Top Hacker Develops Artificial Intelligence at 14

Page 113


The pope pulled the switch, and a green fluorescent light popped out of the muzzle immediately, and a film hole appeared in front of them out of the air.

Two meters high, only big enough for one person to pass through.

When the Pope saw this, he immediately felt relieved, stepped into it, and soon half of his body merged into it.

This hole actually hides the space shuttle technology!

Before leaving, he intentionally or unintentionally looked at the support troops, as if mocking Li Yao.

Then the rest of the people followed, and soon disappeared into the air.

The green-outlined hole soon closed automatically, and when the responding troops arrived, there were only drops of viscous liquid left on the ground.

Everyone at the scene was in a state of confusion, and their faces were filled with horror!

They have never heard of such a weird thing that can teleport people out.

Simply appalling!

Li Yao came here in a hurry, rubbing the green liquid on the ground with his fingers.

I don't care if it contains highly toxic substances or some strange supernatural power.

He whispered, "Could it be the teleportation gun in the Fick civilization..."

Through some kind of strange potion, the jumping point of the space between the two places is opened out of thin air, so as to realize the effect of any portal.

"I didn't expect the Pope to hold such a treasure in his hands."

Li Yao shook his head, since that's the case, there's no need to investigate further.

It is estimated that the enemy has returned to the base camp at this moment. If the decapitation operation is not successfully completed this time, they can only wait for the next general attack.

Countries have been waiting for a long time!


On the other side, inside the Druid base camp.

The Pope rushed back to the church with minor injuries, standing with a scepter in his hand, his long cassock fluttering in the breeze.

In front of him, there were only less than 20 high-level fighters left, and the originally huge team was about to die at this moment.

His gaze was locked on the far side.

At this moment, the Pope had to admit that his hunt was completely defeated.

Even if he himself went out, he couldn't kill Li Yao.

Suddenly, the Pope's eyes turned dark and he ordered directly.

"Prepare the nuclear bomb immediately. Since the support troops from all countries have rushed to Jerusalem, it's just right, all of them will die together!"

This time he must pull it back!

I don't believe it, but Li Yao can still withstand a nuclear bomb? !

Everyone's expressions were moved, including those old oily people like Eugene.

"Your Excellency, are you really going to use nuclear weapons?"

"This... will human beings be destroyed because of this, our teachings..."

At this moment, the Pope's eyes were like eagles, and he looked down scorchingly, "What? Do you want to violate my decree?"

Some high-level officials looked at each other, and fell into a cold silence at the moment.

Finally Eugene could stand it no longer.

He doesn't want to stay here, the new Pope is too crazy to continue to lead the Druids to glory.

Some people's eyes changed one after another, and they began to harbor ill intentions towards the Pope.

"Very well, then there is no need to talk nonsense, let's all go!" The pope clenched the scepter tightly, and his powerful momentum spread out.

Suddenly, several people started to attack.

A riot broke out in the huge church!

After a long time, the Pope walked out of the church covered in blood. Except for the only remaining followers behind him, the bones inside were horrified.

Even Eugene, a pity for his life, died tragically.

Time was running out, and the Pope didn't want to lament any more. He sighed wearily, and then told his followers: "Go, prepare the rest quickly."

"Okay, Your Excellency the Pope."

The people who can stay alive are all his fanatical believers at this moment, and they are also the people most trusted by the Pope.


Two days later, Li Yao was having a meeting with high-level armed forces from various countries, and by the way, he was holding a dinner to celebrate his victory.

The antibody serum is about to be successfully developed, and everyone seems to have seen the dawn.

Even those so-called reanimated fighters are no longer strong under Li Yao's plan of ability limiter + energy cannon.

At this moment, everyone can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The world will finally return to peace!

Ding dong.

At this moment, just as Li Yao was about to drink a few glasses of celebration wine, the smart watch on his wrist received a message from Lingyi.

Li Yao swiped his finger, and then clicked on the message.

In the next second, he slammed the wine glass away, his leisurely and elegant demeanor disappeared, and he immediately became solemn.

The rest of the officers didn't know what happened. Seeing Mr. Li's face like this, he immediately felt bad.

Li Yao went straight to the center, picked up the microphone and said concisely, "The enemy is about to drop a nuclear bomb on Jerusalem, you each organize your troops."

what! ! !

