Time to Duel!

Practical (Conclusion)



I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

Jack relaxed as the platform lowered him. When he reached the bottom he jumped a bit when he saw Crimson in front of him with a wide smile. "THE HECK!"


"Wait! wait, wait, wait! Before I answer any of your questions, how did you get here so quickly? Your platform should have lowered at the same rate as mine."

"I jumped!" Jack tilted his head as he looked at Crimson's innocent smile.

"You jumped off a platform several meters off the ground?"

"Yup," Crimson answered, popping the p.

"Why?" Crimson rolled her eyes.

"Duh, because it's so slow."

"I think it's slow for safety reasons." 

"Well, they should have made it faster then."

"-Sigh- Well let's go, we don't want to be late." As they walked back to the classroom, Jack would answer her questions. Once they arrived at the door, Jack saw that the others were already for them to enter. "Hey guys, I hope we didn't keep you all waiting." The group answered with variations of nos and shrugs. Once they entered, the classroom erupted in applause. The reactions of the group varied from embarrassment to smug pride. The loudest of them all was Romach who clapped as his smile grew. Once the applause died down, the students took their seats.

"EXCELLENT! You all did brilliantly! Sadly the class will end in 10 minutes. You'll all be sent the notes your fellow students took by tomorrow. I hope for your fellow students and your grades that the notes are good. That is all I have to say, you all can go and enjoy your lunch." The students cheered as they left for an early lunch. Once all the students left, he sat down at his desk and plugged a USB into the computer. Once it finished downloading the video of all the duels, he grabbed it and left the classroom. 

Meanwhile, Jack was giving Annie a retelling of her duel. "It sounds like a very intense duel. And did she really summon Beelze instead of Black Rose Dragon?"

"Yea, I thought she would, everything from her deck and past duel history would suggest it."

"So why did she summon Beelze instead."

"It's because you can't have a big monster fight without big monsters." Jack jumped at the familiar voice behind him, while Annie turned to look who it was.

"Oh hi, Crimson." Annie gave her a mini wave.

"Heya! I overheard you guys talking about me, so I decided to join the conversation."

"While you are here, what do you mean by you can't have a big monster fight without big monsters?" Once Jack got over his mini-heart attack, he decided to get the answer from the source.

"Duh, how can you have a big epic clash of monsters if one is many times smaller than the other." Jack looked confused as Annie nodded.

"Yea but a hero fighting a monster many times bigger than them also has its appeal."

"Hmm, you have a point. But I didn't have anything that would fit that image." By now Jack decided to let the two continue their conversation as he read the duelling history of the others. Hoping to better now potential future opponents. Once they arrived at the gathering room, the trio order their lunch.

"So Annie how was your duel?"

"It was great! Kai's ocean deck was very cool! However, his deck was no match for my HEROES!"

"OOOH, I'll love to have a duel with you! It will be a clash of Rose Vs Heroes, Fusion vs Syncro!"

"Yea let's go to the practice arenas now!" Before both of them can rush to the practice arenas, Jack coughed to catch their attention.

"We still have classes, and our food is about to arrive. So how about you two have your duel later?" The two girls looked at each other, nodded and grabbed each other hands. They shook hands as Annie gave her a competitive grin, while Crimson's eye shone with the promise of a fun duel. Jack can only sigh at the sight. 'I think I need to get in better shape if these two are planning to continue running all over the place.'

Later that day, after classes, as the students enjoyed themselves, Romach returned to his room at the teacher's dorm. Sitting down on his desk, he turned on his laptop and inserted his USB. His eyes quickly scanned the flow of data.'-tch' He clicked his tongue and frowned at what he saw.  Opening the videos of his student's duels, his frown grew into a smile as he watched. 'Ah so many good duels, I can't get enough of it.' His smile strained as his eyes darted back to the flow of data. 'Sadly the number of students with potential for Project DS is lower than I hoped."

Romach opened up his notes on the students. 'Only six have potential, while only one has shown signs of already awakening the ability.' He scrolled through his notes, stopping when he reached the section about Annie. 'Annie Sparks has shown potential since the start when she got her first deck. I can't conclude If the cause of her early awakening is due to the deck she was given or if was just her high potential. During her duel with Ai Chika, the readings spiked. Indicating that during the end of the duel, a DS tried to take form. However, the readings could easily have been an error, as nothing visible materialized.' '-tch-' 'I need to speed things up, that means it's time to start the next phase. Why did Fidel have to go silent during such a crucial moment? What kind of excuse is 'Taking out the pests'? Doesn't he realize that this project is more important? I'm almost tempted to finish this all myself, but he is the only one with a method to make the necessary cards.'

Romach stood up and walked towards his bed. Taking out a briefcase from underneath his bed, he placed it on it. Entering the code on the electric lock, it opened up to reveal 5 rows of cards, with 6 cards in each row. All the cards were pure white, The first 4 rows had silver borders. While the bottom last row was covered in circuit-like lines and symbols. Romach tapped each of the bottom cards, causing the circuits and symbols to fade before disappearing, their border turning slightly golden. 'Yea the students will enjoy these, teens these days love pets. What better pet for a duelist than a digital avatar of a Duel Monster.'

Hope you Guys/Gals enjoy this new chapter. Remember all comments/criticism/comments are welcomed.


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