Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 193: I Like the Codenames

“Welcome!” Ewan and Albert chorused as they stood in the foyer in their togas with a gray and brown palla wrapped around them, respectively. Their animal masks went over their faces, leaving their mouths exposed, as smiling eyes looked at Ilyana from the eye holes. “Happy birthday!”

Ilyana’s eyes were wide, and she almost took a step back as her face lit up. “It’s a masquerade! Oh, I didn’t guess that!”

“Happy birthday!” Sonia and JP appeared by the entrance to the hall that led to the dressing rooms, also dressed in their costumes and masks. Sonia’s light-yellow horse mask with gold detailing covered her entire face whereas JP’s fox mask covered up to the tip of his nose.

Ilyana clapped her hands with glee. “Amazing! I knew it had to be good when Tori told me it was a secret!”

“You have a dress, too,” Sonia said as she hooked Ilyana’s arm. “Madam Midstrom will help you change into it.”

Ilyana seemed to barely hold back a squeal of joy as she happily followed Sonia down the hall.

Tori peeked from the entrance to the courtyard, clutching her black and silver palla against her. She lifted her hand to her earpiece.

“Cat to Raven. Cat to Raven. The Owl has entered the building. Over.”

“Tori, do we need to use code names?” Henrik’s tired voice asked. Tori stood up straight and glared at the space ahead of her. Henrik was on the floor above.

“You said you were fine with the code names.”

“I didn’t think you were serious.”

“I like the code names,” Ewan piped. All their earpieces were linked. “I think they’re fun.”

“They’re also easy to remember. There’s only one of each animal.”

Henrik sighed. “Why can’t we just use our names?”

“All right, fine!” Tori tilted her head back. “Ilyana arrived. Give her five minutes and then have the musicians start playing the ambient music.”

“What about the lights?”

“Lights can start now. Have Master Holloway start with the low level display. We’ll increase the display levels through the night.” Tori walked around the porticos. Pairs of knights were stationed at all entrances into the building from the courtyard. There were a dozen second tier imperial knights patrolling the inner halls.

Most of the interior of the pavilion was still under renovation, but Tori didn’t want to risk any security breach or injury. There were plenty of tools and construction materials laying around, as well as some dangerous areas that needed major repairs. There were more second tier imperial knights stationed outside all the entrances to the pavilion itself and third tier imperial knights patrolling the plaza outside and in the stables and carriage house.

Piers told her it was unnecessary, but Tori had opened the main restaurant as the ‘security room’. It was a break room for the knights to rest during patrols, drink water or coffee, and have light meals. Tori had asked Piers and Gideon’s escort knights to spread news about the security room to attract knights.

She heard that Gideon’s knights offered to assist Piers’ assigned knights, but Piers rejected their offer. Sir Dobchek had been smirking when he told Gideon’s knights that they need not come except as guards to Gideon, which meant they would be working the entire night and not be allowed into the security room or have access to the promised food.

Tori had memorized the locations and patrol routes of the knights, as the same knights, providing nothing happened to them in less than a week, would be assigned during Piers’ ball.

“Horse to Cat. Owl is ready to enter the nest. Over.” Tori heard Sonia’s voice in her ear.

“Cat to Horse, wait for my signal. Over.” Tori rushed around to gather the guests who had already arrived and herd them towards the center of the courtyard, near the entrance. Their friends gathered under the portico. Tori lifted her hand to her earpiece. “Cat to Horse. Proceed with entry. Over.”

The music was playing in the background and the courtyard was illuminated with white light while light crystals pulsed waves of different colors across the sides, like a pulse coming from the entrance.

Tori excitedly held her breath as Ilyana’s tall, slender figure dressed in white and silver entered the foyer and turned towards the entrance to the courtyard. She took hesitant steps, occasionally looking back at Sonia who was ushering her from behind.

Ilyana took one step out and gasped. Her yell of glee was drowned out by the shouts of her friends, family, and guests as they welcomed her and wished her a happy birthday. Ilyana squealed as she was engulfed in a hug by her mother and brother.

“Everything’s glowing! It’s beautiful!” Ilyana couldn’t stop looking around, distracted as she was warmly greeted by those who had arrived.

