Tori Transmigrated

Love Interest End Story: Gideon - Part I

The salty sea spray hit his face and he stood at the bow of the naval ship, looking at the horizon in the distance. He could see two watchtowers protruding up, signaling the mouth of the delta. He took a deep breath to quell his excitement. It had been so long since he’d been home.

Not that Viclya was his home, technically, but it was less than a day’s travel from home, so he counted it. And ‘so long’ was not even a full year, but still. He finally had an extended leave and could enjoy the comforts of home.

They were scheduled to arrive at the naval base on the west shore, outside the bay at noon and from there, he could take a carriage to Viclya and spend the night.

“Fabian, did they confirm our stay in town?” Gideon narrowed his eyes. Viclya was a popular tourist destination along the coast with both domestic and foreign guests and their families. Before, it was only during weekends and peak holiday seasons and summer, but now, there were guests year-round. If they didn’t reserve a place to stay, then they’d have to stay at the naval yard, and even then, that was only if there was space available.

Worst case scenario would be that they’d have to drag their things back to the ship for the night.

He didn’t want to beg Guevera to stay at her private residence. Last time, she charged him a full month’s pay for two days. Two days! She had a vendetta; he was sure of it.

“Yes, we have a suite at Isla de la Reina’s spa and resort.” The best lodgings in the entire county were mainly booked by visiting dignitaries, nobles, and his family always held a few rooms and suites for ‘special guest use’. The largest of the suites were hillside villas that were rented per year.

It was perfect. Except for one thing.

“How much is that costing us?” Gideon furrowed his brows and turned around to look at Fabian. The best lodgings in the entire county did not come cheap. While he still had some subsidies from the imperial family as the emperor’s son, part of it was based on what work he did for the empire on behalf of the imperial family. Since he joined the navy, he hadn’t done much administrative or public work, so his money from the family was just enough to keep him housed and fed.

His pay in the navy was usually enough to live a comfortable life with the basic necessities, but he wasn’t ready to part with his savings on a single night’s stay.

“Her Highness Princess Celine has allowed you to stay at her villa while she is out of the area,” Fabian told him. He seemed relieved as well. “She says there is no charge, but you must provide your own food.”

Gideon still carried around his Cosora debit card, and it still had plenty of money on it, which was more than enough for a few extravagant meals for the two of them to celebrate their return.

“What do you feel like for dinner, Fabian?”

“We’ve been having seafood and dried goods often. Perhaps some fresh steak? The lodge restaurant has Karap lamb.”

“Lamb sounds good-”

The bell on the ship rang and Gideon stood to attention. He turned his head and heard someone shout that another ship was passing starboard.

Gideon turned and almost balked. The ship was speeding through the water with ease and Gideon recognized it in an instant. No sails, just pure energy powered by crystals. It was iconic in the area. While many naval ships were now transitioned to crystals for speed and agility, none were as swift as For Whom the Sun Rises.

As the ship passed, it flew a flag to greet the naval ship. He heard a voice that seemed to come from a crystal speaker.

“Andy, come visit! Dinner on me!”

A moment later, their ship replied. “Sure thing, Tori. I’ll see you there.”

The two cousins, one the owner of For Whom the Sun Rises, and the other the captain of his naval ship, had a quick, familial discussion through the ship’s speakers and no one seemed at all surprised.

Gideon’s shoulder slumped. “I know she knows I’m on this ship, too,” he said.

“Yes, but the captain is her cousin. She is very close to her relatives,” Fabian replied.

“Is she just arriving as well?”

“From Hong,” a man’s voice said behind them. They turned around and saw the said naval captain approaching them. “She spent the last six months traveling and attending the sister school there.”

“Captain.” Gideon and Fabian saluted at once. Captain O’Tuagh gave them a small nod of his head.

“Where are you two staying when you arrive for leave? You’ll be here for a few months. It’s your first extended leave since you joined the navy. You should make use of it.” The Captain and the ship, Stingray, weren’t staying. They were dropping off and replacing some sailors. Then the ship would head back to Kings Harbor for scheduled maintenance, which, as long as there were no major problems, would take a month.

Then the Captain would set out again for another few months of patrol. Gideon and Fabian were scheduled to join the other Captain O’Tuagh’s ship for another nine-month tour. Captain Diedre O’Tuagh would pick up sailors from the Cosora Naval Base.

Compared to King’s Harbor, it was less than half the size and not fully built out or populated, but it had the most advanced naval base and the one many seasoned sailors wanted to be based out of. While the Cosora Delta was in the Central Corridor strip, which included Horizon and the duchies, the Countess’ ties to the Sur March put the base under the operation of the Sur Navy.

And while the name made it sound as if the Sur Navy was different from the Anlar Navy, it was the same navy, just managed under a different branch with different patrols. Plenty of Anlar ships docked in Sur bases.

Gideon had only been a sailor for a few years, but he knew many sailors who were eyeing retirement in the Cosora Delta. Cosora’s Coast Guard had an excellent reputation and already saved numerous people during storms and when there were accidents. They’d also found several smuggling plots and made arrests.

For such a small place, there was a lot of excitement.

“Captain, we will be staying at Reina,” Fabian reported. “Seaman Soleil’s aunt has loaned us her suite.”

Captain O’Tuagh nodded. “Good.”

“Are you staying on the ship, Captain?” Gideon asked.

“The ship is docked for a few days, so I have been arranged to stay at Reina in the Countess’ suite.”

