Tomboy Island

Day 2 – Part 5 – Knock-on Effects

“Let’s find the campsite again,” Alex declared.

The words were met with unspoken agreement. Swiftly orienting himself north-east, he led the way. A collective sigh of relief left the group when they were back in the shade and the cooling humidity of the trees.

“I could eat something,” Charlotte stated.

“I concur,” Yahui stated.

Alex nodded and considered their options. They still hadn’t found anything worth hunting yet - not that he would dare to try and hunt with only his hands. He would have to forage for a good stick at least, a sharpened one optimally. Those were the kinds of tools to make once they were firmly situated though.

“We could trek back to the berry bushes,” he thought out loud. They would be relatively easy to find.

“Berries again?” Charlotte whined. He understood the sentiment. All the meals that they had since landing here had been berries. It was better than hunger by a long shot, but they all craved protein - or at least a different flavour than sugar. “How about that up there?”

Alex followed Charlotte’s finger to a number of fruits that hung near the canopy of a nearby tree. They were ripe in their yellow colour, akin to a cross between bananas and pears. It certainly looked like they would make for a good and solid meal. Something to actually sink their teeth into.

Under other circumstances, Alex may have contemplated skipping out. As it was, he was both hungry and Charlotte gave him the most hopeful pout imaginable. “...Think you can do that, Master?” Tess asked, herself clearly interested in a change of diet.

His hands were tied, he had to try.


“Let’s hope I can,” Alex answered, then leapt up to grab an overhanging branch. All the hours spent in the gym paid off. Near effortlessly, he pulled himself up to the top of the branch. It bent under his weight. Relying on instinct, he jumped to a sturdier branch and pulled himself up that as well.

“Don’t look down!” Charlotte shouted.

“That’s going to make him look down,” Tess pointed out.

“I’m a pilot, height is the least of my issues,” Alex shouted back. He now stood atop a much thicker branch, holding onto some vines for better stability.

“Nice cock, bro!”

“Nice tits,” he shouted back.

“You do make for quite the sight,” Yahui complimented. It meant a little more from her, if only because it marked that she did not feel awkward about their current group dynamic. “Were you a hobby climber, perchance?”

“Survivalist,” he told her and tested the vines covering the trunk. They appeared sturdy enough, so he used them to climb further up. A mistake could be fatal, he was over five metres up now, with another five to go, but he would lie if he said this wasn’t fun.

The vines grew too scarce to be relied on at a certain height, leaving Alex barely out of reach of his price. Looking first down, then up, he hummed. He only had one choice and it wasn’t a smart one. ‘This is a horrid idea,’ he thought, then glanced down to the three hungry women waiting for him. ‘Yeah, I know why men usually die younger…’

Alex pushed himself off the tree with as much strength as he could. For a moment, he was in the air. In flight, he grabbed a bundle of the fruit. They came loose. His other hand grabbed a vine. Swinging over to another tree, he perfectly landed on a sturdy branch, then began the climb down.

“That was some Tarzan stuff!” Charlotte praised him when he was back on the floor.

“Quite impressive,” Yahui agreed, then bowed her upper body in thanks for the fruit she received.

“Let me sample first,” Alex warned them, after he had distributed the bushel. They had six fruits, one of each would go to them, two to him, and the last one was likely to be split. He was just the largest of the group, so it make sense.

That was under the provision that it was edible.

Alex turned the fruit in his hand. It had a thick outer layer, almost like an orange. He peeled it off carefully, finding an attractively pinkish, orange fruit flesh underneath. The seeds were clearly visible, but not so pronounced that it would be an issue.

The sight was encouraging. Typically, fruits existed for one of two reasons. One was to entice animals to eat the fruit, carrying the seeds in their stomach to then leave behind in their droppings, which then served as fertilizer The other was to protect the fruit from being eaten. In the former case, the fruit was typically juicier, apples, pears and the like, while the latter usually came in the form of small fruits with a much higher seed density, like peppers.

The fact that the fruit was quite fleshy and that the seeds, one of which Alex dug out, had that stone outer shell, made him confident this was more category A than B. He took a bit and tasted a firm… something. “This is weird,” he reported and chewed carefully. The texture was starchy. “Like crossing peas with pears.”

“Protein?” Tess asked.

“I think so.” Alex gave the go ahead to eat and so they did. Plant protein wasn’t quite the same as proper meat, but it was certainly better than nothing. Between all of the moving they did and the demands of their trained physiques, a steady supply of it was downright necessary.

They chowed through the fruits with growing confidence, taking their time to do so. If there were any adverse affects, they did not manifest themselves at all.