“Do you like it?” Tori asked as she casually slipped by her side. Ilyana threw her arms around Tori’s shoulders and hugged her.

“I love it! And I love you! You’re the best!” Ilyana pressed her masked head against Tori’s shoulder and held on to her tight. “Thank you....”

Tori smiled as she heard Ilyana’s sniffled voice. She lifted a hand and patted Ilyana’s arm. “Happy birthday, Ilyana.” She tilted her head and rested it against Ilyana’s. For a moment, Ilyana stood at the edge of the portico, embracing Tori.

“You always outdo yourself,” Ilyana said.

“Everyone had a hand in helping. Even your mom kept you occupied so we could prepare,” Tori said with a helpless grin as Ilyana hesitantly peeled herself away. “Don’t hug too tight. You’ll mess up your mask.”

“I’m an owl,” Ilyana said with a light sniffle.

“Auntie Ilyana, we’re both birds!” Fiona rushed forward and jumped up and down. “I’m a chicken!” She pointed to the yellow face paint around her eyes.

Ilyana laughed. “Yes, yes! You’re the cutest chicken!”

“Ily, I’m a cat!” Riri said, trying to draw his sister’s attention. His face was painted as a white cat, whereas Ava was a gray cat. She had described Alexander to the face painter in as much detail as she could, but the words 'fierce’ and ‘a natural killer’ didn’t exactly translate into cute face painting.

“What a cute cat!” Ilyana beamed as she stroked her brother’s hair back. “Too bad Daddy isn’t here to see it.”

Riri puffed out his chest, proud. Ava elbowed him gently. He gave her a confused look. “What?”

Ava rolled her eyes. “Aren’t you going to ask her?” Riri stared at her blankly. Ava stomped her foot. “You know! That!” She motioned towards the dance floor and Riri’s eyes widened.

“Right!” He stepped back and bowed to his sister. “Ily, can I have a dance?”

“That’s not how you say it!” Ava threw her arms in the air. “It’s like this!” She marched in front of Tori. “My lady,” she began in a regal voice as she took a step back and bent forward, extending her small, chubby arm. “May I have this dance?”

Tori laughed and took her cousin’s small hand. “It would be my pleasure, my lady.”

Ava stood up straight and gave Riri a proud look. “See. That’s how it’s done.”

Riri’s face flushed as Ava dragged Tori to the dance area. Ilyana giggled and took her brother’s hand. “I will still love to dance with you, Riri.” He beamed and led her to the dance floor.

The dancing was all over the place, at least for Tori and Ava. The two seemed to just make random movements as they laughed while Riri tried his best to lead his sister into a dance. The music was folk and what they usually danced to in the delta, but Riri’s only dance lessons were formal.

Tori lifted her hand to her ear. “Cat to Raven. Have them play some waltzes.”

“I thought we weren’t using the code names.”

“Just play the waltzes, Henrik!” Tori hissed as she tried to keep a smile on her face. After about a minute, the music began to fade, signaling that another song was going to start.

As the first notes hit, Riri’s face lit up. “I can dance to this!”

“Oh, really? Then show me.” Ilyana encouraged her brother.

Tori stepped out of the dance floor to check on the greeters in the foyer.

“Why didn’t we get animal masks?” Gideon was frowning. Tori rolled her eyes as she saw him, Fabian, and Montan standing in the foyer. They were invited by association, though Dimitri was not due to Ilyana’s personal grudge against him.

“I don’t know, Your Highness. Tori said that animal masks were only for Ilyana’s friends and mother,” Albert replied.

“Don’t complain. You have been invited.” Piers spoke up behind her and she wondered when he had appeared and how he managed to sneak up behind her. He and Axton were also allowed to wear togas with Axton in a hunter green palla and Piers in a deep purple. Both of them wore animal masks that stood out even amongst the others.

Axton was somewhere in the courtyard wearing a gilded deer mask that Mr. Merced had brought him from Nassaun House. Piers was in a white rabbit mask with some gold detailing. His mask’s ears were upright and went far above his head.

“Piers! You got a mask?” Gideon’s voice, as well as face, were filled with envy. Tori didn’t know why. His brother was a rabbit. It wasn’t exactly the most majestic animal fit for the first prince of Soleil.