The corner of Gideon’s eye twitched. Why did Guevera need a suite when she had a private island with a manor that had private pools? Wasn’t she just wasting money?

“My cousin has arranged a transport vessel from the base’s interior dock to take me directly to Reina.” The base was on a small peninsula and the interior dock was the dock inside the bay. “You two will join me.”

“Yes, Captain!” The two didn’t protest. While surprised, it made sense to the two of them. Gideon was, after all, still a prince. Captain O’Tuagh and his escort knights would stay with Gideon until his escort imperial knights arrived. While Fabian was with him, Fabian did not have an official position with Gideon. They were just friends.

Unexpectedly to Gideon, when they arrived at Reina, several imperial knights from his escort were waiting for him.

Waiting a little too comfortably, as when they saw Gideon with the Captain walking towards the main entrance of the resort island, they had been under a portico, drinking coffee and having snacks.

“Your Highness! Welcome back!” They shot to their feet and Gideon resisted the urge to rub his head. Did they forget he was arriving? They looked like they were the ones on vacation.

“How did you know to meet me here?” Gideon asked. He hadn’t contacted anyone.

“Seaman von Dorn contacted the imperial knights at the last port, Your Highness. Your brother, His Imperial Highness, sent us to escort you home.”

Gideon threw Fabian an approving nod and then softened his look. “My brother sent you?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

He felt warm. Sometimes, Piers was so cold to him, but he knew deep down, Piers loved him. If he didn’t, why would his brother take care of him like this?

Why would Tori risk her life to save him if he weren’t important to Piers?

His brother was truly his hero.

Pleased, he led the group along to his aunt’s suite. Reina was not a flat island and there were two small hills. The larger one was kept relatively natural with walking paths, private hot pools, and dining viewpoints. The slightly smaller one was dotted with luxurious private villas.

The suite his aunt had was a walled private villa overlooking the main resort below. The dozen or so villas varied in size and while technically part of the resort in name, particular people ‘reserved’ the villas the entire year. His aunt had a villa that could sleep ten people. It had a center courtyard and three main buildings on three sides, a small cold pool and hot pool, and a sauna.

The west building had two bedrooms, a small kitchen, dining areas, and bathing facilities, and then a sunroom that could be opened to become an outdoor seating area in the warm months. The east building mirrored it, but instead of a sunroom, it had a room with billiards and a bar for entertaining.

The central building had a master ensuite, a full kitchen, library, study, and reception area. On the front was the shared courtyard, in the back were the pools.

Most of the villas followed this style and grew more elaborate the larger the villa.

Four of the five duchies had private villas on the hillside. Axton’s was second to the top. The Agafonov family had a villa similar to his aunt’s. He recalled that when Lions Gate was ‘selling’ the villas to its prospective investors, his parents had wanted to buy one, but Piers stopped that before it began.

Despite having no official residence of their own, his father would not stay at his aunt’s villa because ‘she’ll demand compensation’.

As they entered the villa and went to the arranged west building, Gideon couldn’t help but ask. “Where do my parents stay when they come?”

“Your Highness, they stay in various places depending on the season and interest,” one of his older knights replied. “In the winter, they’ll stay at the lodge. Occasionally, they’ll stay in one of the apartments on the west shore. Her Majesty personally prefers to stay at the Countess’ suite.”

That was Tori’s villa where Captain O’Tuagh was staying. It was a little fortress with panoramic views of the delta at the top of the small hill. Gideon had only seen it from the outside.

“The Countess must keep suites for herself to host important guests,” Fabian said aloud. “This is very thoughtful of her.”

“She has them, but will still charge....” Gideon grumbled under his breath. Despite having an expensive territory to run businesses, and supporting a crystal research and development island full of crystal fanatics, he wasn’t convinced that she was in such desperate need of money that she would need to charge them such exorbitant fees.

As they settled in, one of the O’Tuagh knights and sailors came to convey a message that Captain O’Tuagh’s transport vessel would take him to Viclya’s Promenade in a few hours for dinner, so if they wanted to get back to the mainland, he could take them.

Gideon thanked them and made plans. Well before sunset, they were ready to go. Two imperial knights were selected to escort them while the remaining ones would stay on Reina. Food from the resort below could be delivered to the suites and villa, so they wouldn’t starve.

They met Captain O’Tuagh at a smaller, private dock for important guests and set off to the mainland. Gideon kept his eyes on the passing islands. In the time he’d been away, there had been more changes.

Several of Cosora’s towns and small villages were open, though settlement was regulated with preference going to families of existing delta residents, including families of guild members and construction workers who settled earlier. The imperial knight who almost died years earlier, when Gideon was kidnapped by Alessa and that Duraga agent, moved and worked at the delta.

There were more permanent structurs and the larger islands were built out with micro-villages and neighborhoods on them. Rois was the entertainment and gastronomy capital of the region, and Anahata Island had actual buildings on it with several large structures. It was connected by a series of bridges to smaller islands around it. The crystal pillars protruding from the water seemed to create an invisible barrier around all its connected islands.

In the distance, he could see the Countess’ Manor on her island. For Whom the Sun Riseswas docked nearby and a smaller island to the east was where crew members and staff of the manor resided. Gideon didn’t understand why Tori didn’t just let manor staff stay inside the manor.

As long as they were trusted, there was no problem. Wouldn’t the day-to-day work, including cooking and cleaning, be exhausting for her? She was so strange.

“Many of the islands look different,” Fabian said behind him. “I didn’t expect it to change so much in a few months.”

