Time to Duel!

Slowly Improving



I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

Jack Markus

8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

Annie Spark

8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

"I first normal summon EVO Overseer's Hunter." A female wearing red armour with long silver blond hair appeared on the mini arena. "When she is normal summoned I can add 1 EVO equip spell from my deck or graveyard to my hand. I choose to add one from my deck. Then I equip Hunter with EVO Duel Blades, giving them an additional 800 ATK." 2 large bone daggers appeared floating in front of Hunter. She grabbed them and took a striking pose. "I end my turn." Jack frowned, not sure if summoning hunter was the right idea, or if he should have waited until he could attack.

EVO Overseer's Hunter

1500 > 2300 ATK/ 1000DEF

"MY TURN! I DRAW!" Annie's grin grew as she looked at what she drew. "I first play, E - Emergency Call, allowing me to add 1 Elemental HERO from my deck to my hand. I then activate Fusion Sage allowing me to add 1 Polymerization from my deck to my hand. I then immediately play the card I got. Polymerization! I fuse my Elemental HERO Burstinatrix and my Elemental HERO Clayman from my hand to summon Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster in defence mode!" The standing card of Polymerization on the mini field started to glow, eventually exploding in a shower of light and particles. When the light died down, a feminine HERO wearing metal tank-like armour with a shield in one hand and what looked like a fire blaster in the other. 

Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster

2000 ATK/ 2500DEF

"She has the effect that I can attack you directly if she is in defence mode, using half of her attack to do the damage. GO BURN THE OPPONENT" Rampart raised their arm, and a torrent of fire shot out hitting Jack's mini avatar. The avatar shielded their face as Jack's Duel Disk shook around his arm as his life points drained away. "I then end my turn by setting 2 cards face down. Look's like I'm currently winning my rival."

Jack Markus

8000 > 7000LP / 3 cards in hand / 1 monster / 1 spell/traps

Annie Spark

8000LP / 1 cards in hand / 1 monster / 2 spell/traps

"Well the duel just started Annie, and I attend to win this. I draw." Jack nodded, happy about his draw. "I start my turn by summoning EVO Overseers's Assassin." In a puff of smoke, a warrior in light armour holding a long sword appeared on the mini arena.

EVO Overseers's Assassin

2000 ATK/ 500DEF

"I then attack your Blaster with my Hunter, while activating duel blade's effect, during my battle phase I can give the equipped monster an additional 800 attack for the rest of the battle phase." Hunter charged at the kneeling opponent, the duel blades in her hands started glowing red. As she was about to strike Blaster a force field blocked the attack, causing Hunter to bounce back to Jack's side of the arena.

"I activate Hero Barrier! Allowing me to negate 1 attack as long as I have a face-up Elemental HERO on my side of the field. Saving my Rampart Blaster."

"-Tch- I end my turn by equipping hunter with EVO lance." A giant lance and shield appeared on the back of Hunter's back.

"I draw!" Annie frowned. "I attack you directly again with Rampart Blaster." Blaster once more lifted her blaster and fired, the flames seeming to snake around Jack's monster to hit his avatar. "I then end my turn."

Jack Markus

7000 > 6000LP / 3 cards in hand / 2 monster / 2 spell/traps

Annie Spark

8000LP / 2 cards in hand / 1 monster / 1 spell/traps

"Bad draw huh?" Annie frowned before giving him a cocky smirk. "That's not concerning at all, well I draw. I then attack once again! Go Hunter take down your foe! I also activate Dual Blade's effect again, giving Hunter enough attack to bring down your Rampart Blaster!" Hunter once more charged at Blaster, blades glowing red.

"NOT SO FAST I ACTIVATE MY FACE-DOWN CARD DE-FUSION! Returning my Rampart Blaster to the extra deck, I can also summon back its material back from my graveyard to the field! So I summon both of them in defence mode, COME FORTH MY HEROES" Rampart blaster glowed before turning into a ball of light that spilt in two. Both taking shape of each of the HEROES used to summon Rampart. When the lights died down, in place of Rampart stood both Elemental HERO Burstinatrix and Elemental HERO Clayman. 

"Well, I attack your Burstinatrix with my Assassin!" Assassin vanished before appearing behind Burstinatrix, slashing her in the back with their long blade. Burstinatrix disappeared in a shower of particles. "When Assassin attacks a monster in defence mode they pierce through the monster to also attack your life points!" As the shower of particles started to disappear, Assassin vanished and appeared behind Annie's avatar, slashing them in the back. "When Assassin deals combat damage to my opponent I also draw a card. I end my turn by setting 2 cards face down."

Jack Markus

6000LP / 3 cards in hand / 2 monster / 4 spell/traps

Annie Spark

8000 > 6800 LP / 2 cards in hand / 1 monster / 0 spell/traps

"HA! Nice turn but my HEROES AREN"T DONE YET! I DRAW!" Annie's eyes lit up and she laughed as she play the card she had just drawn. " I ACTIVATE FUSION RECOVERY! Returning Polymerization and Burstinatrix to my hand. I then play Polymerization fusing both my Clayman and Burstinatrix to summon Elemental HERO Sunrise!" The card on the field once more turned into a ball of light, exploding to reveal a humanoid in red armour wearing a red cape.

