Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 180: I Can't Have Nice Things

“I don’t want to be the villain here,” Tori said as she cornered her brothers on their way back to their rooms. “But which one of you took it?”

“Took what?” Sebastian had a pleasant look on his face despite his ruffled hair and dust coated clothing. As soon as the war games party had returned, they went to eat at a large grilling celebration. They all smelled like marinade.

Kasen tilted his head to the side and gave her a questioning look. “What are you talking about Tori?”

Her lips pulled down into a frown. She didn’t want to bring it up when they arrived, and she didn’t bring it up when they were grilling in the garden outside of the dining hall to celebrate the bride’s side’s triumph. If it weren't a small matter, she wouldn’t go out of her way to intercept her brothers at all.

But no one else would get justice for Piers.

“Piers is very sad, and Axton said that he can’t find the good luck handkerchief I gave him,” Tori told them. The hall was wide enough for them to walk around her, but knowing her brothers, they wouldn’t brush her off so easily. Especially when she appeared serious.

Sebastian’s eyes widened just enough for Tori to suspect him further. “He told you he’s sad?”

“Of course, he didn’t tell me. I can tell,” Tori told them. “He barely spoke when he arrived, when he’s on the winning side and should be telling me how they won, then he skipped the garden party, and when Axton went to check on him, he didn’t want to answer the door. He’s clearly upset.”

Kasen narrowed his eyes. “You seem very attentive to his moods.”

“I have worked closely with Piers for some time now. I would be negligent if I couldn’t even notice he was upset at this point. So, tell me, which one of you took it?” She put her hands on her hips and fixed her critical eyes on them.

The brothers exchanged looks. “Tori, what makes you think we took it?”

“Guevera intuition.” Her eyes bore into them with both accusation and disappointment.

Kasen crossed his arms over his chest. “And why do you think we’d take it? There were dozens of us present and there were many moments of chaos. It could’ve fallen and been lost at any time.”

Do you think I’m stupid? “Piers showed off the violet handkerchief. You two are smart. You must’ve realized that was the only one I embroidered that was colored. All the other ones, even yours and Papa’s, were white. To make him suffer a bit, you probably took it. Why didn’t you give it back?”

They seemed satisfied that she mentioned they were smart. It wasn’t so much a compliment as it was a fact. Despite it, they still didn’t waver.


“I spent a lot of time working on those handkerchiefs and each one was made with a lot of care in between all my work and school. I don’t like you taking away a gift I worked so hard on. My brothers are good men. They’re not mean.” Tori’s eyes moistened and she put a slight, sad tremble in her voice. She didn’t want to have to do this, but she was going to have to pull the pitiful and sad little sister card.

Immediately, Kasen uncrossed his arms and looked a bit panicked as Sebastian grew flustered. The words ‘I don’t like you’ seemed to hit them hard.

Seeing their little sister lose faith in them, they quickly surrounded her. “It was an accident. We were going to give it back,” Sebastian said quickly.

Tori froze. Her frown deepened and she looked at them with even more disappointment and accusation. “What happened to it?”

Kasen grimaced and he let out a heavy breath. He reached into his dusty tunic and took out a stained violet piece of cloth. He held it out and Tori sucked in a sharp breath. There was tear along one side and frayed edges. It looked like it was either snagged or pulled and ripped.

“What happened to it?” Tori snatched it from Kasen’s hand and examined the piece. Because it took a long time to embroider the figure of Alexander on it, as well as all the Old Sulfae along the edges, Piers’ handkerchief took her the longest to make. Her hard work...gone. She glared at her brothers. “What did you do to it?”

“It wasn’t us who ripped it!” Sebastian said at once. “It must’ve gotten dirty somehow, as Piers washed it himself and was drying it. When we were infiltrating their fort that night, we grabbed it when there was confusion in the fort.”

“We had planned to give it back after the games, but there was a struggle defending our fort. The handkerchief was with some of our supplies and...the next thing we knew, one of the knight’s horses was chewing it and wouldn’t let it go. Sir Herrera tried to pull it out and it ripped,” Kasen told her with some distress in his voice. It seemed that they knew they messed up.

Sebastian ran a hand down his face. “We couldn’t give it back to him like this. He’d be devastated.”

“I doubt Piers would forgive us. Not that it matters-”

“Kasen.” Sebastian pushed his shoulder to shut him up before looking back at Tori, apologetic. “We thought we could take it back and have someone mend it, but you found us first.”

Tori was glad that it wasn’t her brothers who destroyed her hard work and was relieved that their prank wasn’t as malicious as it could’ve been; the horse chewing the handkerchief wasn’t planned, after all. However, she was still disappointed that it had come to this.

“Why didn’t you bring it to me?”

“You’d be mad,” Sebastian said.

“You are mad,” Kasen confirmed. Tori held on to the handkerchief and frowned.

“Don’t do this again. You know he’s extremely sensitive and things like this are particularly important to him.”

“We won’t,” Sebastian told her, looking serious. “We didn’t mean for this to happen. It was only supposed to be missing for a night.”

“I’m going to tell Piers what happened to it and you’re going to apologize.”

