Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Chapter 53: The Diss Battle (Part 3)

“Fuck you!”

That wasn’t me. It wasn’t Sniper either. It was Ha-jeong. While I was cursing Sniper out, Ha-jeong had finished her rap and had started cursing at Gina. She looked really mad. I could see the fire in her eyes. She was the one who had insulted Gina, so what was she so upset about? Gina also didn’t look so happy. She didn’t seem to be able to control herself. Then again, the insults had been pretty personal, so in her case, it was understandable. If it had been me, I would’ve punched Ha-jeong in the face.

But that issue soon took a back seat when Sniper suddenly grabbed me by the hair.

“What did you say bitch? You wanna say that again?”

Everyone turned their heads as Sniper continued to shout at me. The judges looked shocked. The staff even more so. But my biggest concern was myself. My image. What was I going to do? If word got out that I had gotten into a cat fight, what then? This was going to be difficult. I could already see people secretly taking out their phones to take a video. I had to take care of this quickly.

“Let go,” I said firmly. That’s all I said, since the cameras were still filming us. I couldn’t curse. I’m a girl group member now. I couldn’t cause a scandal this early in my debut.


“Ow, that hurts. Let go,” I repeated.

“You crazy bitch!”

Sniper grabbed me with her other hand and began to pull on my hair.

“Ow! Ow, you bi…”

I was about to curse, but I held back. Then again, this girl was strong. If I didn’t do something soon, she was going to pull all my hair out. I could use my stronger self to pull all of her hair out, but wouldn’t that be too much?

“I’m going to say this for the…ow! Last time…ow! Ouch! Let go,” I said.

“You crazy bitch! I’m going to kill you!”

Sniper didn’t even hear me. So I decided to just screw it and grabbed her hair myself. Forget my image. I was about to lose all my hair at this point. Sniper was pulling on my hair but for me, it only took two seconds.


Everyone gasped as a huge chunk of hair came up with my fist. But Sniper didn’t seem to realize as she continued to pull my hair. I shoved the bits of hair that I ripped out into her face. In response, she began to shout at me.


Lil Sniper stood up and touched the back of her head, gingerly patting the bald spot. Her eyes widened in shock. So I held up her hair again and Sniper began to cry. Everyone was filming again. I quickly put my mic back on and began to apologize.

“Sniper, I’m so sorry…You just came and attacked me and I wasn’t thinking and…I’m so sorry…”

Thinking of the cameras, I carefully put on a remorseful expression. Then I added, “But…why did you suddenly attack me…?”

I opened my eyes wide, the epitome of doe-eyed innocence. Sniper narrowed her eyes at me and then suddenly brought her hand down on my face.


Of course, I dodged it but I collapsed to the floor and pretended to cry. Everyone – the contestants, staff members, and judges – all ran towards me to console me. This is the one good thing about being delicate and pretty. You can get all the men to feel protective of you. And it was Sniper who had attacked me first and cursed at me. Of course, I was going to look like the victim. Everyone was so distracted by me that no one was paying attention to Sniper. I stuck my foot out and kicked her foot.



Sniper fell into her chair with a scream and I continued with my crocodile tears. She was lucky. I’d gone easy on her because she was a girl. If she had been a guy, she would be halfway to the ER by now.

The filming had stopped for a while, but we resumed once everyone calmed down again. Sniper and I were now sitting far away from each other. Sniper kept muttering as she poked the bald spot on her head that had been fixed by a hair piece. I gave a small smirk as I sat in my chair.

“Are you okay?” Christine asked me. She sat next to me right now and looked very worried.

I guess she liked me now since I had given her a hug earlier. There was no trace of the girl who had snapped at me that first day.

“Of course,” I said with a bright smile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sniper gritting her teeth as she fingered her wig, and the sight of it made me smile even wider.

“Don’t worry too much about it, okay.? That’s just Sniper. Everyone knows she’s a bitch.”

“I see that. But it’s okay,” I replied.

Then I asked, “But if you know what she’s like, then why did you say that stuff to her yesterday?”

I was curious. If Christine knew how aggressive and mean Sniper could be, then why did she go after the rapper?

“That’s why I did it. Whenever I see an aggressive person, I want to fight them.”


Whenever she sees an aggressive person, she wants to fight them. This girl was crazy.

“That must be tiring.”

“I think it’s fun.”

Okay, she was full-on psycho.

“But it was so sad to see you get defeated earlier.”

At that, Christine’s face hardened. I continued, “If you want to fight against someone who is aggressive, you need to be able to hold yourself against them. But you don’t have the balls.”

“I’m a girl. So doesn’t it make sense that I don’t have any?”

“I’m not talking about actual balls.”

Ugh, this girl. I was starting to think she was just stupid.

“Then what?”

“I’m saying you can’t just go in without any strategy. If you don’t have any skills, of course you’re going to get eaten alive.”

“Then do you have skills?”

Christine snapped at me. That was my bad – I should’ve remembered what she was like. I took the mic off.

