Tomboy Island

Day 5 – Mysteries Unfold – Part 2

Alex felt the emotions as well. The sheer disbelief, the panic, the uncertainty, all of it crashed down on him with the rest of them. What he felt above that, however, was duty. The duty to remain calm and collected, to make decisions, to weather the storm and pilot this harem to safety.

He was the man on the island and he would behave the part.

Confused shouts kept going for a while. Some snapped back to reality fairly fast. Valeria was there first, quickly followed by Selana, then Evelyn. Yahui, Charlotte, Blair, and Sofia calmed down one after the other. Tess and Ashley remained outspoken the longest. Alex had to guess that this was because those two may have been used to physical stress from training, but hadn’t had to stay cool in front of cameras which filmed them for millions of people to see.

The moment things were cool, Alex took command of the situation. “Everyone, sit down,” he spoke with true authority. It wasn’t that playfully threatening tone he used during sex or the way one spoke when they wanted something done - No, Alex was demanding something he expected to be given.

The nine agitated women plopped down, settling again where they had sat a moment ago. They all looked to him, making the duty he had all the more apparent. He was the anchor now, the voice of reason even if there was none. It did not matter if he was confident in this, it only mattered that he was doing it. Somebody had to take the mantle.

“Breath. In through your nose, out with your mouth. Breath,” he instructed them. It was a basic meditative exercise. “In… and out,” he kept on guiding them, until the agitated mood in the camp began to die down.

While pulses were still accelerated, Alex took stock of his harem. Gradual changes had occurred that had, without photos to compare them to, been slow enough to trick him into them being nothing to think about. Now that he knew that something beyond odd was going on, he put more trust in his memory.

Charlotte had obviously changed. The fox ears were there and the French tomboy was currently touching and turning them. It was like she continuously feeling with her tongue where a tooth used to be, just in reverse with something new having been added to her.

Blair still seemed the same, as did Sofia. Yahui, however, was notably paler than she was in his memory. “Yahui what colour are your eyes?” he asked the Chinese woman.

“Brown?” she asked, doubtful that she would get the same answer from him.

Alex got closer, to double check what he saw. “They’re changing to blue,” he told her, keeping his voice very calm, as to not spur a reaction. Gently, he touched her skin. “Do I feel hot?”

“Yes… am I cold?”

“Just a little bit. Do you feel cold?” She shook her head. “Then that’s good news at least.”

Even in this situation, she found it in herself to give him a light smile.

“No need to check me,” Evelyn waved off when Alex’s attention turned to her. She was rubbing the strange bumps on her head again. “I’m growing something. Horns, maybe?” She took her hand off and then checked her nails. “And, if we assume that the island does keep us the same as when we landed except for these changes, then I am also growing my nails out.”

Everyone else’s were seemingly the same, so she was likely correct with that.

Alex inspected Selana and Valeria next. Although in an earlier stage, he found that Selana had similar bumps buried in her hair as Evelyn did. Valeria, meanwhile, had a similar matting going on as Charlotte did initially. It was much more apparent with her, courtesy of the shaven head. Ashley, too, had these spots. Hers were even larger, but had been hidden while in her long black hair.

The changes for Tess were most readily apparent. Now that Alex was no longer denying the oddities outright, he could see just how much paler she had gotten. Her eyes were no longer grey, they were a bright silver. Most outstanding was the ring of light above her head. At times it was weak, sometimes it was a ring of brilliant argent. In all cases it was there and when Alex reached for it, he felt resistance as his fingers glided through.

The fox ears one may have been able to explain with some very freaky modern gene-editing going on. Maybe the island was a military base and their crash orchestrated to make them living test subjects or something. The halo smashed such ideas in its infancy. This was hard light, stuck to Tess, always hovering at a relative position to her head.

‘This is crazy,’ Alex thought to himself, not wanting to show any weakness yet. Not until he was certain they were all equipped for the day. Whatever was happening, they could not stop making progress. Even changed, Alex wanted them to live. He had gained too much these past days and he had not been the suicidal kind before either.

Sitting back down, he inspected himself. Truth be told, he felt much stronger, smarter, and better spoken since he had landed on the island. His voice had gotten notably deeper and he no longer suffered from any embarrassing voice cracks that happened to basically anyone. Obviously there was his increased virility as well.

“I want to cover this first,” Alex said and looked around. “Do any of you feel like your mental state changed since we crashed on this island?”

He asked it because he knew it must have been on their mind as well. Physical changes aside, they had been doing things that none of them would have considered normal in a sexual context. Whether they considered it desirable was a different question.

Alex knew his answer. He had wanted this. He was a man, of course he had wanted to build himself a harem of nubile tomboys. It was the natural desire for anyone with an atom of testosterone in their body. That being said, there were things that were too good to be true and if this was one of them, he did not want them to live a lie.

He chose not to say this out loud, worrying he might tinge their answers. If there was some mind control on them, then he did not want them influenced in their thoughts. “Be truthful. There’s no regrets to be had.”

“No!” Sofia answered quickly, snapping out of her seated position to crawl towards him. “No I was… I have wanted this for a long time!” She wrapped her arms around him and he reciprocated. He would not let her go, not when she needed to be held.

“Can confirm,” Selana spoke up. “She’s been thirsting over you for a long time. There was this one night when we had to share a tent during a winter trip and she just kept on mumbling in her sleep ‘Master - Master’.”

“S-s-stooooooop!” Sofia pleaded.