“Apologize?” Sebastian’s shoulders fell. “Why-”

“We’ll apologize.” Kasen cut him off and gave him a firm look. Tori was sure that they were apologizing not because they were sorry, they swiped the handkerchief in the first place, but apologizing because she made them.

It was the best she could get from them.

“I’m going to try to fix this.” Tori turned around and marched towards her room. She had a few hours until dinner and her embroidery was quite fast now. She was hopeful that she could salvage the handkerchief.

The first thing she did was wash the cloth and then use crystals to speed up its drying. As it dried, she dug out her embroidery needles and thread. She still had plenty of the silver she used on Piers’ handkerchief.

She was supposed to spend the time between lunch and dinner practicing, but a small vindictive part of her decided to sit and try to mend the handkerchief instead, as if she were somehow getting back at Sebastian for his prank gone awry. She had two more days before the wedding to practice, anyway.

Tori sat by her window, embroidering a sword that acted to keep the torn sides together. To try to even out the placement, she embroidered another sword to mirror it. She then went along the edges to cover up the frayed parts.

The sun was setting by the time she snipped off the last of the thread. Tori held out the handkerchief. It was much busier than it was previously, but it wasn’t very obvious that a horse had chewed it and caused a tear. Satisfied, she rushed to her desk and called Piers.

He didn’t answer at first, so she called again. If he didn’t answer, she decided she would go to his room, but after three pulses, his voice reached her. “Tori?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you’re missing your handkerchief?”

She heard his breath hitch. “I don’t know where it is.” He sounded more pitiful than Fiona when she was forced to go home after playing in Viclya.

Tori looked at the handkerchief in her lap. “I have it.”

“Why do you have it?” She didn’t know if he sounded doubtful or hopeful.

“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you-”

“Where are you?” She heard a door close and then the muffled mumbles of knights greeting Piers.

“I’m in my room.”

“I’ll be right there.” The call ended and Tori wrinkled her nose. She stared at the comcry and shook her head before going to collect the handkerchief and heading towards the door. She lifted the piece of cloth once more to inspect it and paused beneath one of the light crystals to run her fingers over the mended edges.

A bit of the edges had been taken in, so it wasn’t exactly a perfect square anymore, but unless one spread it out and really looked, they couldn’t tell. Knowing Piers, since she was the one who mended it, he wouldn’t be too upset. Tori opened the door and saw Piers standing several paces outside.

She furrowed her brows and took a step out, noticing that just to the right of her door wasn’t the usual knight, but her brothers. Their eyes were fixed on Piers and none of the three men talked.

Piers’ eyes flickered towards her and for a moment, he looked pitiful. “Tori....”

“I got it!” She lifted up the handkerchief, pinching the corners with each hand, and held it out as she walked towards him. “A horse got to it, and it was ripped, so I embroidered swords to hide the tear. I also fixed the edges.”

His brows knit together just a bit as he reached out and gently took the small handkerchief from her hands. He furrowed his brows as he ran his fingers over the new silver thread.

“It was ripped?” he asked in a tight voice. He swallowed. “I didn’t rip it.” He lifted his eyes to meet hers, as if silently hoping for her to believe him.

She sighed. “I know, but when I got it, it was damaged, so I tried to mend it. The hem was frayed, so I took it in a bit. It’s not even and I know you like things symmetrical,” she told him as she pointed out the slightly off edge. “If you want, I can replace it.”

Piers shook his head and clutched the piece of cloth against him. “No, you gave me this.”

“I can give you another one.”

“No, this one is lucky.”

“How is it lucky if you lost it?” Sebastian snorted behind Tori. She narrowed her eyes and slowly turned around to face her brothers.

“Sebby...Kasey...are you going to explain what happened to Piers’ handkerchief?” She gave him an expectant look, but both were tight lipped. The intensity of her staring rose as the silence stretched on.

Sebastian was the first to give in and break eye contact with her. “Piers, during the second night’s raid of your fort, we saw your handkerchief drying and-”

“Sebastian stole it.” Kasen immediately took a step away from his brother and Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath. He looked at Kasen with betrayal.

“You’re the one who pointed it out!”

“I didn’t tell you to steal it.”

“You didn’t tell me not to, either.”

“Okay, the point is that you took it,” Tori said in a firm voice. “Tell him what happened next.”

Sebastian took a deep breath and told Piers about the horse and how it was torn. Tori watched Piers’ face to assess how upset he was by this. His eyes narrowed a bit and his lips tightened, but he didn’t say a word. His hands seemed to clench the handkerchief tighter.

Sebastian finished, and he and Kasen seemed to look at Piers, waiting for him to answer. Tori looked back at her brothers and let out a small cough, drawing their attention and then motioning her head towards Piers.

Kasen pursed his lips and then stepped forward. “I’m sorry about this, Piers. We only meant it as a prank and were planning to return it to you-”

“But then it got lost during the raid on our fort. We were going to return it to you after the games, we swear it,” Sebastian said. “I’m sorry, as well. We did not damage your handkerchief on purpose. We know how you are with your things.”