“You little…”

But then I decided against it and turned my mic on again. I shouldn’t curse. I’m a member of Lovely Girlz. I shouldn’t cause any more trouble for the other members.

“Let’s watch the battle.”

I turned my attention back to the stage and it was Gina’s turn. She was looking right at Ha-jeong.


Gina began her rap. A low, husky voice. And strong delivery too. Her tempo was good and her pronunciation was spot on. The lyrics were well thought out as well. Ha-jeong had simply insulted and cursed at Gina. Gina, on the other hand, sounded honest. She basically made it seem like she had no choice but to point out Ha-jeong’s flaws, making herself look more appealing. She also dissed Mu-music.

“A diss. They tell us to spit it out. Diss! Diss each other! Get each other. This is hip hop? No! That’s why I’m a loser. That’s why you’re a loser.”

Gina Kim gave Ha-jeong the finger and the latter simply shrugged and smirked. And after a few more lines, Gina was done. Out of all the ones who had performed so far, I thought Gina was the best.

“Gina was good.”

“I’m better,” Christine said.

I smiled.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Oh, it’s just what you said. It’s the funniest thing you’ve said all day.”


Christine said. I reached for my mic…and drew my hand back. No, let’s not do that. I turned back to the stage just in time to see the oldest Minji start her verse. And she made clear on whose side she was on. She started on Gina. And at the moment we saw that, we all sighed out of pity for her. But Minji didn’t hesitate and went after Gina. We had expected her to go easy on Gina since she was still much younger, but that wasn’t the case. Minji ripped into her like a savage. Stuff like how Gina didn’t think, she had no manners, acted like she was a bigshot, was she stupid? She even spit out a line asking whether Gina changed her panties at all.

“What a bitch.”

I thought I was keeping it to myself but I ended up saying it out loud. The audio picked it up right away. And next to me, Christine smirked.

“Hey, you can curse too.”

“I always could.”

“You should’ve done that when Sniper attacked you.”

“Hang on.”

I took off the mic. Then I added, “I got her hair, didn’t I?”

“Are you saying you did that on purpose?”

“Of course,” I said with a nod. Then I added, “But why are so casual with me?”

“You did it first.”

“No, you did, idiot.”

“No, you did!”

Christine snapped, so I did, too. Then Christine whipped her head away. And when she did, she muttered, “You did.”


I wasn’t about to start this again. And I had no intention of arguing with a kid. Soon, the producer gave me the signal to put on my mic, so I did. While I was doing that, Minji finished her rap and Gina looked far from happy. You could tell right away from her face. Upon seeing her face, Minji spit out another curse word and said, “Hey, what are you looking at?”

The moment she said, the room became tense. The music started again and it was Ha-jeong’s turn again. She was supposed to start dissing Minji now but instead, she started on Gina for the second time. Her second rap was similar to her first. I guess the two older girls coming at her was too much for Gina because I could see the tears well up in her eyes. I could immediately feel my male protective instincts starting to kick in. Then, it was Gina’s turn. She turned to Minji and opened her mouth…and nothing came out. It seemed like her throat had closed up as she tried to swallow her tears. The man in me knew that this was not right. After a short pause, Gina was able to compose herself and start. But her confidence had taken a toll. She seemed to be straining herself and she barely managed to finish the rap. Then it was Minji’s turn again. And again, she went after Gina. At that, everyone began to cry foul. But Minji was on a roll and she wasn’t about to stop anytime soon. By now, Gina was full on crying and the protective instinct was stirring in all the men watching this, including me. In my mind, I was already cursing Minji to hell.

‘They’re supposed to be the older, mature ones. What are they doing?’

Two against one. Not to mention that the two were much older. I wanted to run up to the stage to give Gina a hug, but Minji was still rapping.

“That woman really is a bitch,” Christine said firmly.

Whenever she sees an aggressive person, she wants to fight them, huh? Yeah, it was crazy, but there were times when I admired her spunk.

“I’m going to show them.”

“Are you going to bawl again?”

“I did not bawl! I just got tears in my eyes because I was so frustrated!”

“Yeah, sure. When you start bawling again, I’ll give you another hug,” I answered.

What? I liked hugging Christine. You know that feeling you get when a nice body just leans against you…but hmm. What was that look on Christine’s face? Was she blushing? She immediately turned her head away but I could see her face turning red. What is this? Is she…no. There’s no way. She can’t be. She was just taken in for a second by my boyish personality. I do have a girl-crush image, after all. But her face…?

“Christine?” I asked in my most charming voice.


Christine said, her face still turned away.

So I said, “Do you want a hug?”

At those words, Christine flushed even more but a small smile began to creep onto her face. Is she actually falling for me?

“One really doesn’t know anything in this world.”

I turned my attention back to the stage as Minji was finishing her rap. All the judges looked rather uncomfortable. I could just imagine how much worse it was for them as judges, when I also felt bad just watching that. But they have to be objective. If they just give the win to Gina because they feel bad for her, it could backfire on her.

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