Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 212: The Sooner We Dance, The Sooner We Eat

“What do you mean you’re going to see your goddaughter? Sebby didn’t say you were going to be the godparent!” Tori snatched her bag off the ground and stormed in. “And why didn’t you tell me you were coming? We need to prepare if an imperial family member is coming. And where are your knights?”

“They’re hiding on the ship.”

Her eyes narrowed and her voice grew colder. “Why are they hiding on the ship?”

“Because you would be mad.”

“So, you know I’d be mad?” Tori nearly threw her arms into the air. “Piers-”

“I informed my family I was leaving for the ceremony. There is no problem.”

She couldn’t help but be suspicious. “Did they agree, or they can’t stop you?” His eyes darted to the side, and he returned to his book. He went quiet. “Piers.”

“Are you hungry? You came from Horizon and haven’t eaten yet.”

“Don’t try to distract me with food-”

“Your Highness!” Someone knocked on the door frame and bowed their head. It was Sir Dassler in civilian clothing. “The meals delivered from Sapphire-by-the-Sea have arrived. Shall I bring them here?”

Piers gave a small nod. “Yes. Notify Ewan that dinner is also ready and will be served here.”

Sir Dassler nodded once more. “Yes, Your Highness!”

Tori shot Piers an indignant glare. “This is the Marquis’ room! It’s my room! How did you even get in?”

“I told the Guevera knights that I am a guest and would be staying here.”

Tori’s eyes bore into him. “Did they give you this room or did you let yourself in?”

Piers stared ahead of him. “I’m going to clear this table. We can put the food that arrives here.”


“Your Highness, you’re here, too?” Ewan walked in and looked around. His eyes landed on the coffee table that didn’t have food. “Is dinner not here yet?”

Tori let out a groan and swept into the room, bypassing Piers to get to the inner bedchamber. She pushed open the door and tossed her bag on to the bed, only to see a small travel chest pushed against the foot of the bed. A familiar seal of the first prince on top of the chest lid mocked her.

“Piers!” She stormed back into the antechamber, where two knights were placing the ordered food on the table. Ewan looked eager to start eating from one of the plush chairs he’d pushed closer to the coffee table. “Piers, why is your stuff in my room?”

“I will have it moved out here. The long sofa is enough for me,” Piers told her, unbothered. “Come and eat.”

Tori took a deep breath. She didn’t mind sharing a space with Piers, but not when he sprung it upon her and took up her room. She sat down on a plush chair across from him and picked up one of the plates. Ewan was eating, unbothered.

“Your Highness, did you bring a gift for Master’s daughter?”

“I did,” Piers replied. “It is a ceremonial dagger from the Late Unification Period.”

Ewan nodded, but Tori froze. She chewed her food and swallowed hard. The Late Unification Period was over a thousand years ago. “You got my niece a historical artifact.”

“It was in my personal collection,” Piers replied. “I must give her something meaningful to show my sincerity to my goddaughter.”

Ewan gasped. “Master picked you to be her godparent, Your Highness? How lucky! I am still hoping to be a godparent one day, but Henrik won’t promise his first born.”

“Ewan, you can’t force someone to make you a godparent of their child.” She paused and looked at Piers with narrowed eyes. “Piers, you can’t force someone to make you a godparent of their child.”

“I am not forcing it,” Piers replied in a smooth voice. “I just want to show Master that I am the best choice.”

Oh my God.... Tori let out a low sigh and continued to eat. I can’t believe I have to deal with this the entire trip....

She stuffed the rest of her food in her mouth and leaned back against the chair.

She was so lost in the annoyance of Piers’ sudden appearance, that she forgot to contact her brother. It wasn’t until they were already halfway to the open ocean that she remembered and at that point, she didn’t want to bother any more.

If she had to deal with this, then so did Sebastian.

With light cargo and no stops, Tres Arcos was just a few days away. During this time, Ewan was not lax in his practice. With imperial knights and Guevera knights present, he had plenty of people to lead him through practices.

He also got his first chance to ‘spar’ with Piers. The results were obvious, but she didn’t expect them to hit Ewan as they did.

“Tori....” Ewan came to her as she was in her cabin, reviewing land partitions. His usually smiling face was replaced with dejection as he trudged in and sat down. “I don’t think I’m fit to be an imperial knight.”