They looked sincere and Tori actually felt some of the guilt. She gave them a nod of approval and turned back to Piers.

“They really didn’t mean to ruin your handkerchief, Piers.”

He didn’t say anything. His eyes were fixed on her brothers, but she couldn’t read his face. After what seemed like a minute of silence, Piers lowered his arms at his side, one hand still holding the piece of cloth tight. He took a step towards her and opened his arms.

“Tori.” Her heart tightened at his pitiful voice. As if instigated by his brief mention of her name, she raised her arms and walked right into him. “My handkerchief....”

“I know and they won’t do it again,” she told him in a reassuring voice. “And if they do, I’ll make you more, all right?”

His arms tightened around her, and she felt his head against the top of hers. “Promise.”

“I promise.” She patted his back a bit longer before finally stepping out of his embrace. She placed her palms against his chest and looked up at him with concern. “Put your handkerchief away and meet me back here. We’ll go downstairs for dinner.”

Piers gave her an obedient nod. He grasped her hands and squeezed them before heading back to his guest room.

Tori turned around and saw Sebastian with a pale hand on Kasen’s shoulder as the two wore tense smiles that didn’t reach their eyes. She raised a brow and Kasen spoke with gritted teeth.


“I trust you won’t do this to him again.”

“We won’t. We didn’t mean for it to go this far,” Sebastian reaffirmed their stance and Kasen nodded his head.

“Good. Now, Idunn and the kids are waiting for you both downstairs,” she said in a calm voice. “I will see you both there.” She gave them a firm look and walked back into her room, shutting the door behind her.

Much to her brother’s chagrin, before the wedding, Piers spent his free time seated in the corner of the ballroom where Tori practiced. He had a small table and two chairs set up by the entrance, across from the doors that led to the garden, and would use his crystal noise mufflers to read and while Tori practiced with the musicians.

The musicians were used to playing the same song over and over in order for Tori to practice and at first, they hadn’t noticed the quiet man reading across the room. It wasn’t until they asked one of the knights why they kept bowing to the man that they found out who he was.

Tori had to assure them that there was nothing to be nervous about in the presence of the first prince of Soleil. He was only there because he didn’t want to go out with the other guests around Presidio.

This also meant that he didn’t need escort knights, as he was followed by Guevera knights usually assigned to the Marquis. Thus, all his escort knights, Axton included, were doing drills.

Axton had told her that Gideon’s knights were gloating that they didn’t have to practice with the march knights. Tori was on particularly good terms with the second prince’s knights, but she felt that the ‘suffering’ would be worth it. After all, Gideon was still a prince and his safety should be their priority, of which securing meant keeping up their skill level. So, she casually mentioned to Gideon how Piers wanted to keep his knights sharp, so he ordered them to join the Guevera knights.

The desired effect happened almost instantly and now, if a half dozen of his knights weren’t escorting him around Presidio, then they were training with the Guevera knights. Even with Tori’s friends, the children, and the guests from Horizon touring about the city, there were still plenty of guests staying at the Fortress.

Siobhan and Duncan stayed while Eili and Deidre accompanied the children. Tori’s uncles also remained, as they habitually checked the Fortress’ security. Idunn and Sebastian were also busy with the final details of their wedding and Kasen, their father, and their mother continued to work.

Tori was sure her mother was using work as an excuse to avoid having to host her side of the family.

The Sophos family was an old, aristocratic family of scholars and masters of various fields. Every now and then, a member of the family was a master of multiple fields - the Renaissance man Tori considered her Grandpa Sophos to be. In her mother’s generation, two children were brilliant, but in specific fields: her mother in mathematics and anything logistic, and her Uncle Dominico, her mother’s younger brother, also in mathematics, architecture, and civil engineering.

Mama got along well with Uncle Dominico and, of course, their youngest sister, Auntie Maria, the nun. As for the last remaining sibling, who was less than year younger than her mother, Fabiana, there was some tension.

Auntie Maria happily told them the stories of her two older sisters competing when she arrived at the Fortress. She just came to see her favorite sister, but would stay at the Sophos Manor, which was just two blocks down the hill.

Tori had been given a warning about Auntie Fabiana. Auntie Maria said ‘compete’, but really, it had been Auntie Fabiana enviously competing against Tori’s mother. She even tried to get pregnant when Tori’s mother announced she was pregnant with Sebastian. Fabiana also had a son, Andreas di Lombardi, and then a daughter Kasen’s age, Aquilla.

Tori was the youngest of her cousins on her maternal side, with Artemisia de Sophos, Uncle Dominico’s only daughter, three years older than her.

Tori had yet to meet Uncle Dominico’s family after she awoke in Soleil, but that would all change that night, when the entire Sophos clan came to the Fortress for dinner.

Tori finished a full dance and let out a heavy breath. She was still out of breath and sweating at the end of the dance, but she wasn’t as tired as when she first wore the costume, and managed to even her breathing after a short rest.

“Tori.” Piers called her from the table once she relaxed her posture. “Drink water. You sweat a lot when you dance.”

