Transformation or Death

Chapter 112

Symbol of Peace (9)

The night had fallen deeply. The street, having lost even its companion the sun, truly became alone, wrapping itself in a lonely shadow. The moon and stars were hidden behind clouds, invisible, and the only light in the city was the mere dewdrop-like glow from broken streetlights, flickering with sparks from some past damage.

A man was walking through the city that resembled a desert with darkness spread like sand.

“Wow… Look at this atmosphere.”

The eerie night streets, where anything could appear from anywhere, were enough to make the man tense. The night of the city, covered in accidents and rumors, further reduced the already scarce number of people. Even knowing that there were still residents here, it felt like walking through a destroyed city.

[Jae-jung, don’t you think it would be better to come back down now…?]

From beyond the earpiece, the voice of a woman even more tense than him could be heard. A voice already familiar to his ears. It was Yoon Seol-hwa.

[No, Senior Sirius, how many times have you said that now…!]

[You said you’d do it yourself~ Why are you so dissatisfied.]

[Um… Sister Sirius? Sh-shouldn’t we trust Jae-jung and wait a little…? He-hehe….]

As soon as Yoon Seol-hwa finished speaking, multiple voices overlapped. They too had initially expressed voices of concern similar to Yoon Seol-hwa, but after watching her attempt to worry incessantly for these few minutes, they all grew tired of it.

[B-but still….]

[What do you mean but still, Senior Sirius! In Japan, they call people like senior ‘menhera’! It means mentally ill! It’s so annoying, let’s stop worrying and keep vigilant!]

[Haru! You shouldn’t speak to Sister Sirius like that.]

[Wow, so fierce. So this is what kids are like these days….]


[Sirius, how can you lose your nerve here? Quickly establish a concept or something and get your mental together. You’re the leader now.]

[Oh, Golden, you were here?]

[I’ve been here the whole time!]

The high-pitched voices characteristic of women echoed endlessly, to the point of making his ears hurt. As irritation mixed in and the tension rose, it felt like his energy was being drained even from a distance.

[Quiet. You’re distracting me from concentrating.]

Only after Orange Altair cut off the conversation did the earpiece fall silent. Han Jae-jung breathed a sigh of relief before walking towards the place they had discussed earlier.

[…W-well, Jae-jung, I still think it would be better to come back.]

[Senior, you’re really losing it!]

[Aagh! Someone put a muzzle on our great senior! Or make an ice cube yourself and keep it in your mouth!]

[Sirius, you just got scolded for doing too much, and now what are you doing?]

[Jae-jung, was it? I’m sorry, just continue on~]

“Ah. Yes. Yes….”

Han Jae-jung felt touched yet sorry for Yoon Seol-hwa’s concern for him. For her sake, as she was likely shortening her lifespan in real-time from worrying too much, Han Jae-jung vowed to finish the job properly.

If he couldn’t succeed tonight, she would oppose even more strongly next time. Knowing her personality well, he knew there wouldn’t be a next chance.

There’s a difference between being inevitably caught up in danger and voluntarily approaching danger. For her, who would like to isolate Han Jae-jung from the mysterious person even if it meant confining him, his current actions could only be unsatisfactory.

Although she knew she couldn’t care for him 24/7, 365 days a year due to her own mission and responsibilities, that didn’t mean she wanted to leave him to approach danger.

‘I was lucky.’

Before he knew it, his footsteps had reached the place they had predetermined. Under a quiet underpass with walls that could at least block the wind. As if trying to survey the surroundings, he turned his head this way and that, then quietly gazed at one spot.

The person who would be watching him from afar by now, probably having continuously monitored only him since yesterday.

He still felt chills and goosebumps at the fact that someone was watching him, but it couldn’t be helped.

‘Without Orange Altair, this operation probably wouldn’t have materialized.’

After fixing his gaze forward again, he radioed into the earpiece.

“…I’m entering.”

There was still plenty of time before the night would pass.




