Tomboy Island

Day 4 – Oddities Mounting – Part 4

The camp had progressed a little in his absence. Broken pieces of bamboo and a pile of palm fronds showed that the girls had been busy gathering resources. While the latter was just a matter of picking up items of the proper size, the former required a bit of skill that the girls did not seem to have yet. A second pile of properly worked bamboo was testimony to their quick learning. A pit had been dug and used for experiments at mud shaping.

‘Too much water,’ Alex thought, looking at the brown earth soup. ‘Good idea though. If we can hack up the palm leaves as a basic binding medium,we might be able to get some primitive plaster on wicker walls.’

Sofia was busy with cutting more bamboo at that very moment. Alex exchanged a quick few words and a few not so quick kisses with her. After quickly catching up with each other, they separated again. Tess and Charlotte went to be her company instead, asking for tips as they also started to cut bamboo into whatever lengths they might need.

Yahui sat by the fire. The tanned Chinese woman held her hand close to the flame, a puzzled expression on her face. 

“Something on your mind?” Alex asked.

She regarded him with a short glance, then slowly shook her head. “It’s nothing. I’m just not used to being naked this much.”

“That makes most of us,” Blaire cut in. The redhead had followed along and now plopped down next to the fire as well.

Alex looked over his shoulder, to find Charlotte giving him an approving wink. His current haremettes kept themselves busy. No reason not to interact with the two that were not his at this time.

He sat down between them and folded his hands in his lap, trying to make his erection a little less obvious without hiding it. Talking with them came with a clearly stated goal, but he did not need to make every act of flirting a direct solicitation. Sometimes, a casual conversation was the best seduction.

“That does bring me to something I want to talk about,” Alex said. “You doubtlessly noticed some oddities while you made your way around the island? Besides the fact that all of us washed ashore naked and unharmed, somehow.”

Blair gave him a stilted nod. “Had a run-in with a few oddities. I briefly encountered that mist that the others talked about, but I got out of it before I got hornier than I could take care of on my own. I got lost in the jungle for two days, but that was my fault.”

“Stick to me and that won’t happen again,” Alex promised, just a little bit of flirtatious huskiness to his tone.

“You should tell him about the strange light,” Yahui urged.

“Strange light?” Alex asked, his interest piqued.

Blair shrugged. “Fireflies, probably. I spotted it last night between ferns. When I tried to locate the source, it vanished.”

“Mhm,” Alex hummed. It could have been fireflies. There were some insects buzzing about. Thankfully, none of them seemed to be of the parasitic variety. No one had been stung or otherwise marked by anything yet.

“You sound unconvinced,” Blair observed.

“This island is strange. It could have been anything.” Alex shrugged. “We’ll probably find out in due time. I just hope we find everyone. There’s 7 more of us missing.”

“I hope we can eat something that’s not a fruit sometime soon,” Yahui lamented. “They are delicious, but I would enjoy some variety in our diet.”

“Now that we have a cauldron, we could probably boil crabs. Just have to clean them.”

“You have to clean crabs?”

“They have shit sacks - so yes.”

Yahui’s elegant features contorted into a miffed expression for a moment. “There are aspects of this liberation that I would exchange for some old luxuries.”

“Absolutely,” Blair agreed.

“If you want to taste something more interesting, I have been informed I am quite delicious,” Alex joked.

“I can confirm,” Yahui added, with a soft chuckle.

The redhead snorted in amusement, then simply waved off. She had nothing to add to the discussion they had minutes prior. “I saw nothing else that was overtly odd,” she returned to the topic. “Rather, I don’t know what I would categorize as odd. I know the meadows of Scotland. Never had much interest in the jungle.”

“I know a moderate amount,” Alex assured.

“He’s downplaying his importance.” Yahui grabbed a few sticks and shoved them into the dim fire. A ring of wood had been placed around the low flame, to dry the wood out as best they could before adding it. The longer the flame was alive, the easier it got to keep it that way.

Alex waved off. “Even if I did know much, this island is making half of that useless - in mostly good ways. The water is drinkable even without boiling or filtering it, there are no large predators around, and it is relatively quiet. This is not the green hell that jungles are often described as. The giant starfish are weird, but they beat having to deal with monkeys.”

“We have to deal with one monkey,” Blair joked.

Alex laughed at that.

They continued their well-mannered chat until Evelyn, Valeria and Ashley returned.


“Back to check on your property?” Evelyn asked.

“So to say,” Alex answered.