“I am a friend of Lady Ilyana,” Pires replied in a smooth, almost taunting voice. Tori rolled her eyes behind her black cat mask and touched his arm.

“Don’t aggravate the situation,” Tori said. She looked back at the three love interests who had arrived. “We’re also giving guests the option of putting on a costume-”

“Where do we get the costumes?” Gideon asked as he stepped forward.

“Down the hall. Master Midstrom can help you,” Tori said, motioning her arm down the opposite hall.

Gideon led the other two away and Ewan and Albert continued greeting guests, checking their invitations, and then letting them pick masks.

“I knew Gideon would want an animal mask,” Piers said. “He enjoys this sort of thing.”

“He seems the type that would,” Tori said. She turned around and found that Piers offered his arm. She took it and they walked back out into the courtyard. “I should check on the knights.”

“Sir Dobchek will make sure that the knights are in place and following their orders. The captains are also inspecting. You needn’t worry about them,” Piers told her as he led her out. “Should there be any blind spots or weaknesses, they will take care of it.”

“There are many high-profile visitors coming for your ball next week. Security must be as close to perfect as we can get,” Tori said as she narrowed her eyes. She scanned the guests who dotted the courtyard. Ilyana’s birthday party had fewer guests than Piers’ planned ball, but Tori still watched their expressions carefully.

“Countess.” Tori turned her head and saw Duchess Fekete, who had changed into a costume, coming over. In the year or so she’d known the Duchess, Tori knew one thing: this woman loved parties. “I’ve never seen the light decorations before. Are they new?”

“They were developed over the last few weeks on Anahata Island, Your Grace,” Tori replied. “We’re still working on the coordination, as ideally, I would like the lights to change color and pulse with the beat of the music.”

The Duchess nodded and looked around. “As it is, it’s already quite magnificent. I love it when the lights turn green, and the ceiling lights are dimmed; it reminds me of the forest. And the music accompanying it is quite fitting, too.”

“I don’t believe we’ve seen anything like this before,” Duke Fekete said at his wife’s side. “Impressive work, Countess.”

“Thank you, Your Grace.” Tori gave them a gentle bow of her head.

“Are the light crystals going to be used in a similar manner at His Highness’ Harvest Festival Ball later this week?” the Duchess asked.

“Yes. In the coming days, the imperial musicians will come to practice, and we will coordinate the lights with the music,” Tori replied.

The Duchess smirked. “My lady, is this a show of power to our visiting allies?”

“And to the domestic political ones, yes,” Tori said with a slight smile. “Technological advancement with crystals can have quite an effect.”

“Indeed, it will.” Duchess Fekete gave her an approving nod. “When the guests at the ball see this, there will be many questions.”

“His Highness will undoubtedly have an increase in supporters with this show of technology and your support,” Duke Fekete said.

“As expected of Senior Antonia’s daughter,” the Duchess let out a knowing sigh. She looked at Piers and smiled. “Your Highness is lucky to have such an ally.”

Piers gave them a respectful nod and the ducal couple wandered off. He glanced at Tori. “You did this for me?”

“For Ilyana, but then I thought that if we can display how well we’ve managed to utilize the crystals, it would be a good way to show off to your guests. They’ll ask questions and you can let them know that we are researching uses for crystals. The carts that will be bringing food to the table will be heated and there will be a dessert table with frozen fruit cream. They will also find that the temperature inside the courtyard will be a bit more bearable,” Tori told him. “I don’t know if you noticed, but it’s sweltering outside the pavilion. The temperature is just coming down for the night.”

“I did not,” Piers replied. He’d been inside the entire day under the guise of ‘helping set up’. “You will show how crystals can be used to manipulate temperature, heat, cold, light, and sound.”

“I’m building on existing technology,” Tori said. “There is still more that can be done. Unfortunately, we’ve just started looking into powering ships in Anlar, so that cannot be shown yet. Also, any predominantly military use for crystals will of course be classified information.”

Piers nodded. “My guests will be impressed.”