“I don’t like it.”

Orange Altair muttered, filled with displeasure. The cause of this displeasure was a man who had just entered halfway under the underpass, partially obscured from view.

-Seol-hwa, wait a moment.

This detestable voice still seemed to stick to her ears like gum.

-That person has a point. To be frank, the only reason I’m trusted here is because I’m close to you and Joo Ah-yoon. Even with a contract on paper, it’s ultimately an agreement that I could break. I can’t argue if I’m suspected.

The reason she was able to survive in today’s meeting was because Han Jae-jung had actively defended her.

Blue Sirius, a powerhouse rarely found anywhere in the world who could single-handedly confront an S-class villain. An opponent Orange Altair could never defeat no matter how hard she tried.

The person chosen as Blue Sirius’s companion was none other than Han Jae-jung. Pink Deneb’s senior from school, current business partner, and Blue Sirius’s ex-boyfriend. He also seemed to be connected to Red Vega and White Davi.

Just looking at his background gives a strong impression of a playboy who’s good at using women. His face gives off a delinquent and frivolous vibe. No matter how much he polished his speech, he couldn’t erase the unsettling feeling from his appearance.

Befitting this flashy appearance and career, his eloquence was also impressive.

-I’m not offering to be bait with nonsense talk. There’s a rumor going around these days. That a villain disguised as a human has sneaked into this city. Although I don’t know much about magic or such things, I think it’s possible for a villain, right? To be honest, who knows if I’m lying right now?

He increased his persuasiveness by appropriately using the information he received when Orange Altair threatened him.

-Besides, who’s the one most affected by what’s happening in this city? It’s me and Ah-yoon, isn’t it? The shop we’ve worked hard to set up is on the verge of ruin. We could also be attacked and killed by a villain at any time.

‘It’s not on the verge of ruin yet?’ Joo Ah-yoon retorted irritably, but Han Jae-jung paid no attention.

-Rather than trembling in fear of when I might die, I’d rather just drag out these cockroach-like creatures with my own hands. This way actually gives me a higher chance of survival. Just look at the people gathered here… Wow, even a head of state couldn’t get security like this.

Orange Altair was anxious. She needed to find a way to refute and block this immediately, but her mind was blank. It was because she had just endured Blue Sirius’s hostility, and far from stopping this hostility, a series of gazes that seemed to rebuke her continued.

The threat from a senior she respected, the humiliation of being particularly behind among the magical girls. All of this stimulated her inferiority complex, and all these sensations directly led to fear.

-Well, I’m not insisting you must use me. If there doesn’t seem to be any other way, please consider that this method is an option.

Han Jae-jung naturally switched to formal speech, making it clear that his proposal was directed not just at Yoon Seol-hwa, but to all the magical girls.

-That’s quite brave of you~ But we can’t accept it. We exist to protect citizens, not to use them. Don’t you value your own life? What makes you confident enough to propose such a strategy?

Someone asked him.

-What else? It’s you all.

Han Jae-jung answered nonchalantly.

-Just as you trusted me enough to have this conversation in front of me, I’m entrusting my life to you. In this era, if I don’t believe in magical girls, what else can I believe in to live in this world? And also….

He glanced over, looking at Orange Altair. While staring at her as she shrank back, sweating, he continued speaking.

-I also feel wronged if I’m just suspected.

She still can’t forget that gaze. The slight smile that lingered on Han Jae-jung’s lips.

-All of you probably have your faces known. The same goes for Ah-yoon. But not me. Moreover, I even had some kind of meeting with the magical girls today. How interesting would it be for a villain to see such a civilian wandering alone at night? Being inherently arrogant, the villain would likely be confident in overcoming even a trap. They will definitely make contact.

By the time Orange Altair was dazed, he had reversed her suspicion to prove his own trustworthiness and the legitimacy of his plan.

In other words.

“Using me like this… You’ve got some nerve…!”

