Top Hacker Develops Artificial Intelligence at 14

Page 111

Therefore, I chose to use the mounted long-range weapon to shoot the chasing helicopter from behind.

After a lot of effort, two vehicles were finally destroyed, but unfortunately there were still seven helicopters chasing after them.

"Grandma, do you like to chase so much? I'm not a woman!"

"The energy can last for 10 minutes. I must find an opportunity to make an emergency landing. When the support from all parties arrives, I will be able to get out of trouble."

Li Yao's thoughts flashed, he had found out that the armed forces of many countries had received international support missions.

Many people are rushing towards here.

They probably received the Sanctuary's battle, and they all thought of taking advantage of this opportunity to hand over the top druids.

Counting down the time, ten seconds...eight seconds...three seconds...

At the end, Li Yao suddenly slowed down the thrusters of the battle armor, triggered the shock protection mechanism, and leaned over to the extreme and fell into the air.

At this critical moment, a mysterious man in a white robe appeared from a helicopter.

In the zoom field of view of the electronic alien eye, it can be clearly seen that this person is covered.

The church clothes shook in the wind, and he stretched out his hand far away, aiming at Li Yao's direction.

Suddenly, the battle armor entwined with electric current froze abruptly in the air.

It was as if a big hand grabbed Li Yao invisibly, forcibly distorting the reality!

"The power engine stopped! What kind of supernatural power is this!" Li Yao was startled, and said that physics doesn't exist anymore.

However, this weird freezing phenomenon only lasted for three seconds.

Three seconds later, Li Yao felt that he could move again.

It's just that the rotation of the engine failed, and the built-in protective force field was also destroyed, causing him to fall to the ground in the form of free fall.


Li Yao fell heavily on the ground, smashing out a kang.

Feeling dizzy for a while, Li Yao released the restraint of his battle armor and took a breath.

"Lingyi, what kind of power was that just now?"

"Master, I'm still analyzing, the data monitoring is too little, the process will take some time," Ling Yi said helplessly.

The supernatural forces in the universe are so strange that they cannot be judged clearly in a short while.

Li Yao suddenly felt the battle armor shaking strangely.

No, it's the dust on the ground shaking!

Suddenly, several helicopters were rushing towards this side, flying at low altitude, aiming at him and launching several high-explosive missiles.

Li Yao jumped hastily, dodging the attack nimbly.


The rock pit was blasted into a layer of charred ash, and the flames intertwined with the broken earth.

But it's not over yet!

The next moment, the surrounding plants and trees began to resonate, and the soil in front of them suddenly raised densely covered hills.

The space around Li Yao was squeezed narrower and narrower, and finally he had no choice but to climb up a big tree to escape.

The Pope arrived faster than he had imagined, and after a distance of more than ten kilometers from Kasavage's troops, he was still chased up.

Since it is unavoidable, then fight back head-on!

The electromagnetic gliding shoes shuttle like lightning, and the palm laser cannon fires at the enemy from time to time!

Ten people jumped up and down from the helicopter, all with different looks, the leader was the masked man in white robe.

Obviously this person is the Pope!

"It seems that you guys are really thinking about me like crazy, and even chased me all over the world," Li Yao tried to provoke the opponent with words, distracting the enemy's attention.

The Pope originally wanted to speak, but what greeted him was a laser beam, passing by.


The vile and cunning fellow!

The Pope was so angry that he asked everyone to attack without saying a word.

[Resonance Wave], [Electromagnetic Storm], [Kinetic Energy Reflection]...

A series of supernatural powers were released, which caught Li Yao off guard.

In this way, his firepower has been reduced a lot, but the way of flying a kite and strafing can also slow down the speed of many enemies' pursuit.

Delaying time and waiting for support is the kingly way!

"I can warn you, don't chase me anymore!"

"The international response team is coming soon, you still have 10 minutes to escape!" Li Yao shouted while running.

The Pope and others didn't want to listen to these nonsense, full of anger, they just wanted to cut off his head and use it as a flagon.

Once again, the Pope struck.

Still using the same move, Li Yao's footsteps stopped, and the surrounding environment seemed to have fallen into dead silence for an instant!

[Factors are being collected...analysis successful! ]

[The Pope's ability is... [Time and space stagnation]]

Chapter 179 The Ultimate Counterattack

【Time and space stagnation】

[Control local time and space with some kind of supernatural power]

[mandatory slowing of movement and life signs of the target unit, but brain activity is not controlled by it]

This is just the result of a simple analysis by Ling Yi, and the degree of development of specific abilities still needs to be observed.

As expected of a leader who controls a huge religion, his own abilities are so buggy.

The stagnant dimension lasted for five seconds, instantly allowing the two sides to narrow the gap.