“How is Guevera managing all of this while she’s studying abroad?” Gideon couldn’t help but voice his thoughts. He hoped Piers wasn’t involved. Piers was already doing so much.

“There is a handpicked council of community leaders and representatives, guild representatives, and government administrators that follow the orders Tori has given. If she cannot be reached, she has a trusted regent,” the Captain replied.

Gideon winced. It was his brother, wasn’t it? “Who?”

“Kasen de Guevera.”

“She should know that he’s so busy with...wait....” Gideon did a double take and furrowed his brows. “The regent is her brother?”

Captain O’Tuagh raised a brow. “Who else would it be?”

“I...well...if it’s someone she trusted....” Gideon wasn’t sure why he was a bit insulted that the regent wasn’t his brother. As far as he was concerned, Piers was the most trustworthy person. If it were him, he wouldn’t trust a territory to anyone else.

Captain O’Tuagh seemed to understand him despite his silence. “Your Highness, the Crown Prince is extremely busy and Tori is aware of this. She would not add additional work to His Imperial Highness.”

“Good! Good, she should not! I’m glad she still has a conscience.” Gideon puffed out his chest and crossed his arms. Fabian let out a heavy sigh. The transport vessel approached the main dock at the Promenade.

Fabian took a step closer to him. “Gideon, I need to talk to you about my leave-”

“Wait, there’s my brother!” Gideon gasped and stepped forward, leaning against the railing of the ship as he looked up towards the Promenade. He threw his arms in the air and waved them around. “Piers! Piers!”

Standing beneath one of the pergolas that lined the sides of the Promenade was a tall man with brown hair and an unmoving expression on his regal face. Clear, wise violet eyes were looking down at the dock and didn’t react to his energetic greeting.

“Oh, Tori and His Imperial Highness came to meet us.” Captain O’Tuagh sounded pleasantly surprised.

Gideon squirted. Guevara was there, too? He shifted his eyes a bit to his brother’s left and noticed the petite woman with a bright blue head wrap keeping a mess of curly black hair out of her face. She wore a matching blue linen dress typical of Viclya’s signature style.

Gideon’s elated smile dropped a bit. “Oh.” No wonder his brother was there. Gideon wasn’t vain enough to think that his brother had come all the way to Viclya to welcome him home. However, considering his brother’s obsession with the Countess, it wasn’t too surprising to see the Crown Prince of Soleil there.

They disembarked and Captain O’Tuagh led them up the stairs to get to the Promenade.

“Andy!” Tori seemed to bounce forward to hug her cousin. “Glad I caught you before you left.”

“I have a few days here,” Captain O’Tuagh gave her a tight hug and then ruffled her head a bit. “Thank you for the lodgings. It’s much more comfortable than the naval base.”

“Aren’t your officers’ quarters supposed to be rather nice?” Tori asked with a grin.

“How nice can they be compared to a luxury villa?” the Captain replied with a laugh. He turned to Piers and bowed his head. “Greetings, Your Imperial Highness.”

“Captain O’Tuagh.” Piers gave him a small acknowledging nod. His gaze then turned to Gideon and Fabian. “Welcome back.”

Gideon’s heart leapt to his chest. His brother welcomed him back! He swallowed hard and tried not to appear too excited. “It’s good to be back.”

“Yes, Father has prepared work for you.”

While that was what he was planning on when he arrived, the corner of Gideon’s eye still twitched. He’d just returned; he didn’t want to think about work yet.

“Your Imperial Highness.” Fabian bowed his head to Piers and then to Tori. “My lady.”

Tori gave him a nod in response and Piers raised his arm. Tori lifted one of hers and hooked it on the crook of Piers’ arm. “All right, let’s head to dinner! I’m hungry and didn’t snack when I arrived.”

They turned around and Gideon looked at Fabian. He motioned his head to go to the opposite direction. They took one step when Piers’ voice stopped him.

“Where are you going?” Piers’ unreadable eyes looked at him just as he was about to pass.

Gideon glanced at Fabian and then back at Piers, feeling as if he’d been caught doing something bad. “Fabian and I were going to get dinner at the lodge.”

“For the lamb?” Piers asked. That was the lodge’s specialty dish. Gideon and Fabian both nodded.

“Yes, Your Imperial Highness,” Fabian replied.

“You can get that here.” Piers sounded unimpressed and looked at Tori. “Can’t he?” “Not normally, no,” Tori replied. “But we can get any food from one of our resort kitchens either made or delivered here. This is why we always have meals at Sapphire-by-the-Sea.”

Gideon didn’t know if that meant they could stay or if she were just informing them.

Captain O’Tuagh rubbed his head. “Tori....”

“I get it,” she said. She turned around and waved her hand. “Come on, you two. Join us for dinner.”

Gideon stifled his excitement. Dinner with his brother! It’s been so long. This likely meant he didn’t have to pay either. “Thank you, Guevera!”

“I said you can call me Tori,” she said. Gideon laughed and Fabian followed beside him. Sapphire-by-the-Sea was Henrik Skuldsen’s restaurant and seemed to have grown a bit since they last saw it. There was this flagship restaurant and then a smaller one on Rois.

As they entered, Gideon glanced around. In the past, he’d often see some of Tori’s friends there, but this time, he didn’t see any familiar faces.

“Where are you friends?” Captain O’Tuagh seemed to have been thinking the same.

