she would know in the future. He only sped things up a little.
'' ... Are you sure?'' Miranda asked just in case, but knew Samael didn't lie about things like that.
'' Yes. Send a message to the Broker to confirm. I recommend you don't act right away, as you are pregnant. Wait for the baby to be born. BUT, monitor the situation and act if the need arises. You have LD arms at your disposal.''
Miranda took a breath to calm her nerves. Truth be told, she wanted to barge into her father's home and hit the bastard, as she now was powerful and not a young fleeing girl. But, she knew Samael was right.
She would wait until the pregnancy ended and then act.
'' I will do as you say.''
'' Good. Now, let's join our friends once more.''
Samael and Miranda joined the group and they chatted away.
'' So, you're like a day old?'' Jack asked Grunt. She was intrigued by the Krogan.
'' Well, I woke up today, but I remember the teachings of at least a week ago. I think his name was Okeer or something. He taught me the ways of the Krogan, the clans, and a lot of other things.'' Grunt was sincere in his response.
'' Huh, neat.''
'' So, are you really the best thief in the galaxy?'' Veronica asked Kasumi, who everyone knew joined the crew, and now wanted to know more about the new addition.
'' Yes. Just need to say the things you want stolen, I will do so.'' Kasumi boasted.
Veronica whispered something to Kasumi, who nodded but stood still.
'' So you are an Assassin?'' John asked Thane.
'' Correct.''
'' But you don't like to use guns?'' That was something John could not fathom, even after taking the serum. Guns were the safest option.
'' I prefer using my fists.'' Thane was honest with his answer.
By this point, Samael was in the middle of his crew, talking around when he noticed Kasumi, who was clocked, getting closer to John. He smirked a little, ' Veronica must have said something. '
Samael said nothing and just watched Kasumi steal something from John and give it to Veronica.
The Pilot was shocked by Kasumi, '' You are really good.''
Kasumi smiled proudly, '' I'm the best.''
''Careful babe, your ego will explode at this point.'' Keiji interjected. While he finds that attractive, he still wants her to slow down a bit.
Samael then noticed Kasumi returning the item she stole, all that without John noticing.
Thane, who by now had spoken with everyone, looked at RR and EDI with interest, '' So, you both are AI's?''
Kasuim and Keiji heard that and came closer and inspected both.
'' Correct. This is one of LD's secrets, so please don't go around saying it.'' RR reminded the new members that.
'' Our lips were sealed.'' Kasumi said that and the other two nodded.
''Interesting... It seems I still have a lot of things to learn.'' Thane got interested in what the AI could do. 
After that, they talked some more, and the crew said goodbye to Miranda and Jack. The couple would stay out of combat for the time being.
Then, the crew entered the SSV Phoenix and Veronica asked, '' Where to?''
Samael looked at the cryo pod where the Illusive Man was, '' Trace the course to Thessia.''




Thane is a difficult character to have a dialogue with, as he speaks with a poetic tune, making it hard to put it in my fic, as my skills weren't good. I'll do my best to navigate that area, so let's see how that goes.

Jack and Miranda will return in the future, don't worry.

Thanks for the support and see you in two days!


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