Tori lowered her papers at once and lifted her head, frowning. “What are you talking about? Ewan, you’re at the top of your class in La Garda. The knights are optimistic about you. If anyone is fit to be an imperial knight, it’s you.”

Ewan shrank back against the cushions and drew his knees up to his chest, like a pouting child. “How can I protect someone who’s far superior to me with a sword?”

Ah, so that’s it. Tori took a deep breath and gave him a gentle, understanding look. “Did you spar with Piers?” He nodded his head. “Piers is not representative of every imperial family member. He’s not only the best swordsman in his family, he’s also one of the best swordsmen in the empire. We’ve told you that before, remember?”

“I remember, but I didn’t think he was that good. He’s almost as good as Master,” Ewan said, complaining. “It was as if he knew every movement I made before I made it!”

“Such an ability comes with experience and practice,” Tori replied. “You will also start to notice cues from your opponent's body or telling movements that can predict their line of attack the more you practice. Piers didn’t magically know all at once. It was something learned.”

Ewan groaned. “I was too confident, wasn’t I? I’m so used to being at the top of the class, I forgot that there are always those better than me.”

“It’s better that you learn that now than on the battlefield,” Tori told him. “Piers isn’t taking it lightly with you, and in a way, that’s good. He’s challenging you so you can improve.”

“I couldn’t land a single hit on him.”

“To be honest, I don’t think any of his knights can land a single hit on him,” Tori said in a quiet voice. Her eyes drifted to the door and hoped the knights outside didn’t hear her.

“In his prime, Papa was supposedly able to beat all the Guevera knights, and, currently, none of them can beat Sebby.” She grimaced a bit. At first, it did sound like their knights were incompetent, but one had to consider the person in question.

Ewan furrowed his brows and thought for a moment. “Does that not affect them?”

Tori shook her head. “No, for some, it’s a bit reassuring that their liege is not helpless. That being said, they don’t only protect the Marquis and his heir. They protect the Fortress, various military outposts, are assigned to ships, and for the higher ranked knights, they escort the family. Mama, Kasey, Robi, Fifi, and now Idunn and Valeria. When I’m involved in a family event, they protect me. I’m competent with a long sword, but I’m not a master by any means. In your case, there is a higher chance of being assigned elsewhere. There are several tiers of imperial knights, after all.”

Ewan took a deep breath. “Tori, I want to apply to the first-tier knights.”

She squinted and studied her friend quietly. “First tier knights are another four to six years of intense training before they’re even assigned to an imperial family member.”

“I know.”

“During those training years, you will have little contact with your family and friends. You will be traveling often.”

Ewan nodded his head once more. “I know.” He raised his eyes and looked at her hesitantly. “My instructors told me that only a few students are accepted into training for first tier imperial knights a year. Some years, there weren’t any who were accepted.”

“But you still want to try?”

He looked at her with uncertainty. “Do you think I’m good enough?”

Tori put down her papers and met his gaze with defiance. “I am not an authority on the ability and skill of knights, Ewan. I can’t tell you if you’re good enough.” His eyes lowered and he swallowed hard. Tori didn’t flinch. “But, if you were assigned to me, I would trust you with my life.”

He lifted his head and looked back at her. His eyes reddened a bit and he nodded. “Thanks, Tori.”

There was a knock on her door and Tori looked towards it. “What is it?”

“My lady, Tres Arcos is in sight. We will disembark soon. Please prepare. Carriages are waiting at the dock,” one of the knights told her.

“Understood,” Tori said. She stood up and reached across to pat Ewan’s shoulder. “You have a good opportunity to learn from knights far superior to you. Take it, even if you can’t get a hit in. Just keep practicing. Keep gaining experience. Remember what I told you before: sweat more now....”

“Bleed less on the battlefield. Yes.” Ewan stood up as well and headed to his room.

Shortly after he left, Piers came in. His things had been packed in the morning. He sat around, watching Tori collect her things and put them away, appearing not at all bothered that he was arriving in Sur without having informed her family.

As the ship approached the private dock, Tori could make out the carriages and awaiting horses from the deck.

