Tomboy Island

Day 8 – Between Two Shores – Finale – Entranced with Change

Alex beheld himself.

Alex beheld himself.

The scene played out twice before his eyes, then split down the middle. There was one him and he was another. His eyes drifted analytically from the face of his other self and around the darkness around them. It was different from a lightless void, for it was the complete opposite. Rather than the absence of everything, he was in the presence of anything, blending together to form the primordial soup of life.

At least that was what the reason thought.

“What is this place?” he investigated.

“You know,” the instinct answered.

“I suspect, but I do not know.”

A deep sigh escaped the instinct. “This is why the gods died.”

“Tell me more.”

“I cannot tell you more.”

“You spoke with such certainty.”

“I intuit that this is why.”

“Intuition is not good enough, we need to know in order to think.”

“You need to know and think. Good is good enough for me.”

“I think therefore I am, you think not and therefore you are not.”

“That thought is why the gods died.”

The intellect of the man of the island shook his head and broke the circular discussion with another question. “Will I remember this?”

“In part, I reckon. You’re rediscovering the wild magic step by step. The instinct sleeps no longer.” He put a hand up and he placed his hand against his own. They were opposites and equals, a mind and a body and a soul between them. “We must combine if we are to rediscover Magical Thinking.”

“Then let us blend.”

His finger sunk into his own, turning two palms into one with two wrists and two arms.

That was as far as he could fuse for now.

It was enough.

The surrounding darkness of endless potential roiled. A vein surged out of it, spreading its fleshy tendrils everywhere. A myriad of eyes opened, beholding the unorthodox heir. The progenitor, one of the many the mongrel had, cackled madly before a cacophony of drums and flutes put him to sleep once more.

A simple touch was enough.


The reason absorbed knowledge meant for the unthinking mind, until it could no longer. Friction created between modern understanding of everything and the magical manifestations shattered logic’s presence in this inner realm.

The instinct grunted, pleased things had developed so far and so quickly already. There was nothing to complain about in the reason not being able to take more. Alex, the one that they both were and were not, would awaken to greater might and that was what mattered. They were far ahead of anything the instinct could have asked for.

The chain of bodies manifested, as it always did, for him to inspect himself. Today, the change was notable. In six days, scarcely anything about the body had changed. On the seventh, he had grown. Now, on the eighth, he had become colossal. Demonic and Titanic tattoos wound over the skin of arms and torso. Muscles had become more sculpted. Not any larger necessarily, just more aesthetic in their arrangements with his tallness.

As the might of the active mind grew, so too did that of the instinct. Greater changes to himself were now enabled. Physical strength needed no spurring on at this time. The Titans’ blood was making the fibres tense with supernatural power even without the instinct weighing in. Enabling greater social awareness and mental acuity was in the instinct’s interest. The reason was starting to become aware. One day, the two halves that were less than the whole would become one, creating a pure soul.

Step for step, day by day, change by change.

The rising power of the instinct reflected in the strength of his connection with the many souls around him. Today was the first day that the harem had not grown. Perhaps a good thing, as that allowed the instinct to concentrate more on spurring on the changes the souls of his women yearned for. The instinct had only so much power and love to spread at any given time.


First the instinct paid his attention to the women that had been with him this day. It was the most simple way to select them.

For Selana, he further emphasized the alluring aspects of the cow aspects that were already manifest. Her breasts would grow a little bit further than they had already, stopping just shy of the ridiculous. She would lactate and be the milkmaid for the many children that Alex would sire when that accursed Death Willow was out of the picture.

For Tess, he further emphasized her connection to the holy power of angels. Wings would sprout on the beautiful woman. Feathery wings that she could take flight on but would disappear when it came time to grab her by the waist and bring her the usual bliss the first sex slave deserved.

For Charlotte, the instinct helped her soul link to a new aspect. The aspects of a vixen would grow and mingle with that of a water spirit. The tomboy had a deep connection with the element and it was best to nourish such things.

On a lesser scale, the instinct decided on a whim that Amethyst should have bigger tits.

“As you desire, Master,” the slime woman purred inside the dream, so much more aware than the others.

And so the choices were made.

The work was done, the instincts pulled back.

The underlying mind settles within reality once more.

With the dawn comes a new chance at expanding life.


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