Tomboy Island

Day 3 – Part 5 – Campsite Declarations


The mood in the resting spot swiftly simmered down from there. Ashley appeared deeply embarrassed by what she had done - and would likely have been deeply embarrassed by what she had said as well, if anyone had teased her with it. For the time being, everyone was too busy basking in the afterglow to really care.

Alex was of three minds regarding the rampant sexuality of their stay on this island so far. Obviously he loved it as a man, one who had garnered himself a little harem in the span of three days, as he was the main benefactor of all of this. As a person, he simultaneously found it odd and fully understandable. The pleasure was a wonderful way to deal with the stress of the situation. Stress that, despite all of them being at peak physical and mental ability, doubtlessly existed. They had to find each meal, constantly be mindful of shade and water, and they still were missing half of the passengers.

To cope with sex was entirely human. To cope by becoming sex slaves was weird though. Alex was not sure about that either. ‘Is the island influencing us or are we all just perverts?’ he wondered. The latter seemed a lot more likely. Besides his increased ability to perform, he hadn’t really felt different - that night in the fog put aside. ‘Then again, I might not notice because I am under the influence? Maybe I should stay abstinent for a bit to test whether I can?’

An idea for another time. For now, he had a group of fed, safe, and satisfied tomboys around him. Optimal conditions to relocate.

“Now that I have this side of the island mapped out, let’s get back to that natural campside we found yesterday,” he told everyone. “Our group is big enough that we should establish a base of operation.”

“I hope that camp is better than my rocks,” Evelyn said.



“This is much better than my rocks,” Evelyn admitted.

It was three hours of walking later. Since they were retreading previously walked ground, they moved with a bit more certainty. It would take weeks to fully accustomize them with the environment and years before they would never discover anything new, especially in the jungle, but just knowing what was over the horizon made things easier.

“Is that a cauldron?”

That being said, there always were surprises.

Alex turned, after hearing Yahui’s question, and followed the Chinese gymnast’s fingers to where a large hunk of metal laid in the surf. The high tide must have carried it up to the beach while they were away, although Alex struggled to imagine the wave that would have carried it up to the beach.

“Let’s check it out. Sofia, Valeria, Evelyn, could you come along?” 

Alex specifically asked the three women he thought would be most useful if it came to a fight. After that weird starfish creature earlier, he was a little weary of a giant hermit crab nesting inside that cauldron. As it turned out, that was pure paranoia. They advanced down the beach, through the mud left by the ebb, and found that the cauldron was a piece of the airplane that had been entirely reshaped by a combination of the crash and, Alex had to assume, burning fuel that had breached the tank after they had begun tumbling.

Judging by the colour, it had originally been some king of aluminium alloy panel. Now it had a bowl-like main body that narrowed to a still wide top. A pair of widened, empty bolt slots sat opposite of each other, perfect to put some kind of handle through. In short, it was a cauldron, one of substantial size at that.

They lifted it up to a dried part of the beach, then found a stick long and straight enough to serve as the handle and carry it the rest of the way. It did not sit nicely level and its rim was so sharp they had to file it down by using stones from the river, but it was a working cauldron.

“Guess we can make soup soon,” Alex said enthusiastically. Their survival chances went up tremendously with that alone. They hadn’t run into any issues from the water yet, but he would feel a lot better once he knew they had boiled it once, plus they could now look into cooking the various crustaceans around the island.

A splendid day all around so far.

“So this is our permanent camping site, Master?” Tess asked, just to be certain.


“Yes,” he confirmed and looked around the clearing. It would be big enough for fifteen people and individual sleeping spots, especially if they cleared out some of the surrounding underbrush to make for cushioned seats and such. “First things first, we should make a firepit… which means we need some basic digging tools.”

“We have hands?” Charlotte asked.

“That will work in a pinch, but I was thinking short, sturdy sticks that we can loosen the earth with and pry apart roots if we come across any. A fire pit should be at least a little deep. Plus, we’ll need to prepare ways to light a fire.” Alex looked at the nearby forest. “It’ll take a lot of work, but I think we have the materials for that around… let’s look.”


Alex lost no time. He immediately began to forage for basic materials. It only took a few moments for his mind to go still. This was his element, this was what he did for fun between flights - not in the nude, but that only added to the challenge!

Eyes darted around, as he scanned the lay of the land and the vegetation for everything that was usable. A nearby palm tree had shed half of its leaves some time ago for various reasons. A part of the nearby river fell a quarter meter down a sheer surface, before returning to its regular slope that made it drift by and under the camp site. A patch of bamboo-esque plants sprouted between nearby trees. One young tree had fallen to disease some time ago. Its wood was so dry not even the insects cared for it. A kind of ivy clung to nearby trees via a network of flexible, thin plant fibre.

Combining all of this, Alex got into motion. First he found himself a nice and pointy rock, then another flat rock. He put both of them aside, then found himself a selection of straight sticks. He was lucky in that endeavor. Straight sticks were a rarity in nature, especially three of them in different specifications. He needed one short, thin one, a long, slightly thicker one, and then a thick, short one. That last one being fully straight was optional.