“Piers, you have a dozen imperial knights with you...there are not enough horses for them,” Tori said in a dull, somewhat irritated voice.

“I have discussed this with the Guevera knights. We will take who we can with us. The rest will follow after horses for the nearby fortress arrive,” Piers told her.

The corner of Tori’s eye twitched. “There is still a chance that Sebby isn’t going to make you Valeria’s godfather.”

“It is a very slim chance.”

Tori noticed the knights silently exchanged looks around them. Sir Dobchek had assured her that the imperial family had been notified, but in order to keep Piers’ trip a secret, only the Emperor and Empress knew. Gideon likely didn’t know where his brother was, and admittedly the thought of Gideon horrified that he couldn’t find Piers was funny.

“Tori! Welcome back....” Uncle Rom’s cheerful expression wavered as he snapped his mouth closed when he saw the man standing behind Tori. “Your Highness...?”

“I know, Uncle,” Tori said in a low voice. “He has come to see my brother’s baby.”

Several Guevera knights looked at each other with uncertainty. Uncle Rom narrowed his eyes and looked at Piers with undisguised disapproval. Perhaps a regular knight or soldier would not dare, but he was Tori’s godfather. “Irresponsible.”

Tori glared at Piers, trying to get him to understand that she told him so.

One of the head knights who had arrived to pick her up hit his first on his chest in greeting. “My lady, we were not informed that His Highness would be coming. We have not prepared a proper entourage.”

“A traditional entourage is not required to escort me to Presidio,” Piers told them in a firm, regal voice. “I am traveling incognito.”

Tori tilted his head back and sneered. “No one is going to believe that, Piers....”

Sir Pizon, who had come to assist Tori as a female knight, began to make arrangements. Uncle Rom followed up, leaving six Guevera knights to wait for additional horses with six imperial knights, while the six other imperial knights returned with them.

Under normal circumstances, all of Piers’ knights should’ve remained with him as an escort, but Uncle Rom would not risk Tori’s safety by leaving behind most of their better-trained and higher skilled Guevera knights to accommodate the imperial knights. A few imperial knights wanted to complain, but before they could, Piers spoke up.

“This is Sur,” he said in a low voice leaving no room for question. His lips were drawn in a tight line. “We will follow the arrangements of the Guevera March.”

Thus, his twelve imperial knights were split in half.

Unlike Piers, the knights warmly welcomed Ewan. They asked how La Garda was doing and if he’d consider moving to Sur to join them. To that, a few imperial knights squeezed into the conversation to reaffirm Ewan’s goal of becoming an imperial knight for him.

“Tori suggested that I join in practice while I’m in Presidio. I know I’m here as a guest, but if possible, I’d like to continue training as I have before,” Ewan told them.

“After Val’s trifecta ceremony, we will have a week-long exercise. It is mainly for younger, newer knights fresh from our military academy,” Uncle Rom told him in a thoughtful voice. “Since you and Tori are here long enough, I will arrange for you to join. We also have a prospective first tier knight training with us this time.” He chuckled. “I believe you are friends: it is Sir Gael de Navarro.”

Ewan’s face lit up and Tori looked impressed. Sir Navarro had been an immeasurable help to Ewan and he was an all-round good person to have around. “Senior is here?”

“He was top of his class when he graduated from La Garda. First and second tier knights spend between two to six years cycling through training with the marches to become well rounded,” Uncle Rom replied.

“Ewan, this is a good opportunity to get a taste of training for a prospective first tier knight,” Tori urged as she sat on the edge of the carriage and peered outside the open door.

Ewan nodded, but was a bit tense. “Do you think I’m ready?”

“Let Master critique you first,” Piers said as he climbed into the carriage and sat across from Tori. “If he believes you have learned enough to participate, then he will tell you.”

Ewan nodded and looked at Uncle Rom. “Sir, I will confirm with Master first.”

Uncle Rom smiled and gave him a hearty pat on the back. “I will keep a spot open for you until you confirm.”

Ewan thanked him and got into the carriage, taking a seat with Tori. Food was delivered to them just before the carriage started off. Usually, carriages from Tres Arcos to Presidio would take a leisurely three days, only traveling during the day time and resting in villages or fortresses for the night.

