Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Chapter 70: The Secret Camera (Part 1)

Somehow, I managed to get away.

Even while I was eating, Mr. Lee wouldn’t let up. But after I finished, I simply wiped my mouth, said my goodbyes, and then walked out. The man kept going on about how there wouldn’t be another opportunity like this and I’d regret it and so on and so forth, but I didn’t pay attention to any of it.

“Wow, that was good.”

The lobster at the restaurant had been the best I’ve ever tasted. While Mr. Lee was in the bathroom, I wrapped a few bits of lobster and hid them in my bag to take back to the girls. I’m always thinking of them that way. They’re so sweet and trusting. I really am the best thing for them.

I returned to the dorms and sure enough, they were all still sleeping. We didn’t have any schedules today, but they sure were sleeping late. The sun was already in the middle of the sky and would soon be setting. Then again, one person was already up. It was Jihyun. She was walking out of the kitchen, sipping on a glass of tomato juice. Why was she up?

“Sian? Where did you go so early in the morning?” Jihyun asked, drinking her juice.

“I just had to pop by somewhere. But why are you up this early?”

“Oh. I’m going to meet that guy, remember? Joon-hyun.”

“Oh, right~”

Wait, isn’t he also from Han Entertainment…now my senses were tingling again. He has a pretty good reputation…still worrying, though.

“What are you planning to do?” I asked.

“We’re just going to get some food. Maybe chat a bit.”

“And what if he asks you to be in a serious relationship?”

“Then I’ll have to turn him down. I mean, that is why I’m going. He’s not really my type.”

Jihyun finished her juice, smacking her lips afterwards.

“Just what is your type?” I asked, tilting my head this way and that way. Jihyun meets so many guys that it’s hard to tell exactly. I think she just falls in love too quickly.

“Hey, Sian.”


“I hear you got cast for Army Body.”


What the hell was she talking about? I wasn’t even done with Un-Position Rapstar.

“I overheard Manager Lee talking with Mr. Park yesterday. From the sound of it, it seems like everything is confirmed already.”


I wanted to kill somebody.

“Just me?”

“Yeah. Just you.”

“What about the others?”

“We’re going on Jubu Song’s Top 4 Chef Kings,” Jihyun said, suddenly bouncing excitedly.

“Jubu Song’s Top 4 Chef Kings? What’s that?”

“It’s a mukbang show. We get to eat on the show. Hehe.”

Jihyun sounded incredibly happy.

“What the…”

So lucky…I wanted to do a show like that too. Why am I the only one being sent on a different show?

“Here. Eat this.”

I took out the bag of lobster from my bag and tossed it to Jihyun.

“Huh? What’s this?”


“Oh!” Jihyun exclaimed happily, but I was already out the door and on my way to Jinwoo’s office.


“Jinwoo Park. I swear to god…” I muttered to myself outside of Jinwoo’s office. If he wasn’t the company president…well, anyways, I knocked on the door.

Knock knock.

“Come in~”

Well, he sounded relaxed. It made me want to punch him in the throat. I opened the door and walked in. Jinwoo waved at me.

“Hi, Sian~”

“Why are you trying to sound all cute? You’re way too old for that.”

“Old? I’m still a teen at heart.”

“But you look like a fifty-year old.”


At that, Jinwoo’s face fell.


“That’s a little harsh, ain’t it?”

“I said I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

And he was mad again. Not that he had a right to.

“Hey, Mr. Park.”


“Am I really going on Army Body?”


Jinwoo looked at me, his face shocked. Not by the information, but by the fact that I knew.

“I heard it from someone.”


“Just here and there.”

“News sure travels fast around here. I’ve only told Manager Lee.”

Jinwoo continued to look perplexed, shaking his head this way and that way.

“Gossip always travels the fastest.”

“Yeah, I should’ve been more careful. But…is that why you’re here…”

“Yes,” I replied. Jinwoo’s face grew dark.

“You know what?” I added. “Just, whatever. Do what you want, but just remember to tell me beforehand. How many times do I have to tell you? Do I really have to hear about this stuff from other people? Huh? Mister. Park?”

“Okay, fine. I’m sorry. You can lead the company then.”


“Isn’t that what you want?”


Ugh, if he talks like that, then I’ll feel bad.

“I’ll be sure to tell you next time.”

“So it’s confirmed, huh?”

“Yes, it is. You start filming next week.”

“I hear the other members are going on Top 4 Chef Kings. I can eat too, you know.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

“How about I buy you something before you go…uh, never mind.”

Jinwoo stopped midway, so I finished for him.

“I’d like that. Thanks.”

“I didn’t say I’d buy you anything.”

“You can just get me some seasoned chicken.”

“I said I’m not buying you anything.”

“I’d like it even better if you got half garlic, half chicken. I’ll see you later then.”

With that, I walked out of the office. But seriously…Army Body? It’s a strenuous show. Especially since you can’t eat. Just the thought of it was enough to make me cry.


I returned to the dorms, but Jihyun was gone.

“Where’s Jihyun?”

“She left,” Jia said from her spot on the couch.

“Hey, Jia. Do you know Joon-hyun?”

“Joon-hyun Lee? He’s that really popular solo artist.”

“What’s he like?”