Seeing this, the rest of the pursuers immediately fired their weapons and released their abilities at the same time.

As a result, the fierce battle broke out, and the powerful destructive power of the high-level power user instantly crushed the surrounding obstacles.

The electromagnetic storm swept towards Li Yao's back like a shocking elemental tide.


The tingling sensation went straight to the back of the head, but it didn't cause much internal injury.

At this moment, Li Yao finally broke free from the constraints of time and space, as if he had escaped from the invisible amber.

Without hesitation, Li Yao took out a radiation-absorbing crystal.

It is filled with a large amount of high-temperature heat energy. As long as the self-explosion mechanism is triggered, it can be used as a high-explosive bomb.

Incomparably powerful!

Imagine an explosion of thousands of degrees of high temperature in an instant.

As long as it is not a supernatural person with physical enhancement, once it is affected, it will definitely die.

One of the Pope's innate supernatural powers manipulated the resonance wave, and the ground immediately began to vibrate.

It seemed as if countless waves of rock and earth were cruising on the waves, charging towards Li Yao.

Moreover, the shock wave formed by the rebound of the opponent's kinetic energy disrupted Li Yao's balance of action time and time again.

If you can't focus on finding the fulcrum, you can't detonate the radiation-absorbing crystal precisely.

At the same time, in the face of these strong men with supernatural abilities, they cooperate tacitly and complement each other.

Li Yao felt a little strenuous at first, but he became more stable during the battle.

Relying on Ling Yi's continuous prediction and evolution of their fighting habits, Li Yao mastered his own rhythm, and even accurately guessed the enemy's movements in the next second.

It's just that the Pope's special ability made him sick as if he had eaten a fly, and sometimes he was restrained after he opened the distance.

"This space-time stagnation does not seem to be unlimited use, and it needs to be prepared in advance."

Li Yao secretly speculated that after several consecutive trials, he gradually discovered the Pope's clue.

In the rear, the Pope and others are still chasing after him.

Due to the vegetation environment on the ground, helicopters gliding at low altitudes cannot lock on to the target.

Li Yao's slippery S-curved detour made them grit their teeth in anger.

Although the Pope's people were really powerful, the technological equipment Li Yao kept on his body was so weird that many people with supernatural powers were afraid of it.

After all, the most powerful Liwang Mantu fell because he underestimated the enemy.

Everyone cheered up and followed the pope to fight together.

At the same time, all kinds of information about the enemy's battle was refreshed in Li Yao's mind like flowing water.

Focusing on the naked eye to quickly observe the battle situation, Li Yao secretly said:

"The person who can release the resonant wave is more tricky. Although the lethality is not high, he can use the resonance phenomenon to create various roadblocks."

"Create trouble for me if you have nothing to do, you must find an opportunity to solve him."

However, this supernatural being has been protected by warriors who can reflect kinetic energy, and the frontal assault has no effect at all.

We must find an opportunity to separate them.

"Ling Yi summed up a plan for me, I need to kill that person quickly!"

"The plan has been generated, please choose," Ling Yi replied briefly, and confirmed a reasonable counterattack route on the spot.

The next moment, Li Yao stood still on the spot, with his left hand showing the palm of his hand, and a deep blue light flooded his whole body.

His actions immediately diverted the attention of the four people in front of him, and he said that it was not good, and immediately dispersed.

However, Li Yao did not release it at them, but shifted the attack target and shot at a person with electromagnetic storm.

The person being attacked widened his eyes and hurriedly released an electromagnetic shock.

The two collided with each other, unexpectedly producing an energy reaction.

Without further ado, Li Yao started to absorb the radiation crystal with his other hand, and threw it violently.

Three strange energies were forced to intertwine together, and radiated and exploded in all directions at the same time!

After half a second passed, the kinetic energy reflection user was ready to go.

He gritted his teeth and rushed to the front of the team immediately.

Immediately using the ability to release a semi-arc transparent kinetic energy rebound force field, and additionally shrouded the Pope's surroundings.

However, the next moment, Li Yao's actions changed!

A laser beam was shot towards the kinetic energy rebounding force field, and it actually refracted and punctured in a form visible to the naked eye, and shot to the other side!

Everyone swept over, just in time to hit the backup who controlled the resonance wave in the rear!

This person did not expect this result, his chest was pierced, and blood spurted on the spot.

And the person who was releasing the kinetic energy field was also severely injured, falling backwards, dizzy.

The protective layer covering the whole field disappeared.

Such an accurate calculation!

Everyone present was stunned, no one expected that Li Yao would have such a terrifying sense of fighting.

Their adaptability is better than their decades of experience!

"good chance!"

Li Yao slipped, fled again, and shot and wounded several pursuers with his backhand.


Straight, slender bullets pierced the enemy's hastily dodged cover.

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