However, as time was limited, their rests were much shorter, and the fortresses were locations where they switched horses. The trip lasted a day and a half and as the sun was starting to set, they entered the towering gates of Presidio.

Though she spent much more time in Horizon and even Viclya than she did Presidio since she woke up in Soleil, Presidio still had the feeling of ‘home’ and Tori relaxed her guard. She wasn’t sure if it was because the people who had become her loving family resided there or if it was lingering feelings from OG Victoria. There was a possibility it was both, and she didn’t have a problem with that.

The familiar guard tower gates to the Fortress appeared as the main road to the city turned into a winding path that would lead up the hill to the stout stone fortification overlooking the city. Their carriage went beneath the portcullis and Tori sat on the edge of the bench, right beside the window.

The courtyard was lit with light crystals and a little girl was jumping up and down next to a boy who seemed to be holding her back from running to the carriage. A wide smile came over her face as the carriage came to a stop. A knight swept forward to open the door and Tori was the first to jump out.

“Auntie Tori!”

“Auntie, welcome back!”

Tori rushed forward as soon as her feet hit the ground and scooped up the little girl into her arms. “Hello, Fifi!” She placed firm kisses on Fiona’s chubby cheeks before taking her free arm and bringing Robert close to her. She leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Hello, Robi! Thank you for coming to meet me!”

Robert’s face warmed up and he kicked the ground with his good leg shyly. “It’s getting dark so....”

“Auntie! Let’s see the baby!” Fiona wiggled in her arms and Tori bent down to release her. Her little hand grabbed Tori’s fingers and pulled her towards the steps. “Let’s go! Let’s go! She’s very cute! You have to meet her!”

Tori laughed and took a step forward. She looked over her shoulder, towards Ewan and Piers who had stepped off the carriage after her. “Let them take you to your rooms first. I’m going to visit Idunn.”

“I also want to see the baby,” Piers said. His voice was almost lost in the cacophony of knights getting off horses and starting to unload the luggage behind him.

“You’re not supposed to be here.” The cold words hit Piers at once and for the first time, Tori noticed that Kasen had been waiting with the children. He gave Tori a curt nod. “Fifi and Robi will take you to Idunn. I will take care of our...guests.” His eyes narrowed as he looked back at Piers.

Ewan nodded and took a step back. “My lord, I’m here, as well. I had told Master I was coming.”

“Ewan, you’re fine. We’re expecting you. We’re happy you’re here and you’ve done nothing wrong,” Kasen said in a reassuring voice before allowing it to grow cold once redirected. “You.” He glowered at Piers and just as Tori walked into the foyer, she saw Piers flinch.

Well, he should’ve known what he was getting himself into. Tori blissfully followed her niece and nephew as they led her by the hand.

The private chambers for family members were deeper in the fortress and after Sebastian and Idunn were married, they moved into a larger room. It had a connecting room for a nursery. In the marches, babies were breastfed and the only time a nursemaid was brought in to feed a baby was if the mother could not produce enough, or any, milk.

In wealthier families, nannies were more like assistants to the mother for the first three years of the child’s life, taking care of both the mother’s needs as well as the baby’s. It wasn’t until the child was walking and talking that the nanny would focus all their attention on them.

For Marquis families, the requirement for nannies also included military and basic medical training. Nanny Rey, who now acted as a nanny for Fiona and Robert, obviously met those requirements. The nanny for Valeria was a seasoned nanny recommended by Idunn’s aunt and Nanny Rey; a former Nord military specialist and medic who’d retired early.

As Tori walked through the halls, she noticed the presence of more knights than usual, which considering the birth of the heir’s heir, was understandable. In addition, Sebastian had a lingering fear of a baby being kidnapped after what happened to her.

They reached the upper level and Tori found her eldest brother waiting for her outside the door where two Guevera knights were stationed to guard. He looked a little disheveled, but otherwise excited. His face brightened as soon as he saw her.


“I’m back, Sebby. Congratulations on your first baby. I brought back a lot of stuff for her. Ewan and Piers also brought gifts.” She raised her arms to hug her brother. Sebastian gave her a warm squeeze as he laughed.

“You didn’t have to bring gifts! Just coming is enough. And I told Ewan it wasn’t necessary....” Sebastian released her and stepped back as his voice trailed off. His lips tightened into a frown. “I forgot that ridiculous prince stowed away on the ship.”