“Ilyana met me at my manor, but she has a commerce meeting this evening. Henrik isn’t scheduled to come back from Nord for another few days. JP and Sonia are taking extra classes at the veterinary school. They’ll be done at the end of the summer and can move here permanently to teach riding and practice. Albert is interning at the Imperial Palace for Piers this summer, and even if Piers is here, Albert remains in Horizon, working. Ewan is still in training. And Constantine and Montan were dropped off at Karap so Constantine could visit his uncle. Montan went with him and they’ll return in a month or so.”

“Why did Montan go?” Piers asked. “Axton has been waiting for him.”

“He wanted to go and pray for Axton’s marriage.”

Gideon jerked his head back and his jaw dropped. “Axton’s getting married?” He looked at Fabian, who looked equally surprised.

“To Princess Semira of Nazaria,” Tori replied. “Your mother is facilitating the engagement procedures.”

Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Gideon blinked. “I didn’t know Mother had reached out to a different country to find Axton a wife.”

“No, Axton found himself a wife,” Tori said.

“Princess Semira is also Dr. Mira Anbessa, who is the resident doctor of the research site Montan was working in. There was an accident and Axton was in Nazaria when it happened and met her,” Piers told him. “Surprising.”

Tori gave him a silencing look. “It is not surprising. Axton just needed the right chance. He’s very handsome and charming. Who wouldn’t like him?”

Piers frowned at this. “I am better looking.”

“Yes, Piers. You are better looking....” Tori replied in a droll voice. She seemed unimpressed, but still patted Piers’ arm.

They walked the set of steps to the rooftop dining area of the restaurant, but didn’t stop there. Around the stairwell and dumb waiter part of the building was another set of stairs that led them on top, where there was a shaded pergola, glass and metal railings, and a large table with twelve chairs.

While there weren’t a lot of them this time, it was clear who would usually sit up here in a private dining area. For a moment, Gideon was relieved they weren’t going to sit in the couple’s seating on the rooftop.

“My lady, would you like to order from the menu or from the resort?” the server asked her with a respectful bow of her head.

“From the resort,” Tori said. “Let’s get roasted chicken with potatoes, baked beef in puff pastry, one - no, two legs of lamb?” She looked at Gideon and Fabian to confirm and they nodded their heads. “Two legs of Karap roasted lamb over grains, and...Andy, what do you want?”

“Make it three legs of roasted lamb.”

“Three. Pair the wines, seafood appetizers, and we’ll order dessert later,” Tori said. The server bowed their head and walked to a shaded area in the corner, where there was another dumbwaiter shaft that led directly up to them.

“How long are you staying this time?” Piers asked as he sat beside Tori.

“Half a year,” Gideon said. “I wanted to do some public works.”

“Good.” Piers gave him a firm nod and Gideon could almost hear his brother say, ‘about time’. “And Fabian? “Your Imperial Highness, I will be working as a volunteer coast guard in Viclya during this time,” Fabian reported. Gideon managed to nod his head once before he froze and snapped his head towards his friend with wide, violet eyes. “Wait, what? Since when?”

“I applied earlier this summer when we were assigned a half year’s leave,” Fabian said. He gave Gideon a helpless smile. “I haven’t had the chance to tell you. Since I am no longer your knight and you are not in need of a personal aide, I could not trouble you to house and feed me during our leave, so I applied for a position during that time.”

Gideon’s jaw dropped. Fabian made sense. Fabian was a knight in his heart, but since he was not an official personal knight or aide, he could not follow Gideon to the imperial palace like before. At best, he’d be a visitor, but there was still some loss in Gideon’s heart. Fabian was always with him and he’d taken it for granted.

“You did not consider what Fabian would do, did you?” Piers asked, immediately poking his sore spot.

“I just...I thought...a job...with me...” Gideon stammered and looked at the table.

“Positions at the imperial palace and for imperial staff require notification in advance. It cannot be arranged immediately,” Piers told him. He looked at Fabian and gave him a small nod of approval. “Good planning, Fabian. It is good to see that your time in the navy has made you proactive.”

Fabian smiled a bit and bowed his head. “Thank you, Your Imperial Highness.”

“I expect a lot from you. Andy’s recommendation letter spoke highly of you, so don’t let us down,” Tori told him. Gideon tried not to wince. Even Guevera knew about it?

Fabian bowed his head to her, as well. “I will be dedicated to my duty, my lady.”

“Fabian’s done exceptionally well, Tori,” Captain O’Tuagh told her. “I’d recommend him to the delta once he is discharged from the navy.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Fabian looked happy.

“What about my brother?” Piers asked. Gideon sat up straight in his seat. He suddenly felt nervous and looked towards Captain O’Tuagh, silently praying that he would give a positive answer.

“Endurance can use some more work, but his technical ability and navigation are outstanding.”

That was good enough. Gideon let out the breath he’d been holding in. He was almost sure the Captain would mention all his weaknesses. His endurance needing work was probably the best he could hope for.

“In that case, I will have him work on his endurance when he is not engaging in imperial duties.”

Gideon snapped his head to look at his brother; betrayal written all over it. He was on leave! It was his vacation! He already planned to be responsible and take on some duties, but now he couldn’t enjoy the time he’d get to rest?


“Sweat more now, bleed less later,” Tori said as wine glasses were brought to the table. Piers poured some wine into her glass and she picked it up.

The Captain nodded in agreement. “My cousin makes a good point.” Fabian filled his glass and then he lifted it up to give Gideon a small toast. “I look forward to your improved endurance.”