“Got to keep your slaves polished and trained,” the cocky woman purred. Already, Valeria was closing in on him. Evelyn followed after dumping an armful of fruit on a rations pile. The dark-skinned tomboys descended on his cock, showering the length with kisses and licks.

“They could not help themselves. As soon as they returned to camp and saw that our Master had returned, they served him. Long, extended tongues dragged over his magnificent manhood and- Oh my god, a-am I doing this out loud again?!” Ashley reacted to everyone’s stares by turning red. She may have scurried towards whatever hideout she could find, had it not been for a demanding gesture by Alex.

The timid Asian tapped over. He grabbed her by the hips and spun her around, then pulled her to his lab. “As deep as you can take it,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re my chosen cocksleeve for this.”

“T-thank you, Master!” Ashley squeaked, then moaned when his drooling cock pressed against her slit. Evelyn and Valeria added further lubrication with their spit, until he felt confident her tight tunnel could take it.

The descent was slow, very slow. That she was no longer a virgin was barely apparent. The small woman was just that tight. That being said, lust and first familiarity made it possible for her to get him inside just a little deeper. The lustful swelling made her insides that little bit stretchier to take an extra centimetre or two.

“Ride me at your pace,” Alex ordered her. She gave him a lip-biting nod. That she was the centre of attention only seemed to make the mousey woman more sensitive.

Because of his tone, Evelyn and Valeria retreated from the joined sexes and instead joined the circle of women around. There was a little bit of grouping going on. Alex’s sex slaves sat notably closer to each other, Evelyn and Charlotte going as far as playing with the squishy bits of their fellow haremettes as they waited for Alex to address them. Yahui and Blair sat practically on their own, although they were still part of the same circle.

Alex put a hand on Ashley’s mouth, to muffle her ever more shameless moans. Giving her a digit to suck on had her pacified.

“We found clay, about one to two hours from here,” he led with the news. “Easy to reach during low tide, just follow the beach. Carrying chunks by hand here should give us enough to work with.”

“Don’t we have to… store it some way?” Sofia asked.

“It’s clay,” Alex answered, purely amused by the question. “It has been sitting there for thousands of years at the very least. Think of it as a moldable rock. Until we burn it properly, its just that. After we do, it's ceramic.”

Nods all around. “So you want us to get this earth for our hoard, Master?” Evelyn asked, stopped shortly, and raised an eyebrow. “That was a weird way to say that.”

“At least you’re self-aware,” Tess drawled sarcastically.

“Sometimes she is,” Valeria added.

“Mhmmashtaaaahhhrrrrr,” Ashley gasped, her cunt clenching around his manhood.

Alex closed his eyes for a moment and let the spasmic massage of her insides get him over the edge. “That’s a good cumdump,” he whispered into the small woman’s ear, while pressing her against his chest. Spurt for spurt, he filled her up. In the clarity afterwards, he made a decision.


“I’ll accompany you,” he told everyone. “We’ll do this together. This is the most important thing we can get right now. Ashley, Sofia, Yahui, you’ll remain at camp.” The three were the physically weakest of the bunch, but they could still fend for themselves.

The rest of the group had a quick meal, then sat out. It was a remarkably smooth journey. They had low tide again. No starfish or other obstacles harassed them. Once they were there, the exploitation of the natural resource began.

It was a pretty simple process: find where the erosion from the differing levels of moisture in the river-adjacent clay had caused it to crack. Get fingers in between there, then pull until a chunk of it came loose. It was hard work, even if it wasn’t too difficult. The true challenge was to create chunks this way that could be easily carried the distance. There were 6 able-bodied people there, so they could get a pretty sizable haul.

They were at it for the better part of an hour. Part of needing this long was because they were fooling around in the cool water of the river and, at one point, Alex had been too turned on by the sight of Evelyn bending over, which had spiraled into a small-scale orgy involving all of his present sex slaves.

By the end of all of that work, they had a personally sized chunk for each of them, except Alex. The sole man of the party, and by far the most physically powerful of them all, was still working on loosening himself an appropriately sized chunk.

“This should work,” he mumbled, digging his fingers into a gap and pulled.

The piece came loose with such surprising ease that he fell backwards. He skidded a bit over the slippery surface of the wet clay. When he looked up, he found that the chunk he had pulled off the tiny cliffside to have a oddly perfect depression in it. Inspecting the wall, he found the reason for it.

A sphere of light blue crystal was embedded into the wall there. Layers of clay had formed on top of it over time. Its surface was utterly perfect, more polished even than any glass Alex had looked at in his life. None of the clay had stuck to it.