She smiled a bit and crossed the room, the bells, and pieces of her costume jingling with each step. A servant came to wipe the sweat off the floor so she wouldn’t slip. Tori took a seat across from Piers and he poured her glass of water before placing it on a small charm used to chill her water.

“Thank you, Piers.”

He gave her a nod and looked at the tea cake tray on the table. “Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?”

“No, I can wait until dinner,” Tori replied before taking a long sip of crisp, cool water.

“How many more are you going to do?”

“Just one more,” Tori said. “Then, the musicians need to leave, and I need to get ready for tonight’s dinner.” She shook her head and let out an exasperated sigh. “Every night it has been some sort of banquet dinner or celebration to welcome guests.”

“There are many guests.”

“I know, but it’s exhausting. We haven’t had a wedding reception yet.”

“You will be more relaxed when you no longer have to spend every day practicing. Soon, you will be able to rest,” Piers told her. Tori smiled a bit more and nodded.

“You’re improving with conversation. You can give comfort while still being logical.”

His lips tugged into a small smile. “I am also practicing.”

“And I am very proud of you. You’re working hard.” She took another cookie, and quickly ate it and finished her drink before returning to the dance floor. “Last one!”

The musicians returned to their spots and the first drum sounded, signaling Tori to begin. The beat of the music pulsed in her bones as her dance synchronized. Like in the past, Tori would relax and let the dancer inside her take control of her body. If it was Victoria, then Victoria was very professional about it.

If she made a mistake, she would swiftly correct it and practice the motion dozens more times to ensure it was correct. Tori would feel the physical exhaustion, but was never frustrated or grew confused. She enjoyed letting Victoria the dancer take control, even though as soon as it ended, Tori would have to walk herself off the stage.

The last clash of symbols cut through the air around her and Tori took in a deep breath to begin easing her heart and catching her breath.

“Do you wish to do one more, my lady?” the lead musician asked. Tori shook her head and gave them a respectful bow of her head.

“No, this is enough for today. Thank you for your hard work. I’ll see you tomorrow.” They began to pack up and Tori called for her usual knights to assist her in removing the heavy costume.

Piers remained out in the large room, waiting for her to come out. Tori didn’t just strip off the costume and change, but she hung it up on a wooden rack to air out, as she had been sweating in it the entire time. She also wiped down the headpiece. She then put it back into its case and helped Sir Pizon put a canvas sack over the airing costume.

Every night, her costume would be brought to her room, as she would use crystals to clean it. It had so many delicate parts, she was concerned that handwashing would damage it. The two knights carried the items behind her as she walked out.

A few steps into the room and incoherent yelling could be heard from the entrance. Tori furrowed her brows as she approached Piers, who wore a frown. He saw her approaching and walked over.

“Can we leave through the garden?”

“What’s wrong?”

“There are guests crowding the door and the knights don’t want to let them in.”

“Why are there guests at the door?” Aside from her dance practice, nothing was scheduled in the room, so guests had no reason to come. Piers didn’t answer and kept looking towards the garden. Tori took a deep breath and gave Sir Pizon and Sir Bazan subtle nods towards the garden. “Let’s go through the garden and cut through the secretarial corridor.”

Piers grasped her hand and led her out the door without waiting for the knights. They stayed close to the building before reaching a door that led them into a break area on the opposite side of the garden, which was used by the various personal assistants of her parents and brothers.

The knights guarding the door bowed their heads towards them and let them in without question.

“My lady?” A surprised voice came inside and Marina, one of Sebastian’s assistants, straightened up from where she was making coffee. Pedro, the other assistant, stuffed the rest of what looked like a biscotti in his mouth and bowed.

“We’re taking a shortcut to avoid guests,” Tori said as she led Piers through. “If anyone asks, you didn’t see us.”

“Yes, my lady.” Marina bowed her head once more and Pedro’s muffled voice sounded in agreement.

Tori and Piers slipped into the hallway and then they took a small staircase to the upper floors. The private quarters of the marquis family and their important guests, like Piers, Gideon, and the O’Tuaghs were in a heavily guarded wing. Tori led Piers and the knights through the back halls and stairs of the Fortress to avoid being seen in more open areas, where guests were likely to be.

When they reached her room, Tori let in the two knights to place her things inside and grasped Piers’ hand, tugging it with a serious look.

“What was going on downstairs? There’s no reason for guests to come inside that room.”

“I don’t know. There was a loud commotion outside when you were changing. The two knights inside went out to assist the knights guard the door. I heard someone say they were your aunt.”

Tori narrowed her eyes. Auntie Lucia was out in Presidio with the children and Uncle Maurizo. Auntie Maria said she was going to see some old friends that day, since it was rare that she came back to her hometown.

“Which aunt?”

“Fabiana.” A voice spoke up behind Piers and Tori looked past him to see her mother. Antonia was frowning and her eyes were narrowed. “I knew you would escape through another path. As expected of my daughter.”

“Mama, did Auntie Fabiana and Uncle Dominico’s families arrive already?” Tori asked as she released Piers' hand and walked towards her mother.