Alex just worked. After a full day walking around, it was nice to do something that was almost routine with new materials.

First, he wanted to fill the cauldron with water. A difficult task by any measurement. They couldn’t just carry it down to the river, fill it up to a notable margin, then carry it back up. It would be too heavy for that and they would struggle getting the water back out in a usable way if there was too little in it. No, the water had to get to them.

Using the two rocks, Alex cut down a few of the tallest bamboo stalks he could find. The sharp stone acted as his cutting tool, the blunt stone as his hammer, and combined they made for a primitive but effective utensil. Once he had enough bamboo, he used the long stick of medium thickness to punch through internal barriers, leaving him with a set of tubes. The careful application of force made many tubes into one. Clever usage of the plentiful rocks in the river to create a half-dam let Alex then use that tube to transport some of the water from atop the little fall to the top of the cauldron. It was just enough of an elevation difference to get the liquid from A to B in a constant stream.

It was far from a valve, but it was working on its own while he dug out the firepit. Strong arms and big lungs fuelled every dig, through grass, grassroots, dirt, and then the venturing underground of nearby trees. The spot was luckily chosen and fire would take care of what little he couldn’t remove with force alone.

On his order, the women began to pile leaves and dry wood in the fireplace. Meanwhile, he harvested some of the ivy, stripped it of all its leaves, and was left with a ‘string’ of plant fibre. He piled up a bunch of them, hoping they would be dry enough. After that, he grabbed another piece of dry wood from the dead tree, Shaved off a bunch more plant fibre with the sharp stone, and then got to drilling.

The friction took several attempts to reach the point of heat required. Alex did it all smoothly and with learned confidence. The heated timbers were swiftly poured onto the pile of shavings and ivy rope. It caught alight, much to general awe. Alex allowed himself a little smile, picked up the half burning ‘bird’s nest’ and carried it to the fireplace. “Keep it burning,” he ordered, then moved on.

He wasn’t quite done yet.

Grabbing more of the bamboo, he started a little engineering project. Low tree branches served as the security point for a cross bar. Two short bamboo staffs were split at one end, the other hammered into the ground. Other Bamboo was then secured between the split ends, to create a parallel to the bar across the tree branches. A little more bamboo and palm leaves then served to construct the roof and walls of a rudimentary shelter.

Alex looked at that and nodded. It was low to the ground and wouldn’t withstand a storm gust, but basic wind and rain it would ward off. Plus, it was the basis for more. At worst, they could use it to store their food.

With what he had on hand and in just about two hours, Alex felt mighty proud of himself.

“Alright, the fire looks strong and the cauldron is full enough. Help me set it over… something the matter?” Alex now snapped out of his trance, to find all the women around to just stare at him as if entranced. The realization hit him fairly quickly: they were turned on and fiercely at that. No weird mist or other factor involved, they were just fully engaged in the sight of him putting together the camp for all of them.

Alex’s cock rapidly rose to full mast. He knew that it wouldn’t take much to have his way with most of them.


It was in that moment, emboldened by his display of provision, emboldened by the past three days, and emboldened by their current, apparent, and entirely autonomous lust, that Alex came to a decision.

“I want you.” The statement was clear and precise. Drifting eyes caught the gaze of each of the seven women, leaving no doubt that he was addressing each of them as a whole and individually. “This is not an opportunity I thought I would get in my life. I certainly did not hope that I would get it like this. Now that it is before me, now that I have already gotten so far so quickly, it’s time I confess that to you and to myself: I want you.”

Alex stopped for a moment, to let the words sink in and to step close. He caressed the faces of Tess and Sofia, who leaned into the touch like instruments made for their chosen purpose. Like an envious canine, Charlotte wiggled closer, then got herself scratched behind the ear. It just felt like the right thing to do.

“I’ll state what I feel I have to state, even if it is obvious,” Alex continued, now specifically addressing the other four. “A harem, that’s what I want. A harem of willing sex slaves. The operative word is neither sex nor slave, it is ‘willing’. I don’t mind being your way to find relief…” His eyes lingered on Valeria. “...nor do I mind being an object of desire…” Next, they stopped on Ashley. “...neither am I against being tested or tried.” In short order, he focused first on Evelyn, then on Yahui. “My statement is simply this: I want a harem. A harem of willing sex slaves. If you want to join, the invitation is open. I’ll try to seduce you. If you do not want this, rebuke now and rebuke me firmly.”

Silence fell over the camp. The last sliver of the sun vanished over the horizon, leaving them in the dimming orange light of the faded day and the campfire. Wet wood crackled and hissed, catching alight due to the heat of the timber.

The breathing of the three slaves remained agitated and loud. Their excitement had only grown due to his speech. Their decision had been made today and the day before. Alex could read their instincts well in this moment of clarity. They had always been perverted things and this island enabled them as much as it enabled him. There were no distractions, no way to put off the questions of lust and love, just the pondering of what they wanted to do with themselves. Sexual fantasies could be lived out suddenly, away from the expectations of normal society.