“I was caught off guard and was so surprised by finding him in my quarters that-”

“He was where?” Sebastian’s voice hardened and his face darkened. Tori let out a small cough.

“We can deal with him later. Show me my newest niece!”

Robert and Fiona had already squeezed through the door’s partial opening and Sebastian, distracted by the reminder of his daughter, led Tori inside. A subtle scent of fresh milk and a ‘baby scent’ was in the room and Tori couldn’t help but smile.

Rocking on a wooden chair beside a cradle was Idunn in a robe, with her pale blonde hair neatly braided. A small bundle was in her arms and Tori held her breath as she approached. She found herself purposely trying to make as little sound as possible.

On either side of Idunn, Fiona and Robert had taken their places, as if they were familiar with guarding the mother and child.

“Tori.” Idunn gave her a warm smile as she looked up. “Welcome back. How was your journey?”

Her voice was soft and quiet, meaning the baby must’ve been sleeping. Tori craned her neck to look into the bundle. A pale, but rosy cheeked baby with peeling skin was sleeping.

“It was good,” Tori whispered. “Oh my...she’s tiny.”

Idunn chuckled. “She didn’t feel tiny coming out.”

Tori cracked a smile. A few whisps of light brown, almost blonde hair was fuzz on the baby’s head. “She’s beautiful, Idunn. Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Idunn looked down at her child affectionately. Their voices, no matter how quiet they tried to be, seemed to stir the little heiress. Her face twitched and blue eyes opened to meet Tori’s.

She tried to remain calm and not surprise the baby with her excitement.

“Val, look who it is,” Sebastian said in a soft voice as he knelt beside the rocking chair. He played with his daughter’s clenched fist. “It’s Auntie Tori.”

Tori knelt down on Idunn’s other side and extended her hand. She was glad her nails weren’t pointed and sharp. She touched the baby’s hand with her fingertip and soon, a hot grip held on to her. Tori’s heart clenched.

“Welcome to the family, Valeria,” Tori said softly as she smiled. “I am your Auntie Tori.” She stroked Valeria’s little hand with her thumb as Valeria held on. Their eyes were locked. She had a niece.

Her brother had gotten married to the love of his life, and they had a baby. In the original game, there was no such happy family. No Idunn. No Valeria. No Robert. No Fiona. The thought that they wouldn’t have existed in her life pained her. She bit her lips and blinked to keep from crying at the unexpected wave of emotion that swept through her.

A small voice echoed in the back of her mind: don’t worry. I will protect you all.

Part of her couldn’t believe that Sebastian actually agreed.

After a painful night of reminding Piers why Sebastian was still his sword master, Sebastian agreed to let Piers become Valeria’s godfather. Tori wasn’t sure how to take it. She didn’t doubt Piers could take care of Valeria should she need it.

It was just strange to imagine Piers as a godfather.

They’d been in Presidio for nearly a week and all he’d done was poke Valeria’s chubby and flush baby cheek. Everyone praised her for being soft and cute, and as Fiona described her, fragrant with a ‘baby smell’.

The first time Piers met Valeria was the next day after they arrived, he’d asked if it was normal for babies to peel and offered to bring one of the imperial doctors. Her entire family had looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.

Ewan had broken the tension and laughed, saying it was very normal and the peeling was just about done. He’d seen it plenty of times with his niece and nephews. Because of his experience with his siblings’ children, he was quite good at handling the baby.

Sebastian had looked at Piers with disgust and muttered that he had chosen the wrong pupil.

Tori looked at her own temporary pupil. “Are you nervous for your performance?”

Fiona shook her head, her thick brown hair moving around her. “No, I’m excited!” she said in an earnest voice. “It’s my first real blessing dance, so it’s special. I practiced hard, Auntie Tori. It has to be perfect for Val.”

There was a glint of determination in the child’s eyes and Tori was filled with pride. “I’m sure you won’t let her down.”

Fiona gave her a nod and put on a serious look. “She’ll be blessed no matter how much she struggles.”

“Okay, baby, calm down.” Tori touched her head gently. She looked towards Nanny Rey, who was smiling from ear to ear as she looked at Fiona. “Nanny, I leave her to you.”