“Alright,” Alex cleaned his hands off the fruit juice. “Let’s keep going.”

After a short rest by the river, allowing them all to drink their fill of clean water, they went north-east. Alex was getting a better and better map of the environment or, in this case, he was getting a better and better read of where he could not get a good read of the environment.

The forest had been dense before. Now it was positively labyrinthian. There was just enough daylight still to orient himself with the help of the beams of light that made it through the canopy. Yet, there was something strange in the air. Alex could almost taste it. He felt like…

“Are you hard again, Master?”

The question ripped the man out of his thoughts. Due to the density of the jungle, they were moving close together, rather than the usual formation of him being at the front. The question sprang from Tess and the answer to it was obvious by the bobbing of his cock with every step. “Obviously yes. Can you blame me?”

“Obviously not,” answered the goth, her tits jiggling when she stepped off a raised network of roots. “It's more of a physical wonder. I thought men needed some time to recharge?”

“It is a little odd,” the more experienced swimmer weighed in. “You came like… how often did he cum earlier, Tess?”

“Master used me for three consecutive releases.”

“That’s already a lot in such a short span of time,” Yahui uttered.

Now that they pulled his attention to it, Alex was feeling unusually virile. They were somewhat underestimating male ability on good days, but he had to admit he felt unusually backed up for someone that had four orgasms in the past 12 hours. His cock was rock hard and he had to keep his eyes off all the curvy bits around to not start dribbling. Not that their faces were any less reason to get horny.

He stopped for a moment, then sighed. “Tess, can you - No. Tess, help me with this.”

“Yes, Master,” the goth purred, visibly shuddering at his authoritative tone being used. The confidence lasted only until he gestured for her to drop to her knees. “Aren’t you going to…?”

“I just want to get off quickly, I think we would be stuck for a while if we started doing it.” Alex realized the flaw in his logic a moment later. “Right, you have no experience with this…”

Charlotte visibly contemplated lending a hand. Just before she could announce her decision, Yahui stepped forwards and got on her knees next to Tess. “I have a little bit of experience,” she told Tess with a smile.

“You sure?” Alex asked.

“It’s the least I can do for the safety and the food,” the Chinese woman stated. A bit of a rebellious streak snuck into her elegant smile. “Plus, this is exactly the kind of fun stuff the party doesn’t let us do back home.”

Alex had no further questions, only groaned encouragingly when Yahui kissed the side of his shaft. Whispering a few tips to the goth, she soon encouraged Tess to join the service. Two gorgeous tomboys were worshipping the sides of his cock.

“So?” Charlotte asked. The French swimmer sat on a nearby root. She had elected not to join, but she had no shame in watching - and in touching herself as she did. Just an additional stimulation. “You stand accused of being the big horny. How do you plead?”

“I think there might be something in the food, to be honest,” Alex stated. “Or the water, even. The fog made it pretty clear there’s something off with this island. We may all be getting hornier as we subsist on the wildlife.”

“That one incident aside, I really don’t feel any hornier,” Charlotte said.

Alex raised an eyebrow for a moment. “I kind of got a feeling you have a…”

Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Yes, I’m a bit loose, as they say, sue me. I like sex and so do you - Honestly, are you any hornier since we crashed here or do you just get more opportunities?”

That was a splendid question that he did not have a perfect answer to. One thing he could say with certainty though. “I’m not typically this virile.”

“Seriously, this is still as hard as the last three times,” Tess chimed in for a moment, then she wrapped her red lips around the head for the first time. She barely got the upper fourth of his cock in before sliding back. “This looks so much easier in porn,” she groaned.

“What about you?” Alex asked his willing sex slave. “Do you feel any needier?” He expected the answer to be a resounding yes.

“Honestly? No,” Tess answered, while Yahui’s tongue circled around the head of his manhood. The goth glanced at their company, then let out a long sigh. “I’ve honestly been a high functioning nymphomaniac for years… I masturbate like 5 times a day minimum.” She gave his balls a quick kiss. “This is better.”

“Yahui?” Alex asked the last of the bunch.

“I’ve been feeling needier, but I’ve also watched you go at it like rabbits earlier,” the Chinese woman answered.

“Right, so inconclusive on whether we just get hornier,” Alex relented, “but you have to agree that there’s some weird stuff going on.”

“Oh yeah,” Charlotte moaned, half in agreement, half because she was still touching herself. “There’s definitely weird fauna here.”

“Flora,” Alex corrected. “Fauna is animals.”

“Sure… that…” Charlotte closed her eyes and Alex kept his eyes locked on her form. She trembled where she sat, her hip softly bucking against her rubbing hand. He came a moment later in Tess’ mouth.