Expectations that they would, hopefully, return to one day. Expectations that they would then have to circumvent or deal with. The calculation was going on inside their minds. Would they give in completely? Would they give in for the time being, knowing it would most likely stop working once they all had more on their mind than shelter on a tropical island? Would they refuse, to try and make their return to normalcy smooth? Would they just refuse for now?


“I’m… interested in trying this,” Yahui was the first to speak up. “I admit this is nothing like my previous relationships but… none of them worked and this… makes my heart beat like never before.”

“Master,” Evelyn purred, falling on all fours. She prowled towards him, like a panther, grinning from ear to ear. She glanced to the side one moment, finding Valeria to mimic the motion. It only made her own smile more heated. Together the tall, busy, dark-skinned women with buzz cuts moved in front of him.

They looked exceedingly similar, so close to each other, yet the differences were clear. Valeria was the darker of the two and while the half-black woman had eyes of striking emerald, Evelyn’s were of a regular brown colour. Not that she was any less attractive for it, especially with her nose buried against the side of his shaft.

“So this is what a true man smells like,” the cocky woman whispered huskily, then licked the side of his cock - a gesture that Valeria was already in the middle of. They both stopped at the head, lapping up the precum that had begun to dribble. “And that’s what he tastes like,” she continued with a wanton moan, “much better than I would have thought - then again, I wouldn’t settle for less.”

“Then you will be mine?” Alex asked, only to coax a longer answer out of her.

“Look at yourself. In ages past, a man like you would have gone to war to conquer a woman like - and you wouldn’t have stopped at one.” Evelyn tilted her head and grinned. “Well-built, well-spoken, independent, manly, delicious, strong of mind and character - yes, Master, I allow you to own me.”


“I’m more horny now than I was when you found me.” The climber answered, between licks of his manhood. “I’ve made other important choices in my life in less time than a day. I’ve not felt this certain about any of the others. Yes. I’ll be yours. You’ve convinced me, Master.” She kept kissing his cock. Evelyn was quick to mimic the gesture.

“Permission to have my first kiss with your cock between your slaves?” the cocky woman purred.

“Denied,” Alex told her and ran a hand through her buzzcut. “I’ll claim that in the morning. Then you can make out with your fellow slaves as you please.”

“What have I created?” Tess mumbled in the background and he smirked over his shoulder. She smirked back. It hadn’t been an exclamation of fear - far from it.

“Something absolutely marvelous,” Sofia sighed wantonly.

“Fuck, I’m dripping. Literally,” Charlotte said in support, staring at her own cunt. “No amount of foreplay did that much.”

“Let’s see how much worse we can make it - with Master’s permission.” Tess waited for Alex’s nod, then the three began to play with each other. Six women were guaranteed to partake in what happened next and Alex couldn’t be everywhere. Best to let them have fun with each other as they waited.

‘Although it could be fun to make them wait for their turn as well,’ Alex thought. ‘More adventurous thoughts for when this all has settled a bit.’ “Ashley?” he addressed the last of the seven, five of which were now his willing sex slaves, and one who was willing to dabble.

“Uhm, uh, uhm, u–uhm….” the report stammered. “I d-don’t think I can- uhm-”

“Stop stuttering,” Valeria suddenly chimed in. A strand of precum still connected her tongue to his cock, until she continued. “Be honest with yourself. We all know what you want. You keep muttering about it.”

“I do? I mean. I don’t! I mean…”

“You do. You want to be a slave.”


“You want this thick…” Valeria kissed the side of his glans. “...delicious…” she kissed her way down his shaft. “...ever-hard cock to split you.”


“You want to be pushed down and have had your way with.”


“And during all of that, you want to know the security of a man that you call your Master, your man, your dom.” Valeria now gazed up at Alex. “Someone who would stop if you needed him to, who you can trust not to overstep boundaries, but pushes them. Someone with the instinct to take charge and fuck you.”

In one moment of intense, undeniable lust, something in Ashley visibly snapped. Her pale face, red as a ripe tomato, turned from deeply embarrassed to resolute. The shy noises stopped. She nodded to herself. “Yes!” she boldly declared. “Make me your private cocksleeve and screw me so tight that you’ll need to ply me back off! Make me howl so loud that there’ll be noise complaints from the east coast! Make me squirt and gush as I beg to be bred! Uhm…” The energy slowly left her. The confidently raised chin dropped, until she gave him the cutest pair of puppy eyes. “...if that’s fine… Master?”

The way she spoke that word, the way all three of them spoke that word, the way all six of them spoke that word, was so much more real than any bedroom play Alex had done before.

“I look forward to what you can do, master,” Yahui added. Out of her mouth, the title lacked the proper veneration, the proper impact, the proper intonation. She was missing the sense of surrender of her autonomy, the trust the others had.

Alex did not admonish her for it. The miracle was that he had six that already trusted him to such a degree, each for their own reason. He would give them no reason to regret and Yahui every reason to emulate. If she was willing to try, then he was going to give her reasons to keep coming back.

All seven women around the camp were utterly focused on him. “Let’s get the cauldron on the fire,” he reminded them all. “Then, I will fuck you so hard you will pass out.”

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