Nanny Rey gave her a small nod and Tori left to check on the next person.

Piers’ room wasn’t far. As an imperial family member, his room was kept in the more private and heavily guarded area of the Fortress. It was across the hall from Tori’s room, but Fiona had been spending the night in her room, so Tori had to take her niece back to her niece’s room to get ready first.

The same two imperial knights from earlier that morning remained on either side of Pier’s door and along with them, two more Guevera knights. There were two Guevera knights stationed outside of Tori’s door, as well, and more patrols. Along with increased security because of the new baby, anytime there was any sort of celebration, security was increased.

She approached Piers' door, adjusted her mantilla, and lifted her hand to knock. She knocked once and then waited. Piers opened it almost immediately, but was holding his open comcry in one hand. He gave Tori a nod and stepped back into the room, allowing Tori to enter as he continued his conversation.

“Congratulations are in order. I’ve already sent something to the baby and mother. Will you return to the border immediately?” Piers asked. Tori closed the door behind her.

“No, the security at the Amber Fortress is steady and the chaos in the south has distracted the usual raids. I’m going to the northern mountain range,” a man’s deep, authoritative voice replied.

Piers’ outward expression didn’t fade. “You should have more faith in Axton.”

“It isn’t that I doubt my boy’s ability, Piers. It’s only that the situation is different from usual and something of this matter hasn’t been done before. I want to see it with my own eyes.”

Tori recognized the voice as the Marquis General.

“You rarely leave the Amber Fortress, Uncle. You should take the time to rest for a few more days. Lt. Commander just had the baby and Master says that bonding with one’s child is important during their first few days of life,” Piers said.

Tori sat on the arm of the sofa as she watched him slowly pace the room.

“Gigi is doing well and Elsa wants me to go. She insists that I’ve spent long enough considering the mission,” the Marquis General told Piers.

“Uncle, you would not be able to take on Axton’s mission task. He is best suited for the job. In addition, Axton has a strong blessing charm to aid his movements and increase protection. You do not.” There was a strict firmness in his voice and Tori felt that if Piers had solid reason to order his uncle to stay with the Lt Commander and the baby, he would’ve.

“I won’t be joining in the mission itself, but I will be waiting nearby and observing.” A woman’s voice could be heard muffled in the background, but Tori couldn’t make out the words. “Yes, I’ll let him go now. Piers, there are some things I need to arrange. Pass my well wishes to Sebastian.”

“Yes, Uncle,” Piers replied. “And I will arrange for Mother to visit this summer to see my cousin.”

The call ended and Tori pushed herself up. “Did they have the baby?”


“How is the Lt. Commander?”

“It was a difficult birth with some complications. Uncle said it was long, but my cousin was born safely. Lt. Commander Roth was exhausted, but she is recovering well,” Piers said.

Tori lifted her hands to the collar of his shirt and began to straighten it. “Her name is Gigi?”

“Gisela Oliva Sherez von Schwert.”

“Sherez? She shares part of her name with Axton?” Tori smiled at the thought as she lowered her hands.

“Uncle wanted a name to connect them as he considers Axton like a son to him,” Piers said. He paused. “Do I wear a tie?”

“It’s not an incredibly formal event. Your clothes are more than fitting,” she said. “Are you ready?”

Piers nodded and he put his comcry into his pocket. He walked outside with Tori and followed her downstairs, to the small family chapel where Fiona and Robert had their trifecta ceremony. The door was open, and Sebastian was waiting just outside.

He straightened his back and narrowed his eyes at Piers.

“Master.” Piers greeted him with a small bow of his head in respect, as Sebastian’s pupil.

Sebastian’s look hardened. “I’m going to trust you with my daughter in the unlikely event that Idunn and I are unable to care for her.”

“It is an honor, Master. I take this responsibility seriously.”

Sebastian’s green eyes bore into Piers, as if waiting for him to flounder under his gaze. “She is my little girl, Piers. My and Idunn’s little girl.”

“Yes, Master. I know.”

“If you fail, you will disappoint not only me, but Tori.” Hearing this, Tori gave a small, agreeing nod of her head. She’d also be disappointed if Piers failed to live up to the duties of a godparent of her niece. “And Tori will leave you.”