“Swallow,” he ordered, in the middle of his pleasure. The relief was immediate and he got to ride it out before looking at the goth.

Tess gulped his seed down, as ordered, but she did not seem happy with that decision. “Yes that is… okay,” she said. “I could get used to it but… not exactly the taste I was expecting.”

A close description was not needed, so, now on a clearer mind, Alex turned back to the topic at hand.. “Well, as long as we’re not degenerating into horny savages, that’s good,” he summarized. “It honestly might just be the situation, but I wouldn’t be surprised either if this island just happened to have evolved with a lot of aphrodisiac compounds in the soil.”

“If it did, at least we’ll all go crazy together,” Charlotte said.

“Riveting,” Tess drawled.

Alex directed them north-west, hoping they would get out of the jungle eventually. Which, fortunately, they did after ‘only’ an hour of additional walking. They stepped out onto the biggest grassy area they had come across so far. The sandy shore was off in the distance and on its backdrop moved a graceful shape.

Alex recognized her immediately.

“SOFIA!” he shouted across the plane. The woman’s head snapped around. Then she broke out into a sprint. Her slender body cut through the air, making her wavy, brown hair flutter behind her in its length. Somewhere along the way, she dropped a stick she had been carrying with her.

“ALEX!” The exclamation of joy was the prelude to a full body hug. It was far above even their usual friendliness, especially with all of the clothes removed. A fact that the Estonian woman realized perhaps only because his hardening cock was brushing against her leg.

Immediately she disengaged. She took one step backwards and averted her brown eyes. A soft blush laid on her fair features. Light pink lips quivered softly in embarrassment. She glanced a few times at him, tracing his various features. He did the same on pure instinct.

Slender was the best way to describe her. Sofia had small breasts and a balanced figure, womanly in her development but certainly on the lithe side of things. She wasn’t as toned as the three he was with, but that only meant she was lean rather than athletic. One of her hands was behind her back, the other up in her hair, awkwardly twirling a strand of her brown locks.

“I’m happy you’re… okay?” the fencer asked, glancing back and forth between him and the other women. “And I’m happy that you’re… uhm… unharmed? Also, not going to lie, kind of happy I’m not the only one in this predicament.” She hesitantly gestured at herself.

“Yeah, we all washed ashore nude, somehow,” Alex tried his best not to stare too much at her. He had known Sofia for over two years already and having a previous friendship made this more awkward. That did not stop his dick from pointing straight at her though.

“Ready for number six,” Charlotte joked.

Alex shook his head at the French tomboy and her comments. “I’m glad to see you’re well too. I see you grabbed an impromptu weapon?”

“I figured it’d be best I have one,” Sofia said and turned around to grab the stick she had discarded mid sprint. It was no fencing sword, but it was a sturdy piece of wood that could, wielded with precision, inflict a lot of hurt. “W-weird question, maybe… but what did she mean?” The fencer gestured towards Charlotte.

“It’s that she wants me to bend her over,” Alex answered with dry honesty.

Sofia’s embarrassed glance suddenly focused. She looked back and forth between him and her. “Really? I didn’t know you had a thing before?” she investigated.

“We didn’t, things happened,” Alex said.

“That’s a way to put it, Master,” Tess added.

“...Wait a second, what?”

Now came the really awkward part. “So, let me just try to break this down for you,” he said and then gave her the summary of what had happened with the crash and since. She listened intently, turned reddish when the first night was mentioned, then inquisitive when they reached the part where Tess had surrendered herself to him.

“W-wait… wait…” Sofia rubbed her forehead.

“I know, I know, I’m a weird woman,” Tess drawled.

“No! No… no… It’s uhm… you can just do that? Like… can I talk to you for a second?” Sofia stepped forwards, the certainty of her footfalls belying her soft-spoken nature. She pulled Tess aside for no longer than twenty seconds, before the whispering stopped. At that point, Sofia turned around and dropped to her knees in front of Alex. “Master!”

‘Wait, what?’ he thought.  “Wait, what?” he repeated out loud.

Sofia was crimson-faced as she continued. “I want to be your property, can I?” She even went so far to rub her cheek against his cock.

“Sofia, you realize this is weird?”

“If she can do it, so can I!” the fencer declared. Her bout of confidence ebbed away, leaving her a lithe brunette on her knees, pushing the tips of her index fingers together. “I may or may not… have a crush on you and I may or… may not… have wished for you to just… take me? Please?”

Alex blinked several times. This was not how he had considered their reunion to go whatsoever. Since when had she had those feelings? Questions for later. For now he had another complicated one to answer: did he accept that pledge or not?

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