Time to Duel!

The Plan goes on.



I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

A teen wearing a brown coat stood in front of a tall building with a logo of a hand holding 5 cards. After checking their Duel watch for the time they entered the building. Passing dozen people wearing suits, he stopped at the front desk. He grinned when he saw a teen with long blond hair sitting at the front desk, who greeted him with a smile of her own. "Hello, Dante. Did your mission go well?"

"Hello, Bella. The mission went ok, I also brought this for the boss." Holding up a briefcase tapping it on the side. Nodding Isabella stood up and beckoned him to follow her. Walking to an elevator with a scanner next to it, she took out a card and held it up to the scanner. After a second the scanner lit up and the elevator door opened up. After both teens entered the elevator Isabella pressed the button for the top floor. As the elevator started to rise Isabella's smile turned into a frown, as she gave Dante the stink eye. "Your late, what happened and why didn't you call ahead of time to inform us you won't be here on time." Dante laughed as he gave her an awkward smile.

"Haha. Sorry, Bella. Well, let's say the mission took longer than I suspected. My opponent was tricker than I thought they would be." Isabella gave him a flat stare.

"It's Isabella. Don't you think we're both past these childhood nicknames?" Dante chuckled. The elevator door opened. After leaving the elevator the teens started to walk down the hallway.

"Nonsense, there's nothing wrong with having a little fun now and then." 

"-Sigh- Just tell me what happened during the mission."

"We managed to get two of them, but our main target managed to get away. They were trickier than we first thought." Isabella gave him a flat look.

"You mean that you were fooling around and didn't take your opponent seriously."

"I always take my opponents seriously."

"Yes, but your theatrics give your opponents plenty of opportunities to either defeat you or run away. This is why I always tell you to end things right away."

"But where the fun in that?"

"-Sigh- Did you at least figure out their goal?"

"Yes, they were targeting DM stores." Isabella nodded. Stopping in the front set of doors. After knocking she waited in silence. 

"Come in." A deep voice answered, When they entered through the doors they were greeted by the sight of a large room with falls covered in cards. In the center of the room behind a large wooden desk sat a young man with blond hair. The young man can be seen typing away at a computer.

"Hello, Brother." Isabella bowed.

"Sup boss." Dante gave the young man a quick salute. The man nodded at both of them, and as he stopped typing, he looked up at the two teens.

"Dante I'm guessing the mission was successful?" Dante replied with a so-so gesture. Sighing, he turned his attention to his sister. "Isabella I'll talk to you later, for now, leave both of us alone."


"Not now." His voice sent chills down both the teen's backs. Isabella nodded, and after bowing once more left the room. As the door closed behind her with a click, the young man turned to give Dante his full attention. Seeing this play out Dante frowned.

"You really shouldn't do that, she just wants to be included."

"Get to the point, what's the status of your mission."

"-Sigh- My team managed to capture two of the three hunters. The leader of this team managed to get away." Dante waited to see if his boss has any comments, after seeing he doesn't Dante continued. "This group was targeting DM Stores, we're not sure what they were looking for. But my best guess was a specific card or cards as all of the Wild Packs were taken." The boss frowned at the news.

"Do you think they're also looking for the Forbidden One cards?" 

"Can't be sure, but I have a feeling that they had a different goal in mind. Them taking the Wild packs could be a red herring but I can't figure out what their true goal could be." The boss nodded.

"Isabella told me you managed to get one." A large grin bloomed on Dante's face. Placing the briefcase on the desk, he opened it to reveal the Left Leg of the Forbidden One. The boss smiled.

"Excellent work Dante." His face then turned serious. "Where did you get it from, and did you leak anything that might clue them in?" With a hurt expression, Dante put his hand over his heart.

"Do you have that little trust in me?" He laughed. "Don't worry I found a little trader who had it. So I traded it for it."

"You didn't challenge them, did you? The last thing we need is rumours of you challenging little kids for cards. If words get out that you did that, our reputation would take a hit."

"What do you take me for, a playground bully? No, my pride won't allow for that. I gave them a fair deal and traded something for it."

"And what would that be?"

"Two decks for it." The boss frowned.

"You traded two decks for a single card?"

"Hey don't make it sound like I got scammed or something, if anything we got the better end of the deal."

"-Sigh- You have a point there. But did you really have to trade away two decks?"

"I'm the one that acquired those decks in the first place, and you also said I can give them away to promising youths."

"Yes, promising youths in this company, not random kids you find entertaining. What decks did you give away?"

" Kuribou and Adventurer token deck base."

"At least you didn't give away anything too important." Dante gave the boss a cocky grin.

"So we're cool?"

"You did get a piece we were missing, with the price only being two decks of little value so I'll consider this issue settled." The boss glared at Dante. "However next time you do something like this, there will be consequences. Do you understand?" Dante continues to grin, as he gave his boss a salute.

"Got it, boss."

"Then your dismissed, and tell Isabella to wait 15 minutes before entering." After Dante left the room, the boss opened a video chat on his computer and unmuted it. "Did you catch all of that Doc?"

"Ah! I heard it all, and I got to say you got some interesting friends there. I would love to see how he duel one of these days."

"Would the plan be hindered with two fewer decks?"

"Nonsense, the decks he gave away had weaker connections than the others. If anything this would allow us to have a wider range of duel data. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE ALL THOSE DIFFERENT DUELS!"

"Got it, doctor. I'll call you if anything of interest happens."

"SPLENDID! Well, I have to end this call, I can't leave my projects unsupervised for long." The call ended with a click. Moments later knocking on the door can be heard.

"Come in." Isabella entered and greeted her brother with a bow once more. "Speak."

"Project DS has shown some results." Isabella froze at the sight of her brother's smile. 


Here you guys/gals go. Another chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it and don't forget any comments/criticism/thoughts are welcomed in the comments below.

Also, shout out to Ruiso for the Kuribo and Adventurer Token deck ideas. Also, shout out to Hantaros for guessing the decks correctly last chapter.

Lastly, do you think the story has too many duels, not enough or the amount is fine as is?


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