Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

SIDE STORY – Explosive News (1)

This side story takes place after chapter 52 and onwards






When Diana Allers received a message in her omni tool with files filled with dirt about the whole galaxy, explaining about the slaver centers and evil organizations, she didn't know what to do.

Because some of those groups had connections with the higher-ups within the Alliance, her employers. So, she had explosive news but could not publish it, as it would cost her job and potentially her life.

Just as she was contemplating what to do, she received a call from someone she had never imagined. Emily Wong.

Diana felt the situation was huge, as they had never spoken since the last time, when they found out about Javik. She accepted the holographic call, and sure enough, Emily was there with Khalisah al-Jilani.

'' Did you receive the files?'' As soon as the call was answered, Emily asked in a hurry. 

Samael sent it anonymously, but he never bothered to hide the fact that it was he who sent the files. So, Emily, after receiving the files, looked for Khalisah and asked if she had received the files, and she had. So she called Diana, just to confirm.

'' Yes.'' Diana also realized it was most likely Samael who had sent the files.

'' ... This is bigger than us.'' Emily was now a little bit afraid. She knew that the moment those files were made public, a lot of things would change around the galaxy, Citadel included.
'' But we are still going to publish this, right?'' Khalisah said that in question format, but her eyes conveyed her position on this matter. She would publish it, regardless of the other two opinions.
Compared with the other two, Khalisah was 100% pro-human, and even though she knew the Alliance would suffer thanks to this news, she would publish anyway, as there are hundreds of humans suffering because of others.
She would do everything she could to expose the bad people and protect the weak ones.
Diana had time to deal with her struggles. She knew what she had to do. ''... I will.''
Emily sighed when she saw that. This is beyond her level, as she was just a simple reporter on the Citadel. Compared with the other two, she was nothing.
Just as she was struggling with that, she received a message on her Omni tool. It was from the same sender of the files, meaning it was from Samael.
''If you fear for your life, look for Officer Garrus Vakarian at C-Sec and explain the situation. He will protect you.'' 
Diana and Khalisah also received the same message. When they read it, they got even more confident.
That was enough for Emily. '' I'll do it too.''
Then the trio talked some more, trying to come up with a plan to make the most of the news.
It hadn't even been three months since they launched that interview with Javik, and now they would create another big wave in the galaxy.
This time, the damage they would do would be higher than normal.

On three news channels, explosive news just went live.
' BREAKING NEWS: Corrupt Alliance personnel turned blind eyes to slavery within Alliance Space!'
The reaction from the public was immediate. Protests started to happen soon after, but the Alliance higher-ups didn't comment on the situation.
Those mentioned on the news, though, disappeared from their homes soon after, their fate unknown.
Samael's objective was met, as now others were aware of the existence of those slavers and evil organizations, not only on Earth but on the Galaxy too.
'BREAKING NEWS: The existence of evil organizations within the galaxy was revealed! Alliance personnel involved?'
The files not only had dirt on the Alliance but also on the Slavers organization that existed within Council Space, something that was prohibited.
For some odd reason, another file was launched soon after, with dirt on the two councilors. The Salarian one and the Turian one.

Tevos, the Asari Councilor, came out of it unbothered, as her name was not mentioned at all. In fact, it gave her an opportunity to act.
Councilor Tevos was merciless, and with the public on her side, she took action immediately. She used her newfound 'power' to banish the other two councilors, who were sent back to their home planet. Their punishment was to be discussed later between their governments.
Tevos also told the Salarian and Turian governments that there would be a meeting in the future to decide who would enter the two vacant spots.
But for now, the Council only had one Councilor.
The Turians and Salarians did try to stop that, but the news was too raw for the public, so they had no way to fight back. The good thing is that their Council position was safe.
For now, that is.
Tevos' first command was to open a Spectre position. It was assumed a newbie species, like humans or batarians, would take that spot.

But she also said she was waiting for the right person for the position. When she would find it, no one knew.
Also, a newbie Turian from C-Sec was being promoted at higher speeds within the organization, thanks to Tevos recommendation.
A lot of officers were being fired from their jobs too. Many of them had connections with the corrupt Councilors, so no one said anything about those actions.
The Asari Councilor, the only one remaining, was cleaning the Citadel from its bad roots.
In the middle of all that, three reporters were enjoying their lives after literally helping clean up the space station. Their account was now full of credits, and they were waiting for another chance to act. When that will happen, no one knows.

For now, they just enjoy their lives.

Slowly but surely, the galaxy was getting better, with incompetent personnel being discarded and good ones taking their places.
What changes would that bring? Only time will tell.



There will be more side stories in the future, but for now, that is it. I'll post a normal chapter tomorrow!

Thanks for the support!


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