Gideon screamed internally. He knew he shouldn’t have been too excited to join his brother for dinner. He should’ve expected something like this.

“Andy, you said his navigation and technical ability was outstanding,” Tori said. “What can be done to further improve his ability?”

Captain O’Tuagh furrowed his brows and leaned back, taking it into serious consideration. “Well, that really depends.” He looked towards Gideon. “I know you plan to continue with another tour after your leave, Your Highness, but are you considering a naval career? That is, perhaps becoming an officer?” Gideon sat up straight. “I have considered becoming an officer, Captain. However, I am aware that I am still lacking.” He caught his brother giving a nod of approval at his answer.

“And von Dorn also hopes to become an officer?” Captain O’Tuagh asked, looking towards Fabian. As expected, Fabian also nodded. “Von Dorn can gain experience with the Coast Guard, as we’ve worked with them before. As for His Highness, if we are focusing on his strengths, then aside from navigation, maritime law and management are always in need.”

Gideon crinkled his eyes. Those didn’t sound like physical labor-intensive focuses. They sounded as if-

“I will arrange for my brother to attend evening classes on maritime law and basic management at Université as an extended student during his leave.”

Gideon sucked in a sharp breath, as if he were given a physical blow. His crinkled eyes looked at his brother, asking the silent question ‘why’, but Piers sounded so firm in his words, Gideon knew there was no room for protest. Even knowing that evening classes coupled with endurance training and the planned imperial public work required of him as prince would exhaust him, he could only swallow his complaints.

“That sounds like a great idea!” Why did he feel so tired all of a sudden?

Piers gave him another nod of approval and all the exhaustion faded. “It is good that you are pushing yourself to learn more and improve.”

Gideon perked up. “Of course, Piers! Whatever you arrange, I won’t disappoint you. I will try to serve the empire to the best of my ability!”

He couldn’t read his brother’s face, but Piers lifted a hand and touched the top of his head. “You have grown up.”

Gideon’s lower lip began to tremble. Across from him, Tori lowered her wine glass and squinted.

“Are you crying?”

Gideon blinked, but didn’t want to shake his head, for fear that Piers would retract his hand and never praise him again. However, it couldn’t last and Piers still lifted his hand. Gideon wiped his eyes. “The sun is in my eye.”

Tori narrowed her eyes more. “Your back is to the sun.”

Captain O’Tuagh chuckled a bit. “I trust that both of you will improve yourselves before the next tour.”

“Yes, Captain!” Both he and Fabian answered.

The food arrived and Gideon inhaled the savory scent. It had been so long since he’d had a taste. He almost ignored the appetizers in favor of waiting for his lamb. When it came, he had to restrain himself, otherwise he would have appeared as if he hadn’t eaten in days as opposed to a few hours.

Through the meal, Gideon found out that Captain O’Tuagh’s nephew, the heir of the O’Tuagh March, was in the delta, but was working on his Lycée project. Tori was going to spend the rest of the summer at the delta. Her second brother was scheduled to arrive soon and they would review the outcome of the last few months, as well as review in preparation for the next year.

“Thankfully, Kasey has refocused his work in Presidio so he can stay with the children,” Tori told them. “But he is considering moving to Viclya to be closer to Robi when Robi attends Lycée.”

Gideon raised a brow. “You’re so sure your nephew will be accepted into Lycée?”

“Yes. Lycée has been clamoring over him since earlier this year when he translated some ruins in Nazaria,” Tori said, as if it were obvious. “Robi is an amazing student and he takes after his father. Kasey entered Lycée ranked first and held it until he graduated.”

“What about Fifi?” Piers asked with a slight frown. “If Senior comes to Viclya, what about Fifi?”

“Of course, Fifi will come with them,” Tori replied with a slight snort. “He’s not going to leave his little girl.”

Piers frowned a bit. “She will need to prepare a space for her birds.”

“Kasey will find an appropriate location.” Tori was full of confidence. “He’ll plan accordingly for the future.”

“Tori, speaking for the that Duke Alvere has gotten engaged....” Captain O’Tuagh trailed off as he glanced up.

His cousin didn’t reply immediately. “It hasn’t been long.”

“The engagement is still being finalized, as there are many intricacies to their particular situation,” Piers said. “It will take time.”

“But for the most part, it's approved and I’d consider them engaged,” Tori told them, as if to reassure them that Axton was, indeed, getting married. “Montan says Axton wants to bring her here to see Nassaun House and the rest of the duchy.”

“Yes, but that being said.” Captain O’Tuagh paused and looked at his cousin and Piers. He didn’t say anything else, but it seemed Tori understood.

“In due time. I haven’t graduated yet.”

“What’s in due time?” Gideon asked, looking around. “What are you waiting for?” Tori looked at him as if he were an idiot.

“The Captain is asking if Tori and I will announce an engagement.” Piers didn’t seem at all bothered by it and continued to cut apart his chicken.

Gideon squinted at them. “...are you?”

Tori sliced a piece of meat in half. “No.”


He had hoped that he’d get to travel back to Horizon with Piers, since Fabian was reporting to the coast guard center the next morning, but instead, he was put on an imperial carriage by himself. Imperial knights had come to escort him, including several he’d recognized, and they rode their horses surrounding his carriage, leaving him alone inside.

Tori was staying in Viclya to deal with any work that had accumulated for the countess while she was abroad and Piers was going to stay with her ‘for a few days’. He couldn’t stay the rest of the summer, as Gideon was sure of that much considering their father would demand his brother’s return, but Piers would likely stay for as long as he possibly could.