Elemental HERO Sunrise

2500 ATK/ 1200 DEF

"When Sunrise is special summoned I can add 1 Miracle Fusion from my deck to my hand. I then play Miracle Fusion, this allows me to fusion summon by banishing the needed monsters from my graveyard. COME ONCE MORE MY ELEMENTAL HERO RAMPART BLASTER! In defence mode." A distortion in Annie's side of the field appeared, opening up and dropping Rampart Blaster in the air landing with a loud thud. Jack gave Annie a strange look when she said that last part normally. Annie just giggled at his reaction. "I then normal summon Elemental HERO Sparkman from my hand." Sparkman appeared in a burst of electricity. "Sunrise has an effect that gives my monsters 200 attack for each different Attribute I control."

Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster

2000 > 2600 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Elemental HERO Sparkman

1600 > 2200 ATK/ 1400 DEF

Elemental HERO Sunrise

2500 > 3100 ATK/ 1200 DEF

"GO SPARK MAN ATTACK JACK'S HUNTER! Sunrise's effect also activates, allowing me to destroy 1 card on the field. I choose your duel blades." Sparkman charged forward, fits covered in electricity, ready to strike Hunter. While Sunrise made finger guns with both his hands, each pointing at the duel blades Hunter is holding. Firing a beam of light that hit the duel blades, causing them to explode into a cloud of particles.

"I ACTIVATE MY FACE-DOWN CARD EVO - CYCLE! I tribute my Assassin to save my Hunter." Before Sparkman's attack can connect, Assassin appeared in front of the attack taking the hit instead. Assassin disappeared in a puff of particles and smoke. 

"NO MATTER! GO SUNRISE FINISH HUNTER!." Sunrise pointed his finger guns at Hunter, shooting beams of light at her.

"I ACTIVATE MY OTHER FACE-DOWN CARD EVO - AMBUSH! When one of my EVO monsters would be destroyed by battle or card effect I can tribute summon 1 EVO monster from my hand using that monster as tribute. I tribute hunter to summon EVO Pack Leader!" Before the beams can hit Hunter, Pack Hunter pounced on her from out of nowhere. Leaving Pack hunter where she used to be. 

"You may have survived both of the earlier attacks taking little damage but you can't stop this. GO RAMBART ATTACK JACK DIRECTLY!" Jack's avatar slammed against the arena's walls by the burst of flames from Rampart. "I end my turn. Looks like it's my win my rival."

Jack Markus

6000 > 4700 > 3400 LP / 3 cards in hand / 1 monster / 1 spell/traps

Annie Spark

6800 LP /1 cards in hand / 3 monster / 0 spell/traps

"Don't count me out yet. I draw." Jack grinned at what he drew. "I normale summon EVO Overseer's Bard. "A woman carrying a large drum on a stick appeared on his field in a burst of musical notes. "When they're normal summoned I can add 1 EVO Overseer monster from my deck to my hand. I then activate EVO Overseer's Meeting, If I control an EVO Overseer monster on my side of the field I can search my deck for an EVO Overseer monster with a different name and add it to my hand. I can also perform an additional normal summon this turn. I then summon EVO Overseer's wall." A human wearing thick armour and holding a large lance landed on the field. 

"You may have filled your board but none of them can take on my HEROES ON!"

"They alone won't but I know who can. I OVERLAY MY WALL AND BARD TO XYZ SUMMON EVO OVERSEER'S KNIGHT! I then activate the quick spell EVO Overseer's Strike, tributing my Pack Lead to tribute your Sunrise! GO MY KNIGHT ATTACK SPARK-"

"JACK YOUR PARENTS ARE HERE!" Both stilled as they looked at each other. Standing in silence for a moment before both of them gave each other a nod.


"Draw." Jack Nodded. Both shaking each other's hands.


Jack Markus

3400 LP / 1 cards in hand / 1 monster / 1 spell/traps

Annie Spark

6800 LP /1 cards in hand / 2 monster / 0 spell/traps

Retracting each of their arenas, both started to clean up the room. Once they were done, Jack grabbed his cards and with Annie headed downstairs. They were greeted by the sight of Jack's parents talking to Annie's dad. When they noticed the kids they waved at them. When Jack got close, his mom pulled him into a hug, Jack hugged her back. After both families chatted a bit, Jack thanked Jacob for the hospitality and thanked Annie for helping him. Jack's family waved Annie's family goodbye as they left.

"Did you have fun with Jack Annie?

"YEA! IT WAS A BLAST! Would it be like this when I enter the academy you always talk about?" Jacob chuckled.

"That's great to hear. And maybe, it depends on how you spend your time there. Let's get inside, it's almost time for dinner." Annie nodded as she followed her dad inside. Meanwhile, Jack's family chatted about their day as they drove home. 

"It's nice that you enjoyed yourself, honey." Jack nodded.

"Well if you enjoyed duelling Annie then I bet you'll love it when you enter the Dueling Acadamy." Jack nodded once more.

"Yea I can't wait!" The two parents spent the rest of the ride talking about their past academy days, while Jack listened.

Here you guys/gal go another chapter. again any comments/criticisms/thoughts are welcomed.

OK, that was hard to write, well at least it's done. The childhood arc is almost over, after which would be a time skip to when they're old enough to enter the academy. So look forward to that, or don't, it's up to you. This might most likely be the last chapter of this week. 

Also, who do you think would have one if they weren't interrupted?


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