“That’s the goal. It’s your first ball that you’re throwing. It has to make an impact. It must be bold. Dramatic, even,” Tori said as she clenched her fist in front of her. The corners of Piers’ lips curled up.

“You have worked hard.”

“The organizer always works hard,” Tori said, proudly. “Most of the guests should’ve arrived. We’ll give it a few more minutes and we’ll start having guests take their seats so we can serve dinner.”

Piers nodded and Tori led him to a table just to the side of the head table. He took a seat and Tori got up to begin preparations for dinner. The kitchen was notified, and the servers prepared to bring out the food. The musicians began to lower the music and Tori and the others helped direct people to seats.

At this point, the entrance to the pavilion had been closed and guarded. Late guests would need to check in with an imperial knight to even enter the premises.

Ilyana was led to the head table and before they ate, she gave a small thank you speech, becoming teary eyed at the mention of her friends’ hard work to make such a memorable party.

Her brother and mother sat to her right while Tori and Sonia sat on her left. The dinner began with servers bringing in specialized carts of food. The courtyard grew loud as guests were served. Ilyana received her array of favorite potato dishes.

“Riri made you a chicken nugget today, so it’s included,” Tori said when she noticed the small brown lump on Ilyana’s plate.

Ilyana’s face lit up even more as she praised her brother and thanked him. Riri flushed and buried his face in the food.

The cake was a light summer berry layered sponge cake with cream and Ilyana’s name was written out in sugar letters. The food was distributed and then the lights were dimmed. Tori heard a wave of confusion go through the courtyard as the music started off with a clash of cymbals.

Several people jumped in their seats as flashes of light crystals were manually triggered by Master Holloway and Master Hansen on the upper floor. The musicians played a long song that ranged from dramatic, to sad, to light and happy, all with synced light crystals. When it ended, the lights dimmed one more before slowly returning to their earlier brightness.

Applause filled the courtyard and Ilyana grabbed Tori’s arm.

“Is that what you’ve been working on the island?”

“We can’t really have fireworks, so I had to do something,” Tori said with a casual shrug, as if she didn’t spend weeks painstakingly carving crystals and swearing at pieces in a sad effort to get them to work.

Ilyana hugged her arm. “You’re the best, Tori.”

A low chuckle came from the front of them. “I am always happy to see my sister appreciated,” Kasen said behind a cobalt and black mask.

“Kasey, did you finish your meal already?” Tori asked with a bright smile. “How was it?”

“Excellent. The children want to know if there is any more cake, but I told them only one serving tonight,” Kasen replied, speaking as a responsible parent.

“There are a few smaller cakes for snacks later if they want,” Tori told him, speaking as a responsible fun aunt. Her brother raised a brow, but didn’t chide her.

He looked at Ilyana and gave her a respectful bow of his head. “Lady Agafonova, in light of your birthday, would you do me the honor of a dance?”

Tori and Sonia watched the fork in Ilyana’s hand drop onto the nearly empty dessert plate. Her eyes were wide as she looked at Kasen.

“Me?” she asked in a tight voice. Tori and Sonia crinkled their eyes, trying to restrain their grimace.

Kasen had one arm behind him and the other extended forward. He leaned into a graceful bow once more. “If Lady Agafonova sees so fit as to humor me and Fiona. Fifi says she wants to see her Daddy dance and it is your birthday. I thought it was fitting.” He smiled, his eyes sparkling beneath his mask at the thought of his little girl, and Tori watched Ilyana’s pale neck fill with color.

“I love Fifi....” Ilyana said in a breathy whisper before she shot up from her seat. She scurried around the table, nearly tripping over her own feet as she scrambled to take Kasen's extended hand. Kasen had to help steady her before escorting her to the dance floor.

“Fifi, are you watching?” Kasen asked as he passed the table where his children were seated.

Fiona perked up her seat and clapped. “Daddy is the handsomest!” She looked at her cousins with a shameless expression. “Watch my dad. He’s good at everything; even dancing!”

Tori grinned as Kasen led Ilyana, but Ilyana, who normally was a competent dancer, kept tripping over her own feet.

“I’m sure this is the best birthday Ilyana’s ever had,” Sonia said as they watched their friend try her best to collect herself in front of Kasen. Tori nodded her head.