In no way did Gideon think his brother was skipping work, either. Knowing Piers, Piers would’ve brought work with him to do while living at the Countess’ Manor. Piers was responsible.

Gideon shifted awkwardly in his seat at the thought. After the manor was built, Tori moved out of her tent at the encampment, which signaled for her friends to also move out of their tents into flats and houses they’d secured. This included Piers. Gideon assumed Piers would be a nice home near the shore, in a more private area on the hills on the west shore, but no.

His brother didn’t buy any property.

When Piers came to Viclya, he stayed at the Countess’ Manor.

It was a security measure, Piers had said, as the manor was on a secluded island and there were layers of crystal protections on it that almost rivaled what protected Anahata Island. While that was a good point, Gideon was fairly certain that wasn’t his brother’s main reason.

He also had no problem with his brother being in whatever relationship it was that he had with Tori. She was very good to Piers and, though Gideon didn’t want to admit it, was likely the reason Piers became the Crown Prince. In addition, she functioned as a deterrent so Piers wasn’t bombarded with marriage proposals or harassed by admirers.

And Piers had a lot of admirers. He’d hate being cornered by them and risked becoming upset and having a panic attack. It was for the best that Tori shielded him.

Gideon only wished that Tori showed more pride in his brother’s interest in her. She didn’t seem affectionate to Piers, though he’d heard of her ‘condition’. Sometimes, it appeared as if Piers had one-sided love or that Tori wasn’t all that invested. However, it wasn’t a concern he could voice.

Besides, all that mattered was that Piers was happy.

Gideon drifted off to sleep in the carriage, daydreaming about his brother praising him for his hard work. When he woke up, they had entered the gates of Horizon. Gideon was instantly awake. He scooted to the side of the carriage to look out the window and take in his hometown.

His heart eased as he recognized familiar buildings as the carriage made its way down the main thoroughfare. It was busy and loud, there were many carriages, horses, and people walking everywhere. It was so familiar, but different from the vast, almost endless ocean he’d woken up to for the last few months.

He took a deep breath and sank into the carriage seat. “It’s good to be home....”

The imperial palace was waiting for him and when he stopped beneath the southern portico to be dropped off, his parents were standing at the top of the stairs.


“Mother!” Relief filled him as he saw his mother rushing down the steps to embrace him. Her eyes were glistening with joy as she engulfed him in an embrace. Gideon had grown taller than his mother a few years earlier, but somehow still felt like a small child in her embrace.

He didn’t dislike it.

“Welcome home, my son!” Monica beamed as she squeezed him tight. She stepped back and examined him at arm's length. “How was your tour? Were you hurt? Tell me all about it!”

He was warm all over as he looked at his mother’s elated face. “It was good and I wasn’t hurt. A few bruises and cuts every now and then, but nothing worth mentioning. Let’s go inside. Have you eaten already?”

He took his mother’s arm and led her up the steps. She beamed with joy. “No, we were waiting for you.” She paused and looked back at the carriage. “Is Fabian not with you?”

“He is volunteering with the Cosora Coast Guard during leave.”

“Outstanding!” his mother praised. “I’m pleased to see that Fabian continues to work hard.”

At the top of the steps, his father gave him a small nod. “Welcome back, Gideon.”

“Father.” Gideon bowed his head.

The Emperor narrowed his eyes. “Where is your brother?”

Gideon tilted his head to the side. “Piers is staying at the delta for a few more days.” He thought their father knew.

The Emperor’s lips tightened into a line. He opened his mouth and was cut off at once by his wife.

“Tori just returned from Hong! Do you want your son to get married or not?” The Empress shot her husband a scathing glare and Gideon watched his father seem to sober up in a breath. He turned his head to the side and let out an awkward cough.

“I don’t see why she would reject Piers. He is clearly outstanding in nearly every aspect,” the Emperor said with a frown. “She should marry him already. When we were his age, we were already married.”

“Tori is still in Université and wants to finish,” the Empress said in a firm voice. “Considering Piers’...disposition, being able to visit her every day when she returns is already an excellent show of progress.”

Gideon nodded as they continued into the palace. “Yes, if Guevera didn’t have such intentions for my brother, then she would not let Piers live the manor with her while he’s there.”

His parents came to a stop and two sets of eyes turned towards him. His mother leaned closer.

“Did you say he’s living at her manor?” she asked in a trembling voice.

Gideon nodded. “Yes. Captain O’Tuagh is staying at the villa on Reina and Piers had prohibited purchasing property there by the imperial family, as he said it wasn’t necessary and a waste of family funds. Where else would he stay?”

The Empress’ hand shot and grabbed her husbands’ arm. She turned her head to look at him. “It’s happening, Mathieu. It’s happening!”

“Calm down, my love. I’m sure it’s out of convenience-”

“Convenience or not, she is willing to let him stay with her!”

“I recall she also lets her other friends-”

“It’s not the same! This is different! I can almost taste the wedding wine!” The Empress almost shook with excitement. “I need to call Toni!”

“Do not call Toni!” The Emperor stopped her at once. “If she finds out, then so will her sons.”

Gideon watched his mother’s face fall and then hesitated. “You’re right. They’ll get in Piers’ way.”

The Emperor sneered and looked to the side. “Yes...older brothers of marches tend to do that....”

