Top Hacker Develops Artificial Intelligence at 14

Page 132

But he chose to ignore, or choose to play dumb.

The two of them sat on the sofa together and drank the white flower snake grass water that can be bought for a few dollars.

The moment Ye Xueqing soaked into her mouth, she felt that it was more delicious than millions of red wines.

She wrapped her arms around her ankles, leaned slightly and leaned against a corner of the sofa, and murmured: "Li Yao, what do you think the universe will look like?"

Li Yao was silent for a moment, then explained: "In my opinion, it's a mime stage. People outside the stage can't see or hear the story inside, and people inside the stage are immersed in the story and can't tell it."

"You are still so unique," Ye Xueqing drank, feeling intoxicated like the water is not intoxicating.

I began to recall the bits and pieces of this journey in my mind, obviously less than ten years have passed, but there is a bitterness of not passing away forever.

At this time, Li Yao took out his mobile phone, and there was a photo of Ravi's headshot in it.

"Look, this is the alien Fick, in fact, there is no essential difference from us humans."

Ye Xueqing's clear eyes were full of curiosity, "Then can they speak the language of the earth? How do you communicate?"

"There is a translation device that can automatically identify the frequency band fluctuations of organisms and convert the finals of the timbre."

"Oh oh oh."

Obviously, she didn't understand.

But Ye Xueqing was still smiling and staring at Li Yao's profile, her eyes bent into willow leaves.

The two talked until dawn in this quiet night.

I don't know why, but I always feel that there are endless things to say and things to do.

Li Yao didn't feel tired, and had a long talk with Ye Xueqing with a smile on his face.

"I should go," Li Yao looked at the French windows around him, and the sky was already pale.

At this moment, Ye Xueqing opened her mouth, wanting to say something else, but finally shook her head.

"Then I won't send you off, the company still has a meeting to hold later."

"Then you remember to drink a cup of coffee to refresh yourself."

"Oh, I've been working for so long, don't you know?"

"By the way, once you leave this time, you plan to come back in a few weeks."

The moment Li Yao stepped into the elevator, Ye Xueqing finally couldn't help but say this sentence.

She was always afraid of the answer to the question, so she didn't ask it all night.

Li Yao hesitated a bit with the hand that pressed the elevator, and spoke after hesitating for a moment.

"Maybe soon, maybe a long time."



The elevator doors closed, and there was a sinking sound from the tracks.

Ye Xueqing froze in place, her lips tightly closed.

After an unknown amount of time, she asked herself, "Is this an answer?"

Immediately, she followed Li Yao's instructions and took out the coffee powder that hadn't been used for a long time from the cabinet.

After drinking a cup, he sipped lightly, and his brows were instantly furrowed.

"Ahem," Ye Xueqing paused, took a deep breath and tried to drink it up, "It's so bitter, it's as bitter as life."


Li Yao traveled all over the world in a private jet, living like a master of time management.

On the way, Ling Yi kept observing the situation of his master, and finally showed his face to speak when no one was around.

"Master, do you feel pity?"

Li Yao frowned and said, "What a pity?"

"Well, when I didn't say it."

Ling Yi's mind has been developed maturely and steadily, and he can feel some depression in Li Yao's heart, so he dare not bring it up again.

When Li Yao got off the plane and arrived at the destination, Ravi was in a safe house.

For his safety, he was surrounded by supernatural beings and dormant sentries following Li Yao.

The Fick was floating in mid-air at this moment, carefully observing the people outside through the window.

Seeing that it was Li Yao, he asked himself, "Is this the supernatural being on your planet?"

"That's right, all of them have undergone a biochemical virus transformation, which has stimulated the potential factors of the body."

Ravi did not forget his own job during his rest, and was still observing and recording various strange phenomena on the earth.

These survey records will become a standard yardstick for judging the civilization of the earth.

Li Yao's heart moved, and he asked, "How do you feel about these supernatural beings?"

"The scope and types of abilities are relatively complicated, but the intensity does not seem to be high."

Ravi explained impartially: "Of course, you don't have to think that all racial individuals in those powerful galaxies are superpowers. In fact, most of them are ordinary people, and at most rely on special racial characteristics to make a living."

"The proportion of your earth's awakened supernatural attributes is already pretty good in the galaxies I know," Lavi said seriously: "As long as you can seriously develop it, you might be famous in other star regions."

Li Yao did not expect this.

It seems that although the earthlings are relatively ordinary, they are not useless.

Ravi continued: "But there are also some powerful races in the universe. Their biological structure and abilities can be called abnormal. When you enter the interstellar society, you'd better not provoke them."

"for example?"

"For example, the Yimengzu."

Speaking of this, Ravi's voice gradually became higher and higher, depicting an extremely grand group civilization.

"The Yimeng tribe's civilization and technology tree is extremely special. Their country is a monarchy system, controlled by the successors of the royal family for generations, and there has never been a coup d'état in ten thousand years."