Sonia chuckled and got up. Claire was in attendance and seated with Albert and Madam Martin. A moment later, she got up to dance with Sonia. Tori held back a laugh as Madam Martin seemed to point out single young women to a red-faced Albert.

“Tori.” A pair of white rabbit ears appeared in front of her, and Tori tilted her head to the side to muffle her chortle.

“Piers,” she said with an amused smile and nod. “Can I help you with something?”


“That’s not how you ask!” Ava said as she passed. She shook her head and went off to play with Riri. “This is why you’re a sidekick...”

Piers stiffened as Axton snickered from the table where they had been seated. Tori pushed herself back and stood up. She walked around the table and extended her hand in silence. She gave Piers a small nod and he took her hand and walked her to the center of the courtyard.

“I will practice for next time,” Piers said.

“It’s fine,” Tori told him. “Do you plan on dancing at the ball?”

“No, I will need to speak to various guests throughout the night. I will not have time,” Piers said. “Will the light crystal presentation also happen?”

“Yes, but we’ll give proper warning so as not to alarm the guests,” Tori said. “Are you nervous for your first ball?”

They stopped by the fountain, and she turned to face her, putting her hand on his other shoulder.

“I am unsure. From tonight’s example, I am confident in the presentation. We will review the security tomorrow and the musicians before the event. However, how the guests will react is never for certain.”

Tori furrowed her brows and nodded. “I will do my best to ensure that it goes well. At the end of that night, I want the entire empire to know who the next crown prince will be even without your father announcing it.”

“I heard there was a show of light crystals and music.” The murmurs of the guests climbing up the steps to the Lunar Pavilion were littered with rumors about the party that had been held a few days earlier.

There were several guests who were attending both, including some representatives of the duchies. There were some family members of guests from Ilyana’s party, such as students’ parents or relatives, who heard about the masked event.

Typically, events thrown by Tori were known for their food and drink, so the addition of music and lights was new. Many people were more curious about those than the food or the venue and hoped that since the prince’s ball was being held in the same place and likely arranged by the same person, the Countess of Cosora, there would be similar entertainment and dining.

Upon entering the Lunar Pavilion, guests appeared to have entered the glory days of the former imperial palace. Although most of it was still being renovated, those parts were blocked off and closely guarded.

In the glittering marble foyer with four violet banners with the seal of the first prince of Soleil, something that Tori didn’t know existed until Chamberlain Thorpsen gave her a list of possible decorations to use, Piers stood with his hair combed back, upright, and in formal imperial regalia.

Beside him was Axton, dressed a bit more subdued in an imperial knight’s formal uniform as he was acting as a personal knight and not as the Duke of the Alvere Duchy. They stood beside the entrance to the pavilion, greeting guests as they arrived.

Tori walked in, having come from the courtyard through a hallway. Her ankle length cyan gown was off the shoulder and made with thinner fabrics to keep her cool. While crystals regulated the air temperature within the courtyard for the guests, Tori would overheat while she was running around behind the scenes.

She chose to wear less ornate jewelry for the event, although it was the first time she was wearing a simple, gold filigree coronet with black and clear gemstones and the faint shapes of a lion. Her necklace was a gold snake chain and dangling on a gold chain was a golden-wired wrapped water moon crystal she’d hastily made herself. Her wrist had her usual crystal bracelet and she had shined it furiously to make sure it sparkled well. Her hair was tied back three times down her back and decorated with gold pins. While she wasn’t the official hostess, she knew that she’d automatically assume the role.

“How are you feeling?” Tori asked, keeping her voice low as she stood beside him.

“Manageable,” Piers said. “It is only a greeting.”

“If you get overwhelmed, you can step into the inner halls at any time to collect yourself,” Tori told him. “Just tell Axton to cover for you.”

Piers gave her a demure nod. She was about to step away when Piers turned his head. “He’s here.”

“Who?” Tori followed his firm gaze towards the entrance. Surrounded by four large men in well-fitted white and orange military uniforms was a tall young man with thick dark hair braided partway down his back, and dressed in a white Soleil-style suit of slacks and a button up jacket. He handed a dark hat to one of the men whom Tori presumed was his guard.

