
Chapter 71: ~Recruiting.~

***Island Nation of Mist***


Our fleet is retreating and I grumble while I watch the island vanishing in the ocean. The eruption of the volcano happened at a very convenient time. Too convenient! At least almost everyone who survived the fight could get away. But that's just because I decided to run a little earlier than necessary.

There are fourteen enemy ships left and in pursuit, but they are no threat because we are flying too high and are faster than them. The new strategy of using a carrier for attack planes was a full success from my perspective. The planes are too fast for slow moving magical projectiles and their shields are sufficient to defend against weaker spells. We lost just fourteen planes.

“I will teach them a lesson when I find them!” I pound the railing of my flagship in anger.

“So you think that a certain someone had his hand in this.” Celestial is also watching the island and the fleet from the Nation of Mist, which is following us.

“Oh, please! A mysterious power of self regeneration? New attack magic? Unbelievable magic power? A lightning out of nowhere from a clear, blue sky with not a single cloud? A WHOLE island going up in flames just as we are fighting on it?” I gesture at the rising cloud of ash behind us. “They overdid it this time, whoever they are.”

Celestial nods. “But at least one of them seems to be on our side.”

I shake my head. “There is no way to tell if that's a good or a bad thing! Hell, maybe they even switch roles from time to time.”

“We should think about our guest for now. All our speculations are in vain, as long as we don't have more information.” Celestial turns and I follow her.

“It just means that we aren't strong enough. Yet!” I place my hand on the crystal in my chest plate. “And I already have an idea on how to accomplish that.”

“I am looking forward to it.” Celestial enters the ship and we follow the main corridor to the living quarters.

The screams of a woman lead us directly to our destination and we find Den in front of a door to a private room. The screams don't sound terrified, they have a more complaining tone to them. And they are coming from behind the door.

“Are there any problems?” I ask Den, who doesn't look happy at all.

“She is a fury. I don't understand how anyone would marry such a woman. We needed four people, just to get her out of the house.” He opens the door and I find a blonde woman screaming at the guards who are inside the room.

“I demand that we are freed immediately!” She screams. Fingulf is lying in a bed and doesn't look happy at all. A small boy is sitting beside him, the child is at most four years old.

I signal the guards to leave the room. They leave and close the door behind them. Then I turn to Fingulf and his wife and smile. “How are you doing?”

“How am I doing? I am a cripple. The council forced me to retire. Then I and my family are put under the guard of several warships! And a few days later a certain someone kills the guards and abducts me!” He grasps his blanket tightly.

Celestial nods. “I see, our methods seem a little rude, but times of war demand violence from time to time.”

“War!?” Fingulf's wife calls out.

“We don't know of any war, besides with the Phenex Empire.” Fingulf calls out.

I shrug my shoulders. “But your Nation attacked my...” “MY!” “... her country.” I point at Celestial, who corrected me. “So we are technically at war with each other and you are prisoners of war from now on.”

“Why should the proud Nation of Mist attack Norfolk? Aaah... I see. It must have been the elders. But they alone shouldn't be able to mobilize the army. Did the king collaborate with them?” Fingulf's expression becomes disgusted.

“I think the current leaders of the army are loyal to the elders. At least that's what the new sky general told me before he died. I wonder if the next Sky General is a little bit better.” I explain.

“Haaah. How did you even get past the council's dolls?” Fingulf looks from me to Celestial.

“Dolls?” I arch an eyebrow.

“Three guys with masks? High class magic and almost indestructible? Homunculi? A good magician can take one over to use it as a proxy?” He drops a bomb on me.

“What!? Those things were just dolls? How many of them can you guys make? They gave us a lot of trouble until the island blew up!” I call out.

“The island blew up?” “My house!” Fingulf and his wife call out in unison.

“That explains how they were able to heal up so fast and survive lethal blows.” Celestial smiles. “One mystery less.”

“But that also means that we have to fight them again! How troublesome.” I mumble.

“The dolls are given to the council, so that they can supervise the nation without having to leave the capital. I think each council member has at least three of them throughout the Nation of Mist. But they shouldn't be strong fighters. The council was chosen because of their wise decisions and not based on their fighting power.” Fingulf's wife explains.