Li Yao was a little surprised. There hasn't been a regime change in 1 years. How is this possible?

At least it is absolutely impossible to achieve on earth, and it is still a monarchy system.

Ravi saw his doubts, and said: "It's just that the royal family they think is different from what you people on Earth recognize, and it doesn't rely on blood to identify identities."

"It's just because the dreamers have a supernatural characteristic, they can predict future events through an information entanglement called 'memory tree'."

"It's like the future self uses the method of linking the 'memory tree' to convey memory fragments to the past. In short, it is a process of mutual transmission, which is very strange."

Li Yao's pupils shrank slightly. What kind of race is this? It's still possible to do this?

"Is it possible to predict the future and change fate against the sky?"

Ravi nodded and shook his head again, "It's not the same. As long as it is the result they predicted, it has become an established fact and cannot be changed by current factors."

"The members of the Yimeng clan who can connect with the future 'memory tree' are called the royal family, and the longest predictable timeline in the royal family is the heir to the monarchy."

"When the old king dies, the new heir will continue to lead the population and move steadily towards a clear future trajectory."

"Ordinary Yimeng people can only connect to the past, just like the revolving lantern in your earthly saying."

Chapter 209 Farewell

"That's why the common people are willing to accept the control of the royal family, because they know how to better manage the country and make the society peaceful and harmonious."

"And when the royal family is born, they will announce their own death day. Whoever exists longer will be in charge of higher power."

Li Yao frowned. In this way, everything is developing according to the known route, and life will not be so meaningless.

Then he asked the question.

Ravi's short body jumped onto the table, opened a book casually, and showed it to Li Yao.

"This civilized person will not feel fear or boredom. You look like a book flipper. Even if you have read the story many times, you still imagine yourself as the protagonist in the book."

"Although I don't quite understand it, this is the interpretation of the Yimeng Clan by the technicians and experts."

At this time, Ravi showed the charm of his profession and was able to talk about everything in the universe.

"In fact, there are many unique existences in the universe, and even those huge high-level empire civilizations have not explored all of the universe."


Counting the days, the day when the Lucky Star spacecraft arrives on Earth is getting closer and closer.

"Beep, beep——"

The smart chip machine of the communication communication began to sound a warning tone.

This is the latest message sent by Lucky Star service providers.

According to the prompt above, the spaceship will pick up Li Yao and others on a flat ground in Antarctica.

And for their safety, they are also equipped with special itinerary responders to facilitate the communication between the two parties.

Positioning is represented by the coordinate data of the earth, and their service is relatively in place in this regard.

"Finally going."

Li Yao got up suddenly, his originally calm face was finally moved.

Returning from rebirth, after such a long period of development, it is finally possible to set foot in the interstellar civilization.

All kinds of conjectures from the previous life poured in like a flood, and his thirst for knowledge about the interstellar universe was stirring him.

The vast universe, peculiar culture, high-end technology... There are too many things that Li Yao should look forward to.

The earth is still too small for him, and there is no stage for him to show his talents.

Li Yao calmed down and said to himself: "Now the entourage has been arranged, the materials and equipment are also prepared, and the things that should be explained are clearly explained. I can leave the earth without any regrets..."

This trip does not mean that he will abandon the foundation of the earth, but broaden the fields and channels of development, and make his industrial power bigger and stronger.


The sky in Antarctica is quite strange, it is faint but not faint, bright but not bright.

At this time, Kun-style fighter jets roared in the sky, and then various personnel began to set foot in this area.

This boarding Li Yao did not intend to hide it, but to record this scene that will be recorded in the annals of history.

The moment Li Yao set foot in Antarctica, news spread quickly.

Countless officials all over the world knew that Li Yao was there, and there were so many people gathered, they didn't know what to do.

Following the positioning coordinates, Li Yao found the location and waited quietly.

When Li Yao stopped, people from the Antarctic research station who were watching from afar had already surrounded him.

He looked puzzled and didn't know what was going on.

When they wanted to step forward to inquire, they were immediately repulsed by Irene's force, and they were too frightened to take another half step.

At this time Li Yao looked at the watch on his wrist.

"It's almost time."

The sensible people around were shocked when they heard the words, is the spaceship coming!

"The most legendary man in the world is finally leaving the earth."

Everyone picked up professional equipment and began to monitor the sky, their faces full of curiosity.

I didn't dare to move my eyelids, for fear of missing any details.

About half a minute later, someone with better eyesight suddenly saw a black shadow the size of a sesame seed.

Immediately afterwards, the black shadow gradually enlarged, and the contrasting silhouette appeared the appearance of a spaceship.

It looks very similar to the alien spacecraft incident a few months ago!

"Look, an alien spaceship is coming!"

The noisy voice kept ringing, causing everyone present to be struck by thunder, and they wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

Someone is saying a prayer that this doesn't cause accidental harm to humans.

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