“All good?” Tess asked, from a bit of a distance. The tomboys hadn’t spotted the sphere yet. It was no larger than a grapefruit and protruded from the wall just enough that Alex was sure he could retrieve it if he meant to. Something about the sphere enchanted him.


Without thinking, Alex reached out to the orb. His fingers dug into the wet clay like it was freshly tilled soil. The orb felt like it pulsed when his hands touched it. There was an intrusive thought, a sudden chain of words that was silenced before he could really grasp it. Alex tasted heavy iron for a moment as if his own blood was rising in his mouth, then it was replaced by a sweetness akin to eating a fruit of a woman’s lips.

He withdrew his hand, now holding the sphere. Its flawlessly smooth surface reflected the afternoon sun. Was there something swirling in the centre? He could not quite say. His thumb brushed over the surface. None of the dirt clung to it.

‘A mongrel is here!’

Four words pounded into his head, poured like liquid fire through his veins. Something inside him stirred, something primal and unthinking, something that civilization had taught him to ignore. It was resentful for it. It raised its head in proud unity and benevolence, regardless.

Alex hissed, a surge of lust and headache causing him to drop the sphere. His eyes fluttered. Consciousness faded. For a split second, everything went black. The primal thing grabbed his mind and dragged a sliver of it to a layer below.

He sunk through a thicket of voices. A myriad of unspoken thoughts became spoken in the presence of his rational mind. Information too dense to be placed in words was placed in words regardless by the sliver of him that could not decipher the all as a whole.

‘A mongrel is here!’ ‘We have been blessed by a mongrel.’ ‘Mixed blood wanders our shores.’ ‘Let the death willow wail!’ ‘Hope is here.’ ‘A mongrel is here…?’ ‘I want his blood to be mine!’ ‘A mongrel is here!’ ‘Stir the unchosen blood.’ ‘Let my blood be his!’ ‘A mongrel is here.’

Alex fell through the thicket into a sea of black and red veins. It was like his existence swam in liquid, black marble. Every vein connected to something else and each other. He was the heart. Between the veins, he saw the world that he had left. The women that had been with him, with the exception of Blair, were frozen in a panicked sprint towards him.

The veins blocked his view a moment later. Veins of red, of black, of purple, white, green, blue, and all other colours.




The words smothered the sliver of his thinking mind. All around, the colours swirled. Great trees made of blood vessels loomed over him like disappointed ancestors. Only the primal, unthinking part of him kept him above the abyss below. What was down there? Drifting aberrations, mounds of flesh incapable of holding their power. Chaotic spawns of nothing and everything.

Alex reached up. He reached for anything. He reached for salvation. He chose salvation.

The lights parted and radiance flooded in. Bedruging trees made room for a figure wreathed in light, holding a shepherd's staff. “Be fruitful and multiply,” HE spoke in a voice of certainty and authority.

Alex snapped up.

Almost, he rammed into Tess’ forehead. “Alex!” she shouted in a relieved tone.

Breathing heavily, he looked around. He was right where he had passed out. The women were around him. “How long was I out?” he asked.

“Just a few seconds… what happened?”

“I found a sphere and then-” Alex cut himself off, staring at the spherical rock in his hand. It was oddly smooth and round for a rock, but not to a degree that couldn’t be explained by the constant shaping of flowing water. His eyes drifted to the chunk of clay he had ripped off the wall. The depression there was quite round, but not perfectly circular.

Alex’s mouth was dry. His head hurt. He felt like he had wandered through a basin of golden flames. All of him was lethargic.

“I think you may have been out in the sun for too long,” Charlotte suggested, tugging at his shoulder to get him to shade.


Alex swallowed what little saliva he had and nodded. He stumbled to the shade of a nearby rock. The women brought him water by the handful. It was inefficient and tasted of the clay they had been working with, but the gesture was appreciated.

Life returned to him quickly. Life returned to his member first of all. Being surrounded by gorgeous women worried for his well-being ignited a lust that barely let him think. “I’m fine,” he assured eventually, his voice back to even. He began to push himself up, but the combined strength of his harem pushed him back down.

“Even if you’re fine, let us make sure of it, Master,” Sofia requested. “Rest and let us serve.” Her hand found his cock.

Never in his life had Alex used viagra but he wondered if this was what it felt like. It was as if every drop of blood usually dedicated to his brain was currently making his cock into a rod of pure steel.

“Then serve,” he groaned, to the delight and relief of the women around.


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