“He’s okay,” Jia answered with a shrug.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I heard from one of the show writers…apparently, he’s actually not a good person in real life.”


I knew it. It’s always the nice-looking ones you have to look out for.

“He’s always partying and sleeping around. He’s always sleeping with a different girl every night.”


“And he’s kind of a pervert. At least, that’s what I heard. You should stay away from him, Sian.”

“Don’t worry. It’s not about me, but he’s the one Jihyun is going out to see tonight.”

“What?!” Jia cried out as she leapt up from the couch.

“You didn’t know?”

“Of course not. Why is she going to see him? Jihyun doesn’t like him much either.”

Jia looked confused.

“She said it was just dinner.”

“Oh well, then I guess it doesn’t matter. If she says she’s dating him, I object!”

“Me too,” I said, getting up.

“Where are you going?”

“Just going out for a walk.”

“I want to go too!” Jia said, getting up.

“I’d rather be alone.”

And then, I left the dorms again. Actually, I planned to follow Jihyun. I just have a bad feeling about her date tonight. But now that I think about it, why am I moving around so much today? Did a horse attach itself to me or something?


“Here it is.”

I arrived at the café where Jihyun was having her date. I could see her and Joon-hyun inside, sitting at a table.

“Excuse me,” I whispered to a female server. I made sure that the sunglasses were fully covering me.

“Welcome to the…oh!”

The server suddenly gasped and everyone turned to look in our direction, including Jihyun and Joon-hyun. I immediately ducked behind a table and signalled to the server to be quiet.

“Sssh! Sshhh!”

“I’m sorry…” the server whispered with a nod of understanding. Everyone went back to their conversations. When I saw that Jihyun and Joon-hyun were no longer paying attention, I approached the server quietly.

“Excuse me,” I whispered.

“Yes, Ms. Lee, what can I do for you…hehe,” the server said, undeniably happy to see me.

“Could I have an Americano, please?”

“Of course. But um…could I get an autograph?”

“Oh, of course. But here…?”

“Come inside,” the server said, gesturing me to follow her. I walked to the other side of the counter, where she and I took two selfies together before she served me an Americano. I snuck out from the back of the counter to where Jihyun and Joon-hyun were sitting, sneakily taking the chair behind Joon-hyun.


Since I tied my hair, I was sure Jihyun wouldn’t be able to recognize me. She’s never seen me with my hair tied. And since I was sitting right behind Joon-hyun, I was completely hidden from Jihyun’s view.

“I swear if you try something with her…”

Joon-hyun Lee. I don’t really care much for him, but the fact that he’s from Han Entertainment really bothers me. Didn’t Mr. Lee say that there were other people like me and him at the company? Not to mention their plan to turn their company into a corporate powerhouse. He even bragged that it was all because of their special powers that they were able to do that much.

Anyways, I turned my attention towards their conversation.

“Oh…so you don’t really like me,” Joon-hyun replied, but I didn’t really sense that he felt too sad over it. In fact, he sounded rather casual. Almost like, ‘Oh well, that’s that.’ Does this mean their meetingis almost over? I guess I came late.

Anyways, Jihyun soon spoke up.

“Yes, I’m sorry. There’s someone else I like,” she said.

“Who is it…I mean, may I ask who it is?”

“Nope, it’s a secret. Anyways, thank you for tonight’s meal and the coffee.”

With that, Jihyun stood up. But just then, Joon-hyun spoke up.

“Could you sit down, please? I have something else to say.”

“Oh, sure.”

Jihyun sat back down. Suddenly, Joon-hyun looked right into her eyes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You’re very beautiful. I just want to remember you for the last time.”


Jihyun shifted in her seat, clearly comfortable, but Joon-hyun didn’t let up and continued to stare at her. Then Jihyun’s eyes slowly started to close and suddenly, her head dropped as she fell asleep in her chair.


What is he doing? But what he said next made my hair stand up.

“Idiot. If you had just agreed to go out with me, I wouldn’t have had to do it this way. It’s because of girls like you that I have to go this far. Now shall we see how pretty that body is? I’ll be sure to take some good pictures.”

Then with a leering smile, he picked Jihyun up piggy-back style and left the café.

The place he went to after the café was his own apartment. To be honest, I had conflicting thoughts on my way here. Should I just attack him and take Jihyun home? But then, I won’t have any evidence. He didn’t do anything physical to her to make her fall asleep. He put some sort of spell on her. Which meant that if I were go with my first plan, then I’d be the bad guy. I needed solid evidence to really get this guy. He entered his place with Jihyun on his back and I placed my ear against his door. I upped my hearing so that I wouldn’t miss anything. I wanted to walk in at the right moment to capture him at his worst.


I opened up the camera on my phone. Then I prepared to press the passcode into his door. Thanks to my good hearing, I already heard the order of which numbers he’d pressed in.

I placed my ear against the front door, and I could instantly hear everything that was going on inside.

“Damn, look at those legs. Beautiful.”

Click click click.

“Now, let’s get you on the bed. Let’s take your top off.”


“Damn…look at those racks…wow..”

Click click click.

“But we’ll take the bra off later. Let’s see what’s under that skirt.”


“White panties, huh? Cute.”

Click click click!

“Now off with the panties…I love this part…hehe…”

Bzzzzz. Click.

I then opened the door.

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