There were fine metal embellishments across his chest, and he had several rings on each hand. His complexion was a little darker, as were the men around him, and he had sharp features made prominent by a neatly trimmed goatee. His eyes were a rich, dark red.

He looked like he’d stepped out of an otome game as a possible love interest, too, if Tori were being honest with herself.

The young man straightened as he caught Piers’ eyes and immediately walked towards him.

“Your Highness Prince Piers.” The man extended his hands.

“Your Highness Prince Cyrus,” Piers greeted and took the man’s hand, shaking firmly. “Thank you for coming.”

“Thank you for having me,” the man said. “I’ve brought four of my bodyguards with me. Thank you for extending the invitation to them.”

“Of course. You are all guests in Soleil and your safety is also paramount,” Piers said as he retracted his hand. It wasn’t too fast or too slow. Tori watched him carefully for any signs of discomfort, but was pleased to find none. In fact, he looked as if he’d done this many times in the past.

You’ve practiced well, Piers. Kudos to you.

“I believe you’ve met my personal knight, Duke Axton de Alvere, Duke of the Alvere Duchy,” Piers said, motioning to Axton on his right.

“Yes, good to see you again, Duke Alvere.” The Prince shook Axton’s hand and Axton gave him a pleasant smile.

“And she is Countess Victoria de Guevera, the Countess of Cosora and the daughter of Marquis Gregorio de Guevera of the Sur March,” Piers said with a nod of his head in Tori’s direction. “Tori, this is Prince Cyrus Isaiah, Third Prince of Pargath.”

Tori stepped back and did a formal curtsy. “Your Highness.”

“Countess Guevera.” He gave her a respectful nod of his head. “You are the relative of Commander Romulo de Guevera de Bettencourt.”

“Yes, Your Highness, he is both my uncle and my godfather.”

“He spoke highly of you when he met with us,” Prince Cyrus said. “You are as beautiful as he said.”

“Godfather praises me unnecessarily,” Tori replied with a pleasant smile. She took a step back. “My apologies for my rudeness, but I must see to some things.”

They gave her a nod and Tori returned to the hall. Ilyana was waiting for her clutching a clipboard. “Henrik says that they will start the low-level light displays when you’re ready.”

“The third prince of Pargath has arrived. Tell him to start,” Tori said. “How are the drink and chilled food stations?”

“They’re up and running and there is a crowd around the frozen fruit cream table. Mostly visiting dignitaries,” Ilyana reported. “Ambassador Wu of the Hong Kingdom is looking for you, as he heard from Ambassador Das that you are opening restaurants on Rois featuring foreign food.”

“I haven’t met Ambassador Wu yet,” Tori said as they walked through the hall to get around the courtyard.

“That seems to be why he’s looking for you. He wants to make a connection.”

They emerged at the far end of the courtyard to the awestruck gasps of guests as the light crystals around them began to move with the music playing. Many guests stopped where they were to watch the lights.

“What about the kitchen?”

“The twelve-course tasting meal is on schedule. There are no problems to be reported,” Ilyana said.

“Report to me if there are any issues. I will let you know when to start serving the meal.”


The two split up with Tori stepping back into the courtyard and making her way towards the dignitaries she recognized. She was warmly received and even embraced a few familiar faces.

“Madam Das, when are you going to visit my delta?” Tori asked in a playful voice. “If you’re concerned about staying in resort tents, we have a few private apartments along the main street. The Empress stayed there when she last visited.”

“I have been meaning to. I can’t believe I caught a cold during the Spring Festival. I wanted to see where the restaurant would be located!” Madam Das looked frustrated as she remembered. She held Tori’s hands warmly. They were in close contact for business reasons and if Tori found something good, such as her crystal powered air conditioner, she sent it to some close associates, including Madam Das.

Ambassador Izel approached to greet her and squinted. “Well, I haven’t seen that in Soleil before. Is that a new crystal, my lady?”

Tori lifted her hand to the crystal dangling above her chest and nodded. “Yes, it was a gift for my birthday. I heard it was from the federation north of the Tona Kingdom.”

Ambassador Izel’s eyes widened. “Then it is a water crystal!”

