Time to Duel!

The Beginning of Many Things.



I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

In a grey car, Jacob drove as Annie sat in the back, admiring her new HERO cards. "And this one is Clayman, he protects his friends with solid defence." 

"Wow, he sounds like a great hero." Annie would lift an Elemental HERO and talk about the character in the cartoon. Then her father would humour her, by asking questions or giving compliments, which causes Annie to go further in detail about the card. This would go on until she runs out of things to say about the card, which would cause her to start talking about the next Elemental HERO. This went on until Annie noticed that there are about to pass a DM store.

"DAAAAD, can we please go to the DM store to get the packs Romach said I could get?"

"You sure you don't want to wait until tomorrow?"

"But what if the packs with the HERO cards are gone by then?"

"Hahaha, you have a point there honey. While we're there why don't we also get some extra packs, I did promise to get you some as your birthday present."

"REALLY! THANKS, DAD!" Parking the car, the duo entered the DM store. Annie gawked at the walls covered with packs, starter decks and other merch. She was only brought back to reality by her dad tugging her arm, signalling they were at the front desk. When she looked up she was greeted by the sight of an older man with silver hair and a warm smile. 

"Oh hello, young one? What can I do for you during this good evening?" Annie tried to speak but the words got stuck in her throat, she took a step to the side to hide behind her dad.

"Don't be afraid Annie, didn't you want to get the packs?" Jacob tried to bring her forward, but she refused to move. "Sorry, she could be a bit shy around strangers." He gave the older man an embarrassed smile.

"Haha, oh don't mind me. This wouldn't be the first time." He went to face Annie. "You are here to get packs right? From how young you look, you must have just come of age to be able to play?" Annie nodded. "Well in that case why don't you show me your Duel Watch, and after I scan it you can pick out the packs." Annie nodded again and slowly walked forward, showing the Duel Watch on her wrist. The man took out a scanner, and after confirming that Annie was a new duelist he offered a catalogue of different packs to Annie. 

Annie's eyes lit up. "THANK YOU!" With a wide smile, she grabbed the catalogue and started to browse it. But her head started to spin by the sheer amount of options. 

"Honey? How about you ask the kind man where you can find what you're looking for?" Jacob after seeing how much trouble she was having decided to help move things along. Annie beamed after she heard her dad's advice.

"I'm looking for packs that have HEROES, like the ones in the show. Which pack would that be?" 

"Oh, a HEROES fan aren't we?" Annie nodded. The man then rubbed his chin as he thought, after a few moments of thinking he snapped his fingers as a pack came to mind. "Can I borrow that for a bit?" He pointed to the catalogue, Annie nodded and handed it over. The man flipped through the pages, eventually stopping at a page near the middle of the catalogue. He handed it back while pointing to the pack he had in mind. Annie looked at the pack info and what it contained, after reading she beamed.

"It's perfect!" The man smiled at her reaction. 

"Would you like all 25 packs to be the same then?" Annie nodded, a wide grin on her face. Before the man could go to the back to get the packs, Jacob stopped him.

"Can you also get 10 fusion support packs? I'll pay for those. " The older man nodded and stepped into the back. Annie was visibly vibrating in excitement. They didn't have to wait for long as the man step out of the pack with a box of packs in hand, with 10 more packs on top. Jacob paid for the 10 packs, while the older man scanned Annie's Duel Watch conforming that she got her free 25 packs. 

"THANK YOU!" Annie left the store with a spring in her step. Jacob thanked the man, while the older man waved them goodbye. 

When Annie got home she asked her dad how to switch her Duel Watch to Duel Disk mode. It took Jacob 30 minutes to show her how to switch to Duel Disk Mode. After thanking her dad, Annie ran straight to her room to open her packs. She started with the 10 packs she got from her dad. Occasionally pretending to duel with her Duel Disk. 

"I then play polymerization!" She went through the 25 packs at a rapid pace. Only stopping to marvel at the cards of her favourite characters from the HERO show that she pulled from the packs. Saying lines from the show in the character's voice as she holds up the cards. "Have no fear as Bubbleman is here to defeat this mighty fire beast!"

Before she knew it, Annie was at her last pack. Wanting to savour the feeling she carefully opened the pack. Taking out the cards, she slowly looked through them. Annie gasped as she looked at the very last card. 

"IT'S SHINY!!!" Annie squealed, holding the card up towards the ceiling light. Laughing, she did a small dance before falling onto her bed back first. The card resting on her chest. "BEST! DAY! EVER! Not only did I have my first duel, but it was also against Jack too! I got this cool Duel watch, got so many packs and I even got this shiny card! I can't wai-Yawn- to show them to Jack." 

Annie's fatigue finally caught up to her. Jacob who went to check on Annie after hearing yelling smiled as he saw her asleep with a smile on her face. He carefully picked up the cards and put them in the box. When he went to tuck Annie in he saw the card resting on her chest. Chucking he picked it up. 

"My little hero is quite lucky huh. It's not the best card, but at least it made her happy." He tucked Annie in and placed the card on the nightstand next to her bed. Turning off the lights, he slowly closed the door to not wake Annie up. 

In the pitch-black room, Annie started to stir. Her eyes are shut tight, she started muttering about villains. However, before it got too bad the card on the nightstand started to give off a warm light. Annie relaxed, and her breathing softened. "The heroes are here to save the day." She murmured. The card's light dimmed before disappearing. Leaving the darkroom in a calming silence.


Had this chapter started on Thursday, I finally finished it. Hope you guys/gals enjoy it. Any comments/criticisms/thoughts are welcomed.

Also, can any of you guess what card she pulled at the end? Well first let me clarify that the packs she opened are fan-made, meaning what they contain and in what rarity they can be are different from any real-life packs. Your hint is that someone cimpare her to someone in the comments. 

Lastly Annie won't just be dueling with HEROES, she will branch out to other archetypes. Any suggestions on what they can/should be? 

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