“How strange, didn't she just tell us valuable military information?” Celestial squints her eyes.

Fingulf makes a dismissive gesture. “It's common knowledge that the Council has those dolls and how they look. How would they be able to give commands through their proxies otherwise?”

“Well, there is enough time to talk about everything. For the moment I would like to know if you want to join us?” I ask.

“Hah? Why should I? I would never betray my country.” Fingulf is shocked.

I raise my right hand and start to count. “Your country tried to get rid of you to give someone your position. Your country is now waging war against Norfolk, just because we built some nice items and trade with them. If you would join us, Celestial could heal you. You would get to command your own fleet of sky ships.” I point out of the window, where one of the other ships is visible. “And finally, I would give you a nice house to live in, instead of a cell.”

“Why would you do this?” Fingulf asks. He doesn't even question my ability to fulfil my promises.

“Because we have something against the guys who tried to kill you.” Celestial smiles.

“That doesn't sound like a bad idea.” The boy besides Fingulf suddenly joins the conversation.

Celestial gasps. “Don't tell me!”

Fingulf sighs. “Let me introduce you. This is Fergus, my son. And that's Lahandra, my wife. It's not surprising that you are a little shocked, but we from the Nation of Mist age a little slower. Despite looking like this, Fergus is actually twelve. Even so, he is still a genius and I am very proud of him.”

Both Celestial and me sigh in relief. Another Immortal would have been more than strange.

“Then he'll find someone to talk to back at our home. Our kids are a little ahead of their age.” Celestial smiles at Fergus, who has a doubtful expression.

***Norfolk, Sarn-Valley***


We are sitting on the floor in the living room. Sera is reading a book while Fergus eyes her with interest. I am training my telekinesis according to Sera's instructions. Since my mother is from a very old and strong magical bloodline, I should have the ability too. So I decided to give my everything in order to hone this power.

I didn't have the chance to do so very often till now. In most of my reincarnations I became something more akin to a warrior. So I am trying to use all of my potential. I don't want to look bad compared to my future wife. Maybe I'll manage to become something like a magical swordsman!

Though it's very hard to concentrate on my exercise while another guy is eyeing Sera. “Hey, you! Stop ogling my woman!”

Fergus's eyes widen and he turns his gaze towards me. “I wasn't ogling her! I was just interested in the book. We are far too young to think about stuff like this! Are you some kind of barbarian? You talk like she belongs to you.”

“Liar! I know how lecherous glances look! So stop it. I have every right to complain, because she is my fiancee!” There take that!

“Wah? Mother was right, the mainlanders are really a bunch of barbarians. Pre arranged marriages? How barbaric!” Fergus starts talking to himself.

“So you admit it! Otherwise you wouldn't look so troubled!” I see through this fellow.

“And what if!? Do you want to fight me? Hah! You can't even walk yet.” Fergus smiles in triumph.

“~Kya!~ I always wanted to be a princess and have men fight for me. This is truly a thrilling reincarnation! Go on! I'll root for both of you! No, wait a moment! I will get dad's camera! Then I'll have a memento of my first time!” She gets up and runs out of the room.

“Somehow I just lost my interest in her... such a character... take her... she is all yours. I can't imagine what you see in someone who gets excited over a fight.” Fergus has a depressed expression and looks at the book which was left behind.

I snort and nod. “Then we don't have to fight. Stupid pointy ears. If you can't see her true beauty, there is no need for further discussions.” That's right. Did you even take a look at her mother? She is bound to become a top class woman. Who cares about her character? Everything is fine as long as she doesn't try to kill you.

Just stay in this mansion for a while! Then you will understand her pains! She is just misunderstood. Nobody who grows up in a place like this is without scars!

Fergus looks up. “What did you call me?”

Ooops... Are the ears a weak point of his? “Celestial could cut them shorter. She is a good...” I don't get to talk any further as Fergus throws himself onto me and I use telekinesis to block him.

*klick* *klick*

“~Yes!~ To the left! Harder! More action! ~Nyahahaha.~”


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