The Empress opened her mouth and paused. She shot her husband a sharp look. “Are you talking about my brother?”

“Of course not.”

“He was only concerned because you seemed overzealous when you were courting me.” The Empress furrowed her brows. “In retrospect, you really were. Nevertheless, we were married in the end. I only hope it works out well for your son.”

“It’s a miracle he got this far....” Gideon almost didn’t hear his father mutter under his breath.

The Empress sneered back at her husband. “How can he not? He gets his looks from my side of the family.”

Gideon pursed his lips. What about him? His looks came from his father.

“Your Majesties, I apologize for bothering you, but His Imperial Highness tasked me to give His Highness Prince Gideon some notes when he returned.” A young man with blond hair and holding a thick folio in his arms walked towards them from one of the halls they passed. Gideon stopped and tilted his head to the side. He forgot that he’d run into him here.

The Empress and the Emperor gave the young man a small nod. The Empress patted Gideon’s shoulder. “Your father and brother have prepared well for you.”

“Yes, as you are back for a few months, you have assignments,” the Emperor said. He extended his arm towards his wife and when she released Gideon’s arm and took his, he looked back at Gideon. “Make sure to read over all the assignments given. If you have any questions, Mr. Martin will be able to assist you.”

He gave Albert a firm nod and Albert bowed his head.

“I will do my best, Your Majesty.”

“Gideon, we’ll see you in the informal dining room.” The Empress beamed at her son and then followed her husband down the corridor.

“Your Highness! Welcome back!” Albert gave him an exciting greeting along with a small bow of his head.

“Oh...Martin. You really are working here,” Gideon replied. “How is it working with for my brother?”

Albert gave him a wry smile. “If His Imperial Highness doubted my ability, he wouldn’t have hired me. At least...that’s what he says.” Albert let out a tired laugh and then presented Gideon with the folio in his arms. “His Imperial Highness called last night to have me make additional arrangements for you. While there are specifics, the most notable are additions to your daily schedule. In the mornings, you will practice endurance and condition with third-tier imperial knights. In the evenings, you will have two-hour long classes three days a week and three-hour long classes twice a week in maritime law and logistics and management.”

The folio felt heavier in his arms the more Albert talked.

Gideon stared at the folder with crinkled eyes. “What about during the day?”

“During the day, you will have public works and imperial family events that are required of you,” Albert replied. “But don’t worry! They are not every day.”

Gideon let out a breath of relief. “Good-”

“But there are a few that are on weekends.”

Gideon looked at Albert who dodged his gaze. “Then...while I may not have imperial duty during a weekday, I may have imperial duty during the weekend?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Will I have any full weekends off?” Albert let out a small cough and rubbed his throat, his eyes still avoiding Gideon’s. “Answer me, Martin.”

“It is unfortunate, but from the list the Emperor assigned you and the arrangement of Prince Piers, you have at least one day of the weekend that is taken up by imperial duty, Your Highness.”

Gideon’s fingers clawed into the folio. His father and brother were merciless. “And when do I start? Tomorrow?”

Albert perked up and shook his head. “Of course not, Your Highness.”

“Then the day after?” Gideon narrowed his eyes. He wouldn’t underestimate his father and brother.

Albert continued to smile and shook his head. “Not the day after.”

Gideon drew his head back, unable to hide his suspicion. “Then out with it.”

“The beginning of next week,” Albert replied with pride. Gideon raised a brow. That meant he had a full three days and a weekend.

“You’re certain?”

“Yes.” “I have several days before I have to start endurance training or classes?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

A relieved breath left Gideon and his shoulders relaxed. “Finally! I thought I’d be bombarded with work as soon as I arrived.”

“His Imperial Highness said to make sure you have some time to rest after your leave.”

His brother was so thoughtful. “Wonderful-”

“However, His Imperial Highness suggested that you review some notes listed in the folio and stop by Université to meet with the professors listed before you start class,” Albert told him. He gave Gideon a weak smile. “Other than that, you are free for a few days.”

Gideon stared at Albert and slowly narrowed his eyes once more. “Is there anything elseI need to know before I ‘start’?”

Albert let out a weak laugh. “His Imperial Highness also said that you are banned from going to the Cosora Delta until your leave is over.”



Did his brother hate him?

What kind of sadistic schedule did his brother put him on? His supposed rest period was spent running back and forth to Université, buying books, and planning with professors. The classes Piers told him about weren’t formal classes with lectures, but one-on-one sessions with professors.

If Gideon wanted to skip class, Piers was one comcry call away from finding out.

When he wasn’t preparing for classes, his father made him review imperial protocol to ‘refresh’ his memory, and his mother brought him with her to afternoon coffee with some nobles. In the past, Gideon thrived in such situations, but now that he was getting up at dawn to run and train with third-tier knights, he was exhausted.

His legs shook as he climbed the steps from the southern portico to enter the palace. Being on a ship for months at a time wasn’t the same as being at the Naval Academy, where there was plenty of running and swimming. He’d found that he was slower and got out of breath faster.

No wonder the Captain mentioned his endurance was lacking.

“Oh, now you decide to come home. After two weeks, you finally remembered that you’re the Crown Prince!”

“I brought work with me to the delta.” Gideon recognized his brother’s voice at once and perked up. “I have had Albert submit completed reports and revised proposals. Fifty-four were submitted so far.” His brother sounded confident. “How many have you submitted, Father?” There was a long pause and Gideon peered around the corner. “That is not the point, Piers Emil!”

