Time to Duel!

Practical (1)



I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

Its been four weeks since Jack arrived on the island and three weeks since class started. "Wai-pant- up Annie!" Having an energetic friend like Annie who idealizes HEROES, many of which are used for advertising different gyms; Results in Jack being dragged to a gym every weekend to work out. However, that changed the day after they arrived on the island. When both of them were exploring the island, Annie found a gym called the U.A. Gym that is free to use for first-year students. To take full advantage of this, Annie has been dragging Jack to the gym every morning. 

"Come on Jack! We're going to be late for our Duel Theory class if you don't hurry up!"

"We all can't be as athletic as you Annie!"

"Well, maybe you should have joined me at the local gym more than just during weekends." Jack rolled his eyes as he tried to catch up to her. He wouldn't call himself out of shape, as his parents put emphasis that a strong mind needs a strong body to perform well. But Annie's drive to imitate some of the more athletic HEROES isn't something he can copy.

"I don't even know why you are in such a rush anyways. We still have another 2 hours until classes start."

"I rather not miss breakfast because we're running late for class." It took both of them 1 hour to freshen up and meet up at the gathering room to order breakfast. Once they finished they walked to class together. "So Jack how was the trading center? Did you make meet any new clients? " jack shook his head.

"No, so far I only traded with old clients. I need to raise my reputation before any of the older students go to me for cards than going to older traders."

"Sound tough."

"Yea, but on the bright side. None of my previous clients decided to go to other traders."

"That's great! So on an unrelated topic, do you think for today's class we'll finally be able to duel?"

"Not sure, I think it depends on how well people did on the last summoning test."

"HMP! I still don't know why we needed to spend class time going over the different types of summoning." Jack rolled his eyes.

"It's because many of our classmates only used one or two types of summoning. You barely passed the portion of the first test that went over Ritual Summoning." Annie blushed as she recalled her last test score.

"Well, Ritual summoning is weird! Like why do the Ritual monsters go into the main deck?! Shouldn't they go into the extra deck like the other extra deck monsters?" Jack gave Annie a smug grin.

"You're just mad that you got that question wrong."

"Hmph! Well, I don't see why I should care, it's not like HEROES use Ritual summoning anyways."

"You need to learn these things so you are prepared when you face them in a duel."

"It's not like you use Ritual summoning. This means because my rival isn't going to use it, then I don't have to worry about it." Jack felt his face heat up a bit.

"I'm flattered that you think highly of me as your rival, but there are better duellists out there. Heck, I'm not even in the top ten in our class." Annie slung an arm around his neck.

"You really need to be more confident in your skills, I can't have my rival be so negative about themselves. Your better than you think you are." Jack smiled.

"Thanks." They continued chatting until the duo arrived at the classroom. They were greeted with the sight of over a dozen other students chatting as they waited for class to start. The Duel Theory room is what you expect your typical classroom to look like, several dozen desks with a large desk for the teacher in front. A screen at the front is large enough that the kids at the back can clearly see what's on display. However, there are two things that aren't typical for your standard classroom. One of which is only standard for Academies is that each desk has its own built-in computer for students to be able to take digital tests or other class assignments. The other is a door that leads to a large room with five duelling arenas for practical uses. It didn't take long after the duo took their seat for the classroom door to open, Romach walking in with a wide grin.

"GREETINGS STUDENTS!" He stopped in front of the class holding a briefcase.

"I'm happy to announce that you all did well in the last summoning test." Many of the students silently cheered. "Your grades will be sent to you later this day. Now onto today's topic, as all of you know. The last couple of classes were meant a review of basics that many of you might have been neglecting. Like a summoning method that you rarely use because your main archetype doesn't use it." His eyes scanned across the room. Some students sank into their chairs when his eyes landed on them. "Or card interactions you might not have known about. Well, today you'll finally be able to put what you learned into use." The class irrupted into cheers. When it died down, Romach continued. 

"However just because we're doing actual duelling today, doesn't mean you'll just be watching as you wait for your turn. As you watch you also have to take notes on the duels, like mistakes you spot during the duel. Not only are these notes being graded, but they'll also be sent to the participants of the duels. So make sure you pay attention to the duel and write constructive notes, I doubt you want to be handed notes that just say -You did bad-. Any questions?" Romach looked around and nodded once he found no raised hands. He was about to announce who would be duelling who, before he remembered one last thing. "Ah! I almost forgot. Remember you don't need to be over the top when duelling just to make it more entertaining. Your main gaol is to improve as duelists, so it's fine even if your duel is boring." If Romach noticed the silence caused by his blunt declaration, he didn't show it. "These are the first set of duels."

-Orrin Daren Vs Zola Elise-

-Chandra Sri Vs Shelley Sri-

- Kendall Ash Vs Jack Napier-

-Adam Jeb Vs Lídia Edmonde-

Once the duels started the screens on the desk displayed the duels, allowing the students to change the angle they watch. While also opening a text program so they can take notes as they watch. The duels were very exciting to watch, especially with the fact the fight between the monsters had more impact with them being made with hard-light tech. Of course, any direct hit still phased right through the person, but that didn't stop people from flinching at the sight. Or stop people from laughing at the person who flinched. Jack got arena number 2 which he found amusing as it was the arena where the twins fought. Time flew by as the groups duelled, before long Romach was announcing the next set of five groups. Which was just as entertaining as the previous ones. By now, Jack's digital notes were several pages long and his hands were starting to get sore from all the typing. Eventually, the duels ended, and Romach announced the last set of duels for the day.

"WHAT A GREAT SET OF DUELS! Give the duelist a round of applause." The room exploded in applause, causing some of the students who were returning from the arena to blush at the extra attention, while others relished in it. Once the applause died down Romach displayed the last set of duels.

-Jack Markus Vs Crimson Rosalina-

-Annie Sparks Vs Kai Deep-

-Alexandria Hex Vs Leo Cordula-

Hope you Guys/Gals enjoy this new chapter. Remember all comments/criticism/comments are welcomed.

Sorry for the late chapter, had to attend a party today and came home late. Also sorry for the rougher chapter as I didn't have much time to edit it.

GOD DO I HATE NAME-MAKING! It took me so long to come up with names, in the end, I just used a random name generator for the mob characters. 

Lastly, as I didn't know which duel to write, I decided just to put it up to a vote.


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