In the end, unable to come up with a better plan than the bait operation, and with Red Vega’s active support, Han Jae-jung’s bait operation was approved.

Blue Sirius strongly opposed, but each time, Han Jae-jung mentioned Orange Altair’s suspicions and pleaded for a chance to clear his name, successfully persuading her as well.

And so, now. At 11:09 PM. Han Jae-jung arrived at the designated location, the underpass.

As for why the location is an underpass…

-Then where should we lure them?

-Ah, that should be determined by those with the information. Aren’t there any commonalities between the locations of the disappearances?

From the attitude of ‘I know nothing about the Argo Family’s disappearances’ to naturally attempting to extract information from the magical girls. How cunning this person is.

Originally, this underpass was famous as a shelter for the homeless. However, recent disappearances have revealed that the group of homeless people has vanished. Disappearances also frequently occurred in buildings, but the procedure is more complicated there.

In the end, it was decided to wait for a day under this underpass to lure out the mysterious person. As much as Blue Sirius strongly opposed, this was an opportunity that would be difficult to proceed with if not today. An exceptionally rare opportunity to use a civilian.

It’s also a golden opportunity for the magical girls. There will never be, and should never be, another chance to carry out a plan that disregards ethics and prioritizes gain like this.

If it weren’t for this incident that could potentially annihilate the entire city, such a reckless operation would never have been attempted.

As with all gambles, the greater the gain, the greater the cost. The moment this operation becomes public knowledge, the perception of magical girls will plummet uncontrollably. Especially if news of a civilian’s death spreads, it’s over.

Besides these calculative reasons, there was another reason why he had to be protected.

Because he’s a human.

That alone was enough.

The magical girls each steeled their resolve and determination. While gritting their teeth to ensure the success of this operation, they hoped that today would pass without incident.

“…Well, it’s fine.”

Orange Altair also steeled her resolve in her own way.

“If he shows even the slightest suspicious behavior….”

Suspecting without evidence is a foolish move that could corner us instead. The key evidence she has is only the story heard from the villain. But if she presents this evidence, it could raise suspicions about Orange Altair having some connection with the mysterious person.

So, it’s okay to let that man win in the meeting.

‘Your wicked scheme ends today.’

The moment he contacts other Argo Family members, there will be gaps in his act. Moreover, considering that man’s dark and slimy intentions, it’s clear that a trap will be activated the moment the villain appears and the magical girls rush in.

Orange Altair was confident she wouldn’t miss that moment. With vision and cognitive abilities far surpassing ordinary humans. Even if he’s under the underpass, difficult to snipe, her arrow will pierce his heart without any difficulty.

Everyone was so tense that now finally no one spoke. The silence of the night fell heavily like a shadow, and even the sound of one’s own breath, heartbeat, or rustling clothes felt like massive waves.

In this suffocating silence. A figure that appeared to be a middle-aged man approached the underpass without a sound.

[…! Someone is approaching!]

‘Now, show yourself.’

The middle-aged man entered under the underpass without any hesitation. And then.

[…Are you that person?]

He spoke directly to Han Jae-jung. This eliminated the possibility of him being a lost stranger.

“Your ugly true nature!”

That’s right! Orange Altair inwardly rejoiced. Civilian? What a joke. What civilian would know such a suspicious person who might be a villain? The lie about having no connection to the Argo Family no longer holds up. She drew her bowstring, ready to immobilize Han Jae-jung’s movements at any moment.

It must be that detestable man’s associate approaching!

[Um… Who…?]

Han Jae-jung asked back nonchalantly. And then, something unexpected happened.

[Oh shit, wait.]


Before anyone could react, a gunshot echoed through the quiet night sky.

The middle-aged man, far from transforming into a villain or exchanging signals with Han Jae-jung, fired a gun. It was a professional movement. A movement Orange Altair hadn’t predicted at all. An unconditional attack without any dialogue or gesture.

Han Jae-jung’s radio signal was abruptly cut off.

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