The chuckle that went through the camp was direly necessary for all of them. The adrenaline junkie just grinned and gave her own answer. “If something is happening to my mind, it’s really fucking subtle. I know what it’s like when some emotion is taking me for a ride and that last night was all me and all you.”

Alex nodded, still maintaining neutrality, and moved his eyes to the next woman. “Valeria?”

“The first time we fucked, I was under the influence of something. Obviously.” The direct woman answered, then shook her head. “But no. I didn’t think I would join a harem, especially not one this huge, but I like you because you satisfy me. The situation enabled you. I am still me.”

“Ditto,” Blair stated simply. “This isn’t where I thought I would go, but it does not feel like I had to be forced to end up here.”

“Only magical thing that’s changing my mind around here is your dick,” Charlotte gave her opinion. “And you had me turned around before you started cumming orgasm juice. Which, yes, Blair, you were right, we weren’t just cumsluts.”

Evelyn was still busy inspecting her fingernails. “I feel some mental changes,” she confessed. “There’s a more… possessive urge… towards you and these other women.” She rubbed the sides of her head. “That started after I chose you as my breeder, however and I invite this change. It comes from within me, not without.” She flashed a cocky grin. “No one manipulates me.”

“To have your confidence…” Ashley mumbled. “I, uhm… I, well, uhm… yeah.”

Alex gave her a confused stare, blinking several times. “You need to actually say what is in your head,” he urged her.

The mousey girl pushed her index fingers together. Bashfully, she admitted. “I, yeah… I was always pretty pervy and I always kind of wanted something like this, so I really don’t think any island would have needed to… change me?”

That left Tess and Yahui. “Your honest answer,” he encouraged them.

“I am uncertain,” the Chinese woman answered first, eyes closed. “I have lived most of my life doing things I did not want. This does not feel like it is one of them. If it is magic, then would it make me feel this certain?” She opened her eyes and smiled again. “I do not know. I contemplated long and hard whether I wish to be yours, Alex. I was certain in the end. It was my decision. I believe that with all that I am.”

“Tess?” Alex turned to the goth.

“Obviously I love you,” she told him. Her lips were redder than ever, something he got to see very closely when she crawled over and kissed him on the mouth. “I do not doubt this and neither should you, idiot.”

Alex let out a held breath of relief. “Alright. Thank you. As much as I want this, as much as I want all of your, I could not have lived with myself if I had gotten it at the cost of your free will.”

“And that’s why you’re the Master,” Selana stated.

“Go back to sitting,” Alex requested of Sofia and Tess. “We aren’t done talking yet and I’d be too distracted if you keep nuzzling up to me.”

They did as requested, recreating the circle of sitting women. Now that the most important question was cleared, they had to start speculating on an explanation.

“I think I am stating the obvious when I say the source of that,” Alex pointed at Charlotte’s ears, Tess’ halo, and then his own balls, “is probably this island or even this entire archipelago.”

Tess nodded. “Seems like a safe bet, between the mist, the oil, and us landing without any of our clothes.”

“The question is if the island has a will and if so, why us? What does it want?” Alex rubbed his forehead. “You remember yesterday when I passed out during the clay gathering?” Affirmations all around. “I had a vision of sorts after touching a perfect sphere, to put it as well as I can. I thought it was heatstroke but…”

“It still is heatstroke,” Charlotte joked. “We all are gonna snap out of it any second now.”

“Alright you jokester,” Alex bantered back. “Hush now, the adults are talking.”

“What did you see?” Yahui asked.

“It’s difficult to recall in detail, like a dream, but… there were voices there and they seemed pleasantly surprised I was there?” Alex shook his head. “I think, whatever the island is, it does not wish us harm.”

“It’s been providing well for us so far,” Evelyn gestured at the pile of fruits and the cauldron. “Only mild obstacles so far have been pits and starfish.”

“Neither of which were big obstacles.”

“I beg to differ, but what do I know,” Tess drawled sarcastically.

“The point is that we’re not dying of dysentery or getting ravaged by mosquitoes,” Selana pointed out. “This is the friendliest jungle on Earth and I am not even overplaying it. We should be spending half a month just getting used to the water, no matter how clean it looks. We’re all used to the good, purified stuff.”

“Right, so we agree that the island does not mean us harm, if it has a will,” Alex summarized. “I also think that, whatever is happening to our bodies, isn’t totally an outside influence? I’m speaking for myself only, but it’s not like anything unwelcome is happening to me.”

“Now that I’m getting used to them, honestly feels more like I am becoming, physically, what I want to be in my soul,” Charlotte answered, turning her extra set of ears with ever more aptitude. “I hope I look half as cute as I feel with these.”

Alex did not engage with her yet. “Alright, so we have stranded on a magical island…” he mumbled. “Which absolves Marvin of a lot of the blame. We took an unplanned detour, yes, but the gusts that crashed us definitely were not natural.”

“Why did he die while all of us were washed ashore naked and unharmed?” Tess mumbled the obvious question. “Was he too old?”

It was the first observation that Alex had as well. Marvin had been ready for retirement. From what Alex knew of the man’s personal life, his wife had died some years ago and his children had been put through college and started families of their own. His death was a tragedy, as most deaths were, but one that left no one in dire straits.

With him dead, Alex was the only male around and no one else in the plane had been above the age of 30. Optimal conditions for survival. Marvin, fit as he had been for his age, would have slowed them down tremendously.

“Maybe,” Alex ultimately answered. “Unless we speak to a will of the island, we can’t know.”

The topic fell aside from that point onward. All they could say on the matter had been said. Everything more would have been ceaseless speculations on practically no information.

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