“Dominico is coming with my father and the rest of the family tonight. Fabiana arrived with her family, and I ordered for them to be taken to the dining hall courtyard to be entertained, but it seems that they know Prince Piers is here.” Antonia’s green eyes turned to Piers and darkened. “I’m afraid that she wants to introduce Prince Piers to her goddaughter.”

“What goddaughter?” Tori frowned. “Did she bring her goddaughter here? It is Sebby’s wedding and the guestlist is strict! How can she bring an additional guest? Did she tell you?”

Antonia almost sneered at the thought. “In what world would Fabiana be so accommodating to me? Ilyana and the others are arriving soon. I’ve told the knights to bring them to your room. I am afraid that Fabiana will say unnecessary things to them at dinner.”

“What kind of unnecessary things?” A worried voice came from behind them, and Antonia turned around.

Ilyana looked worried as she held Fiona in her arms. Fiona’s face was still sticky with whatever sugar treat she’d gorged on earlier. The others also stood behind her wearing concerned looks at the news.

Antonia sighed, tired. “Tori, may I borrow your room?”

“Of course, Mama,” Tori said. She stepped aside and motioned for the others, even Gideon and Fabian, to come inside. The area in front of the hearth was quickly filled and Ilyana and Sonia sat on the foot of the bed with Fiona.

Antonia stood in front of the group. “As you all are my daughter’s good friends, like family to her in Horizon, I should warn you about my sister.”

“Marquess, Sister Maria already told us about Madam Fabiana,” Henrik assured Tori’s mother in a calm voice. “We have already decided it would be best to avoid her.”

Antonia shook her head slightly. “That may not stop her. Fabiana may be overly critical of you, as you are not blood related and are only Tori’s friends. If she does say something-”

“We won’t take it to heart, Marquess,” Gideon said.

Antonia gave him a firm look. “If she says anything, tell me immediately.”

“Then can we have tonight’s dinner elsewhere?” Axton asked. “Usually, we join the family in the main dining hall, but other guests also have the meal at the same time in different sections of the Fortress since not everyone can fit in the dining hall.”

“If this is a familial dinner, it would be strange for us to attend,” Piers said.

“Rank will still have something to do with whether or not you eat in the dining hall or in one of the other dining areas,” Tori told him. “Piers, Axton, Prince Gideon, you three out rank us and have to eat at the dining hall.”

“But the rest of us can eat elsewhere?” Ewan asked. He looked hopeful at the thought. Too hopeful.

Fiona perked up. “Let’s eat in my courtyard!”

JP squinted. “The one where you keep your chickens?”

“Yes! The area in the front is very clean and Daddy put up light crystals so it’s bright at nighttime. You can play outside, and no one will bother us.” Fiona puffed out her little chest, proud of her idea.

Sonia reached out and stroked her head. “If you are formally inviting us, we will have to agree.”

Fiona’s smile filled her face. “Then, Auntie Sonia, I am inviting you! And Auntie Ilyana, Uncle Ewan....” She named off nearly everyone in the room and then her eyes looked towards Fabian. “I suppose you can come, too.”

“Mama, is that all right?” Tori asked.

“I also want to go to Fifi’s courtyard....” Antonia’s eyes glazed over with affection as she looked at the little girl. Fiona gasped and wiggled out of Ilyana’s lap before scrambling to Antonia and grabbing on to her leg.

“Grandma, you can come whenever you like. You are always welcomed.”

Antonia’s usually calm and poised expression softened, and she picked up Fiona. “Grandma is happy. Then, we will arrange for you to host your first party tonight.”

Fiona gasped again. “I’m going to invite my cousins!” She jumped down and shot towards the door, only to be stopped by Axton.

“Wait until we’re done. Training Commander Reystrom will go with you,” Axton said.

Fiona nodded and stood impatiently near the door.

Tori looked at her friends. “Is this arrangement fine with everyone?”

“To be honest, I’m looking forward to it. The formalities of the dinners so far have been...nerve wracking. We feel out of place eating with high nobility all the time. I can really use a normal dinner,” Henrik said. He gave her mother a small, apologetic nod and Antonia shook her head.

“I should have been more attentive to my daughter’s friends,” she said. “Come, Fiona, let’s arrange your party and request the foods everyone likes.” She extended her hand and took Fiona’s before heading out the door.

This left the group still sitting around Tori’s room. She ran a hand through her sweaty hair and looked at Piers and Axton. “You two will still have to come to the dining room.”

“I know,” Axton said.

“Gideon, you will also attend,” Piers told his brother. Gideon nodded, accepting his order.

“All right,” Ilyana said, jumping off the bed. “Let’s all go and get ready for dinner.”

“Sorry you can’t come with us, Tori,” Ewan said with a pitiful look as he patted her shoulder. Tori scrunched her face. He had to rub it in....

“I’m not exactly looking forward to meeting my aunt.” Tori sent them out of her room and then went to get ready. With a decent amount of time before dinner, Tori was able to bathe and wash her hair before changing into a nice dinner dress.

When she was done, the sky was already dark, and outside her window, the training courtyard was lit up. Even now, there were still a few knights training. Tori checked herself in the mirror and took a deep breath.

