
Chapter 90: ~To peek and...~

***Norfolk, Sarn***


Today is a good day. I finally managed to master a new skill! I call it Zero-presence! With this skill I can make myself invisible! I'll walk right into Sera's room and ogle her while she believes herself to be alone! Maybe I should try it with someone else too? But there are no worthwhile targets.

Her mother? No, too dangerous. The risk isn't worth the gain.

I already tried to spy on my father. He is always busy with managing the company to exploit the new possibilities which pop up in Sarn every day.

There is no doubt that the city is flourishing and that it became a hotspot for new inventions. Since the ban on technology and science is lifted, the people are advancing in big steps. Of course magic plays a big role in it.

And it isn't like the general population is too stupid to apply new knowledge, or to find ways to apply magical tools for their own convenience. Sarn is a role model for all of Norfolk by now.

Of course I could try to peek at Violetta or Leandra? They've developed quite nicely. Maybe I'll do that after I paid Sera a visit.

Just one more corner and I am in front of her room. I already activated my spell outside of the mansion. Better to approach from afar. Sera can't be underestimated.

Oh damn! Now that I am standing in front of her room. How do I get her to open the door? Well, whatever. I'll have to improvise.

*Knock.* *Knock.*

“Yes?” The door opens and Sera takes a look outside. Her expression becomes confused upon finding nobody at her doorstep and she enters the hallway to take a look around.

I use the chance to quickly walk into her room. Without waiting for her, I head directly to a free corner. My greatest fear is that someone or something could bump into me and undo my spell.

Sera's room is kept in good order and has a bed and a writing table. One wall is taken up by a huge shelf full of books. There is a working table with artefacts and potions in front of the single huge front of windows. She is taking the teachings of her parents to heart.

A wardrobe with a big mirror takes up the wall where I am hiding. Hoh, maybe I could search through her undergarments to find out about her tastes? That would make it easier to choose presents for her. Presents are important to gain the favour of women!

Normally you would expect some toys and dolls inside a room for a child of her age. I guess there is no doubt that she is an Immortal like me.

Sera returns to her room while mumbling something incomprehensible. Then she drops herself into the chair in front of her working table and starts to play with some potions. She has a magical screen from Ascathon to take notes. It replaces a computer very effectively. The only drawback is that you need magical talent to operate it.

“Haaah. I wonder why mother doesn't have any problems with this at all.” She talks to herself while she is working! That's a new side of hers!

“Hm. Hm. I guess in the end you have to test it. Err. Whatever.” Next she picks a few bottles and mixes them together. When she is done she stands up and starts to undress.

No! I am not paedophile! I don't get off on a little girl's body, though she is cute. Why is she undressing? Gods! At least she stopped at her undergarment. She wears just a light long shirt which is much too big for her. I originally just planned to watch how she acts in private.

“I always wanted to know how this body will look like when I am an adult.” She downs the new potion she made in one go.

The transformation is smooth and fast! Her black hair grows long and flows smoothly down her back. She grows to a size of about one point seven metres! And her bust starts to fill the shirt quite nicely!

Her face loses its childlike features and changes to that of a beautiful adult woman! Her features combine the allure of her mother and the superior aura of her father. Her skin is smooth and without tarnish. The eyes are light grey, clearly something she inherited from her father.

And her figure!

“That's nice! Mother's potions are really effective!” She makes a few really erotic poses and I feel my blood pressure rising. Urgh, that might be more than I am able to take!

Sera steps in front of the mirror at the wardrobe right next to me and pushes her breasts up to inspect them! Then she smiles seductively at the mirror and throws a kiss at it. It looked like I was the target of the whole show!

UUUUUOOOO! I can't take this! Wait!? Something warm is coming out of my nose. The taste. Blood? Why? Somehow I feel dizzy! I have to get out of here fast!

***Norfolk, Sarn***


Suddenly I hear footsteps and a noise like someone fell on the floor. A red stain appears on my carpet and other drops of blood follow in rapid succession. A series of crawling noises follow and the door to my room flies open. Someone runs away down the hallway.

I purse my lips while I grin and follow the trail of blood on the ground to the entrance of my room. Then I turn and take a look at the magical screen on my working table. It displays the location of all my bugs. The spot which represents Arran is rapidly increasing its distance to my room.

My future husband is becoming a dangerous existence. His magical abilities are increasing by the day. I wasn't able to sense him at all. A few more educational measures might be needed. What if he tries to spy on someone other than me? Something like that is absolutely forbidden!

What if he takes the next step and runs around naked? Gods! My bugs won't warn me any more. I begin to understand why dad prefers to plant his trackers under the skin. Up until now I wasn't so sure that this is really necessary. But Arran's level of pervertedness is rising. I have to keep a closer eye on him.

I walk back to my working table and seal the bottle with pheromones again. It's a strong cocktail. The latest invention of my mother. Just having it standing around unsealed is enough to turn any male within the room mad.

“Poor Arran. His body wasn't ready yet.”

I grin and open the window to ventilate my room. The next step is some clothes and then I'll go and search for him. I don't think that he went very far. The trail of blood he left is too big. Probably he collapsed somewhere while being invisible. Maybe I should dilute the pheromones a little.

But the blood should lead me directly to him. And then I'll talk with him about our future ~relationship~ and what's ~forbidden~.


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