Tomboy Island

Day 5 – Mysteries Unfold – Finale – Dreaming of Change

The waking mind drifted away into the temporary blackness of unconsciousness. In its absence, the unthinking soul realized the dream.

This day was the herald of the changes. The mind had accepted what most humans could no longer, if only because of the evidence of the eyes. Every second that passed, the energies of this island were awakening possibilities that reason had banished from most of the world.

The body kept developing. Soon enough, greater changes would be available… but not quite yet… not quite yet…



Muscles had continued to develop at least, so that was nice. Strength was always most important in a male, how else to protect the bred mates?

The instinct beheld the lines of Alexes. Still, there was little change to what he had been since landing there. Still, there was much to do. Still, the influence it had was limited.


The women should adore the body and the nose was ever a path to the heart. Adjusting, carefully, all of the body that lend itself to the production of musk, the instinct perfected what raw biology was capable of. 

The new Alex in the chain was, once more, indistinct from the rest. The instinct let that be what it was and turned to the next connection.

Janette had not submitted yet, but a connection had been made and the magic would seep into her on its own soon anyhow. To accelerate and guide the process was simply natural.


But, on that same note… it was wrong to hurry these things.

The instinct retreated, to let this simmer for another day.

There was nothing else to do. 

Other changes occurred beyond the reaches of the instinct.

Souls of mates adjusted their bodies without his involvement.

And so the choices were made.

The work was done, the instincts pulled back.

The underlying mind settles within reality once more.

With the dawn comes a new chance at expanding life.


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