“Is that what it’s called? I was told it was called a water moon crystal.”

The ambassador nodded her head. “Yes, many groups call it that, but to the tribes in the region where this comes from, they call it a term for water. However, ‘water’ in the local language is synonymous with ‘life’. It is often gifted to highly ranked and important members of the tribe and guests. From the raw piece, it was likely a gift.”

Tori nodded. “I thought about having it tumbled or carved, but decided to keep the raw piece as is. I haven’t worked with it yet, but it has an exceptionally good energy.”

Before Ambassador Izel could continue someone else earnestly cut in.

“My lady,” a middle-aged man with dark hair just lightly peppered with gray stepped forward. “We have not yet been introduced. I am Wu Yengbei of the Hong Kingdom.”

“Ambassador Wu, good evening. A pleasure to see you here.” Tori returned the respectful bow.

She chatted with several dignitaries for a few minutes before she caught sight of Henrik giving her the sign that the majority of the guests had arrived. With a bright smile on her face, Tori excused herself and informed them that dinner would be served shortly so they should take their seats.

She made her way around, both greeting guests and asking them to sit for dinner. She made eye contact with Gideon and made a gesture to the tables. He nodded and followed her silent instructions to invite guests to sit. Gideon could be particularly useful when he wasn’t being annoying and needy.

As the standing crowds dispersed around the twenty tables, Tori lifted her hand to her earpiece. “Ilyana, queue the serving staff to start with the warm hand towels, then the first plate.”


Tori walked around the perimeter of the courtyard, towards the head table where Piers was seated. Unlike Ilyana’s birthday party, the table was a gentle ‘u’ shape with Piers at the head and Axton on his right and Gideon on his left. Tori was seated next to Axton and a knight escorting them pulled out a chair for her.

As everyone seated and the music died down, servers stepped forward to provide drinks to the guests, depending on their preference. When the servers stepped back, Piers stood up.

“Good evening and welcome, honored guests and respected peers.”

Tori leaned towards Axton and whispered. “He’s doing great. Has he been practicing?”

“Every night,” Axton whispered back in a droll voice. “Even I know the speech by heart.”

Tori grinned and listened to Piers give his welcome speech, thanking his instructors and political allies for their guidance that year, and then thanking the foreign guests for their continued relations with the hope that they will continue to do so, but to grow together.

He then introduced the dishes, citing that each of the twelve plates were Harvest Festival recipes from a particular region of Soleil. He concluded by inviting everyone to enjoy the two light shows: the first during the palette cleanser, and the last during dessert.

He motioned his head towards Tori, and she stood up as she was acknowledged for her work with crystals. Many guests commented that they wondered why the pavilion felt so much more comfortable than the hot late summer night outside.

After pointing out various tables with crystal technology dedicated to food, Piers thanked his guests once more and hoped they enjoyed the meal.

Applause rang out and Piers returned to his seat. The meal was served, and Tori heard her title called from across the table.

Prince Cyrus looked at her curiously. “Countess Guevera, I overheard that your territory is not far from here.”

“It is about a day’s travel, Your Highness. If one leaves Horizon in the morning, they will arrive in the afternoon,” Tori said. She glanced at Piers, who gave her a subtle nod. She put a welcoming smile on her face. “Are you interested in visiting?”

She saw a flicker of relief cross the third prince’s face, but his posture didn’t falter. “I was told it is a closed settlement.”

“I can extend the invitation and arrange it,” Tori told him.

“Then, I will accept such an invitation, Countess Guevera. Several noble acquaintances of mine have lauded your work in the village. I was told that just a few years ago, it was a refugee camp and now it is a village welcoming tourist. I had hoped to see it at least once before I returned to Pargath.” He gave her a respectful nod to which Tori returned one of her own. “My sincere thanks.” He then looked towards Piers . “Prince Piers, I congratulate you.”

Piers didn’t show his confusion. He only nodded. “Your congratulations are always welcomed, Prince Cyrus.”

“I am a bit envious,” Prince Cyrus said with an acknowledging smile. “To have such a skillful fiancée who can build cities and improve crystal technology is a blessing. The Countess will make an excellent Princess.”

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