She opened the door and found Piers and Axton standing outside with Gideon. They were in men’s evening wear typical of the region. The Empress had informed them and even gave them money to buy appropriate clothes when they arrived.

“I heard Fifi’s courtyard party will include games and that Senior Benedict will be there to make fruit slushes,” Axton said. “I’m a bit envious.”

“We’re all envious.”

“Instructor Ignatius knows how to make fruit slushes?” Gideon asked as he followed behind them.

“He helped me develop all crystal technology related to food. All the devices and equipment we’ve made to store, chill, heat or cook food had him involved, so he knows how to use all of them,” Tori said. “He makes his own fruit slushes all the time in a personal device. You know it gets hot in the delta.”

Gideon’s brows rose and nodded. “Is this personal device for sale?”

Tori looked over her shoulder and gave him a confused look. “Not yet, but there are few in the imperial palace. A special order was put in a few weeks ago for the imperial kitchens.”

“They belong to Grandfather and Mother,” Piers told his brother. “If you want to use it, you will need to ask permission.”

“Guevera, how much is the device?”

“A few silvers. It’s not cheap,” Tori said. “But we are working hard to make it as affordable as possible. I’ll reserve one for you, since you’re Piers’ brother.”

They walked down the stairs and Piers held Tori’s hand as she grasped her dress with one hand and lifted her skirt so she wouldn’t trip on it. They passed by Fiona’s courtyard and Tori had to resist the urge to ‘visit’. She could hear laughter coming along with shouting as whatever game they were playing started.

Tonight’s dinner was formal, so the small children were not required to attend. Tori was surprised to see Aiden sulking by the entrance of the dining hall.

She gave him a knowing nod. “You want to go to Fifi’s party, too?”

“Cousin Tori, Robi said he wants to try the powered heroes storyline tonight. I heard that’s new,” Aiden said. He was thirteen and usually acted mature and rational, but she could see the disappointment and envy in his face. Aiden loved dungeon crawl, despite the fact that he was often made to suffer by his sister, cousin, and even aunts.

“Our dinner won’t last all night. After dessert, we can go and join them,” Axton said. Gideon nodded and Tori squinted at them.

You are going to go join them? You are Duke Alvere. Should you not stay for the entire dinner?”

“Tori, I understand what will happen here later. Your aunt and your mom will throw subtle barbs at each other, which will turn into an argument, and either your aunt will leave in a huff or be thrown out.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Well, I await your family to prove me wrong, but no matter what, after dessert, I will excuse myself to go somewhere much more comfortable.”

“I will join you.” Gideon said.

“And I, as well, Your Grace,” Aiden piped. Tori sighed and ran a hand down her face. At least Piers wouldn’t abandon her.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Tori walked towards the entrance and waited to be announced. Piers came up beside her and silently offered his arm. Tori took it and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

“Countess Victoria de Guevera, Countess of Cosora, and His Royal Highness Prince Piers Emil du Soleil, First Prince of the Empire!”

They stepped into the same dining hall where they ate many of their meals the past few days. While the setup of the room was the same, there were a few unfamiliar faces. There were eyes on her at once and they weren't the usual gazes she felt.

Her eyes moved across the room to settle on a small group standing to the side. The middle-aged woman with light brown hair and green eyes resembled both her mother and Auntie Maria, but her eyes were more downturned, and her thin lips seemed frowning with disapproval.

Ah...that must be Auntie Fabiana.

“Tori.” Mama motioned for her to come forward. “You have not seen your Uncle Dominico in years. He is a professor in Tres Arcos. This is his wife, Anita, and his daughter, Artemisia.”

Antonia put her hand on Tori’s back and motioned to the middle-aged man who shared her features. He looked remarkably similar to Sebastian, but appeared more bookish and thinner. Tori greeted him, his wife, and daughter amicably.

“It’s good to finally see you again. You were so small when I last saw you!” He let out a warm laugh and had a nostalgic look.

“She was this big,” Auntie Anita said, holding her hand just above her knee. “But so energetic. Sia, do you remember your cousin Tori? You were so little when you last saw each other.”

Artemisia and Tori looked at each other and smiled. There was some familiarity, but they both were amused at the thought that they could remember each other when they were that young. This happened all the time in her original world. A relative she hadn’t seen for a while would ask if she remembered them, but the last time she’d seen them was when she was barely walking.

“I remember small hands,” Artemisia said. There was a bright sparkle in her eyes. “She liked to hold hands.”

Tori’s cheeks warmed up. She could almost hear her cousin’s voice adding ‘she was so cute’ in the same voice that she and Ilyana used to describe Fiona.

“Thank you all for coming. I’ve heard much from Auntie Maria about your work and studies in Tres Arcos. Both of you. It’s very impressive.” Piers let out a small cough. “And I’m being rude! This is Prince Piers; Sebby is his sword master and he’s been charged with taking care of me in my brothers’ stead since I arrived in Horizon for Lycée.”

They continued to chatter about that, and Piers respectfully cited some of her uncle’s work. Tori didn’t know he knew and tried to contain her surprise when he spoke. The professor’s eyes widened, and he looked utterly pleased. Auntie Anita’s gaze became more satisfied with Piers for appreciating her husband’s work.