The Emperor, in a suit, stood across from Piers, in casual slacks and buttoned shirt, with an irritated look on his face. Behind him, Chamberlain Thorpsen looked tired. Behind Piers, Albert was holding a stack of folios.

“I am doing the work required of me and did not have any scheduled imperial duties that I must appear at in person until next week,” Piers replied. “I do not understand why you’re angry.”

“What if your brother needs assistance? He’s been away for months!”

“Gideon is perfectly capable of performing any in-person imperial duties, as he was more than sufficient when he was younger. Father, you should have more faith in your second son.”

“Don’t try to change the subject! You are not allowed to leave for the delta the rest of the summer.”

Gideon could’ve sworn the tension in the air rose. “Are you giving me a ban?”

The Emperor swallowed a bit and nodded. “Going to the delta takes up too much time-”

“Father, such a ban is unnecessary. There is no need, as I am completing the work and duties required of me. As such, I will leave in accordance with my schedule.”

“You dare ignore my ban!”

“I dare.”

Gideon watched their father deflate. Piers didn’t falter and the two men stared at each other. At last, the Emperor scowled and whirled around. “Don’t waste any more time in the future!”

He stomped away and Albert let out a low breath. “Your Imperial Highness, Tori will be moving back to the manor in the fall for the start of the first semester.”

Piers let out a small hum. “That is a few months away.” Gideon watched Albert’s eyes crinkle with pain.

“Do you plan to go back to the delta?”

“Yes. Make arrangements.”

“Piers!” Gideon took the opportunity to step into the hall and reveal himself. His brother turned his head towards him. “Welcome back!”

Piers gave him a singular nod. “I was told you started with your training and classes this week. Is it manageable?”

It was killing him slowly, but Gideon didn’t care to complain to his brother. “No, I find it’s quite helpful. Thank you for arranging this for me.”

Piers nodded, satisfied. “Then, tomorrow, I will join you for your endurance training.”

“Really?” Gideon’s face lit up as he looked at his brother with awe. “You’ll join me?”

Piers nodded once more. “I will see you in the morning.”

“Yes, Piers!” Gideon stood up straight and bowed his head as his brother turned to leave with Albert following him. Gideon looked up and beamed. His brother didn’t hate him. If he did, why would he want to join him on such a grueling task? Gideon glanced around the hall and saw a few knights at their post.

Regardless, he threw his arms in the air in triumph. Finally, they would have brother time together!


Piers always appeared to live a sedentary life. He spent most of his time in his office, working on government documents and the like.

So why was he more fit than third-tier knights? From endurance to swordsmanship, Piers excelled and was more skillful than those who were supposed to protect them.

Four months into training with the third-tier knights, and Gideon was able to not only catch up, but keep up with their pace. The problem was that he was only able to keep up the pace for a little more than half of the full training session.

Every morning he was up, Piers was with him. They would run and practice weaponry. His brother would encourage him.

“Pace yourself,” Piers would say. Or “Do not stop. Keep going.”

All of Gideon’s exhaustion melted away with the kind words of his brother. What was being out of breath and feeling as if he were about to collapse to Piers’ encouragement?

It was all paying off, and not just with the endurance training.

Gideon stood in his brother’s office, on the other side of his desk. He was stiff and unmoving, his eyes fixed on Piers as Piers looked over the report sent over by the professors at Université.

With each sound of a page turning, Gideon’s heart quickened. He hadn’t skipped a single class in the last four months. He’d studied and even sought out additional help from his instructors when he was the slightest bit confused.

“Your progress....” Pier’s low voice filled the room and Gideon tensed up once more. He held his breath and clenched his hands at his sides. “It is faster than we anticipated. Both professors recommend that you move on to more advanced courses.” He raised his eyes a bit. “Do you wish to move on?”

“Yes!” It wasn’t so much a question as it was a confirmation. Gideon relaxed, but his heart was still racing. His brother sounded satisfied with his progress.

The corner of Piers’ lips curled up a bit and he nodded. “Good. I will have Axton make the arrangements.”

“I look forward to continuing my studies. I think with this, I can gain a suitable foothold on the path to becoming an officer,” Gideon told him. He wasn’t sure at first, but now he found some confidence.

Both his professors were once in the navy, as well, and their understanding on the subjects they taught him were immense. Piers really had people guide him step by step on his journey and Gideon’s heart swelled at the thought.

His brother nodded. “Gideon, you have done very well. I am proud of your hard work and achievement thus far.”

His eyes crinkled up as he held back a cry. “Thank you, Piers!”

As he basked in the glow of his brother’s praise, a knock came from the door. “Come in.” Piers called out.

The door opened and Axton entered. “Piers, the messenger is here and awaiting instruction.”

Piers’ eyes narrowed a bit. He rose from his seat. “Gideon, that is all for tonight. You may retire. I will speak to Father about arranging a free weekend for you in light of your progress.”

Gideon’s head bobbed up and down. “I appreciate it, Piers!”

Axton had the door held open as he waited in the hall. Gideon walked out with Piers behind him.

“The horse is ready,” he heard Axton say in a quiet voice.

Piers merely nodded. The door to his study was closed and he followed Axton down the hall.

Gideon watched him for a moment, but didn’t say much. He floated back to his room, thriving off his brother’s praise. He’d never felt closer to Piers.

He made a silent vow to continue his hard work and show his brother that Piers’ faith in him was well worth it.

Except that the next morning, when he had endurance training, his brother was not there.

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