All the high-ranking officers looked horrified.

It's hard to imagine what kind of explosive intelligence this is!

When did the druids master the power of nuclear weapons, and the place where they were released happened to be here!

Someone's lips trembled, his face turned pale: "Mr. Li, did you read the information wrong? How could the enemy..."

Li Yao interrupted him impatiently, "When did I disclose false information, the Pope has already mastered the nuclear bomb, but you are all blocked from the news."

What do you mean?

Some people stared wide-eyed, so Li Yao seemed to know the news in advance, could it be that he wanted to pull them to die generously together!

No, it's not scientific.

How could Li Yao think highly of them, and it is impossible to use them as a backstop.

Could it be that there are already countermeasures.

Sure enough, Li Yao's words reassured everyone in the next second.

"Isn't it just a nuclear bomb, let them let it go, I have plenty of ways to intercept it."

Li Yao's face was calm, he didn't care about the power of the nuclear bomb at all, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they couldn't help swallowing.

It has to be our Mr. Li Yao, who is not even afraid of nuclear bombs.

Such a calm and unhurried attitude is unique in the world.

"Since you say so, then we have to believe it if we don't believe it," someone shook his head bitterly, with a trace of despair in his eyes.

Chapter 182 Nuclear Bomb Crisis

On the Druid nuclear bomb launch pad, tens of thousands of believers stood behind the Pope, cheering for him.

Looking at the rows of eerie and cold track holes.shocking!

everything's ready!

When the Pope gave the order, he seemed to feel the landslide after the nuclear bomb exploded in an instant.

So magnificent!

"Prepare, launch!!!"

In the tense eyes of everyone, the nuclear bomb was activated, the thrusters started slowly, and with a strong sound, it went straight to Li Yao's direction.

At the same time, within the city of Jerusalem.

Countless people walked out of the refuge, and adults, children, and old people were all in tears and clustered together.

The military has issued an urgent notice, informing them that a nuclear bomb will soon come here.

"How could the druids be so cruel that they tried to trigger a nuclear war..."

"Woooooo, I don't want to die yet, is there a savior who can save us!"

"My God, why?? Why are they targeting us!"

At this moment, countless civilians wailed.

I can't believe how terribly my family will die in a nuclear explosion.

I heard that it is not too painful to be in the center of the nuclear explosion, because the brain can't react at all and evaporates directly.

A group of guard officers came over to maintain order.

One shouted loudly: "Don't panic! Mr. Li Yao told us, he must have a solution!"

"Is there any way? Once the nuclear bomb is detonated, the whole city will fall."

"Yeah, where can we escape to? Poor my parents haven't lived a happy life yet, so they will be buried here..."

The eyes of a group of people are ashen. They are angry, regretful, and sad at the moment, and all kinds of negative emotions are intertwined.

It's a pity that they are just a group of ordinary people. In the face of cold nuclear weapons, everyone is equal.

Maybe it will turn into nothingness in the next second, so it is better to get closer to your family at this time and welcome death together.

It's not just Jerusalem at this moment.

The top leaders of other political systems around the world are also nervous, trying to find solutions through the pictures sent back from satellite images.

Want to intercept this nuclear bomb in advance.

Of course, the enemy may have more nuclear bombs hidden! ! !

None of them knew how much reserves the Pope had!

How to do!

What should I do!

The Secretary-General of the United Nations wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked, "Don't all of you here have a solution!"

Looking at the heads of state, everyone shook their heads in frustration.

The drop point of this nuclear bomb is not within the jurisdiction of major powers, and many interception methods will take time to deploy.

But the most urgent need now is time!

Everyone gritted their teeth. If the enemy really detonated the nuclear bomb, the world war situation would be turned upside down in an instant.

The previous efforts will be in vain, and it is estimated that many underground forces will choose to join the opposite enemy.

On Earth, whoever can control the power of nuclear weapons is equivalent to being the overlord of one party, sharing the world equally with other forces.

No one wants to see it.

At this time, a representative of Huaxia stood up and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, don't forget that Mr. Li Yao is still there, and the enemy's first target for dropping nuclear bombs is for him."

"I believe he will find a way, this man has always created miracles!"

A white general said bitterly: "Miracle? Will there be another miracle? Could it be that you don't know the power of nuclear bombs?"

"Even if you use planet-level supernatural power, it may not be able to stop it."

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