“You must visit Viclya, the capital of the Cosora Delta. Tori has done a wonderful job establishing a town.”

“The eyes of a skilled civil engineer are always welcomed,” Tori said. “So, Uncle, Auntie, Cousin, please come to visit me.”

Artemisia beamed. “Then, let’s register comcry?” She already had her out and Tori dug through her pocket for hers.

“I’ve heard quite a bit about the Cosora Delta. I have many colleagues from Université who were involved. I have been meaning to see, but was told it was a closed settlement,” Uncle Dominico said.

Tori nodded and smiled. “It is, but it is my delta, Uncle. I can invite whoever I wish.”

“Then, niece, will you invite us?” A low, woman’s voice spoke up and Tori turned her head. The warm atmosphere faded as both she and Artemisia lowered their comcrys after finishing registering them.

“Fabiana,” Antonia said in a calm, but distant voice. She stepped to the side and gave a small, acknowledging nod to her sister. “You haven’t seen Tori in ages, have you?”

“Unfortunately. And I live in Horizon.” Fabiana’s eyes hovered over Tori and seemed to give her a once over. She gave her a smile that didn’t reach her eyes and extended her hands to grasp Tori’s. “My dear, why haven’t you contacted me? Didn’t your mother tell you I live in Horizon?”

Yes, but it was more said as a warning.... Tori flashed her best business smile. “With how busy I am with school, my project, and work, I hardly have time to do social visits.” She wanted to say that she’d barely had time to visit Auntie Lucia recently, but that would reveal that she often saw Auntie Lucia’s family.

“That’s a shame. Lycée du Soleil is such a demanding school,” Fabiana replied. There was some mockery in her voice. “Your mother was also extremely busy when she was there. How she managed to catch your father while attending school-”

“Fabiana.” Antonia’s low, dangerous voice sounded, and the other woman snapped her mouth closed. Still, her predatory smile didn’t leave her face.

“Well, now that we’re both here, we should take some time to familiarize ourselves with each other. This is my husband, Enrico di Lombardi of the Lombardis of Horizon.”

“Uncle Enrico,” Tori said with a respectful nod in his direction. The man was built rather slim with a slight pot belly and graying dark hair.

“Countess Guevera.” He greeted her respectfully, as well.

“I should also introduce you to my good friend and Sebby’s sword pupil, Prince Piers.” It was fairly obvious who he was and under normal circumstances, Piers should’ve been introduced before her as the one with a much higher rank, but whenever she was in a march, traditional formalities came second to familial closeness.

Tori lifted her hand and placed it back on the crook of Piers’ arm and he gave them a small, polite, and distant nod. She was sure that if they weren’t her relatives, he’d just look at them and then turn away without a word.

“Your Highness-”

“Your Highness!” Fabiana cut in front of her husband and did a smooth curtsy. “It is an honor to meet you.”

Piers kept his mouth shut and replied, if one could call it that, with a lazy blink. Tori kept a pleasant smile on her face as Fabiana looked up, a bit confused as to why he didn’t answer.

“Piers isn’t very talkative,” Tori said.

“I see...he must get that from his father. His mother was always very chatty.” Fabiana looked him up and down, but appeared more satisfied with him than she was with her own niece. This wasn’t lost on Tori. “His Highness is quite handsome. He has the von Schwert appearance, doesn’t he?”

“He resembles Oliver the most,” Antonia said in a droll voice. “Fabiana, where are your children?”

“Oh, my....where did those two go? Enrico, fetch Andreas and Aquilla. They should come and meet their youngest cousin.” Enrico nodded and slipped away, looking for their children as Fabiana remained. She looked back at Piers with a flattering smile. “It seems that you are quite close to my niece.”

Tori could’ve sworn the temperature around her dropped. She held back a shudder as she saw her mother’s eyes darken. Piers didn’t tense up, but she still squeezed his arm.

“Fabiana, His Highness was charged with caring for Tori when she arrived in Horizon. Kasen had just graduated and returned to Sur when Tori started Lycée. Is that correct, Tori?” Uncle Dominico stepped in to try to buffer the situation and Tori threw him a grateful smile and nodded.

“Yes, that’s correct, Uncle-”

“Godmother!” A familiar voice reached Tori’s ears and her heart shot to her throat. Her eyes widened as her grip on Piers’ arm tightened. fucking way.

“There she is! Over here!” Fabiana raised her arm and waved, her face lighting up as she waved past her brother and sister-in-law. Tori swallowed hard. “I hope you don’t mind. I thought this would be a good opportunity to expand my goddaughter’s social circle. I’m afraid she’s having a difficult time in Horizon right now. Oh, Tori, she says you know her.”

Tori resisted the urge to whimper hatefully at the shitty cards she was dealt with once more. All she wanted was a nice, peaceful summer with her loved ones. No drama. No frustration. Just playing and eating with her friends and family before she returned to work at the delta.

But no.I can’t have nice things.