Sebastian’s final words made her freeze and she knit her brows together. Was her brother using her as some sort of threat?

Piers didn’t back down from the responsibilities given to him. “I understand, Master.”

Sebastian took a deep breath, raised his hand, and put it on Piers’ shoulders. “You must love and protect her like your own.” His voice was tight and almost pleading.

Once more, Tori was reminded that in the original game, this beautiful family Sebastian had did not exist. She lowered her eyes to hide the sudden redness.

“I will love and protect her, Master,” Piers repeated in a quiet voice. “I will swear it to the god of which I have selected.”

Sebastian appeared satisfied. He gave Piers a little shove into the room and motioned for Tori to go in. He waited outside for the last of the expected guests. Inside, Idunn was already by the altar. Tori’s immediate family was seated on the first set of pews.

She saw an unexpected face in the second row.

“Andy, what are you doing here?” Tori asked. “I thought you were out on tour.”

“We are scheduled for a stop in the naval yard just east of Tres Arcos. There are some repairs being done after a storm and it will take over a week, so I rushed here to attend,” Andrew said as he and Tori reached across the seat backs to embrace. “I just arrived this morning.”

“Then get some rest after this,” Tori said.

Andrew nodded and looked at Piers. “Your Highness.”

“Captain O’Tuagh.” Piers gave him a curt nod in reply. He paused. “I am going to be a godfather.”

Andrew chuckled and nodded. “I heard.”

Satisfied that he was acknowledged, Piers nodded and looked back towards the altar. Everyone had arrived and the door closed to the chapel. Sebastian swept across to get to his wife and the Archbishop of Presidio presided.

Idunn held Valeria in her arms and to her credit, the baby didn’t cry and seemed to just sleep through all the welcome and prayers. When it came time to bless her, her eyes were still closed.

“Valeria Catalina Njala Idunndottir de Guevera.” The baby’s long, formal name was spoken by the Archbishop and Idunn stepped forward and tilted her towards the Archbishop. “Who is the godparent for Valeria?”

“I am.” Pier rose to his feet and walked towards them.

Just like with blessings previously, the Archbishop dipped his finger in quartz dust and pressed it gently over Valeria’s left brow.

“Saphira, Goddess of Protecting the Home, Family, and Children, blesses you to strengthen your bond with your family.” This was an important god for her family. The Archbishop dipped his finger in the quartz dust again and pressed it over Valeria’s right brow. “Inkari, Goddess of Forethought, Preparation, and Defense.” He drew a line across Valeria’s little forehead. “These two goddesses are the gods selected for you by your parents, Idunn and Sebastian. Will the godparent proceed with their blessing?"

Piers took a deep breath and moved closer. He extended his right hand with light movements, drawing across Valeria’s forehead. “I am Piers Emil Geron du Soleil and to bless my goddaughter, I have chosen Mise, God of Loyalty, Honor, and Duty, so that you may live up to and follow the path that has kept your family strong.”

Tori glanced at Sebastian to see if he approved, and she saw him give a small nod.

Mise was a minor god, if Tori remembered correctly, but his symbol was a character in Old Sulfae which was found when referring to the original Soleil tribe and its warrior class. Piers was connecting Valeria, the descendant of the warrior class, to him, the heir of Soleil.

Tori smiled a bit, knowing Piers must’ve put a lot of thought into it to show how serious he was about being a godparent.

The trifecta ceremony ended and Tori felt a small tug on her arm. She looked down and saw Fiona’s big eyes looking up at her. “Auntie,” the little girl said, almost whispering. “Let’s get ready to dance for my little cousin.”

Tori smiled softly and caressed Fiona’s hair back. “All right, let’s get ready.”

Her little niece grabbed her hand and pulled her to the aisle. “The sooner we dance, the sooner we eat!”

She followed her niece out the door and heard Kasen speaking to Piers on the way out.

“He should’ve arrived at the mission location already,” Kasen said as his lips remained in a tight line. “Has he started the collapse?”

“I don’t know, I have not received word,” Piers said. “We will know within a week if it was a success or not.”

Kasen inhaled a low breath. “If it isn’t, then we’ve decided. Sebastian and I will go there ourselves.”

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