“Countess!” Golden, wavy blonde hair and shining amber eyes filled Tori’s line of vision and an energetic smile greeted her. “Surprise! I didn’t know that you were my godmother’s niece!”

Tori felt the smile on her face falter, threatening to collapse at any moment and send her spiraling into madness.

“Baroness Hart, I didn’t know you were my aunt’s goddaughter, either.” By some miracle, she managed to keep smiling as a vein in her neck throbbed. “A surprise indeed.”

Alessa giggled and looked elated to be there. Fabiana looked from Alessa to Tori and back. “My dear, do you know Tori?”

Alessa nodded earnestly. “Yes, she’s my classmate and has given me sound business advice. Countess, I did what you said.” Alessa reached forward and took Tori’s free hand in hers. “I am stabilizing my position at the Golden Cow and working with senior workers to keep it running smoothly. By next year, we estimate that we’ll be able to expand a bit. They’re very happy with my progress and plans so far. They said they were worried when I got ownership of the store, but this has been a relief. It is all thanks to you!”

“I don’t want to see my classmates fail....” Okay, that’s a lie, but Alessa in particular is a special case.

“Alessa?” Tori grimaced as she heard Gideon.


“You came, too?” Alessa’s eyes were wide with surprise, and she dropped Tori’s hand.

Gideon looked more confused than surprised. “Yes, my brother and I are here to represent both sides of our family. What are you doing here?”

“My godmother brought me. She is Countess Guevera’s aunt.” Alessa looked so proud of this, and Tori saw Gideon look at her for confirmation. She gave him a small nod and he furrowed his brows, as if unsure how he felt about her sudden appearance.

“Oh... I see. I hope the journey was comfortable. If you get a chance, you should look around the city.”

“I plan to after the wedding. What about you? Have you already taken a look? Do you want to come with me?” She looked hopeful and Tori resisted the urge to run a hand down her face.

Part of her wondered if Alessa knew Gideon was coming and then jumped at the chance. Now that she thought about it, she was sure that Gideon’s general plans were known or that people could put it together considering Sebastian’s wedding was important, even in Horizon. If that were the case, was Alessa looking to raise her affection with the love interest who was once the easiest to hook?

Tori held her breath and braced herself for Gideon agreeing. There was nothing she could do if he agreed, and she didn’t want Piers to have to forbid Gideon when there was no sane reason to stop him.

“I’m afraid my schedule after the wedding is already filled.”

“What?” Tori spoke before Alessa could. She snapped her head towards the silver-haired prince and Gideon gave her a look, as if asking why she was surprised.

“There are plans in place already. We’ve all agreed on it. You were there,” Gideon said, stressing the part that she had also agreed.

Tori’s mind whirled. It was true. They had plans to go riding, go to some hidden lake springs in the hills to show her cousins the water hammock, including spending a day or two at the villa there to relax after the wedding and play in the water, then there was the scheduled food crawl taking up their last three days before they left.

Tori thought she was being generous, inviting Gideon and Fabian. The two had been a bit surprised, but agreed. They had spent a lot of time with Tori’s circle of friends the last few days; more time than she had, and Ilyana had reported that they were a bit more comfortable now and noted that as long as it didn’t involve Alessa, they ‘weren’t that bad’.

“That’s right,” Tori said. “We’ve made reservations.” Every sit-down restaurant they planned to go to had a private table, if not a private room, booked for them to ensure they could relax and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

Tori’s parents paid for them as a way of thanking her friends for being so good to their daughter.

Gideon gave her an assertive nod and then looked back at Alessa. “Fabian and I won’t be able to come with you this time, I’m afraid.”

“Oh....” Alessa’s face fell. She chewed her lip for a moment, but then suddenly looked determined. “If Fabian is here, can I ask him?”

Tori raised a brow. Did Gideon not just say ‘Fabian and I’? Did she not believe Gideon? The second prince didn’t seem at all bothered by this.

“He’s still here as I met him outside before I was announced...where is he?” Gideon looked around and made a slight nod of his head. A moment later, Fabian seemed to appear out of the crowd.

His eyes settled on Alessa and went wide. “Alessa, what are you doing here?”

The protagonist laughed and smiled, quickly explaining why she was there and her connection to Tori’s aunt. She then reached forward and grabbed Fabian’s hand before Tori could do anything to stop her.

Alessa leaned forward and met Fabian’s eyes with a hopeful expression. “After the wedding, I’m going to tour the city. Are you able to spare some time to come with me?”

“Baroness, von Dorn has already made plans with us,” Tori stepped in. “I’ve already had everything prepared.” Actually, her family’s people prepared everything, but she asked for it.

Fabian’s red eyes looked at her for a moment and she saw a flicker of surprise.

“I just want to ask,” Alessa insisted. She playfully tugged Fabian’s arm. “Fabian, do you have time?”

Tori closed her eyes and let out a low, exasperated breath. Fabian wasn’t nearly as resistant to Alessa as Gideon was. What were plans with them when he could be with Alessa?

“No.” Fabian’s faint voice answered as he pulled his hand away from Alessa’s while holding her eyes. “I have already made plans with Gideon and the Countess.”

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